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/lit/ - Literature

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18494087 No.18494087 [Reply] [Original]

>"Next time you visit a mans house, have a browse at his book shelf. Maybe even write down the title of any books that look suspicious or weird to you- google search them later and find out what they're about."

Be careful...

>> No.18494095

do americans really

>> No.18494115

Holy sex.

>> No.18494130

who said this?

>> No.18494132

some female incel subreddit thread bap linked to on twitter

>> No.18494145

>a girl visiting my house

>> No.18494154

>Next time you visit a mans house
2. Do normal people still read books? And collect the physical copies?

>> No.18494159
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I found the thread where that quote is from.


"Bronze Aged Pervert (INCREDIBLY RACIST/SEXIST- MASSIVE RED FLAG HE'S PRACTICALLY A NAZI) and Joe Rogan are two big examples."
(Bullet point list below- some of these are suspect by themselves, some only in combination with others- aka he owns 5/6 off this list)

Bronze Age Mindset- Bronze aged pervert (Huge red flag- Neo Nazi's love him)

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche (sorry Nietzsche is extremely popular among RP)

The Book of Book - Pook (This guy is red pilled)

Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel (If he owns multiple by this author- red flag)

God’s Debris - Scott Adams

Becoming a Supple Leopard - Dr Kelly Starrett

The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene (Men who know about Greene's books v fishy)

What Every Body is saying - Joe Navarro

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola

Deep Nutrition - Catherine Shanahan (Minor flag by itself)

The New Encycopedia of Modern Bodybuilding - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Daniel Goleman - Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception

Apuleius - The Golden Ass

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Cialdani

>> No.18494162

>Apuleius - The Golden Ass
Always gets me

>> No.18494166
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>> No.18494167

That subreddit is pretty schizo but that's actually a decent list for filtering pseuds. Just add Jordan Peterson and Guenon.

>> No.18494170

Oh god, I own 8 Mishima books. It’s over for me.

>> No.18494172
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meanwhile actual bap fans

>> No.18494176
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>Be careful...

no u

>> No.18494179

What's wrong with Apuleius? I think you can count on three hands the number of people who actually own his novel.

>> No.18494189

ehhhh I guess their brains cant wrap around who would read it

>> No.18494190

>The New Encycopedia of Modern Bodybuilding - Arnold Schwarzenegger

>> No.18494195

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.18494197
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Also look out for him idolizing or praising alt right women such as Lauren Southern and Lauren Chen and other supposedly alt right 'feminist's- he is trying to introduce you to them/brainwash you into a fascist femme trad wife.


>> No.18494203

Who are you quoting? I mean, “write down”? Just take a picture, duder.

She advertises for wigs and things

>> No.18494208
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If a girl is literate she isn't worth marrying so her reading any book titles immediately filters her in my eyes.

>> No.18494211

>Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Haven't read it yet. Did he say anything about women?

>> No.18494214


>> No.18494220

>Bronze Age Mindset- Bronze aged pervert (Huge red flag- Neo Nazi's love him
Kek imagine losing out on some strange because you got memed into buying a Twitter book.

>> No.18494222

stop watching porn.

>> No.18494230

I don't think so, but he gets recommended a lot for men who wish to better themselves (become more masculine) and I guess that's a red flag.
Honestly not even a big fan of the stoics and their philosophy (I see it as life-denying, but I guess it can be good if you don't think about it too much), but I don't see anything harmful in Marcus

>> No.18494242

self improvement books = bad

>> No.18494252


>> No.18494253

>implying I am a degenerate coomer

>> No.18494260

it emanates from your posts. stop watching porn.

>> No.18494264

Don't worry, that's NOT a girl...

>> No.18494271

The solution is simple. Have a decoy bookshelf full of normie books, and keep your interesting reading as e-books or under your mattress.

Sad that we have to resort to this, but that's the modern world for you.

Also, it's hilarious that Marcus Aurelius, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and "Deep Nutrition" are on that list.

>> No.18494274

>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a fascist/MGTOW book

>> No.18494275

>a woman in my library/office
How did this happen?

>> No.18494277


>Becoming a Supple Leopard - Dr Kelly Starrett
Isn't this just a book about stretching and becoming more mobile? They want a man that can't touch his toes?
>Deep Nutrition
Do yourself a favor and read this book.

>> No.18494280

I do not watch porn.

>> No.18494291


Holy fuck, this woman is actually living and breathing in an echo chamber, if yoy read the whole post she goes so deep into this shit, it's probably the only thing she thinks about, probably eveb more than these men she's profiling. I won't even go into Zarathustra (I can see the connection, but it's an influential and well known work, probably everyone who studies/teaches phil has a copy, at least over here in Europe), but Meditations? Seriously? Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic who's probably written one of the currently most popular, widely relatable and apolitical works? That's on her suspicious list? Heck, I know a few feminists who own the book and read it a few times probably. This is just retarded and pathetic, the absolute state of the US and it's gender/racial crap baka It's all these people see

>> No.18494304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18494306
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>> No.18494308

Low IQ take. Put most "problematic" books on front, let it filter this hags.
I'm not too deep onto redpills, but anyone that doesn't quiet down after a "I just like to see both sides with my own eyes and take a conclusion from there" and spergs out about "problematic" books s not needed on my life.

>> No.18494315

That’s a girl hocking wigs to trannies

>> No.18494316


>> No.18494319

It's undeniably popular with neo-nazi and alt-right types. "Da West"-wankers and the like. No ones saying you're a nazi for reading Marcus Aurelius as you're trying to make it out but it could definitely be a red flag that a person is a potential 4chan poisoned white supremacist pseud.

>> No.18494325
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I've got the old one (the new one was too expensive), so it think it's safe.

>> No.18494330
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I genuinely don't have social media. I hate putting myself online for everyone to see, even if limited to friends or friends & family. I'm way too shy for that. I don't have anonymous Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Reddit, anything. Is that a red flag to women now?

>> No.18494333

>It's undeniably popular with neo-nazi and alt-right types. "Da West"-wankers and the lik
Who make up like 0.0001% of the population of the country you paranoid internet-addled dolt.

>> No.18494339

I don't see a problem, I also do this with women.

>> No.18494342

I'm okay with certain kinds of Stoicism, but what I've read of Meditations contains some of the most life-denying strains of it. I didn't finish the whole thing, but the bulk of it didn't seem worth reading.

In any case, it was in no way edgy at all. It was more Buddhist or pre-Christian in terms of charity and morality if anything, which makes it all the funnier that it would be included on a list like this.

>> No.18494343

>female celibate dating strategy
This must be satire

>> No.18494346

>make a list in secret instead of openly confronting issues you have with certain things in your life
The future is doomed lads. Any person who wants to cite a book as a 'red flag' better have fucking read it themselves at the absolute bare minimum. Of course I expect too much of the modern human.

