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File: 1.16 MB, 800x1185, rene_guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18487086 No.18487086 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18487187

yea I'm thinking based

>> No.18487230

>posing for a camera (which is haram)

>> No.18487233

Haram = what I dislike
Halal = what I like
This image is halal, now shut up

>> No.18487238

>pic of a human face
You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18487245

Hell = where people which I dislike go

>> No.18487249

You are afraid.

>> No.18487282

I am not but you should be

>> No.18487307

You are afraid, murtad.

>> No.18487310

Allah will crush you murtad

>> No.18487321

You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18487334

Allah will destroy you, Murtad
I am foremost among friends of Allah, He loves me

>> No.18487370

You are afraid, murtad.
Allah will crush you.

>> No.18487379

Allah will only crush me with the all-enveloping love of his warm embrace

You, murtad, on the other hand, will be crushed by his wrath and cast into the fiery pits of hell

>> No.18487414

You are afraid.
You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18487417
File: 292 KB, 640x800, FD53DCD3-1B0F-4850-9BB7-4451F3AA6297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers.... I coomed onto a picture of Guenon (pbuh)...
I contemplated and an evil force tried to subvert me.... How do I protect myself and repent from this grave sin?..

>> No.18487418

Allah will obliterate you, Murtad

>> No.18487433

>Mr. Fawzi Sqali (a Budshishi muqaddam in Maroc) explained23: “Traditionalism is one expression of spiritual truth but is not in any way a spiritual path.” In his view it is confused with a spiritual path “only by those who have insufficient spiritual experience, who have not properly encountered a real spiritual path.” Sqali argues that it is not only the works of Guénon that present the risk of being taken for the definitive spiritual doctrine, that even Ibn al-Arabi can (but should not) be taken in this way. In his view, to take any single corpus as a definitive doctrine is incompatible with Sunni Islam; “the definitive guide is the shaykh.[*]”
>[*] This means that the determining spiritual leader is the shaykh and in reality Prophet Muhammad Mhmd sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam.
Traditionalism is a philosophy of religion first and foremost, and should be never confused as a spiritual path. Guenonfag perennially BTFO. How will he and his cronies ever recover?

>> No.18487451

>How do I protect myself and repent from this grave sin?..
Remember and focus on the fact that the non-dual Ātmā, your own consciousness, is what alone is real and that nothing can harm you, for you are the ultimate reality which sustains all things, the only things which can be harmed are the objects appearing within the span of your space-like non-dual eternal and infinite awareness.

Pure and changeless consciousness I am by nature, devoid of objects to illumine…
Beginningless and devoid of attributes, I have neither actions nor their results…
Though in a body, I do not get attached on account of my subtleness, like space
which, though all pervading, does not get tainted.
- Sri Shankaracharya

>> No.18487455

You are afraid, murtad.

>> No.18487458

>Guenonfag perennially BTFO
We never said it was a spiritual path to begin with, Guenon is the lighthouse that guides us to take up existing spiritual path

>> No.18487459

>How many Guenon threads do you want to make at the same time?
>Guenonfaggot: Yes

>> No.18487467

Allah will poop on your face, murtad. You fear his greasy hot steaming turds.

>> No.18487479
File: 27 KB, 639x639, E2483A74-1A8B-4915-9714-B7F1EF7BABA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading crisis of the modern world. Comfy and insightful, I’m a big fan. What do read next?

Will guenon make a comeback in the mainstream you guys think?

>> No.18487518

>Comfy and insightful,
based fellow Guenon-appreciator, if only everyone could see the same value and also agree with him, the world would be a better place
>I’m a big fan. What do read next?
Either his first book if you haven't yet, or if you want more of his treatment of modernity and the west, read 'East and West' and 'Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times'

or, if you want to get in his metaphysical works that deal with matters of the spirit, read these in the following order

1) Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta
2) Symbolism of the Cross
3) Multiple States of the Being

>Will guenon make a comeback in the mainstream you guys think?
There seems to be signs of that, he is coming up in articles more and more, he is already pretty well-known in both France and Muslim countries. Evola is already well-known among the right-wing twittersphere of 20-somethings, and its a short jump from there to Guenon

>> No.18487721
File: 228 KB, 902x1764, René Guénon Steve Bannon Julius Evola Olavo de Carvalho Alexander Dugin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18487861
File: 382 KB, 414x379, sussy_guénon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18488283

It has a mustache, just like Rene

>> No.18488451


>> No.18488462

I beliver Guenon is in heaven or purifying in an intermediate state on his way to heaven

>> No.18488502

So why even say "Guenon pbuh" as if he's a spiritual authority who's on par with the Prophets that delivered God's revelation? It's mockery and caricature that makes it counter-traditional.

>> No.18488509

we are just joking

>> No.18488518

Muslims won't be saying pbuh, but Christians and other believers will as a funny running gag, a meme if you will

>> No.18488589

He retroactively refuted millions...

