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/lit/ - Literature

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18489964 No.18489964 [Reply] [Original]

>Go on /lit/
>Everyone seems smart as fuck
>Start reading philosophy myself
>Realize most people here are retarded and many people talk about things they haven't even read about

>> No.18489968

Do tourists really expect something different?

>> No.18489975
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>> No.18489980

Yes, the squeaky wheel is in the forefront posting more than the silent book reviser

>> No.18489984

I'm actually a genius pretending to be a retard who pretends to be smart

>> No.18489985

4chan is not for intelligence, it's for revealing depths of psyche impossible elsewhere

>> No.18490028

>everyone seems
That's that. They SEEM.

>> No.18490046

This is pretty much my experience with 4chan as a whole.

>visit board
>woah these people know a lot about subject
>start trying to catch up
>eventually realize everybody on the board is a retard

>> No.18490053

When you're really based you'll be able to spot people who are full of shit even if they're debating something you know nothing about. You can kind of sense when someone's understanding of an issue or thinker is too powerpoint bullet list and stereotypical, or when they frame things in a way that betrays a poor understanding of how those fields really operate.

>> No.18490095

I have no idea what I'm talking about most of the time I'm just pretending
I'm actually very retarded, irl I can barely speak coherent sentences because of brain problems

>> No.18490312

>you know more about the subject than when you started.
Seems the board has done its job then

>> No.18490341

yes, just lurk and enjoy the occasional good thread when the stars align

>> No.18490342

What’s sad is that as dumb as /lit/ is, it’s a meeting of the minds compared to every other literature forum I know of

>> No.18490351

I know a magic trick
go to the catalog, hold down shift, now click on your thread of choice

>> No.18490354

I like it because I'm a big fish in a small pond

>> No.18490355

Oh shut the fuck up
this place is normie as hell
nothing authentic about this
why do people think this is like the end game of internet forums
all of this is a larper train

>> No.18490637

Normies browse /b/, maybe some other boards, but I don't think there are many normies on /lit/, and by that I'm not saying /lit/tards are some kind of special breed, but you can have interesting conversations here sometimes, which is impossible on Reddit, for example.

>> No.18490645
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Are you under the impression that e.g. Plato only talked about things that he had read about?

>> No.18490684

Literal, unironic dunning-kruger. Also, conflating intelligence with knowledge is peak, peak pseud. Incorrect or deficient knowledge can always be corrected and supplanted. The manner by which you interact with that knowledge is something that can't be taught or corrected with more knowledge. Take this Churchill quote:
>My dear you are ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly
You might know more than I do today, but tomorrow I will have that same knowledge and you will still be retarded.

>> No.18490815

literally me

>> No.18490818

yes we're human

>> No.18490822

But I'll also have that same knowledge plus more, so you'll still be retarded to me.

>> No.18490829
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hint: you use the word "normie"

>> No.18490837

Welcome to the internet
This is what everyone thinks

>> No.18490882
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>smart but lazy

>> No.18490885

Big cope. Information is cheap and freely available. Even in highly technical, advanced fields of study having recall of information is becoming almost unnecessary. The important thing about learning, which has been forgotten due to strategies built around academic pedagogy, is learning how to actually interact with information.

>> No.18490899

'if i may coin an expression'

>> No.18490948

this, but unironically

>> No.18490957
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Are you pretending right now or is this for real?

>> No.18491020 [DELETED] 

reddit > /lit/ simple as
I am not saying which subreddit because I don't want fags on it

>> No.18491025

Part of why certain subs are better than /lit/ is because they aren't dominated by philosophical pseuds. There's separate good subs for phil and for literature.

>> No.18491044

if you honestly came to /lit/ and thought the posters here were "smart as fuck," you're dumb as fuck

>> No.18491045

or maybe he was young and uneducated?

>> No.18491061

people don't get smarter with age and education, anon. you've been lied to

>> No.18491070

right... he was smart enough to want to become educated, and he did. don't see a problem with that but clearly you think it's more important to boast about your IQ or whatever than to actually learn and do things

>> No.18491071
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im not telling

>> No.18491087

Which I can already do, plus I still know more than you. So continue to cope with muh technology. The fact of ingesting information actually allows you to consider it and synthesize it into how you act and learn, so yes, it does actually improve who you are in comparison with just looking things up on a computer at random.

>> No.18491092

i don't care about iq either

>> No.18491134
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OP, you need to know something:

Intelligence is static.

A book will never make you smarter, allow you to gleam into some hidden insight into the world, it will never enrich your life, nor turn you into a better person.

I'll say it once again:
You will not learn anything (cognitively speaking), think faster, or unlock any hidden potential from books. A dumber person could read the entire western canon and every philosophy text ever written, and he'd still be dumber and less well-spoken than the guy who has never read a book in his life, but has a big brain.

>> No.18491143

lit is unironically one of the dumber boards but at least we sometimes get some good recommendations

>> No.18491237

>this place is normie as hell
Then please leave. Please. Anyone who uses the word "normie" is a normie because normies are the first to call themselves quirky and different. We just want to read and shitpost. If you want schizophrenia go back to /pol/.

>> No.18491293
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is it just that they’re retarded anon? or is it something else

>> No.18491370

>The fact of ingesting information actually allows you to

>> No.18491377

you’re not a kantian?

>> No.18491430

4chan is unironically one of most intellectual places on the internet.

>> No.18491493

> i don't care
read russian to cure nihilism

>> No.18491503

Please don't remind me of this, anon. If there was a better /lit/, I'd never come back.

