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18512949 No.18512949 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature about how lesbianism is celebrated/more accepted than male homossexualism?
no homo btw

>> No.18512961


>> No.18512971

In a Moveable Feast Gertrude Stein tells Hemingway that lesbian sex is all perfectly natural while male homosexual practices are unnatural and disgusting

Personally I think they’re both gross degenerates and Salafi Islam conquering the West is the only hope that the world has

>> No.18512982

I'm all go lesbianism and homosexuality, but shit like trannies and nonbinaries need to get the fuck out.

>> No.18513000

But why do people think like that though?
Because i can't help but agree that the mental image of gay sex just feels disgusting and unnatural, where as lesbian sex is the opposite.
Is there anything besides gut feeling behind it?

>> No.18513001
File: 31 KB, 303x450, 7F96AFEB-6C5C-418C-B493-770F4CD39403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has was never any more acceptable as male homosexuality. Read this.

You and Stein are degenerates

>> No.18513003

anal penetration as well, I wouldn't want to do that on my twink

>> No.18513017

I once read a nonfiction book called lesbian nuns. One of the writings was actually hot in its description. The rest weren't so much

>> No.18513019

You’re attracted to women. That’s probably all there is to it.
Oh, but also the male dominance mythos where it’s not actually sex without a penis involved. A lesbian may not get your girlfriend pregnant, but she’s seen as a monster by the schizos

>> No.18513022

>femcels seething about all the gay-lit threads, so they make this cope thread
no one likes you roastie bleeders beyond your self lubricating fuck holes.

>> No.18513028

Why so insecure? Delete this. It’s embarrassing.

>> No.18513029

>It has was never any more acceptable as male homosexuality
But even in real life it's obvious that women are way more comfortable with coming out as attracted to women and making out with women in public, and shit like that, whereas men would generally feel ashamed of themselves for doing the same things

>> No.18513044

> A lesbian may not get your girlfriend pregnant

That's actually an interesting way of seeing it, hadn't thought of it that way

>> No.18513051

> Delete this. It’s embarrassing.
says a fucking tripfag. Holy cringe hypocracy.

>> No.18513056

i'm op and i'm a man

>> No.18513075
File: 11 KB, 263x292, smiling-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people inherently know the yonic aspect of gnosticism whereby one makes one's mother a virgin by becoming unborn by exiting the world through the yonic vista of reason and enters the white hole made by the 2 metaphoric vulvae from both of their insides

>> No.18513076

you're retarded, lesbianism has always been accepted as not only natural but hot af, faggots on the other hand have always been revolting, behavioral biology proves this

>> No.18513086

wtf does this have to do with this thread

>> No.18513089

I donno about that. There are social differences I’m sure. Some fathers are okay if their daughters try to be masculine, but they’re probably never happy with a homosexual son. A tick of misogyny again. It’s considered an upgrade to step into the masculine world and a downgrade to become feminine.

OPs painting is Victorian smut commissioned and painted, no doubt, by males.

>> No.18513091

The hot attractive lesbian thing was cooked up by guys
Most lezzies look like human shite.

>> No.18513102

It's Bouguereau's The Nymphaeum and it actually is from the late 19th century

>> No.18513110
File: 78 KB, 623x1024, 8BFF7F57-6DD4-4AC5-BC45-AC727EAC3BB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The lesbian has always been demonized (until recently). Read the book. It’s all tragedy and horror up until after the mid 20th

>> No.18513114

Ah yes, French, but still the same period

>> No.18513115

But what about the tons of cute art hoes that casually make out with their female friends? That's pretty much the mental image i had when i said that lesbianism was celebrated and more accepted than male homossexualism

>> No.18513123

The Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys

>> No.18513127

>It’s considered an upgrade to step into the masculine world and a downgrade to become feminine.
yes tomboys rule
>OPs painting is Victorian smut commissioned and painted, no doubt, by males.
it was indeed painted by a man(William-Adolphe Bouguereau

>> No.18513133

Yep, academic pomp, what she said.

>> No.18513135
File: 180 KB, 900x1200, 950F8862-4C2E-4420-8013-09B64E492009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are bisexual.
Anon you’re talking to is just a shallow bitch though.

>> No.18513137

Smut? It's pretty kino if you ask me desu :3

>> No.18513143
File: 239 KB, 519x800, A923FDE5-DE58-45ED-920B-BE03B88B75CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t say I didn’t like it