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18514757 No.18514757 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things that trigger /lit/

>> No.18514763

>"Good vs evil" was invented by the Bible
Peterson is a hack

>> No.18514778


>> No.18514788

This man is officially retarded

>> No.18514799

I'll never understand why so many people here fell head over heels for that guy

>> No.18514806

His message is easy to understand and pick up on, even if it is extremely shallow.
People eat that shit up like hotcakes.

>> No.18514839

Is your room clean bucko

>> No.18514858

>ITT things that trigger /lit/


>> No.18514877

I will admit his self help book was good.
Beyond that his works are as about as "deep" as a coffee mug.

>> No.18515841

He had some really good advice and insights, although in the middle of a lot of crap and random meaningless bullshit spoken with beautiful words that only made sense in his head.
Of course, that was before he became a living meme for the money and attention it gave him and got addicted to benzine.

>> No.18515975

Is he shilling harry potter, because rowling shat on trannies?

>> No.18515979

he's right though??

>> No.18515984

Everything is a big shill, anon. We are on the internet. This doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon.

>> No.18515990

>that title
That's not what he says at all, he simply explains the popularity of the series

>> No.18516002

He means he enjoyed reading up on that hermione ass grande

>> No.18516014

He was right about pretty much everything, enven now /lit/rannies and /pol/schyzobstill seeth at his mere mention.

>> No.18516101
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>> No.18516109

You know liberals are completely terrified of a person when they constantly need to invent things they never said so they can refute 'them'.

>> No.18516120
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That's because we're in the 2nd wave of Peterson sentiment on 4chan, where he has become popularized and demonized both by contrarians natives who just want to shit on success and astroturfing redditors who want to shit on anything their LGBTBBQ gods tell them to.

>> No.18516138

Watch the Jordan Peterson episode with Stephen Fry. He makes Jordan look like his student. He schools him on mythology, it's a great conversation.

>> No.18516238

It's crazy that people would believe this

>> No.18516244

Is this a dead white male?

>> No.18516341

You think the flier would lie to them?

>> No.18516346

Who/what are these decrepit creatures?

>> No.18516351

Sometimes I forget that no matter how much of a pop-science type clown modern 'intellectuals' might be, they are sadly the good guys in all this.

>> No.18516357
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>> No.18516361


Checked, based and true

>> No.18516378

Wasn't this done because he talked about how transgender people are trying to trample over free speech?

>> No.18516423

What if I told you that I'm right wing, conservative and think he was annoying (less so than his teen fanbase, but still), shallow and too outspoken about topics way out of his area of expertise? I'll give him two things: he's a psychologist so it's no wonder he wrote a decent self help book. In reality, they are all decent if you eat up what they put on the plate, you just have to get invested. And the initial cause célèbre that made him relevant in the first place: the trans pronoun issue at the Toronto University. I agreed with him there, because his arguments were solid, based in lingistics and not overblown. Since then he kept basting himself with the ideas of his fanbase (or they were present all along and latent/hidden, who is to say) and basically jumped the shark by this point. Is this really the best our age can produce? Is this what the contemporary "right" youth will muster around? Really? At this point I'm deeply convinced that the whole alt-right racist incel - LGBT woke PC justice warrior dichotomy born out of the melting shitpot that is north america completely devoured the whole scene, and both, equally retarded sides are deeply entrenched in a war that will last until the fall of the republic. Jordan Peterson is a symptom of that war, a barnacle on it's shell. That's why I despise him.

>> No.18516461
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>I am a massive reader, have been all my life. I read anything, and everything, in huge quantities. These days most of what I read are scholarly policy works and briefing papers, so listing my favourite fiction is really tough. I guess starting with a few authors for whom I’ve read just about everything they’ve ever written: Stephen King, Neal Stephenson, and Tad Williams. Other recently-read novels I’ve loved: La part de l’autre by Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt, and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.

>Other favourites:

>Non-fiction: Gardens of Democracy, by Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer; Champlain’s Dream, by David Hackett Fischer

>Webcomic: xkcd.com (I have a signed Randall Monroe print of “Centrifugal Force” on my office wall.)

>YouTube Channel: Nerdwriter

>TV Series: The Leftovers (Season 3 is finally coming!)

>> No.18516476

Jung was due for a resurgence. it will happen again.

>> No.18516519

That's a very loaded and very false statement.

>> No.18516575

It was a genuine question because I forgot what started this genuine hatred over Peterson.

