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File: 186 KB, 525x606, Continue the Da'wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18497656 No.18497656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>destroys David Wood in a debate
>prodigious library and prolific writer
>for his essential aqidah books every household must have he only lists books by Ibn Abdul-Wahhab
>praises the Taliban blowing up the budhhas
>says terrorists just means Muslims who want Sharia, America are the real terrorists
>mercilessly mocks gays and trannies despite living in Southern California and making all his money through a secular job, despite being a religious scholar, since he says only grifters charge or take patreon income for religious work
>loved by Muslims everywhere
>getting tons of Christians to accept Islam

Any books on religious authenticity but for the contemporary age? Kierkegaard seems dated

>> No.18497664

Oh, forgot
>gets visited by the FBI, laughs it off
>gets death threats written on his car, "you know where I live? Then do something, lol"
>gets accused by being khariji by Madkhalis for appreciating Sulayman al-'Alwan, makes vid dabbing on them

>> No.18497668

>being khariji by Madkhalis for appreciating Sulayman al-'Alwan
No one knows what this shit means senpai

>> No.18497678

He's a prominent and publicly loved Saudi cleric who was imprisoned and labelled a terrorist for saying the House of Saud are not even Muslims, just godless degenerate, Zionists. Madkhalis mean Salafist supoorters of the House of Saud. Khariji means a radical and dangerous zealot, it's what Salafis call anyone who criticizes the House of Saud

>> No.18497687

>destroys David Wood in a debate
Not that that's necessarily hard but everytime I've seen some muzzy claim this it's some shittily cut together video where nothing actually happens but they try to over play it as some big win

>> No.18497691

>>for his essential aqidah books every household must have he only lists books by Ibn Abdul-Wahhab
mega cringe

>> No.18497694

who is this?
Yeah pretty much this. Fundementalist evangelicals can get dunked on by pretty much anyone.

>> No.18497696

It made a lot of people embrace Islam, the debate was in person and videoed by both parties. It isn't spliced, solid vid from start to finish.

>> No.18497697

Jesus is not a Muslim

>> No.18497701

You probably haven't even read him

Shaykh Uthman bin Farooq. He is the new imam of the mosque where Anwar al-Awlaki was imam in San Diego

>> No.18497704

And what was the crux of the argument?

>> No.18497716

Here's part 1. Part 2 is in the description to that video.

>> No.18497720

The Trinity is a logical contradiction, the incarnation is a logical contradiction

>> No.18497727
File: 216 KB, 540x559, Shaykh Uthman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers on suicide watch

>> No.18497733

There's this thing with muslims, I don't know if it's because they're often inbred or if it's a cultural thing but when they try to argue or be intellectual they look like retarded children. Like, most of the christian apologetic industry is for morons but they at least get some smart guys here and there.
With muslims you see IQ ranging from "How can this guy tie his shoes" to "Not even midwit".

>> No.18498105

Ayooooo paki gang whaddup

>> No.18498117

They btfo you in debates though

>> No.18498122

The average IQ is around 10-15 points lower.

>> No.18498125

Are you done coping now?
Fastest growing religion.

>> No.18498136

>Are you done coping now?
I think you night be on the wrong board
>Fastest growing religion.
Is this meant to be an argument?

>> No.18498164

bless sheikh uthman but how can someone as intelligent as him be sunni I hope he makes dua when he realizes being shii is true Islam

>> No.18498172

It was predicted that Islam would have many reverts.

>> No.18498244

Frankly, the fact Islam is a force in the West too now fills my heart with joy. They have mocked us for decades but we are more than ready for a fight.

>> No.18498265

I'm not entirely sure why you are celebrating, this has been part of the kike's plan for decades. why do you think they've been causing the wars and flooding nations with muslims? islam makes for a more convenient control religion.

>> No.18498286

It is not Islamic communities that are falling for liberal propaganda.

>> No.18498300

You are annoyed deeply by scholars another spiritual force dismantling your own. Why are you afraid? Subhan'Allah the world will be a better place.

>> No.18498304

>American pleb attire

>> No.18498309

>the entire existence of a mudslime is to convert retards into their shitty variant of Judaism

>> No.18498314

>islam is dismantling other religions
Islam is only relevant because in the 80s they became politically relevant and have been astroturfed ever since.

>> No.18498320

>a bunch of unibrows reeing about fapping by quoting retarded judaic texts

>> No.18498329

Seems like he is doing a better job at prozelytizing than christians are!
You mocked us, torn apart our countries and tried to get us to disbelieve but the last part obviously failed and now you are losing, slowly, but you are too arrogant to see it and think you will win. The Qur'an was explicit on this.
Bitter truth for you people is that the persons you colonized will come to judge you for it in the end.

