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File: 12 KB, 236x340, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18485131 No.18485131 [Reply] [Original]

This guenon fellow seems highly opinionated. What did he say about Schopenhauer?

>> No.18485142

Not much, he has one comment somewhere or another that Schoppy didn't fully understand eastern doctrines, which seems to be a consensus opinion among many scholars now who say he read his own pessimism into them.

>> No.18485143
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>I would be careful about reading Advaita Vedanta interpretations such as Shankara's as a commentary to the Upanishads, they are extremely reliant on Buddhist philosophy (Shankara is called a "cryptobuddhist" by most Hindus, and most scholars agree). If you want to read the Upanishads, work through them with editions and commentaries that aren't sectarian, or at least read an interpretation that is closer to the original meaning of the Upanishads, rather than Shankara's 9th century AD quasi-buddhism.
Rene Guenon, The Tiny Man Inside the World

>> No.18485172

I would like to read about those scholars that you mentioned.
Any recommended commentaries?

>> No.18485193

>I would like to read about those scholars that you mentioned.
The wiki page lists some people who say that, you can try following up on those links and reading those articles on sci hub


>> No.18485197

Imagine the smell.

>> No.18485211

This doesn't say anything important about Sch. not understanding eastern doctrines though? The important point is that, as the article says, Schopenhauer first developed his philosophy without reading eastern texts, and only then found some similarities which he pointed out.

>> No.18485221

>without reading eastern texts
normal behavior
>found some similarities which he pointed out
retarded move

>> No.18485227

Why do you think it was a bad move?

>> No.18485238

Because orientalism is obviously for losers?

>> No.18485248

I don't see any such obvious thing? Are you christian?

>> No.18485268

>Are you christian?
Well, you already know the answer: >>18485238

Are you retarded?

>> No.18485298
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Who would win in a metaphysical battle (no black magic allowed), Valentin Tomberg or Guenon ?

>> No.18485330
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ngl, a proper discussion between the two of them would of been fascinating

>> No.18485364

>Mr. Fawzi Sqali (a Budshishi muqaddam in Maroc) explained23: “Traditionalism is one expression of spiritual truth but is not in any way a spiritual path.” In his view it is confused with a spiritual path “only by those who have insufficient spiritual experience, who have not properly encountered a real spiritual path.” Sqali argues that it is not only the works of Guénon that present the risk of being taken for the definitive spiritual doctrine, that even Ibn al-Arabi can (but should not) be taken in this way. In his view, to take any single corpus as a definitive doctrine is incompatible with Sunni Islam; “the definitive guide is the shaykh.[*]”
>[*] This means that the determining spiritual leader is the shaykh and in reality Prophet Muhammad Mhmd sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam.
Traditionalism is a philosophy of religion first and foremost, and should be never confused as a spiritual path. Guenonfag perennially BTFO. How will he and his cronies ever recover?

>> No.18485388

>Guenonfag perennially BTFO. How will he and his cronies ever recover?
We never said it was a spiritual path you fool, it's a perspective on religion which motivates people to seek out spiritual paths by joining existing religions

>> No.18485407

You literally did when you kept posting "pbuh".

>> No.18485467

ironically, not seriously

>> No.18485469

it's a meme joke, overcome your autism

every serious traditionalist talks about the necessity of following a living orthodox religion, and not privatizing it into your own subjectivist spirituality (like Evola), or following heterodox/heretical schools or new age spiritualism, etc

>> No.18485674
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>orientalism is obviously for lose-

>"Even the loftiest philosophy of the Europeans, the idealism of reason, as it is set forth by Greek philosophers, appears in comparison with the abundant light and vigor of Oriental idealism, like a feeble Promethean spark in the full flood of heavenly glory of the noonday sun—faltering and feeble, and ever ready to be extinguished."
- Friedrich von Schlegel (1772 – 1829)

>"When we read with attention the poetical and philosophical monuments of the East, above all, those of India, which are beginning to spread in Europe, we discover there many a truth, and truths so profound, and which make such a contrast with the meanness of the results at which the European genius has sometimes stopped, that we are constrained to bend the knee before the philosophy of the East, and to see in this cradle of the human race the native land of the highest philosophy."
- Victor Cousin (1792 – 1867)

>"It is impossible to read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India."
- Sir William Jones ( 1746 – 1794)

>"I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood."
- Max Muller (1823 – 1900)

>"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavat Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial…"
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

>(The Bhagavad Gita is) "The most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue ....perhaps the deepest and loftiest thing the world has to show."
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767 – 1835)

>"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)

>"In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life -- it will be the solace of my death. "
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860

>> No.18485710

Guenon wasn't interesred in any sort of magic or powers.