>> No.18494347

I was like you for a while. Woman asked me for a snapchat, but I didn't have it. Just gave her a phone number, and we still fucked.

>> No.18494354


This is where it was actually from, it was just a repost of it mocking it.

>> No.18494356

It's a fucking self-improvement, almost self-help, book, anon.

>> No.18494358


>> No.18494360

>Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel (If he owns multiple by this author- red flag)
Most of his English translations are novels.

>> No.18494369

Alright, well I know like 10 dudes IRL that fit in that stereotype and obviously the author of the thread does too no matter how much you try to downplay it.

One annoying thing about alt-rightists is how easily they shift from "doood its a joke and its not even a movement bro no one is alt right bro" to "we are legion"

didn't ask

>> No.18494371
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>Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel (If he owns multiple by this author- red flag)

>> No.18494374

This is actually a based list to filter pseuds

>> No.18494375
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Today I shall remind them.

>> No.18494382

>t. has never read a single page of the book


Maybe a decent strategy actually, although I'd only leave out basic stuff. If she can't handle me reading a book by Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger, then that's a huge disaster averted.


Yep, a good chunk of this list are actually solid recommendations for good health and wellbeing.

>> No.18494383

Take your meds.

>> No.18494384

you will never be a woman

>> No.18494388

This is list is true. I am a facist, and I read atleast one book from this list.

>> No.18494391

big yikes

>> No.18494392

>t. has never read a single page of the book
I read marcus aurelius front to back several times to the point where my copy was breaking down. I got the recommendation from /pol/

>> No.18494393


>> No.18494394


>> No.18494395


Why do you bother with retarded women ?

>> No.18494417

Oh me? Heh, no, I just post on the literature board, where it's mostly Marxist intellectuals... [sweats profusely]

>> No.18494419

So you're comfortable labelling yourself a Nazi? I wonder what a girl would think if she saw you reading that.

>> No.18494430
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>> No.18494432 [DELETED] 
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if japan = bad man in ww2
must mean bad

>> No.18494434

have sex sweaty

>> No.18494441

Nope, but I was in the pipeline years ago when I picked up the book.
I still like the book but if someone's going on about it there is a definite chance that they are a nofap manosphere broscience /pol/ pseud. This is undeniable despite the seethe this generates from you lot.

>> No.18494442

I thought I might have this problem with my last date, turns out she is infinitely more racist than I am.

>> No.18494447

So is it a good place to meet an older woman?

>> No.18494451

Favorite Mishimas?

>> No.18494454
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>> No.18494456
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>la femcel

>> No.18494462


>> No.18494484

>Alright, well I know like 10 dudes IRL that fit in that stereotype and obviously the author of the thread does too
That says something about the insular and mediocre company you keep.

>> No.18494485

4chan is literally social media.

>> No.18494497

It’s less than 200 pages you dunce. Just read the fucking thing.

>> No.18494509

>They’re sharing our secrets NoooOOOOOOOO0ooOOOOO000

>> No.18494514

sound of waves, the sailor who feel from grace with the sea, and forbidden colors (no homo) are my favorites.
i'm not like autistically into mishima or anything i just like him. gonna read all his works before reading the sea of fertility, but it's not something that's really pressing and i've been reading him off and on for like 2 or 3 years.

>> No.18494520

I bought The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories for the title and the front cover. The stories are pretty tame.

>> No.18494545
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Are they stories about sapphic horses or about sapphic cowgirls?
Not that it really matters mind you.

>> No.18494547

Are there lesbian horses? I know male horses will mount other males, but I never heard od female horses giving sex.

>> No.18494568
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looked up Bronze Aged Pervert on amazon. kek

>> No.18494569

What does she have against Apuleius, bros, I get all the other books but not this one.

>> No.18494638
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Why do they obsess about dumb shit and sabotage their already slim chances of getting a man far beyond their league (I assume that's what their aim is)?

This reminds me of when I was 15 and didn't realise that telling a girl you love her isn't a really serious and spontaneous statement of your feelings independent of anything else, but actually a social requirement. Stupid ideas about reality that only hinder you.


>> No.18494646

More gems from this thread:

>Be aware that many racist sexist alt right men use the encrypted social media platform 'Telegram' as a substitute to Whatsapp, where they organise underground. I shall be joining very soon to find out more info.


>List of online alt right breeding grounds by order of popularity:
>#1: Signal

>A mans bookshelf can give you invaluable information on his character. For example- if he's obsessed with nihilism, you can gather he's probably a bit of a morbid, depressing, self righteous asshole.

>I would also be especially wary of men who work in the Tech industry, who are getting far more insidious at hiding their footprints and leaving no trace in the digital world.

>modern women must follow their noses and take note of the Books, Podcasts, Influencers and Youtubers a man consumes and the people he follows on Social Media. Most men are insanely stupid and arrogant, assuming all women are dumb pickmeisha's non the wiser to what they get up to

>In order not to become a target and fall in love with them (or even worse, procreate with them!) - you must always stay 3 steps ahead and keep some emotional distance as you vet them. You must keep up to date with the conversations they're having, the language and terminology they use, the people they follow and the tactics they're using […] Many of them are finding more ways to mirror the qualities of a HVM. [High-Value Male]

>Joe Rogan
>Bill Burr

>(be very wary of men who are super flinchy with their phones/claim they have no social media or have private accounts they don't want you following/hide from view)

I suppose you think this is all quite sane, don't you?

>> No.18494657

>Caring what women think.
>Having so few books they can actually single out a few strange ones to write down.


>> No.18494660

>our secrets
they're just making up shit and jcirclejerking to cope for not being pretty. this is exactly the same as many incel men but doubly narcissistic.

>> No.18494670

Talk about red flags man. If I saw a girl browsing r/femaledatingstrategy I'd run off into the fucking night, goodbye forever. What's wrong with these people?

>> No.18494676

>Be careful
If a girl doesn't look at your books when you have her over and note down the interesting ones to talk about next time, there's no way it's going anywhere

>> No.18494681

and just as full of fake news and manipulated propaganda

>> No.18494684
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There was a sex survey in Australia and it seems your options are limited to fellow chudettes if you go far right. Repent before the vagine slams shut forever!

>> No.18494686

It’s kind of funny that women like this are fighting over the ever-dwindling supply of men with any kind of notable income. (The comment about being wary of Techbros would automatically discount most of the young men pulling in notable salaries these days, so there’s some irony here.) Its doubly hilarious because any sort of “HVM” would think women like this are complete looney cases and would pump and dump if they pump at all.

>> No.18494705

Meditations is the simplest way to spot a hover hand beta loser, tho
>living and breathing in an echo chamber
Imagine writing this unironically on post pol 4chan

>> No.18494706

>it could definitely be a red flag that a person is a potential 4chan poisoned white supremacist pseud.
Legit. The whole list is actually very legit except for Nietzsche.

