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/lit/ - Literature

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18501787 No.18501787 [Reply] [Original]

If you were an authoritarian despot what books/authors would you ban?

>> No.18501801

everything published in the last 100 years

>> No.18501805
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All right-wing literature and all liberal literature which isn't at least somewhat compatible with communism.

>> No.18501835

ayn rand

>> No.18501839

Every book that isn't my diary desu.

>> No.18501899
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>> No.18501935

Probably none. But reading some books before age 50 would be mandatory.

>> No.18501977

I'd put my focus on developing a good curriculum for school instead, one that doesn't just put useless shit in your head

>> No.18501990

what is he looking at? Atlantis theories?

I'd say to ban all books about politics.

>> No.18501992
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Dictionaries. Never give the people all the words, they might add them together in a way that's dangerous for my reign

>> No.18502019

>Infinite Jest

>> No.18502179

David foster wallace

Trigger pseuds

>> No.18502193


>> No.18502197
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Anything after 1815 and anything before 1685.

>> No.18502205

This is unironically a good idea. If they do not have the means of communicating dangerous ideas, those idea genetics simply have a hard time staying in the social psychological gene pool.

>> No.18502238

I mean, why is Infinite Jest in that chart in the first place? All the time I see that people read it because it's "complex", that is, because it's very difficult to follow the thread of the history due to its "complicated" structure, not because of the book having inrtinsic value in its narrative

>> No.18502251

They did that to form New Speak in 1984

>> No.18502261

I always love that Calvino made the list.

>> No.18502283

Its pop lit that is dying off now. I hate it so much

>> No.18502397

I wouldn't outright ban any books. I would just reform the school curriculum to have students read very different literature from what they read now.
> but how do you make people keep in line with the regime
The same way the current regime does. Keep the methods, change the politics. Make hardline nazism and loyalty to the regime the primary metric of mental health. Everyone who isn't a nazi or questions the government is branded a mentally ill conspiracy theorist and institutionalized for life. If the asylums overflow, euthanise the patients until they don't.

>> No.18502676
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I'd ban anything that painted religion in a negative light, all images of God or the prophets, and any representation of the human form for commercial/ideological purposes OR statues featuring larger dimensions than the person they are supposedly representing. Hardcore iconoclasm basically.

Of course, party members would be allowed access to special libraries where this art is permanently held (for the elites who are capable of safely discerning the bad while still appreciating the artistic, cultural, and philosophical value), artists prisons would be more like bohemian hotels with a curfew, and I'd even allot a certain amount of government funding to buying up works of 'decedent art' and subversive material just as long as its kept safely out of the hands of the public.

Censorship should be more like a guiding hand of artistic elites making sure that corporations aren't just promoting godlessness and pornography. There's lots of works of art that, while I can rationally say they're subversive and should be banned from society, are actually quite well made and enjoyable and it would be a shame to get rid of it altogether. Just hide it behind a secret door in the library that you need to get a special pass to enter. This would also have the benefit of allowing intellectuals to actually write substantially subversive content and real history without being 'cancelled' by the democratic reflexes of mass society.

My main concern, however, would be scrubbing western society of all the negative influence of Jews and Freemasons. Burn heretics, not books.


>> No.18502927

your diary desu

>> No.18503135

>That picture
It hurts bros.

>> No.18503223

Any leftist lit

>> No.18503258

all YA fiction. the concept of 'teenagers' itself would be abolished. you're either still a child and aren't ready for mature and complex ideas, or you're already an adult and should be educated and spoken to like one.

>> No.18503369

Everything. If I became dictator I'd be Pol Pot 2.0

>> No.18503405

It's easy to say that, muh old buildings and so on, but objectively speaking if I were the leader of an emergent religious movement trying to wipe out all memory of a corrupt satan-loving ruling class I would absolutely burn Washington DC to the ground, salt the earth, topple the freemasonry idols, and turn the entire city into grazing land for cattle. Its better to have people living good virtuous lives in the real world, than to have a couple elaborate idols towering over the human figure.
Basically what >>18503369 said.

>> No.18503584

all the fucking whiny jew ones about how they got holocausted by hortler. like for fuck's sake there must be 1,000 books about hte fucking shit already, stop milking it. that wasn't even humanity's coolest genocide.

>> No.18503597

>tfw no /lit/ Himmler bf

>> No.18503600

But how else can the jews have a moral high ground to genocide Palestinians?
Oy vey. Never forget the Shoah.

>> No.18503601

also I want to ban all WWII books in general, and especially the "pacific theater" shit that boomers gobble up. how many books about plane fights with the japs do you really fucking need?

>> No.18503649
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>> No.18503656

I would rather have a /tv/ Goebbels bf desu.

>> No.18503675
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Why ban books when you can ban people?

>> No.18503681

Freud and Marx.

>> No.18503683

What is this?

>> No.18503698
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What's the point of banning books? You're going to make the more popular anyway.

>he's never watched the German Band of Brothers


>> No.18503753
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Books? I'd clean out the big tech and mainstream media corps and install new management to make sure they served my people, rather than undermined them. Followed shortly thereafter by academia.

