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/lit/ - Literature

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18498844 No.18498844 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought these for 50€
What am I in for?

>> No.18498845

That depends. Are you going to read them?

>> No.18498850

Could've been better spent.

>> No.18498851

I've read 20 pages of the Frankl book. I want to devour it now.
I've read a bit of the Sartre book, seems interesting.
Have to read the Fanon book for my thesis.
Nietzsche has always been interesting for me.

So, probably yes.

>> No.18498853

That's a lot of money for four thin paperbacks.

>> No.18498863

>Have to read the Fanon book for my thesis.
Of course, like a proper eurocuck you have to read african stuff.

>> No.18498867

I chose it myself.

>> No.18498875

It was 16€ per book, and there was a buy 3 get 4 deal.
Finland is extortionate.

>> No.18498893

Nice one, cuck. Are you looking for applause now?

>> No.18499040

Fuck off racist
There's a lot of good African literature like Things Fall Apart and Half of a Yellow Sun

>> No.18499063

>two decent books from the longest inhabited continent

>a lot

Teaching black Africans to read and write was the greatest accomplishment of the European race.

>> No.18499164

who hurt you lol. And it's not like you are so much more intelligent than them or that it was you who taught them the knowledge.

Purebred cuckold, enjoy being a schizo for the rest of your life

>> No.18499178

You're the one simping for another inferior race, cuckold.

>> No.18499206

Nigga, order from Bookdepository with a British IP.

>> No.18499216

>another pseud who is going to attempt Nietzsche without starting with the Greeks
Sad. Many such cases.

And yes, I know for a fact you didn't read the Greeks. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

>> No.18499230

OP googled "books that will make me look smart" and bought the top results.

>> No.18499274

Will it make me look smart though??


>> No.18499286

Honestly no. You goofed with the Nietzsche. Should have gotten Birth of Tragedy or Beyond Good and Evil.
And the other ones are just CIA psyop Marxist indoctrination books.

>> No.18499300

these are all bangers

>> No.18499306

no way books are that expensive in yurop

>> No.18499310

You could have got those for less than half the price used

>> No.18499312

>goofed with Nietzsche

>CIA psyop
>CIA wanted to arrest sartre
"You don't arrest Voltaire"
-Charles De Gaulle

>> No.18499314

Rightists belong in camps

>> No.18499326

You guys do realize that if we blockade NYC and San Francisco and cut off your food supply, the civil war will be over in 2 weeks, right?

>> No.18499345

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18499350

Stfu faggot, stop gatekeeping.
This board is full of people who barely read and when someone does don't demotivate him by saying he has to read the whole phil history before he can read what he really wants.

>> No.18499374

I'm clearly shitposting with that post, but there is some level of truth to it. There is no point in attempting late stage philosophy if you have literally no background in it.
Hell, even read a book that does the history, like Russell or Strauss. But diving right into the deep end without getting your feet wet in the kiddie pool first is only asking for trouble and OP will get to page 20 and ragequit because he will have no fucking clue what Nietzsche is talking about.

>> No.18499378

Whats that fanon book about?

>> No.18499380

Turbo normie stuff, did you buy them new from a Waterstones? Anyway, the Sartre trilogy is good, or at least it was when i was a teenager.

>> No.18499388

something something colonialism something something white oppressors.

>> No.18499395

this is a pretty decent intro imho

>> No.18499396

>Fuck off racist
>who hurt you lol
plz go back to twitter and stop spending 50 euros on 4 paperbacks.

>> No.18499397

them whiteys be bad numsayin

>> No.18499400

Bro I know Nietzsche's ideas and I've been reading them in bite-sized pieces though analysis, discussion and podcasts for about a year now. Not just Nietzsche. I finally now want to read the source material of where all these interpretations and analyses came from.
Quite presumptuous of you to assume that I have no clue about any preexisting philosophy.

>> No.18499403

how will OP ever recover?

>> No.18499412

The phenomenon of black people have been thrown into civilization by whites, on whites' terms. Knowledge is produced on whites' languages, on whites' epistemology. The black elite becomes so using whites' oppression tools, and their rule benefit white interests.

I actually have never read the book.

>> No.18499418

Maybe but so do Marxists and niggerlovers.

>> No.18499421

The white devils forced us to learn how to read and write

>> No.18499430

White Fragility ITT

>> No.18499435

>you can read all of Africa's best lit in an afternoon
Really makes ya think.