>> No.18485717

>following a revealed religion

>> No.18485727

Yes. Problem?

>> No.18485730

You just proved his point further, retard.

>> No.18485736

why did god have to take londonfrog from us and give us guenonfag instead like if you agree

>> No.18485739

lol you orientalists are so dumb...

>> No.18485746

shut up leftist

>> No.18485748

emotional murtad.

>> No.18485762
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>> No.18485785

This but unironically

>> No.18485788

Go drinking camel piss elsewhere you filthy degenerate.

>> No.18485791
File: 1.27 MB, 647x1000, 1602132841093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, fair

>> No.18485806

well from my reading of hindus and such writings its obvious they will worship anything, including their own idealized consciousness, pooh and even cows, before worshiping the living God who created them

>> No.18485811

Iv seen you post this in five or so different threads now

>> No.18485817

>reading of hindus
lol you orientalists are so dumb...

>> No.18485830

it's true so feel free to repost it

>> No.18485841

It’s spelled hindoos

>> No.18485862

I honestly dont like the christian idea of original sin or judge not lest ye be judged. These are likely very old ideas that dont fit in with the modern context but I feel like old school christianity lacks a practical connection to the modern world.

I mean does the christian belief system only apply to other christians and I can do whatever the fuck I want to my neighbour if hes a muslim or a jew?

I feel like Christianity only works in a place where everyone speaks the same language and has the same traditions and is absolutely useless as a guidebook in a multicultural secular society.

I think if anything the Christian bible could use some updates and contextual explanations.

>> No.18485866

consciousness *is* the living God you silly goof

>> No.18485958

>no black magic allowed
who is this jew ?

>> No.18485961

>I honestly dont like the christian idea of original sin or judge not lest ye be judged. These are likely very old ideas that dont fit in with the modern context but I feel like old school christianity lacks a practical connection to the modern world.
The Fallen state of man is actually really important in understanding ourselves and the world (past, present and future). "Judge not lest ye be judged'' is in the context of making hypocritical judgements against others, don't throw rocks if live in a glass house. The bible teaches to make judgements righteously and wisely, not hypocritically and rashly to score points.

>I mean does the christian belief system only apply to other christians and I can do whatever the fuck I want to my neighbour if hes a muslim or a jew?
What? The ethics are timeless morals, they apply everywhere. You're supposed to treat everyone justly, not just your tribe or friends.

>I feel like Christianity only works in a place where everyone speaks the same language and has the same traditions and is absolutely useless as a guidebook in a multicultural secular society.
The separation of church and state shouldn't have happened, but it did so living in a crazy multicultural world full of degeneracy, relativism in insane people is the reality we are in. But christianity gives us a foundation to ground our morality, our purpose in life and orientation towards God, and those things are more important than pragmatic politics. In fact they inform our politics.

>I think if anything the Christian bible could use some updates and contextual explanations.
It's had 2000 years of contextual explanations, read the Church fathers or Reformers.

>> No.18485975

>As an adolescent, Tomberg was drawn to Theosophy and the mystical practices of Eastern Orthodoxy. In 1917 he was initiated into Hermetic Martinism by Prof. G. O. Mebes. He also discovered the works of Rudolf Steiner. In 1920, Tomberg fled with his family to Tallinn in Estonia, where, searching for his mother who had left the house, he discovered her with her dog tied to a tree, both shot by Communist revolutionaries.

Eventually he got a Phd in jurisprudence and renounced his theosophy/hermeticism and converted to Roman Catholicism. His work was still mystical in nature but inline with orthodox catholicism. He wrote Meditations on the Tarot.

>> No.18485995

Commie subhumans should be shot on sight wherever they are found

>> No.18486006

>He wrote Meditations on the Tarot
is that for certain? its often included in his collections but it was done anonymously, probably because it contained doctrines that are not acceptable to most catholics, such as reincarnation

>> No.18486026
File: 67 KB, 353x532, lazarus-come-forth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way this book is better <---

>> No.18486100

Go back to /camelpiss/ you retard.