I guess I'd get around to books eventually... I'd probably start with sjw children's books like 'My Two Dads', 'Anti-Racist Baby', 'The GayBCs' and all that kind of reprehensible child abuse. The authors would likely be executed.

>> No.18503819

>The GayBCs
>Made for children 4-8
Jesus Christ, any sensible man would want this book banned.

>> No.18503828

>atheist shit
>race bait shit
That should do it.

>> No.18503878

What good is a religion if it doesn't explicitly protect your ethnos?

>> No.18503948

What book is Himmler reading?

>> No.18504038
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The last book in the ASoIaF series, when it gets released.

>> No.18504198

Ban randomly through dartboards and algorithms. Live in a castle made of mirrors and stucco. Forcefully relocate vast swaths of the population to grid like labor prisons which endlessly expand like the Winchester house. Use aerosolized opioids to quell riots, use meth to empower security forces. Track and locate psychopaths and then make them into state sponsored ideologues who appear on television. Mandatory cigarette rations to give and take as required, expressing my distaste or approval. Ally with Israel solely to entwine the two nations and ensure my defeat triggers the Samson option. Every day 15 of my slaves will come before my fortress of candy colored nylon and bobbleheads and I will tell them that a pile of raw hamburger in front of them, likely rotting, was once in the shape of a tree respresenting my glory. Tell them to reconstruct it- the previous slaves did not do so well. Provide them with epoxy and meat as required, but give them eight hours alone. When they inevitably yield nothing, sigh and send them away. The next day I select a new batch. The pile expands. I wander the street in a lifeless virtual reality headset wearing only a plastic tarp, grasping at the arms of passerbys, begging them to save my soul.
If I’m going to be evil it’s going to be funny.

>> No.18504218

i'd outlaw and destroy all books but my own collected works

i'd allow for authors to write commentaries on them but a single critical word would result in liquidation of author and manuscript

>> No.18504231

>banning books in 2020+
Won't work. What you do is alter history. Come up with narratives for troublesome authors. Hobbes owned slaves. Locke partook in slaightering Irish. Marx was an industralist. Let people think for themselves. But make sure their brains are oversaturated with brand clothing advertisements and the newest starbucks flavor. Also don't forget about the enemy. The arabs are the enemy. The americans are the enemy. China and russia too. Remember europe? They started all the wars. Not convinced? This radicalized strawman just blew himself up in the busiest marketplace. Now we have a common enemy. Since we, the government, care about the people so much, let us install some security measures. Cctv. Facial recognition. Wire taps. A nationwide grid of every GPS transmitter all poured into the newest state-run safety algorythms. No? Surely you have nothing to hide, right?

>> No.18504238
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>> No.18504283


Call of the crocodile

>> No.18504301

Absolutely everything woke/loved by woke people. Anything anti-western.

>> No.18504347

I'd rather ban the internet except for a select few websites, mainly online stores of small businesses, which are allowed to stay up for a transition period until they are able to operate exclusively from their physical locations. No such grace period for giants like Amazon etc tho. On top I'd ban minors from owning a phone or any other electronic device, just to be sure. Also to vote you need to be married and have at least two children.

>> No.18504367

excellent thinking general

>> No.18504412

All of them
And kill people with glasses
And anyone who can read

>> No.18504450

Extremely based

>> No.18504459

I'd work with my contacts in big business to remove books, so when an online catalog retailer/tech giant stops selling certain titles, it's okay because they're a "private company" (even if they do have a public stock). The "private company" term will be thrown around to create discord among the commoners and will be used to strip dissenters of their rights. No company is owned by the government, and any company that loses money but still must remain solvent to maintain the illiusion will be funded by "investors" with laundered taxpayer dollars. Viewpoints are never officially banned but will be undermined and marginalized by a vast media empire that amplifies what I want the public to hear.

>> No.18504466

I wouldn't ban any books because it just makes people want to read it more, and it's easy to get on the internet.

>> No.18504469

Ban nothing. But force clearly subversive Marxist kike horseshit to have stars on them and disclaimers to inform the reader.

>> No.18504557

I actually dig this idea

>> No.18504591

Why Dubliners instead of portrait by Joyce? Portrait is way ahead

>> No.18504633

None. Books lost all of their political power because zoomers don't read.
I would ban tiktok and youtube.

>> No.18504659

Pretty much just the stuff amazon "bans," just so I can watch this place spaz out.

>> No.18504660

Nobody said anything about evil, but okay Caligula.

>> No.18504668

What a nightmarish fictional world you've created.

>> No.18504695

No need to ban books, because nobody would have time for independent reading after the 8-hour state-mandated Plato study-sessions and 4-hours discussion-seminars that I'll force on the populous at gunpoint. Of course people will be given regular breaks for obligatory salat and Quaranic discussion circles. Anybody who shows signs of exceptional intelligence will be promoted to additional readings in the neoPlatonist, Kant, George Berkeley, and Arther Schopenhauer.

>> No.18504737


Yeah this. Best strategy would be to ban a few books that actually end up red pilling people. Probably a few by Evola or some shit like that.