>> No.18494707

Women don't care about income anymore kek, the most attractive job to women is "coke dealer"

>> No.18494718
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these women don't have to worry they are never getting invited over anyone's house

>> No.18494729

>What’s wrong with these people.

The feminist policies that women like them have promulgated has lead to an unideal environment for them. No men want to commit anymore, and the pool of acceptable men has dwindled because men have to compete with women for jobs. Women want to make the same salary as men, but they want to date men who make more than them.

The cause and effect of what has put society in its current predicament is plain as day, but there are still people who insist it is not so even though they know it is. It will probably get a lot worse from now on as humans can actually live in pretty abject conditions.

>> No.18494737
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>Women don't care about income anymore

>> No.18494749
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Au contraire. It is the male who is the enemy of all life.

>> No.18494751

These women definitely do though lol.

Not legit. If these women aren't getting invited to people's houses to begin with and only 1 in 1000 who have those books fit into what you describe (this is a very generous number given that all of these are extremely popular meme booksn), then it's retarded.

>> No.18494756

Sure, you can buy almost any woman with enough money as a sugar baby, but being wealthy isn't going to get you a girlfriend in the first world, being handsome is much more important - they don't have to pay. Or just be a drug dealer.

>> No.18494769

>1 in 1000 who have those books fit into what you describe (this is a very generous number given that all of these are extremely popular meme booksn),
Virtually any person that owns two or more of those books (Nietzsche exempt) are guaranteed to be a 4chan permaincel.

>> No.18494770

Don't women on FDS openly advocate milking affluent men and getting a more attractive sex partner on the side?

>> No.18494771

What is “One Nation”?

>> No.18494772
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>> No.18494793

Did the poll literally ask women "how would you feel about dating a VERY RIGHT-WING PERSON"? Seems like leading phrasing.

>> No.18494802

The main far right/right populist party. Staunchly Zionist. Run by a brainlet who is still pretty good at rustling lefties.

>> No.18494819

Perhaps you could just learn someone’s views by conversation instead of playing inquisitor.

>> No.18494818

Cope, what's leading about that? Right wing is less dateable than people with mental problems.

>> No.18494823

Also most guys don’t really have book collections.

>> No.18494831

If a girl did this at my place I'd get a huge boner watching her jot down the book titles.

>> No.18494847

Name one book you would put on your bait case.
For me
>The Simple Art of not Giving a Fuck

>> No.18494852

What women want and what they say they want are two different things most of the time. Notice how they’ll say they like nice guys, but then date guys who aren’t nice. It’s the same idea. Women might say they dislike conservative men, but when it comes down to it they prefer masculine, strong, levelheaded men, and these types of men generally aren’t liberals or progressives.

>> No.18494859

What Every Body is saying - Joe Navarro
How come that's on the list?

>> No.18494864

I really wonder what's behind their psychology. They're tripping themselves up in so many ways. Wanting a man who makes a lot of money but being against "techbros" is a prime example.

>It will probably get a lot worse from now on as humans can actually live in pretty abject conditions.

It's funny how I used to be very skeptical of social relativism, but now I believe in it. What do you think social relations could look like a few years or decades down the line? Will people "adapt" or will everything fall apart?

I could see it. They're basically sociopaths.

>> No.18494865

This is true, however, there are many masculine men that aren't conservative (in the meme American sense). Such are our times.

>> No.18494872

Complete nonsense.

>> No.18494873

I wonder what they said about "very left-wing people"? Especially compared to apolitical people or centrists?

>> No.18494881

>I really wonder what's behind their psychology. They're tripping themselves up in so many ways. Wanting a man who makes a lot of money but being against "techbros" is a prime example.
Techbros aren't physically attractive and being a software engineer is not high-social-status especially relative to how much money you make at FAANG

>> No.18494887

As I recall, very left wing people were slightly less desirable than average, but still much more so than far right, despite the memes about how crazy SJW bitches are. Normies are fucking centrists.

>> No.18494890

Arostotle knows what’s up, stoics always feel like a cope to me

>> No.18494891

>Techbros aren't physically attractive

>> No.18494895

Yeah because being right-wing is evil within the post-Nuremburg value system. No one wants to date someone literally evil except women who like serial killers.

>> No.18494897

>Deep Nutrition
Is this good

>> No.18494898

Wtf it's real and unironic
>I'm back from the trenches [...]
>As the saying goes in the Art of War : “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
I'm confused, if dating is war and men are the enemy why would they even want to date us?

Also, if I have Industrial Society and its Future in my bookshelf, is that ok?

>> No.18494901

A cope for what exactly?

>> No.18494902

You're right and that's just another side effect of the degenerate society we live in. I see plenty of females online talking about how they like the toxic traits and crazy shit. But if you say you're right wing chances are you're out. That's not a fault of anyone who is right wing. It's simply the fucked up weird times were living in. I don't want to date any of those airheads anyways. And I guarantee I could bag most of them if I really tried, I show no interest in them. But I wouldn't classify myself as far right anyways. But definitely lean right.

>> No.18494907


Shut the fuck up OP.

>> No.18494910

>Also, if I have Industrial Society and its Future in my bookshelf, is that ok?
Why would you care about what post-wall psychos think of your personal library?

>> No.18494912
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>>Techbros aren't physically attractive

>Not using a Moss reaction image

>> No.18494918

Just pretend to be a Communist, you can never go wrong being too left-wing. Just spout a few memes about "exploitation... Neoliberalism... Austerity." if a woman is a literary type or into political activism, not like they're smart or determined enough to slog through Marxist scholasticism.

>> No.18494920

Is Mein Kampf and Julius Evola a dealbreaker?

>> No.18494922

>Do yourself a favor and read this book.
But why is it considered problematic?

>> No.18494930

I'm just trying to put these young men on a path where they can get a wife instead of chasing a phantasm of world Judaism or whatever.

>> No.18494932

Excellent choice. Maybe "Our Revolution" by Bernie Sanders? Or is that too obvious?

Some mainstream fantasy titles like ASOIAF could be good, depending. This could be the start of a good discussion.

>> No.18494936

Ahhh.. the bible and a gun. A total oxyMORON if you ask me.

You realize that in that book you are literally commanded not to kill, right? I'm pretty sure it's the FIRST ONE ON THE LIST.

>> No.18494939
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Only if you don't look like this

>> No.18494941
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What would femoids think of my shelf bros

>> No.18494949

Self-improvement/self-help books are a useless meme you pathetic incel.

>> No.18494952

Luke 22:36
go tip your fedora elsewhere

>> No.18494957

Yes but for lack of taste rather than for political reasons.