>> No.18486237


>> No.18486294

Here's a gold stranger! Maybe Guenonfag can be leave and we can be reddit again

>> No.18486300

meant to be in reply to >>18485736

>> No.18486308
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>> No.18486672

>This guenon fellow seems highly opinionated
rest assured, they are all entirely justified

>> No.18487065

oud and musk, probably mixed with some indian bakhoor as well.

>> No.18487073

Christianity was always oriental and never western.

>> No.18487121

>The Fallen state of man is actually really important in understanding ourselves and the world (past, present and future).
In what way is man "fallen".

>> No.18487348
File: 222 KB, 737x900, Adi Shankaracharya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any recommended commentaries?
Those by the great Hindu philosopher Sri Shankaracharya (pbuh)

>How can anyone who has enjoyed the felicities offered by the heavenly creeper of Sankara's commentaries, abounding in the tender leaves and flowers of literary beauty and philosophic wisdom, entertain, even through infatuation, an attraction for other teachers' apology of commentaries, which, with their hollow contents and laboured styles, are a blot on Saraswati, the Goddess of learning? Literary men in general have their minds rendered weak by the numerous shafts of sensual passions inflicted on them by the hunter Cupid.

>Their writings are, therefore, useless in releasing man from his bondage, or in giving, any true and ennobling enjoyment. What wonder is there if such writings do not command the respect of those whose minds have been purified by the non-dualistic outlook advocated by the Acharya's writings? If one tries to produce a work in imitation of the Acharya's writings, which, by their clarity, sweetness and power, surpass a river of nectar, what one achieves will only be an artificial channel with a lean flow, utterly insignificant before the current of the mighty Ganga issuing from the matted locks of Siva. By his hymn of Kanaka-Lakshmi he brought prosperity to a poor family; by his hymn called Soundaryalahari he has revealed the unique glory of the Divine mother; by his Siva-bhujanga he has produced a cure for the obsession of fear in men. How wonderful and varied are his works!

>They present a veritable Devaloka, the heaven of Indra. For, the flow of words in them is a rain of flowers from celestial trees; the grandeur of their meanings is the glow of rubies worn by celestial women in their hair; and the abundance of implied wisdom they contain is like the limitless delicious milk in the udder of the heavenly Kamadhenu.

>His works are, indeed, like a bunch of luscious banana fruits - their meanings, the hunger-appeasing capacity; their implications, the attractive flavour; and their sweetness of diction, the delicious juice. Even a single fruit of a verse from that bunch of his writings is enough to give the highest delight and satisfaction to wise men and spiritual aspirants. Possessed, they are, of matchless beauty of form like a bouquet of jasmine flowers, pregnant with meanings like a newly blossomed lotus full of nectar, and carrying the aroma of sanctity like the fragrance of the flowers of the celestial tree, his works will provide thrills of deep joy and spiritual inspiration to all who approach it.

>> No.18487731


>> No.18487933
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Maybe if there weren't 5 guenon thread up right now...

>> No.18488289


>> No.18488324

So why even say it out of irony? This kind of parody is mockery and is literally tantamount to the counter-tradition.

>> No.18488386

Man is forgetful of God, and in this forgetting man's will and character become deformed. Fallen man requires grace and a revelation to guide him back to God so he can understand his origin, purpose and destination. Pre-fallen man was aware and in communion with God and didn't need a prophet to teach him. Look up original sin and St Augustine.

>> No.18488395
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>> No.18488862

Guenonfag is so based, how can one man make so many hylics seethe?

>> No.18489014

Based and truth pilled

>> No.18489552

holy based…

>> No.18489598

Guenonfag has started a fire. And behold it burns brightly.

>> No.18490902

Seeing other places where real traditional religion didn't get wiped out by monotheistic christchuckery has that effect.

>> No.18490925

>Seeing other places where real traditional religion didn't get wiped out by monotheistic Christianity*
and still the path of Christ is superior to all

>> No.18490936

>66 posts
>18 posters
guenonfag going hard at it again

>> No.18490938

Christianity lead to Atheism. It failed on it's own terms.

>> No.18490987

Are you referring to western secularism rejecting God?
Christianity is the path to salvation for souls, not to automatic trad utopia on earth. All ideologies that try to immanentize the eschaton (marxism, islamism, judaism, transhumanism, etc) will do more harm than good and lead souls to destruction. We are told the path is narrow and many will fall, so this is all to be expected.