>> No.18499440

Then you could recommend earlier works from Nietzsche to get familiar with his ideas instead of talking about completely different writers from completely different ages. If he would be interested in that he would have read it, but he is interested in Nietzsche.

>> No.18499447

I can tell by that book selection and how you came to pick those books that yes you have no preexisting knowledge. It's literally a "I want to graduate to serious literature" starter pack. I know because you picked Zarathustra. Might as well have bought Sophie's World too while you were at it.
And on top of that these books will sit on your shelf for months in pristine unread condition because you have no intention of attaining knowledge, but just want the status of having hip Nietzsche and Sartre books on your shelf because you were told in PHIL 101 that these are smart guys.
This whole thread reeks of massive faggotry and the fact you felt it was worthy of its own thread proves that people are right and correct for mercilessly making fun of you.

>> No.18499453

If I'm interested in quantum physics should I not first understand everything that led up to it?

>> No.18499454

So isolationism good when not done by white people?

>> No.18499469

Reading Nietzsche without at least having some background of the German Idealists and Schopenhauer is like attempting a Terence Tao book when you're still on precalculus.
You can't cut corners.

>> No.18499471

When the author explains it in his own words you don't have to read every physicist separately.

>> No.18499475

Yes. It's not your burden to civilize the natives.

>> No.18499478

I bought a book because I want to read it.
You seem to be overly obsessed with status, instead of concerning yourself with actual ideas that are to be presented.

>you have no intention in a training knowledge
>you have no preexisting knowledge
>Phil 101

>> No.18499482

>muh yams

>> No.18499486

Nigger, if middle school mathematics is foreign to me, quantum physics will look like Klingon.

>> No.18499491

OK. I'm right though.

>> No.18499497
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>> No.18499515

You can hate this anon, but he speaks truth with his words

>> No.18499516

That's absurdly expensive what the hell.

>> No.18499518

I dont get this, isnt for some kind of le global revolution to happen wed need to be on the same page regarding these kind of things to even effectively communicate?

>> No.18499532 [DELETED] 

He loves the kike book, hahahah and he loves black cock. This fucking loser hahahahahahah.

>> No.18499544

They never argue how things should have been, only that the way things turned out to be is bad.
And nobody is talking about global revolution here

>> No.18499560

There's a Nietzsche chart and it recommends reading Zarathustra as the absolute last one in all his stuff, that anon is right. That's a bit overkill but it should at least never be read first.

>> No.18499561

The author kickstarted the Algerian revolution....

>> No.18499748

It's actually a moral argument to justify murdering European colonials.

>> No.18499791

shoulda bought some proper shoes instead la

>> No.18499891

just use bookdepository dot com, pekka

>> No.18499941

Fucking loser lmao

>> No.18499946

What a waste of fucking money KEK

>> No.18499951
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>r 50€

>> No.18499955

BBC worshipper

>> No.18499966
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Jebediah, haul yer ass over 'ere, we got us a buck to break!

>> No.18499972

He left the thread cus he btfo

>> No.18499996

I'm enjoying my books :)

>> No.18500022
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It is today that I learnt /lit/ has never actually read a book in their lives and actually project their insecurities onto others.
Never judge a book by its cover :^)

>> No.18500032


>> No.18500050


>> No.18500057


>> No.18500088


>> No.18500129

The Age Of Reason is the first 'adult' book that made me love books
therefore based

>> No.18500141

Completely and utterly btfo

>> No.18500160

why use book depository instead of amazon?

>> No.18500167

An embarrassing scam

>> No.18500232

you're in for outdated pseud ramblings.

>> No.18500243

See, what you arent getting, kike, is that nobody gives a fuck what you bought because your taste is fucking horrible and youre a fucking jew black cock sucker. Everyones laughing at you. Mans search for meaning? We read that in highschool you fucking clown.

>> No.18500265


>> No.18500277

Better start early than never :D

>> No.18500301

If you're op, what are majoring in that you would need a Franz Fanon book for? what is the subject of what you're writing?

>> No.18500331

LOL fucking kikessss man.

>> No.18500362

SciencesPo political sciences with European & African studies of cooperation.
I chose an analysis of the mindset of African nations and how to develop it into fostering greater EU-Africa relations and trade.

>> No.18500477

Good for you anon. I'd recommend that you leave this shithole board immediately and start reading your books.

>> No.18500483

lmao get off my fucking board

>> No.18500485


>> No.18500507

why would you choose that? are you a nig?

>> No.18500530
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I have no words...

>> No.18500534

You are the king of cucks. Congrats.