>> No.18494962

Hmm but ain't ASOIAF sorta nerdy? I mean normal people don't read books if they can find the content in more (((easily digestible))) form

>> No.18494964

Kek you're right. Usually if politics come up I just let the other person talk while I occasionally comment or ask a question. I don't find myself attracted to left wingers usually anyways, it generally seeps into their entire person and I just don't care for it. I wish I could be like those guys who don't care and pursue and fuck anything but I just can't no matter how much I try.

>> No.18494966

>Catechism of the Catholic Church
That's going to scare off all non-Christian women, don't you know those chuds are against abortion?

>> No.18494967

No heterosexual man is that blond.

>> No.18494968

>coors banquet
broke bitch ew

>> No.18494969

You don't even work out you lit homosexual

>> No.18494976
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, 20210620_160530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom found my fascist book collection under my bed

>> No.18494978

I'd like to know what books they'd consider a positive signal though.

>> No.18494984

cause they will report you to joe biden

>> No.18494985

I could probably impersonate one with an acceptable degree of versimilitude for a date due to osmosis from /lit/, but more committed theorycels would probably see through my ruse. Theorycels tend to become girls (male) though, so it's no worry.

>> No.18494988

Hmm so is the self with Christian Icons a red flag?

>> No.18494990

Yes. But if you just want the quick notes:
4 principles of deep nutrition:
>Meat, preferably on the bone, properly cooked(not well done). From healthy animals .
>Organs, bones, offals. Eat the animal from nose to tail. Bone broths are a good addition to any diet
>Raw aliments, raw milk derivates, fruits, certain vegetables, meats(tartar as an exemple)
>Fermented aliments, sauerkraut, lacto fermented vegetables, etc.

If you don't practice extreme forms of physical activities, limit yourself from eating more than 100g of carbs per day.
Absolutely don't eat vegetable oils besides olive oil and coconut oil, and even those are better eaten without heating it.
Don't eat refined sugars, onions (some fermented forms like natto and traditionally made onions sauce and miso are ok) and basically 85% of what you can find in a USA supermarket.
LEARN TO COOK. If you know what you are doing traditional dishes and gourmet coisine are the absolute form of nutrition+pleasure. Classic French techniques are a good start.

>> No.18494991

Why would you date non-Christian women if you are one? Normal women are going to expect sex on the first date.

>> No.18494994

Probably some books by Ellen or Anita Sarkisian or smthin

>> No.18494996

>Shit rose


>> No.18494998
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> Normal women are going to expect sex on the first date.
Are modern women such sluts?

>> No.18495005

How the fuck did they list all these books and miss Infinite Jest, lmao.

>> No.18495006

Yes. Yes they are. 30-40 partners is unironically average for a young middle to upper-middle class girl coming out of college if she isn't ugly.

>> No.18495007
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 20210620_161110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the orthodox catechism be better?

>> No.18495010

American women are giga sluts. Literally jsut cumdumpsters.

>> No.18495014

At the very least they expect a kiss but if you somehow end at either one's apartment on the first date then yes sex is expected and if you don't initiate she'll assume you are a beta, if she avoids either she already tagged you as a beta

>> No.18495016

I checked my local public telegram channels. Theres about ten all explcitly for hook ups. There was one group which is a based /biz/ bro giving out free crypto currency advice

>> No.18495019

A 20 yo woman told me her body count was 10 and that seem excessive to me. I can't imagine the kind of mentally damaged slut who has slept with 30-40 men.

>> No.18495021


>> No.18495023

It says that good nutrition makes beauty, across cultures. It even have examples of uglyness(not well developed faces) and beauty in each of the various cultures it gives as an example.
From there I don't know how but some retard read it as "some races are more beautiful from others sieg hail" and it got on the nono list of reddit retards.

>> No.18495024
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That's disgusting desu.

>> No.18495027

Muslims are fucking scum of the earth and you're hilarious for liking them.

>> No.18495028

My girlfriend works in a book store and told me she learns so much from me because I'm an intellectual :^) I did it bros

>> No.18495029

> I can't imagine the kind of mentally damaged slut who has slept with 30-40 men.
My mom desu. She's almost 50 and has a harem of emotionally damaged men who take care of her.

>> No.18495032

cringe and heresy pilled (i'm a tradcath)

>> No.18495033
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>> No.18495041

Probably eclectic enough that you can get away with those blatant incel picks.

>> No.18495044

You clearly haven't been with a woman in a long time, maybe never.

>> No.18495045

While I agree they seem to at least respect their traditions and reject the modern globohomo.

>> No.18495052

First off, pursuing one would be a terrible idea, but if you're genuinely curious...

Books that agree with their political alignment (self-described radical feminism) would be a good bet, but that can't be everything.

Two trends stuck out to me about the post: the OP was paranoid about "techbros" and anything more complicated than Facebook or WhatsApp, and also criticized nihilism. So you'd want happy, light, and mainstream books. Nothing too deep, depressing, or complex.

>> No.18495053

Yeah, but women can't profile you from her.

>> No.18495054

I don't want to be around when her age starts catching up with her

>> No.18495055

Apply 3N rule, it's actually 30

Americans are spiritually and physically disgusting, they also aren't even the worst though, that dubious honor apparently goes to Kiwi women.

>> No.18495062

Where to get a qt3.14 gf who looks up to me?

>> No.18495064

Its okay she botoxes

>> No.18495065

Eat Pray Love comes to mind for some reason. Not sure how it's neocolonialism would hit with the girls though

>> No.18495066


>> No.18495069

muslims girls are no1 for sjw left wing stuff

>> No.18495075

Uh, what was that second group, anon?

Excellent effortpost, thank you for typing this out.

>> No.18495078

Alright then... I give her till 55. The Wall will be like a fond memory when Gigachad /Menopause/ hits her on the ovaries

>> No.18495085

No one outdoes Pajeetas in wokeness, Muslimas are a strong contender for second place though.

>> No.18495086

That's the immigrants though, in their own countries they know how to keep them in check

>> No.18495089

>Buy a sword for self defense

Self defense doesn't necessarily mean killing, dipshit Christcuck. You can defend yourself without killing someone.

Not so much so with a firearm. Equating a sword with a firearm is pretty brainlet of you. Much easier to kill with a firearm.

>> No.18495093

Shut the fuck up jew.

>> No.18495094

for now

>> No.18495097

The Nigger of the Narcissus

>> No.18495098

That's a bit out of vogue by now, but maybe something by the same author would be good.

Of course, you'd need an excuse as to why you'd have such a book, and you'd have to be familiar enough with the contents to have a conversation about it...

>> No.18495099

What a cute boi

>> No.18495100

I liked this post anon

>> No.18495101

I used Tinder, but I met her on the first and only date I ever had with someone from the app.

>> No.18495104

How cute is she?