>> No.18498339

>Seems like he is doing a better job at prozelytizing than christians are!
yeah because he probably takes Mossad funding like 99% of Islamic movements. The whole thing is a con.
>You mocked us, torn apart our countries
This is retarded, edgy, historically wrong, and above all clearly a Mossad talking point. The majority of the Arab nations had attempted to play power politics and were defeated. This is precisely why Arabs work as goons for Mossad whether they realize it or not (I think more do than they'll admit).
>now you are losing, slowly
Losing? Nobody colonized the Arab world because it's a waste of time. After the Arab Muslims tried to conquer large portions of territory, they were gradually beaten back and destroyed by a variety of powers from Genghis Khan to crusaders to local revolts. Now you try to make some retarded LARP victim status cope while your entire religion has long since sold out to global foreign interest powers and has been used by glowops for decades now. Name a single time ISIS attacked an Israeli target. I'll wait.

>> No.18498343

Lol lay off the power fantasies faggot. The Muslim world has been collapsing for well over a century and you haven't hit the bottom yet. Domestically, some inbred Pakis squatting in European ghettoes aren't a threat to us.

>> No.18498354

Has there ever been a legitimate response to 'the perfect man', their sacred prophet being a warlord, pedarast, glutton, et cetera?

>> No.18498356

Your very own ilk keeps importing Muslims, as if they recognize deep inside that they are sickly and are hoping for a cure.

Islam, a con? More qnd more Muslims are entering hgher professions, attending uni, rebuilding their countries. All while maintaining their strong cohesion and Ummah. The West is crumbling still and it tries to bite Islam, but Islam bites back and hastens the West's arrogant downfall.

>> No.18498361

>every islam thread is just some mudslime sperg autistically ranting about the great victory of spreading islam to BOKO HARAMists
the absolute state

>> No.18498367

>More and (sic) more Muslims are entering higher (sic) professions, attending uni, rebuilding their countries
Whoa stop everything.
>All while maintaing their strong cohesion and Ummah
lolno. Muslim girls go to Europe and ride the cock carousel or get cucked by Chinese foreign students and wind up as war brides.
>The West is crumbling still
And the Arab world has lone since turned into dust. What are you trying to express here exactly? Islam is astroturfed by Mossad and NGO's to use for their own ends. Islam is the reason why the world has a surveillance state, because braindead Mudslimes got told by some Jew LARPing as a Jihadists on an online forum that driving a truck laden with explosives into a Christmas market will "destroy the Christians" or whatever other bullshit they feed you.
>Islam bites back
Islam serves the pleasures of Israel. The Syrian War proved this to everyone that isn't apart of your retarded religion.

>> No.18498370

>strong cohesion and Ummah
>Muslims still blowing each other up in record numbers every year
The Taliban are back at it again turning the small gains made in Afghanistan back into mudhut dumps. You are retarded.

>> No.18498373

>Domestically, some inbred Pakis squatting in European ghettoes aren't a threat to us.
True they can't get proper rulers and power in their own countries. I don't understand what they think they'll achieve in the West when they can't fix their problems at home.

>> No.18498385

>literal who e-celebs battling it on JewTube while Mossad cheers them on
this isn't /lit/ related.

>> No.18498393

>cucked by Chinese foreign students and wind up as war brides.
And you have the gut to act offended when Muslims are in your country.
You are without shame, now I know for sure that my religion is better because an utterance such as yours would not be tolerated in mine.

>Islam serves the pleasures of Israel.
Is that why pro Palestinian organisations are growing so numerously?

>> No.18498412

They are based. They outlaw Western degeneracy like bachibaza (something US soldiers took part in).


>> No.18498436

It becomes very silent when the fact is mentioned that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

>> No.18498439

>some Jew LARPing as a Jihadists on an online forum that driving a truck laden with explosives into a Christmas market will "destroy the Christians" or whatever other bullshit they feed you.
Assymetrical warfare is a result of western imperialism.

>> No.18498442

>Is this meant to be an argument
Yes, if you are religious then this must mean it is part of God's plan.

>> No.18498532
File: 222 KB, 800x600, smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goat IQ arguments

>> No.18498598

And wojakposting is high iq

>> No.18498818

Filthy kaafir.

>> No.18498822

>assyemtrical warfare has only existed in the 21st century
the absolute state

>> No.18498832

>western imperialism.
>using marxist talking points
lol you guys are so fuckin subverted its even funnier than those "Liberation Theory" christfags. hahahaha judaic talmud christfaggianity and mudslimism is a joke. keep klilliung each other for your Jew LORDS

>> No.18498881

It has existed forever but currently it is used to stick it to the western imperialist.
Wahhh you blow up a public space just let us bomb your country ok?

You will laugh even when you are close to humiliation but in the end you will see.

Good. We are making progress now.
Now answer me this: what happens when these Muslims are continuously ridiculed and mocked?

>> No.18499131

You are free to post anything of substance to refute Islam.

>> No.18499328

>Now answer me this: what happens when these Muslims are continuously ridiculed and mocked?

They chimp out to the extent that their weakened liberal host society allows them. You think that's impressive or intimidating? That weak liberal state is the only thing protecting and assuring their existence in our nations.

>> No.18499404

They always vote for liberals

>> No.18499422

It's going to happen anyways. Every prediction by Muhammad saw is either yet to be fulfilled or already happening right now (men turning into women for example).

You will be judged too, better to know what is good for you.

>> No.18499437

You know how the quraish couldn't actually refute muhammad? Same deal here