>> No.18500535

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.18500546

my first visit to this retarded board in ages and this snow nigger buys 3penguin translations for 50euros holy fuck my sides

>> No.18500558

What is that? Like 60 bucks in burgerbucks? You got ripped off breh

>> No.18500568

I am White. Africa is an emerging economy with a lot of future opportunity. I already have an internship in the EU commission. My plan is to either oversee policymaking or investment analysis.

Seethe. This is what having fragile emotions does to you. This is the difference between success and staying a loser confined into frothing at the mouth anytime something "intellectual" comes out of Africa.

>> No.18500572

>things fall apart
Like black inventions amirite

>> No.18500600

>something "intellectual" comes out of Africa.
I like your use of quote marks.

>> No.18500656

Sadly, he never will. He sold his books shortly after reading his comment and is now working as a janitor in some highschool.

>> No.18500664

I'm studying at a university in western Europe too, it's not like I haven't seen dozens of students just like you or haven't gotten to interact with people of different races.
There's nothing hateful or obtuse in simply pointing out that black Africa has yet to produce anything close to the value and worth of Chinese, Indian or European civilization. And taking a look at today's Africans (wherever they might live) I see no evidence they ever will.
Africa will become richer because the whole Earth (according to the same people who predicted that India will be a superpower by 2020) will become much richer, supposedly by 2100 the average Bangladeshi will have the same standard of living as an average dutch citizen today.
I don't personally believe in these utopian claims myself. You sound like you think Africa will transform into some kind of Wakanda when most likely it will remain the poorest continent on Earth.

>> No.18500827

this is definitely the starterpack for a young conservative leaning black guy who got into this pseud philosophy side of youtube watching peterson videos on what it means to be le existentialist Einzelgänger archetype who takes up responsibility etc etc. You're checking all the boxes of someone who doesn't have a proper historical account on philosophy and just reads Nietzsche in a vacuum as a cope.

You're also obviously not a reader, if you were then you wouldn't have wasted 50 fucking euros on 4 slim paperbacks. Don't be surprised for being made fun of.

>> No.18500905

This is the funniest thread on /lit/ in months. My sides are obliterated.

>> No.18501276

I'm being bullied :(:(:(:(
It's not my fault books are expensive here.
Anyway I heed your advice, could you recommended me proper context needed for Thus Spoke Zarathustra?
>inb4 Ecce Homo, The Gay Science & Genealogy of Morals

>> No.18501290

Yes, start with Plato

>> No.18501295

Should’ve bought the neitzsche, a Beckett collection, the imitation of Christ and Jung’s Modern man in Search of a soul.
Those 4 would set you well on the path.

>> No.18501300

I hear you. However, by trade I'm not necessarily referring to trade to Africa's benefit. More like extraction of resources. Neocolonialism under the guise of development of the EU-Africa strategy.
The EU has a full draft of it now, Spain & Portugal are making their plans, Germany slowly creeping on Namibia, France controls most of West African currencies. The possibility for "cooperation" is immense.

>> No.18501304
File: 2.76 MB, 1548x4096, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18501310

Expect to read about human suffering, the discovery of meaning, and living life in a meaningful way, engaging in what is meaningful even when you have no real options.
Expect a failure to affirm life combined with narcissistic self-congratulation.
>Other two
Haven't read them.

>> No.18501316

I've already read the Republic, Symposium and five dialogues, the allegory of the cave, to name a few. Most is common sense.
Plato is middle school-tier

>> No.18501322

Read the complete works of Plato, not just those. Then read Aristotle's complete works. Then Plotinus'.

>> No.18501325

>Plato is middle school-tier
The King of Midwits

>> No.18501329

Thank you sir.

>> No.18501331

Your career as an EU bureaucrat will fit you perfectly.

>> No.18501339

Also, the allegory of the cave is not a standalone dialogue, it's part of The Republic

>> No.18501352

Didnt read, shut the fuck up you worthless jewish shill.

>> No.18501426


>> No.18501436

Are you satirizing twitter or are you actually this lame

>> No.18501443

>the allegory of the cave
if youd actually read the republic youd know this is part of it, stupid finngoloid nigger

>> No.18501453

It must really suck being a nigger

>> No.18501533
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>> No.18501656

No delivery fee and a better guarantee that your book is new

>> No.18501666

>And it's not like you are so much more intelligent than them
He probably is. Or at least one of his descendants will be. Meanwhile yours will eat sandcookies and light car tires on fire (with a human inside) foe generations to come.