>> No.18491541
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>> No.18491596

I'm a native English speaker.

>> No.18491619

Stop projecting brainlet. Just cause you didn't gain anything doesn't mean no one else does.

>> No.18491640

Let's be real here for a second. What's the metric for the whole pseud vs. TruIntellectual meme? There isn't one, and the only thing that approaches it are credentials – academic credentials. Everyone who calls someone else a pseud is really just referencing the academic superstructure. The implication is that only degree-havers can be TruIntellectuals, and that people without degrees are lowly pseuds. The problem with this is that it's a mindset born and bred for big reddit cock. We are anonymous here. There's no such thing as a credential for you to anonymously lean on in order to be taken more seriously than you'd otherwise merit. On 4chan we have the free flow of ideas, untethered to anything but the idea itself. If you want to pretend like you can judge someone on being a pseud or TruIntellectual, I suggest you go back to you know where. It's a place where you can have a nice name on top of your post which you can build up into the gay internet avatar of yourself like you do on Twitter. We actually like to discuss and learn here. You can go chase your next jumping hoop somewhere else.

>> No.18491658

Wow i've actually done this on this board. Many times, in fact.

>> No.18491793

>There isn't one
There is
>the only thing that approaches it are credentials – academic credentials
>Everyone who calls someone else a pseud is really just referencing the academic superstructure
not always
>The implication is that only degree-havers can be TruIntellectuals, and that people without degrees are lowly pseuds
not at all, either you're projecting or just really insecure
>On 4chan we have the free flow of ideas, untethered to anything but the idea itself
>We actually like to discuss and learn here
pure delusion kek, I smell a redditor ashamed of its roots

>> No.18491816

Bad premise, someone is a pseud when they're trying to pass off their opinion as informed despite it being evidently not. To be a pseud is the same as being a poser. It's posturing, the flip side of that is that when someone speaks with substance they are not a pseud, regardless of credentials

How do you manage to be more cringe than the guy we both disagree with? Pathetic. Posting while underage is a bannable offense.

>> No.18491920

>all of this is a larper train
yes, and larping is where the depths of psyche are revealed the most

>> No.18492004

That'll be true wherever you go desu.

>> No.18492008

>How do you manage to be more cringe than the guy we both disagree with? Pathetic. Posting while underage is a bannable offense.
Because I am bored

>> No.18492076

True. I always thought 4chan was a great place to learn. It won't necessarily give you resources to learn, but it will keep you motivated, keep you interested and there's sort of a competitive urge to be one of the more well informed posters on the board.

>> No.18492112

Hence Spengler called Education a Shaping of what was already there, in contrast to Training which gives something to the trainee: Race.

>> No.18492463

Understandable, im sorry for calling you cringe

>> No.18492582

>If you want schizophrenia go back to /pol/.
It's not schizophrenic to point out the well backed fact that jews own the media, art, literature, hollywood etc and are using it to destroy our culture and replace us with 3rd world savages

>> No.18492651

If you don't read, literally kys.
If you want ro banter, or talk philosophy as you like to call it, READ THE BOOKS

>> No.18492667

Go to science and math if you actually want smart people. You won't find that here.

>> No.18492720

>It's not schizophrenic
Yes it is.
Replace "jews" by "The City of London Corporation" (which includes many jews, obviously) however and you'd be right.

>> No.18492765

How would your hypothetical big-brained non-reader develop the requisite vocabulary to be well spoken without reading
This is the one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever read

>> No.18492781

You had to read philosophy to realize that? couldn't you just lurk for a bit?

>> No.18492939

True intellectual read technical books, like how to do warfare, how to manage the economy, how to master human resource, how to be empty, etc. Not talking about Nietzche all day.

>> No.18493024
File: 8 KB, 140x230, William_Luther_Pierce_at_young_age_in_military_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr William Luther Pierce
Physics PhD, veteran yet deeply read Homer's epics, erudite as Schopenhauer and Nietzche. He became a book publisher against all odds with the world against him. There is no one like him that has succeeded as he has and awoken so many so deeply to the biological peril of our times.
The only excuse to be a philistine is to enjoy the esteem of pleb rabble rather than to carve a new oasis of old for yourself.

>> No.18493042

>True intellectual read technical books,
> like how to do warfare, how to manage the economy, how to master human resource, how to be empty, etc.
confirmed teenage brainlet. true intellectual technical books are about obscure topics in physics and geography.

>> No.18493051
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It's fun
Until the Voltaire curse rears its head

>> No.18493057
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I love quoting John Travolta

>> No.18493100

haha me 2

>> No.18493769

Sure but it's schizophrenic to think the earth is flat dinosaurs never existed and to kill people because you can't get laid.

>> No.18493782

Get lit recs, read and explore further. Come back for more recs, contribute high quality posts to threads you find interesting, sharpen your debating skill, stay off 4chan as much as possible and keep reading.

>> No.18493840
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Wow ur the real smarty

>> No.18493856

What else?

>> No.18493988


>> No.18494004

dunning-kruger is fake and gay

>> No.18494036

Tourist here, I've read like 5 books in my life, the only highlightable one would be Catcher in the Rye (I enjoyed it a lot), but yes. From the outside, lit seems as if lit was filled with smart individuals. Haven't felt as such a normal fag for a long time.

>> No.18494041

You must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.18494094

>quotes churchill
Yeah ok mr really smart go fuck off back to r3ddit and dilate. You are a personification yourself of dunning-kruger