>> No.18491014

Sure thing trad larper.

>> No.18491024
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glad we agree

>> No.18491066

How does Islam immanetize the eschaton?

>> No.18491103

The belief that the disorder of the world can be alleviated through worldwide jihad and implementation of international sharia to create a sort of idealistic islamic caliphate on earth within history.

>> No.18491109

Heidegger btfo eternally

>> No.18491129

Sharia constituted by law is seen as ideal situation on earth, but sharia is mostly about personal conduct and prayers. Even the political aspect is motivated as a good deed for the Hereafter, so that an environment is created that helps people bring themselves closer to God. The Hereafter is the forefront in Islam, so it struck me as odd when you said it immanetizes the eschaton.

>> No.18491349


>> No.18491409

>These are likely very old ideas that dont fit in with the modern context but I feel like old school christianity lacks a practical connection to the modern world.
Because the modern world sucks.

>> No.18491440

Islam is all about doing haram stuff all the time without facing consequences you absolute retard.
You clearly never interacted with muslims.

>> No.18491444

I am a Muslim living in a Muslim country.

>> No.18491446

>revealed religions

>> No.18491451

So you know Muslims do haram stuff all the time without facing consequences.
Because Islam is all about pretending not doing degenerate stuff all the time, and you know it.

>> No.18491455

>posting on Internet (which is haram)
>I am a Muslim
You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18491462

That's Christianity, where only by believing you are "saved". Every Muslim is fearful of the wrath of God.
How do you pop up as soon as Islam is mentioned? Are you a bot?

>> No.18491472

>Muslims can't say nothing against Infidels because only Allah can judge them.
Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18491478

Yes, it must be a bot.

>> No.18491501

>Every Muslim is fearful of the wrath of God.
No they just don't care and do haram stuff all the time.
You clearly never interacted with muslims.

>> No.18491508

That is just not true. I don't know why you keep saying it.

>> No.18491511

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day."

>> No.18491532

>That is just not true.
Nope. Anyone can see it.
Muslims shitting all over Islam and obeying the Infidels without facing any consequence, because "only Allah can judge them".

>> No.18491537

>"No one can say that all those blatant sins i commit every day are sins because only God can judge me".
Degeneracy in a nutshell.

>> No.18491547

>only Allah can judge them
This isn't an Islamic thing? Muslims in Islamic countries can be killed for committing a sin depending on the severity of it.

>> No.18491554

>I can save myself regardless of God
>watch me overcome all sin with my own self-power
lol ok good luck with that religion

>> No.18491576

Muslims in islamic countries just emulate the West and the Infidels, without facing any consequence.

>> No.18491589

Allah said how Muslims deal with murtads and Infidels.
Muslims don't do shit.
And you know it.
Every one can see it.

>> No.18491592

I don't know what you're even responding to, I'm not muslim haha

>> No.18491594

>only Allah
>killed by men
You answered your own question, retard.

>> No.18491598

>I'm not muslim haha
That's exactly what muslims think of themselves.

>> No.18491607

are you an ex-muslim that is obsessed with islam? sad!

>> No.18491638

>only ex-muslims mock Islam
Real life says otherwise, loser.

>> No.18491684

One thing is certain: you are obsessed with Islam, and not in the good way. Imagine being obsessed with Islam and going to hell nevertheless.

>> No.18491698

Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18491701

In fact, the people who disrespect Islam the most are... Muslims.

>> No.18491704

You are being disrespected and feel the need to defend yourself.
Random people mock you on the Internet and irl, because that's who you are.

>> No.18491720

But Schoppy went basedface for the Christian mystics too. Do people here read the thinkers that they make memes about?

>> No.18491771

So I checked the archives and did a little research on this murtad poster. He is an ex-muslim who first lashed out on a guenon thread two weeks ago. Know this, apostate, that over here in my country we hang apostates on the regular. Consider yourself fortunate that you aren't here, though I would have misgivings with calling anything in your wretched life as "fortune".

>> No.18491787

>Muslims can't say mean things about murtads.
Okay murtad.

>> No.18491792

All muslim countries are riddled with degeneracy, and you know it.
You don't do shit about Infidels, because you obey them.

>> No.18491807

>In my country we hang those who attack murtads and infidels.
Islam in a nutshell.

>> No.18491822

>Know this, apostate
You are the murtad here.
That's why you are so afraid.
You'll go to Hell.