>> No.18501708

What's Jewish about >>18500277 his post? Help me understand, please. I only interacted with Jews online.

>> No.18501717
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>> No.18501719

Also >>18500362 here,
my wife has a son idk if that matters

>> No.18501743


>> No.18501763 [DELETED] 

Wrong, what you're advocating is white flight on a global scale and it is as racist as racism gets. The simple truth is that whites should not be allowed to exist period. Whether they colonize or isolate they are in the moral wrong. The only way we as a species can properly progress is if whites are bred out of existence.

>> No.18501841

You will learn, but he was shilling a holohoax book.

>> No.18501903

Noel Ignatiev?

>> No.18502553

Beckett and Jung

>> No.18502818

As the citified Californian cuckolds began to starve the sun rolled from behind its cloud. The ball of nuclear fire beamed down upon the skeletal, silicon filled filth like a radiant mother looking upon her first born. Pure joy and brightness brought forth the celebratory stalks of a new crop of hope.

>> No.18502850

Jesus wept. Destined to work in Starbucks.

>> No.18503485

70 percent of Americas food is grown in california

>> No.18503575

This is the power of white fragility

>> No.18503671

I'm Mexican

>> No.18503931

probably the only good african literature is religious and traditional medicine shit. oh and food as well.
there, I took the bait. also you overpayed for those, nigger.
I agree. nietzsche is not the hardest philosopher to read, BGE and GoM are good entry points, but zarathustra is way more difficult

>> No.18504009

lol OP got shitted on HARD. lol 4 feminine paperbacks.

>> No.18504034

ewww, even ebooks look better than those toilet papers

>> No.18504091

Ask me how i know youre jewish

>> No.18504094


>I want to devour it now

You need to read it, not eat.

>> No.18504210

You should be ashamed for picking the most boring philosopher. He presents some good ideas, but he writes like a faggot.

>> No.18504262

You are kinda cringe but I also found Frankl's book to be a one sitting kind of thing.

tl:dr - the meaning of life is to find a meaning of life

>> No.18504360


>Plato is middle school tier
Lol Europe is so fucked. Enjoy Muhammad raping your wife and children.

>> No.18504370

Fanon was a CIA drone.

>> No.18504371

Complete leftist cope. Not true at all.
Pomegranates and wine are made in California. The food that matters is grown in the heartland.

>> No.18504385

I don't know what OP looks like, but I assume it's on the lines of looking like Meadow's half-black half-Jew boyfriend on The Sopranos.

>> No.18504428

op likes niggers lol

>> No.18505389

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.18505650

Of course I do. And even so, you missed the point entirely. Arbitrary state borders won't matter. Liberals just cluster in cities and live like champagne socialists while all of their food is grown in the country by right wing people.

>> No.18505737

You have a very limited view of the subject

>> No.18505927

based. God bless you anon

>> No.18506475
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>I want to devour it now.
you lost it here mate

>> No.18506529

OP is now coming into this thread and replying to his own posts. Fuck this fucking faggot. HAHAHAHA

>> No.18506636

You must be young to make the mistake to spend nearly a day's work (assuming you earn minimum wage) on paperbacks. Or just stupid.
Hardcovers > .Pdf >>>> Paperbacks

>> No.18506725

I have created the most based thread in the existence of /lit/

There is literally nothing wrong with paperbacks.

>> No.18506781

They make good fire fuel so there's that but for €50 I could get a year's worth of wooden logs

>> No.18506782

go read the original version, you retard

>> No.18506815

Nah, people dont even like you ironically. Probably in real life your a lonely jew looking for acceptance amongst africans or fellow kikes. This place is not for you, never has been, never will be. You are scum.

>> No.18506821

Those suck except for Nietzsche. Not sure about Sartre, but he had awful taste in women.

>> No.18506847

>you're fragile
And yet you are broken. When we hit against each other at our strongest, you shatter.

>> No.18506878

>but he had awful taste in women.
he was gay, one of his friends introduced him to Schoppenhaeur at an early age

>> No.18506953

The electoral college map says otherwise. The closer an individual is to working with the means of production the more right leaning they are. For better or worse (mostly worse).

>> No.18506988


>> No.18507179

is this bait?

>> No.18507194

OP wants to davour a BBC as well, that's why he simps for the Africans.

>> No.18507196

>calling yourself based

>> No.18508313

you are about to have fun

>> No.18508320

noooooo you should only read regurgitated shit made by anglos >;(

>> No.18508345

>50 eurobucks for 4 books

>> No.18508346

it really seems like you came to the wrong place. you'd feel a lot more at home on reddit.