>> No.18495107

>Not so much so with a firearm.
Shoot them in the limbs. Problem solved.

>> No.18495108

>What do you think social relations could look like a few years or decades down the line?

It could get worse, and then you’ll see an attempt to correct the symptoms of the problem (widespread anxiety and depression) through things like medication instead of addressing the actual cause of the problem. Alternatively, things could get better, but it might take a very long time for it to do so, because society would likely need to collapse before it corrects itself. There are examples of this happening in the past.

The problem now, though, if we’re talking about fixing societies is that corporations and governments will likely be able to control people in a manner that is unprecedented as technology develops. People recognize societal problems and they collaborate with one another to fix them, but if these solutions are seen as anathematic to whatever entity is running society, and if they have greater tools at their disposal to censor thought and speech, if becomes more difficult to solve problems. In order to solve a problem you must first identify it and speak about it, but if speaking about it is restricted, you can’t even begin to fix it.

Regarding the women from this subreddit: society is telling them that they will be happier if they act less like women and more like men. This is not true, and anything that goes against biology is bound to fail. (This is also why, despite all the hand-wringing about fat acceptance, people still find obese people sexually repulsive.) I’m not sure why women ever thought it was a good idea to go join men in the trenches of the 40 hour work week, stranded in the office under fluorescent lighting for 30-50 years, but I suspect it has something to do with creating more consumers with disposable income.

>> No.18495109

Yeah sounds like way too much effort to score with the equivalent of the /pol/ schizo. Gonna be a hard pass, my evening will be better with Epictetus by my side

>> No.18495115

brown tomboy goth gf

>> No.18495122

>I’m not sure why women ever thought it was a good idea to go join men in the trenches of the 40 hour work week, stranded in the office under fluorescent lighting for 30-50 years, but I suspect it has something to do with creating more consumers with disposable income.
So that they don't have to depend on an (ugly) man to pay their bills, obviously.

>> No.18495123

meaning what?

>> No.18495128

The solution is the ebook for weird things

>> No.18495133

the solution is bee urself pussy

>> No.18495139
File: 6 KB, 381x313, Chart 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugly men
Women find the majority of men unattractive desu

>> No.18495144

Stop with the anime way of thinking. A blade can easily maim and kill a person, and in a fight with an persistent assaulter it's virtually the only likely result.
Both a sword and a firearm are pretty comparable in their historical context, 90% of the time it will dissuade the confrontation, or it will result in blood and death.

>> No.18495146

Her background's Indian

>> No.18495148

They still cohabitate with ugly men with incomes, but now they’re both working instead of just him.

>> No.18495151

>The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene (Men who know about Greene's books v fishy)
kek, so i'm not even allowed to be aware of Greene?

>> No.18495161

Meaning what?

>> No.18495162

women where served the idea that if they worked they would also become more independent, at the same time living costs went magically up so practical men sent their wives to work and cunning women went to get "theirs". Jewy doubled both the consumers and the workforce and also began destroying the family nucleus the gateway of any child to society.

>> No.18495163

>you’ll see an attempt to correct the symptoms of the problem (widespread anxiety and depression) through things like medication instead of addressing the actual cause of the problem.

Fully believe this. It's already happening.

>corporations and governments will likely be able to control people in a manner that is unprecedented as technology develops.

I believe this as well, which is why I don't think a "collapse" is inevitable at all. I think many who posit a collapse are secretly optimistic about it.

>This is not true, and anything that goes against biology is bound to fail.

I still find it astonishing how radfems will say every man who ever lived is terrible, and list all sorts of things like porn addiction and the male gaze, but go to the end claiming there are zero biological differences between men and women. Crazy.

Also totally agree with your point about consumers and disposable income. I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.18495167

Spoken like a literal shut-in. The average median number of lifetime sexual partners for both men and women is around 7.

I love how hypocritical you cocksuckers are since the entirety of Western male culture has been get laid ASAP and with as many women as humanly possible for ages.

Why else do you fucking faggots shit on each other as you do for any perceived sign of sexual inexperience. If every guy in your society basically holds the same expectation of what "masculine success" is, how can you be so surprised/indignant when basically every dude makes sex a priority?

Of course women get passed around, it's what a guy basically demands in a relationship: sex.

You mongoloids get butthurt at women for doing the exact same shit men have been doing forever.

Everyone who isn't a disgusting incel degenerate has probably had multiple sexual partners.

You stupid fuckers made being a virgin a fucking taboo and then you're butthurt when there aren't many female virgins around that aren't as disgusting and repugnant as you are.

Do you niggers literally lay around tossing and turning thinking about your current partners past sexual experiences?

That's thinking like a fucking cuck if you ask me, letting your partners past sexual partners live rent free in your head.

TL;DR: You fucking faggots dug your own goddamned graves with this shit and then fucking bitch about it.

I'd rather fuck an attractive non-virgin who knows how to please a cock over the celibate adipose tissue piles of shit who are still a virgin any old day of the fucking week.

>> No.18495170

She already had a hysterectomy

>> No.18495173

calm down

>> No.18495176

LMAO seething slut

>> No.18495178

Technically he is correct. Knife wounds to vital organs are easier to fix than gun wounds. I think last I saw a knife wound to the heart was fatal 50% of the time if hosptalization happened immediately, while a gun wound was fatal 95% of the time.

>> No.18495188

Nice spacing lol

>> No.18495189

I dunno, she's hot?

>> No.18495190

You are fucking retarded. Shoot a nigger in the thigh or shoulder and there's still a high likelyhood of bleeding to death.

Real life isn't like Fallout VATS targeting you stupid fuck.

>> No.18495191

>6 at y/o
>currently no gf
>currently no prospects for a gf
How bad is it, fellow posters?

>> No.18495193

>That's thinking like a fucking cuck if you ask me, letting your partners past sexual partners live rent free in your head.
Cuck cope. For almost all of human history a woman had to be a virgin to be eligible for marriage. Only recently has marrying cum-dumpsters become normalized.

>> No.18495194

That number was restricted to a certain subset of women. Why are you seething so hard? If you want to insert your penis into literal petri dishes of disease, that's your prerogative. Enjoy throat cancer.

>> No.18495195


if not bait, you misunderstand the state of things on such a fundamental level there's no point in responding. you will never see it, you may as well live in an alternate reality.

>> No.18495197

That is a man.

>> No.18495198

kek look at this seething homosexual

>> No.18495201

Could be a lot worse anon.
Imagine having a cheating gf or dating a fat and/or ugly woman.

Just keep improving yourself King!

>> No.18495204


>> No.18495205

I mean, from India or Native American?

>> No.18495208

Shots to limbs are more fatal than shots to the core

>> No.18495209

>Shoot a nigger in the thigh or shoulder and there's still a high likelyhood of bleeding to death.
That'd be a good thing, though.