>> No.18516633

>I'll never understand why so many people here fell head over heels for that guy
Whenever I see a Peterson thread it has almost only ever been to meme or shit on him. IDK what you are talking about. And the people "One his side" simply say hes a psychologist or some shit and dont go that far.

If you are referring to people outside /lit/ I understand, but i dont get why you said "here"

>> No.18517847

The people who are the loudest to scold or praise Peterson never explain their reasons why.

>> No.18519190

You share the board with people who suck Jordan Peterson's dick.
Think about that for a second.

>> No.18519252

>I'll never understand why so many people here fell head over heels for that guy
The first couple of months were interesting, when it was feasible that a university would fire a tenured professor over the tranny thing.
They even had an event called "Jordan Peterson vs the UoT Genderqueer Two-Spirit Task Force" which sounded like out of South Park.
Then it all sort of faded into nothing.

>> No.18519318

He was good at the beginning. He was fundamentally correct in his free speech argument against those infantile trans people. Then he became extremely popular and started voicing opinions about too many things, and those opinions were not always solid, which is how he became a meme.
Initially, it was just a professor defending free speech and giving advice to young men.

>> No.18519328

Dawkins, Peterson, Pinker, Hitchens, Harris, Shapiro... I might disagree with a lot of what they think, but ultimately, they are very decent people.
SJW's are just mentally-ill, literally so, 90% of those people make regular visits to the psychiatrist, and they suffer from severe paranoia besides having been brainwashed by professors who are themselves very ill too.

>> No.18519399

He became big when I was going through some panic attacks and depression as a neet loser, and his old lecture videos helped me a lot in those times. I didn't need deep analysis, i needed somebody to tell me easy to get my shit together but not in the "HUSTLE GRINDSET SIGMA MALE" kind of way. Now I dont really care about him but I don't hate on him. He has his obvious intellectual limits but that's it

>> No.18519402

Nope. He deserves a bullet in his head

>> No.18519500
File: 92 KB, 1024x534, jordanP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this motherfucker's a living meme
To shut people who make arguments like yours, I'll write an essay one day. For now have (pic) and him not addressing the JQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLnP0nJLl0E

>> No.18519516

>Dawkins, Peterson, Pinker, Hitchens, Harris, Shapiro... I might disagree with a lot of what they think, but ultimately, they are very decent people.
They're not though, they're career grifters and vacuous pseudo-intellectual charlatans. Its just that the people who openly oppose them are so obviously off-the-walls insane that they seem like the good guys. At the end of the day, their brand of liberalism is exactly what lead us here in the first place. They're merely approved opposition.

>> No.18519777

wtf I love washing my dick now

>> No.18519789

>I'll write an essay one day.
No you won't.

>> No.18519874

the only reason he would do this is because he is trying to reach the retard group of non-readers. he has already affected the original demographic he was focused on. now he needs to convince feminists and retards to stop being retarded.

>> No.18519888
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>> No.18520151

peterson and schultz are both retarded but harry potter rules lol.

>> No.18520667

Too bad that you didn't write a thing which makes your entire comment worthless.

>> No.18520816

>Trudeau's favorite book is a Hitler fan-fic
Big if true

>> No.18520818

Peterson's right. Harry Potter is the racist, antisemitic and transphobic masterpiece of our time.

>> No.18520844

McAfee didn't kill himself

>> No.18520851

Holy fuck it's real

>> No.18520869

>knowing which signs your planets are in
>slumming it here as a break from /pol/ but continuing to shitpost about da jooooooooooooooooz

>> No.18520996

Peterson is genuinely hated because he is a reasonable man living in an unreasonable world. If you cared enough to learn what JBP is about, then you'd watch his classroom lectures. Don't read the NYT.

>> No.18521307

I had to do research just to be sure that it wasn't bait

>> No.18521342

Why do so many people love HP? I can understand LoTR, but not for the life of me HP - at least not why it's so popular even into adulthood. It's like something you read as a 12-13 year old.

>> No.18521376

Redditors and former redditors are the ones who like Juden Peterson.

>> No.18521390

I really have a hard time understanding the mind of someone who thinks a pathetic liberal like Peterson is a Nazi lol.

>> No.18521438


>> No.18521465

They're veritably insane. I have never seen such a large-scale case of delusion before, and it just keeps getting worse.

>> No.18521498

I have complete contempt for reddit and democracy and while I fundamentally disagree with all of Peterson's political views I think he has worthwhile things to say about human psychology.