>> No.18504744

the virgin book burner vs the chad book rewriter
"look for yourself they never disagreed with our regime in the first place..."

>> No.18504914

Like that chinese emperor did, everything that came before me, I would be the beginning of history, a myth

>> No.18505072
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>> No.18505143

I wouldn’t ban books. I’d just force certain books into the public consciousness.

>> No.18505169

I'll ban anime and manga

>> No.18505245

Absalom, Absalom! is the best Faulkner and I'm glad it's on the list

>> No.18505297 [DELETED] 

marx and any jew or jew lover.

>> No.18505363

Nothing. Censorship is a failed tactic. Overload with information so much that they become apathetic and stop caring

>> No.18505365

Massive cringe

>> No.18505368

Holy based

>> No.18505469

You don’t ban books anymore silly anon. You just publish thrice as much nonsense and gibberish promoting the opposite idea to muddle the waters so people get tired and play vidya instead.

>> No.18506063

Haha, that is so horrifying. Could you imagine a world where private companies suppress information with the defense that they are a private corporations and can do what they want? That would be such an awful place to live in.

>> No.18506452


>> No.18506926

Looks like inner-earth theories.

>> No.18506963


>> No.18506983

Everything published by the Frankfurt school, including interviews and pamphlets. They were wrong even when they were right.

>> No.18507027

They limited dictionaries, with each one becoming increasingly smaller. I wonder what disabling them all together rapidly would do.

>> No.18507043

Twilight, I love shopping, that kind of stuff

>> No.18507284

You forgot the part where you make your own dictionaries.

>> No.18507319
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Based and polpotpilled

>> No.18507332


>> No.18507344 [DELETED] 

Marxist, LGBT, and libertarian/liberal books/authors.

>> No.18507369


Everything from this list. Althought I wouldn't be a despot. I would be... "based"

>> No.18507458

I actually have a personal method of avoiding bad books/movies/etc that I would put into law without a shadow of doubt and save countless brains from rotting.

>everything written by kikes
>everything written by non-virgin women outside marriage
>everything written by ugly people

That's it. Sorts out the worst garbage with ease.

>> No.18507467

Yes, good answer anon, I sometimes sheck these lists before reading something if I have doubts.

>> No.18507489

What do you read?

>> No.18507502

Uh, Nazibros?

>> No.18507513

I choose John Green, and only John Green.

>Create an endless stream of propaganda telling how evil and wicked his works are
>Create entire departments dedicated to tracking down distributors of Stephen King literature.
>Hold rallies where my supporters yell at and throw rotten vegetables at a portrait of Stephen King
>Eventually the resistance catches on that there's something about John Green that's important, maybe something in his books can help us defeat this tyrant?
>As my secret police destroy resistance cells their search becomes more desperate. Whatever's written in those books must be their last, best hope to gaining freedom
>They lose countless agents from honeypots of my police setting up fake underground Stephen King book sales
>Eventually though, they succeed and get a copy of The Fault in Our Stars
>Laugh to myself knowing I forced them to sit through reading a John Green book thinking they were going to get some sort of esoteric truth or instructions in overthrowing tyranny
>Lock them in prison for the rest of their lives with nothing but the novel, go and nuke Israel with my dictator powers

>> No.18507521


>> No.18507548

All racial-theory books. They serve largely to continue tensions for money.

All Marxist/Communist books. Not necessarily due to its criticisms, but the people they've spawned have been nothing but an annoyance and bastardize Marx into something else -- not that I'm fond of him.

All LGB writing aimed towards children. T writing aimed at children, as well. Separated because T is not a sexual-orientation.

>> No.18507562

>everything written by ugly people

>> No.18507567


>> No.18507590
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absolutely based comrade chad, make sure duh bwead bwook is gone too, along with all the other retard-tier theory that anarchists and trannies love

>> No.18508380

The only media that needs to be banned is that which is easily consumed. That includes pamphlets, videos etc. Long form books need no censorship

>> No.18508500
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Probably anything to do with exclusive group identity that would defintely pose a threat to my regime if the people I'm ruling over had a deep meaningful connection to anything

Next up Id ban any books criticizing my regime or any history books that went against my regimes' viewpoint.

If my regime was promoting unatural concepts (i.e ideas that directly contradict nature itself) I would also ban any science or hell any math theories that contradicted this theory.

>> No.18509067

Unironicanly, mostly for the moment and the impact, this post deserves a based. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

>> No.18510176

DFW to make the chuds seethe

>> No.18510210
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jorge of burros did nothing wrong

>> No.18510234

Biological divergence of populations and their resulting conflicts of interests are real; banning 'theory' wouldn't change that. Also, it appears to me that the monied interests are backing equalist and anti-white narratives, not race-realist ones.

>> No.18511608

A based Man. A redpilled Man.

>> No.18511632


>> No.18513651

1. All female authors
2. All genre fiction

>> No.18513676

No books should be banned but they should be neatly classified according to the worldview they belong to, to make things clearer for everyone.

>> No.18513885

Funny because I wouldn't ban commie literature. I would just kill anyone dumb enough to think it's a good idea.

>> No.18513933

I would ban reading.

>> No.18514233

the bad ones