>> No.18495210

Oh, my bad.. I wasn't aware we had preserved written records of the last 100,000 years or so of Human prehistory.

I thought it was just the last 10,000 or so..

>> No.18495212

>Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
>Apuleius - The Golden Ass
The fuck?

>> No.18495214

Doubt it.

>> No.18495215

I think we can all agree that we would choose a virgin over a more "experienced" woman, if anything simply due to the age difference... However since this is current norm what are we supposed to do? Stay eternal singles failing our ancestors? Import a virgin from former soviet countries? Or settle for a woman as experienced as ourselves if not more even?

>> No.18495216

>Becoming a Supple Leopard
This guy is a fucking crossfit fag. How did he get on the nazi list, other than from the amazing title?

>> No.18495219

that's a man, isn't it

>> No.18495221

Getting an 18 yo woman.

>> No.18495223

no hymen no diamond.i'm 6'2, fit, and handsome and also a virgin myself. people who sleep around and expect me to settle for such trash are insane. i'd literally rather die alone than marry used goods.

>> No.18495224

Nazis wear pants, so obviously anyone that uses pants are Nazis.

>> No.18495226

What do you think normies would think about me having Blood Meridian and all of McCarthy's books for that matter?

>> No.18495227

Hopefully it will work out but I'm almost 30 and very much afraid my bio clock is gonna kick in and make me settle for a fattie

>> No.18495228

Hello my white brother.

>> No.18495230


>> No.18495231

lmao look at all this butthurt

>l-l-lol... NO U!


>> No.18495233

Soviet teenager it is then

>> No.18495237

>8 Mishima books. It’s over for me.
>8 Mishima books
>bringing home women

>> No.18495239

McCarthy is read by normies. Movies based on his works have won Oscars ffs. They wont care

>> No.18495241

It is very doubtful that they even know what it's about so you are safe

>> No.18495242

Oh, from India. Who still calls Native Americans "Indian"?

>> No.18495245

Maybe her dad is a corrupt politician?

>> No.18495248

You said you loved cocks. I'm not wrong.

>> No.18495249

Virtually every single non native English speaker

>> No.18495253

>claim they have no social media
This is a red flag to them? A guy without social media?
I'd be happy to find a girl that doesn't have a faceberg, twatter, or snapchat account.

>> No.18495254
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1610333514902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what unga bunga proto humans were doing, I'm talking about recorded history. How does it feel knowing the woman sleeping in your bed at night has had 20 gallons of nigger cum in her? Faggot. Neck yourself.
This is a difficult question to answer. I personally have sworn off marriage since I refuse to wed a cum-dumpster. I choose to focus on reading, exercise, and banging whores to keep me occupied.

>> No.18495255

you angry why

>> No.18495256

>6' 2 handsome and fit

Then you wouldn't be a virgin you stupid bastard. Most women I've known, attractive and not so attractive lost their virginities as kids literally 11 and up.

The ideal you wait for does not exist anymore. Enjoy growing old and bitter for your lack of pussy you stupid fuck.

>> No.18495258

Hmm don't know about your country but where im from we are highly influenced by the "cowboys and Indians" terminology

>> No.18495263

post tits

>> No.18495265
File: 289 KB, 750x610, EA7B125C-5532-4415-81D9-C1BB4FC981B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18495266

friendly reminder that "native Americans" meant white people until the 1960s culture campaigns

>> No.18495273

I like how they just combine every kind of RW guy in their head, no BAPist would ever praise either of those cunts

>> No.18495275

one of us

>> No.18495278

Lies were corrected. There shouldn't be any controversy.

>> No.18495280

>Honestly not even a big fan of the stoics and their philosophy (I see it as life-denying, but I guess it can be good if you don't think about it too much), but I don't see anything harmful in Marcus
theres a reason it was popular among slaves

>> No.18495282

This is a copy/pasta from r9k, you fool

>> No.18495287

indian tribes aren't Americans, they're people conquered by Americans

>> No.18495288

nope, some are, most aren't
my gf is 22 in uni and has only been with one other guy before me

>> No.18495289

bait counts as dissenting opinions thus 4chan is not an echo chamber

>> No.18495290

How can it be? I literally just typed it out on my own.

>> No.18495293
File: 213 KB, 900x1200, EsH-qq1XYAIg-Az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. She's a real girl desu

>> No.18495294

I was going to list these as well as Ernest Hemingway. Surprised those didn't show up.

Genuinely don't know how FDS want masculine men when they deplore any sort of masculine intellectual interest whatsoever, even stuff as basic as Joe Rogan.

>> No.18495298

she's cute, wish I could coom on her forehead.

>> No.18495300

American can also mean everyone from the Americas. The First Nations are not Indians.

>> No.18495301

>Muh hymen

Do you degenerate incel fucks not realize that the hymen regrows?

>> No.18495302

You're just ignorant then. Theres data demomstrating this. Limbs have major artieries that bleed out in minutes. You can get shot in the gut and live for about 3 days

>> No.18495304

>those wage bands
>that competition among the middle class to be more woke to make up for not doing anything important and not being rich

>> No.18495305

All of these books suck. Based roasties desu.

>> No.18495306

>First Nations
another subversive neologism
i suppose the English and French Canadians are 'second nations' lol

>> No.18495310

Roger that. Shoot in the torso it is.

>> No.18495311

I'm happy the sheer amount of autism keeps fags like this off the boards

>> No.18495312

He’s very special that way. Needs big spaces to make his point stand out

>> No.18495314
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>> No.18495319

Yes, right to the gut. Not only are they likely to live but the cunt will have to shit into a bag for the rest of his life.

>> No.18495323

Imagine being someone who has to look authors and books up to find out what people like in them.

Imagine being someone who has to worry about “safe” bookshelves trying to attract that kind of people.

>> No.18495324

They’re invaders and despoilers of the Earth. You/they are the first subversives

>> No.18495326

I know she's ugly but something about the pale freckled face and strawberry blonde hair entice me.

>> No.18495329

Alright then: The Siberians who first populated what is now known as the Americas (or América, Amerika, Amérique) have no relation to Indians.

>> No.18495334

yeah this is cope. you're not hot cause you gave u the pussy like a retard, you're just low value and didn't hold out for a good man because you can't attain that anyway.

>> No.18495337

watched 6 minutes of that before i realised BAP is a kpop thing he is talking about

>> No.18495343

And she probably wishes that this would never happen to her.

What are her unpopular books she always recommends???

>> No.18495345

In the balkans there are special plastic surgeons that sew your hymen back, they are literally called virginity stichers.
Highly doubt these would exist if it magically regrew

>> No.18495350

Go on. Ask her out. *pushes*

>> No.18495353
File: 70 KB, 576x1024, 30c8487c504a36897dda461674100534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares

>> No.18495356

Clearly I do.

