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18509614 No.18509614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18509631

Saw a youtube channel today of some black guys playing Yugioh cards and it was like a breath of fresh air washing over my racist soul. Look at these blacks just being normal, I thought. Normal speech mannerisms, no shucking and jiving, no "squaring up" or random psychotic violence. Just some nice lads enjoying eachother's company. There is hope for blacks yet. Somewhere beneath the rotten monstrous husk of the Ta Nehisi Coates black is the Yugioh black, waiting to be born like a phoenix. Then we can begin again, in friendship.

Even as I write this they are a-hootin and a-hollerin outside my inner city window. But still, I believe in the heart of the cards.

>> No.18510378
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here's a question for you:
I'm in Canada a lot for business, here now.
I see black people here and they are as you describe; just like everyone else. Shovelling snow off their driveways in winter, or playing street hockey (it's a thing, right in the middle of the (non-busy) street), walking to school with friends of different races, buying groceries, whatever.
Dressed the same, too.
Talk the same, no ebonics, no gangbanging, no leanin', no steamin'. None of that trash.
Then i come back to America and BAM! it's like a rap video or something.
my question:

WHY THE DIFFERENCE??? They're literally just a couple miles apart.

>> No.18510572

3% of the canadian population is african and 90% of those are first or second generation immigrants

>> No.18510611

The elites in America have literally been MK ultra-ing black people for generations. They use blacks to test out psychological tactics then when one's successful they inflict it on whites. Thats why you've got musicians like Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj consistently dominating the charts.

>> No.18511312

Yes, Canadian blacks are descended from the Africans who enslaved and sold the ancestors of American blacks. Much better genetic stock.

>> No.18511318

0th post best post and /thread

>> No.18511445

When you think about it Canada is basically a eugenicists wet dream.

>> No.18512378

Because in small numbers blacks, especially mixed ones, will imitate white society. With the massive population of American blacks you need a formal racial hierarchy to maintain order

>> No.18512385

Most of them are Caribbeans (i.e. descendants of slaves), actually.