>> No.18488610
File: 3.72 MB, 2080x1544, Gorgeous Guenon Monkeys Faces Keep from Sleepin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods asleep

post your cutest guenons

>> No.18488652

Spirituality and the fate of your soul are not things that should be joked about.

>> No.18488655

Rene Guenon (PBUH) must always be respected

>> No.18488691

The fate of our souls depends on Christ, ultimately, not Guenon or mohammad and their ideas

>> No.18488714

I've been absent for some time -- when did he emerge as a /lit/ regular? I feel like the zeitgeist is summoning certain figures to our era or maybe it's just that I'm paying attention now.

>> No.18488716

This x100

>> No.18488726

>I've been absent for some time
lying new fag. Guenon has been the patron saint of /lit/ for years

>> No.18488733

No way were there this many threads about him a year ago. No way. It was still DFW and Pynchon.

>> No.18488748
File: 40 KB, 1373x231, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the archives newfag, if you even know what those are

>> No.18488821
File: 3.46 MB, 1700x3897, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a year ago

>> No.18488834

He is an autority on spiritual matters, not a definitive one though, and we wish him peace and wish to share his peace.
May he make it rain upon us.

>> No.18488845

He can be revered as a saint

>> No.18488975

this post is why sandniggers shouldn't be allowed to use the same internet as the white man

>> No.18488984
File: 515 KB, 1200x1200, buddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a newfag, early 2020 was peak guenonposting

>> No.18489032

What happened to Guenonposting? It was fun last year when everyone was clowning around with larp contemplation, retroactively refuted, Eleatic school etc. pastas. From what I’ve seen people are taking it more seriously now.

>> No.18489051

we memed it into reality

>> No.18489061

Why do I have to see this hideous fucking picture every time I visit this board?

>> No.18489076

post pic of yourself

>> No.18489118
File: 9 KB, 285x285, 6E73540B-C639-4270-986B-9831C6A89033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18489367

What was an average day like for Guenon in Egypt? Do we know how he practiced and what he was like there?

>> No.18489525

>Wake up 4:30 am to prayer call of some pedo sheik shouting from top of the minaret
>Repeat the mantras
>All but the truth - forget
>Enter Mosque
>Live a Lie
>Never work
>Just meditate

>> No.18489543


>> No.18489586

>wake up at 4:30 am
>meditate contemplating the Absolute
>eat breakfast
>visit mosque and pray
>hang out with sufi bros
>eat lunch
>go home, check mail, read letters
>accept visitors, usually my nigga Martin Lings
>after he leaves, pray again
>write books and letters
>pray and contemplate the Absolute some more
>fuck wife
>go outside on the balcony looking up towards the sky, contemplating the Absolute yet again
>go to bed

>> No.18489591

>>accept visitors, usually my nigga Martin Lings
very based indeed

>> No.18489614

Based pbuh

>> No.18489623
File: 97 KB, 713x590, guennon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even joking but he changed my life
based be upon him (bbuh)

>> No.18489622

Allah willing. Yes.

>> No.18489626

It’s just peace bro

>> No.18489647

You forgot
>get blitzed on opium and hash

>> No.18490998

>he changed my life
Imagine the smell.

>> No.18491197

>nothing can harm you, for you are the ultimate reality which sustains all things
imagine being possessed by demons to *THIS* degree.

>> No.18491873
File: 632 KB, 995x1067, shia chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic of a human face

>> No.18491878


>> No.18491997

Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18492002

You are insulting Islam, and nobody cares.
Islam in a nutshell.

>> No.18492045
File: 359 KB, 720x404, putin pbuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mad at the camera if you're ugly

>> No.18492240

Honestly I'm kind of jealous. I ask Allah to give me a similar life.

>> No.18492280

Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18492303

this thread is spiraling into shit,we need quality post

>> No.18492332
File: 276 KB, 1774x1370, ex-muslim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to ignore this seething ex-muslim. I almost broke it earlier kek.

>> No.18492451

You are afraid.
Allah will crush you.

>> No.18492456

>René Guénon thread
>quality post
You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18492464

Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18492575

>people are taking it more seriously now
okay guénonposter

>> No.18492647

What is a murtard?

>> No.18492656

it means ex-muslim

>> No.18492791

It means apostate, a Muslim who don't follow the rules of Islam, 100% of Muslims in fact.

>> No.18492937

Reminder that Sunnism is the true sect of Islam and any deviation from that is degnerate larping, syptomatic of the end times

>> No.18493035

All flavours of Islam are degenerate. All of them.
Not following Islam is what Muslims do the best, and with so much passion...

>> No.18493280

>any deviation from
Any deviation from any form of Islam will meet no consequences because Muslims are too busy obeying the Infidels and don't care about Allah anymore.

>> No.18493669

Its short for "american retard"

>> No.18493731

Why not wish for peace upon all people? Peace be upon even (You), my brother

>> No.18493819

lets make sex