>> No.18508634

this has actually become on of my fav threads going because of how many people are shitting on you HAHAHAHAH

>> No.18508665

lolwut. the inhabitants of this board get more retarded each day.

>> No.18508705

Shut up, larper. Keep fantasizing about the civil war so you can feel better about your miserable lot in life

>> No.18508724

How did you figure out he was jewish?

>> No.18508792

Yeah man, keep voting for democrats. They totally care about you and genuinely want to make your life better. Don't forget to take your vaccine and keep letting in brown people.

>> No.18508804

Lol I was completely right about you

>> No.18508810

Well, hes gaga for Frankls book, thats pretty telling. His choice of education and future career are mildly telling as well. Also the absolute lack of shame. You get a vibe for these things with enough time.

>> No.18508945

>the absolute lack of shame
Like him staying itt despite being thoroughly btfo?

>> No.18509024

You have no idea what you're talking about. Just like every other freshman in college on this retarded as fuck board.

>> No.18509036

Republicans support mass migration, fag marriage, abortion, and nigger rioting and throw their own constituents under the bus constantly. Stop voting for them.

>> No.18509061

also trannies

>> No.18509118

Meme degree, ngmi

>> No.18509965

yeah, and the fact that he admits to liking Frankls book and having a degree in african studies or whatever.

>> No.18510092

>european race

lmao kys rumanian gypsy

>> No.18510099


>> No.18510108


>> No.18510114

return to pol retard

>> No.18510158

Seethe more. You will never be a woman.

>> No.18510183

Are you the same fag that (you) spams the wmaf threads in gif?

>> No.18510190

>who hurt you lol
You dont belong here

>> No.18512067

>I've read 20 pages of the Frankl book. I want to devour it now.
Take this L

>> No.18512113

what a fucking loser hahaha

>> No.18512412

This thread is full of:
Holocaust deniers

Wow. Unbelievable.

>> No.18512801

>Everything I don’t like is a psyop
Were you dropped on the head as a child?

>> No.18512807

welcome to 4chan nigger

>> No.18512816

Projection. How could you possibly know this? Maybe he’s read a little about their ideas & just wants to read more. Don’t know why people on lit assume everything is about signaling status. It’s kind of sad really.

>> No.18512826
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cry about it, go have your bull massage your butthurt

>> No.18512828

you don't have a domestic online bookshop in finland?

>> No.18512836

Because 80% of what most men do is about signalling or attaining status maybe?
We can't help it, blame evolution if you wanna blame anyone. Females look for status and resources when choosing a male to breed with.

>> No.18512983

I'm in Finland and you can usually find Penguins for 11 - 12 euros, especially the thin ones. You got ripped of.

>> No.18513087

Wow you're so cool by using the n-word, I bet you feel like a badass now.
You're so cool....

I don't blame you however... Everyone has a /pol/ phase in their lives at some point

>> No.18513112
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>> No.18513349


>> No.18513363

t. Vile disgusting kike

>> No.18513444

That's too much brother.
Buy used books

>> No.18514438

Poorfag cope

>> No.18514721


Unirocally refering to nigger as "n-word", fucking brain washed leftist drone with woke politically correct ideas. I bet you piss your pants at the slightest sight of violence you fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.18514731



>> No.18514740


>> No.18514747

>look mom, i did it again, i replied to all of them

>> No.18514760

how do I get a bri'ish IP for free

>> No.18515640

>When Fanon submitted the manuscript to Seuil, Jeanson invited him for an editor–author meeting
> he said it did not go well as Fanon was nervous and over-sensitive
>Despite Jeanson praising the manuscript, Fanon abruptly interrupted him and asked: "Not bad for a nigger, is it?"
>Jeanson was insulted, became angry, and dismissed Fanon from his editorial office
kek what a beta

>> No.18517377

A nazi promoting violence, how surprising

>> No.18517401

You ogre, its not being feeling cool about "the n-word". It's about you acting, feeling and thinking like a nigger. You're a nigger save for your skin color. White skin black heart.

>> No.18517442

Don't listen to them. This board has gone to shit ever since the 2016 elections.

>> No.18519164

You're racist.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.18519276

mexican people are white tho

>> No.18519533

No, considering that the majority of Mexicans are mestizos.
Castizos can pass off as white tho.

>> No.18519571

you're even scared to write nigger kek. the fuck is with your retarded spacing. you really need to leave.

>> No.18519574

Hahahah you stupid brain dead faggot, fuck you.