>> No.18495357

If they're invaders and despoilers then why are you insisting on sharing a name and nation with them?

>> No.18495363


>> No.18495366


>> No.18495372

This. There is a major artery in the leg, clip that, you're basically fucked. There's one that goes through the shoulder, hit that? Fucked.

However, I'm not surprised you sexual-political charged fucking obsessive losers know next to nothing of the human body.

A slash from a blade is never going to be as destructive as a penetrating, fragmenting, slug of lead unless you know where to stab a motherfucker which requires close quarters, even then it's never a sure bet.

Whereas a bullet from a distance can do far more traumatic damage. Then again, I shouldn't expect a bunch of keyboard warrior shut-ins to know anything about ballistics or tissue damage.

I'm willing to bet 98% of you fucking losers are inner city idiots who have never even discharged a firearm, let alone been hunting or even been in a fistfight.

You stupid twats sit around all day pontificating about shit you know absolutely NOTHING about. Of course you're all butthurt, bitter, isolated woman haters.

I bet if 9/10 of you paid a thousand bucks for a one night hour with a clean escort you'd be 1000% less cunty and pathetic.

>> No.18495375

Don't say you were not warned

>> No.18495380

Fuck you!

>> No.18495383

I'm a guy you dipshit. At least I felt a hot warm pussy before the age of thirty, unlike you.

You should try it, might make you a less tryhard annoying faggot that no one can stand being around.

>> No.18495384

1000 dollars for a clean escort for 1h. God damn you burgers have overcharged whores.

>> No.18495393

Oh give it a rest for a minute. Anyway, nobody in America even says first nations, it's a Canadian thing. I've heard alot of natives don't even like the term.

>> No.18495394

seethe more redditor

>> No.18495395

Don't care. She was hot AF.I went the whole hour without cumming. I bet you couldn't last for more than fifteen minutes.

>> No.18495402

kek I've seen their escorts in some websites. Totally overrated. There are better whores in my country.

>> No.18495404

You're the one seething. Who let's reddit live rent free in their head so much that they refuse to put spaces between paragraphs?

Did you not finish high school, dipshit?

>> No.18495405

She’s really cute. I could save her
...and use some of that shelving

>> No.18495406
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>> No.18495408


>> No.18495409

Dude, I don't know what level of cunty and pathetic you were at, but if this is a 1000% reduction, you need to pay a lot more to hookers for a long time with diminishing returns.

>> No.18495418

It's Las Vegas, fucking sue me. Thanks to the pandemic the brothels were all closed.

You're still going to be paying out the ass for a sexually attractive escort either way.

>> No.18495420

bro, you write 5+ unhinged sentences every time you post. simmer down and stop seething.

>> No.18495425

Still nowhere near the stuck up starchy piece of shit that you are. At least women enjoy my company enough to touch my cock.

I'm sure most of them can't stand being within fifteen feet of you.

>> No.18495426

why did her baby teeth never fall out

>> No.18495431

>Your sentence structure means you're mad!

You're fucking retarded, you know that?

>> No.18495435

Because she never had sex

>> No.18495437

Dude did you forget you were paying women to touch your cock?

>> No.18495438

>At least women enjoy my company enough to touch my cock.
You pay for hookers, pal. Don't mistake things.

>> No.18495440

You have no idea how many times this happened to me and how many times I bitched out.

>> No.18495445

I'm an inner city idiot and I own 8 guns and have been shooting since I was a kid.

>> No.18495447

It's not the sentence structure. It's the limp-wristed angry content inside your text. Are you on your period?

>> No.18495459

>4chan is one person

>> No.18495462

Wrong hole, Casanova.

>> No.18495538

thanks anon

>> No.18495544

you realize youre retarded and got filtered by the bible right

>> No.18495577

brainworms moment

>> No.18495582

Sword to protect against bears and lions

>> No.18495593

I wish she was a boy :(

>> No.18495600 [DELETED] 

Came back after a few hours. How the fuck did the bread get so big?

>> No.18495617

the problem with stuff like this is that its purely theoretical for the woman, plenty of women would say theyd never date an alt right guy, but any normal woman wont care if you're attractive to them, only brainrot politics obsessed bug people would make it a deal breaker and theyre not worth it anyways

>> No.18495620

300 replies in 3 hours. I wonder what people are discussing so much here. Anyone with a quick rundown?

>> No.18495639

three weeks ago, i had a tinder date with a somewhat locally known feminist at my place. when she entered my room she went straight to the bookshelf and i said "you don't even have to look, there's no women there"
i didn't fuck her

>> No.18495642

>You mongoloids get butthurt at women for doing the exact same shit men have been doing forever.
yeah men and women are different go figure faggot

>> No.18495653

Some retards made a list of "problematic" books that you should avoid when dating. And then you have a lot of retarded debates on it.
Since it brings the topics of females, dating and incels(both genders) it was easy to hit bump limit in 3 hours.

>> No.18495663

were there any women there?

>> No.18495709

a few but i thought it was a funny thing to say

>> No.18495711

he has propaganda against thessalian witches in it

>> No.18495729

Did she laugh?

>> No.18495749

no, but i have weird affect due to 13 years of intense internet addiction so people usually can't tell if i'm joking or if i'm just autistic

>> No.18495779

I miss the naive 90s technooptimism of the IT crowd so goddamn much.

>> No.18495783

only on /pol/ and /v/. Where did you find propaganda on /an/ and /po/?

>> No.18495814


>> No.18495887

me too, friend

>> No.18495929

Would the sex even be good? Look inwards man.

>> No.18495930
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I met a girl from Tinder about a month ago and we started dating. She wants to study psychology and, given that my mother is a psychologist that's been teaching me a lot about it from an early age, she found me as an authority for some reason.
She's from a shit family and has a tattoo "Impossible" on her arm as ths James Arthur X Factor song. She's never going to be a psychologist.
She's an absolute retard who can barely wipe her own ass by herself.
I am a documentary filmmaker and one of my films is about Mishima and the suicidal triangle connection of nazism, narcisoids and homos.
She liked it (I doubt she understood a milisecond of it), so I gave her my copy of The Confessions of a Mask (I doubt she'll ever read it).
I banged her in a hottub the day after.

We broke up yesterday because I simply couldn't take her constant helplessness mixed with a cynical sassy "bad girl" attitude.

I've met girls like her before and it's always the same.

In conclusion, as a contrast to this bitch thinking she can read a man through his bookshelf (I have both Das Kapital and Mein Kampf displayed on mine alongside The Bible and The Quran) to read a woman, or any person for that matter, just look at their family: dead parent - red flag! divorced - red flag! so on and so forth.
I'm certain most of you can already dedect that.
These women are low-hanging fruit, so if you're up for a quicky then go for it, but expect nothing more.

>> No.18495955

Tattoo not a red flag? How did you break up? It's better to ghost this type of trash.

>> No.18495960

Post link to the documentary.

>> No.18495962
File: 8 KB, 250x234, 1577089005221s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a documentary filmmaker and one of my films is about Mishima and the suicidal triangle connection of nazism, narcisoids and homos.

>> No.18495980

Thanks. Moving my copy to living room shelf.

>> No.18495984

She had long slevees for the most part so I didn't have to look at it, but since I was already there I just went with it.

I sent her a message during her sassy episode where she refused my call (I invited her for dinner at my place where I planned to break the news) telling her she's incompetent and childish, but wished her a bright future and to get rid of the tattoo.

>> No.18495990

PLEASE PLEAAASE, let me fucking see this documentary.

>> No.18496030

she was hot so probably

>> No.18496032

Some kinda dig it
The most online kind, kek

>> No.18496050

Unfortunately it's not in English, I'm not from the anglosphere.
Well, I interviewed some American queer studies retard professor, but he only appears for a few seconds. Part is in Japanese.

It's a subtle anti-gay film about Mishima, Rhom and the like, conclusion being nazis=fags=suicidal retards jerking off in the mirror.

I was inspired with by the huge letdown while reading Mishima and while meeting incredibly boring bodybuilders and political theory enthusiats, who were basically starwars manboys constantly repeating the same three prepeared monologues about the balance of soul and body and measily conclusions like that.

Read Schmitt's writings on decisions and norms.

>> No.18496057


>> No.18496070

I really don't care about language, I know how to translate.

>> No.18496071

The only guy that I know that was openly talking about reading Schmitt was a morbidly obese autist that gave shit courses on my uni. Should I cast away this preconception?

>> No.18496074


>> No.18496091

>I was inspired with by the huge letdown while reading Mishima
Is he not worth reading?

>> No.18496143
File: 1.72 MB, 498x498, 223ABB4D-F17C-49C3-973B-7D69A34A7E82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not surprised at all.
Despite finding Schmitt's analysis correct, it still doesn't make his fanboys any more tolerable. I assume most of them are like the guys on here https://youtube.com/channel/UCPKaSxQ7frxGAwgaQ29P9Eg which I described.

I always had a lot of interest for religion, politics, history and philosophy, but it always seems that, after the initial wave hits, it all waters down to little boys trying to one up each other with who is deeper in it.

"Dude dude did you know that Hitler wiped his ass backwards? Do you know that Napoleon scratched his balls in perfect circular motion? Dude dude"
shut the fuck up

That is why unless I will make a decision to answer the call to action and actually murder someone, I just keep my beliefs for myself in public, cause I think I'd just throw up cringing at it while I hear myself speak becoming one of the "akshully did you know that Hegel..." guys.

Identical to the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE queerbos, always surrounding themselves with those identical to them, just like homos, just like nazis, and fading away - forgotten and with no offsprings.

First book of Aristotle's Politics (part about man and women) as well as Socrates in The Symposium, answered this a long long time ago.

>> No.18496151

No. He is really nothing special, just like Peterson or BAP.

Maybe to Americans, but for anyone with a classical education he can only be of use as a cautionary tale.

>> No.18496174

Wait what's wrong with BAP?

>> No.18496226

as if these femoids would even know that

>> No.18496263
File: 243 KB, 385x390, 1622394429085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf is 22 in uni and has only been with one other guy before me

>> No.18496270

Another Joe Rogan tuffguy, repeating over and over shit that's been well fucking known since the beggining of time and presenting it as something new and mindblowing.

yeah no shit

But he is not "wrong", neither is Peterson or whoever, I suppose that from time to time they can actually help severe cases, but in the end it's nothing fucking new.

Go to church like people have been doing for hundreds of years and you'll hear the same lessons, get some sunlight and social interaction and maybe even find yourself a woman.

Powerlifting at 5am in a dark basement while Jocko Willing yells at you to kill yourself is literally just one of the ways to dwell in your basement and eventually turn to dust.

Go outside and actually kill someone.

>> No.18496273
File: 30 KB, 600x505, 385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's gonna tell him?

>> No.18496280

The poster below will tell him.

>> No.18496291

but the bible is full of killings, my fedora tipping friend

>> No.18496292

She's a lying whore

>> No.18496301

You come off like a giant fag lmao

>> No.18496328

>As someone who has persused 4chan a decent amount back in the day and unfortunately had to deal with many 4chan users and 4chan adjacent people in STEM programs, here are some other books that might tip you off he's in the 4chan realm of the manosphere: Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Stoner. Especially if these are just one their shelves and they haven't actually read them lmao.

>> No.18496577

Psychologists have an avg IQ of 105 - 110. She'll do fine.

>> No.18496608

He's bullshitting. His focus on Mishima's sexuality means there's probably very little there anyways. Not even his biographers put that much focus on his faggotry when they try to figure him out

>> No.18496748

>He wants to brainwash you into living a happy and healthy life

>> No.18496790

>The ideal you wait for does not exist anymore. Enjoy growing old and bitter for your lack of pussy you stupid fuck.
I think the number of promiscuous women is lower than most people think and I also don't think it's a big deal for a woman to have a few previous partners if they were in serious relationships but at the same time, virgin is ideal. But if we assume that it's true that there are no women who are like that anymore, what are traditional men supposed to do? I'm genuinely curious what you guys think. Isn't it better to marry and have children with someone who isn't a virgin than to die childless and alone?

>> No.18496794


>> No.18496800

How did she respond? Was she at least a nice person?

>> No.18496852
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, aesthetic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your relationship is a happy and lasting one, anon. I can understand how a some people's personal experiences and/or the image of the average young woman presented by the mass media might cause some people to suspect your gf is lying but you know her better than any of us do and if you trust her, I think you should believe her. It really isn't that far-fetched anyways. Although that other anon was sperging out extremely hard, he is right that the average lifetime number of partners for a woman is around like 7 or 8 so someone still young who is only interested in serious relationships may have only been with 1 previous person.

These kind of threads are often discouraging for people. I hope you all find someone someday. Just keep improving yourselves. Nothing is certain but if you play your cards right, your chances of finding one of the good ones out there increase significantly.

>> No.18496859

I thought FDS was closer to the female equivalent of the red pill pua stuff than incels

>> No.18496889

nah. even if you do find a decent women, you aren't gonna be able to raise a family. you'll have to spend all your time wageslaving while your kids get raised by the government workers in public school. some canadian guy just got put in jail for misgendering his tranny daughter.

>> No.18496918

Don't be so blackpilled. It doesn't help anyone. At the very least, we have to strive toward personal fulfilment and a better world. You have to try. Or don't. If you don't want it, I guess that just frees up more resources for my descendants.