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18484662 No.18484662 [Reply] [Original]

I need boat kino

>> No.18484800

Windjammers are Sailpunk

>> No.18484822

Master and Commander series
A lot of Conrad’s stuff (but not all)
The Riddle of the Sands
The Iliad

>> No.18484832

I need a BOAT (even a small one)

>The Iliad
He might be better of with The Odissey for boat-points.

>> No.18484834

>I need a BOAT (even a small one)
That's a ship mate.

>> No.18484837
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>The Iliad

>> No.18484844

There’s a whole catalogue of boats in the Iliad

>> No.18484857

Its really about who's on them and where they came from

>> No.18484862

And yet a catalogue is not itself the narrative of the Iliad. The actual story takes place entirely on land, with some light ship burning elements. If all it takes to be "boat kino" is reference to a boat, or boats, just go look at a fucking hobbyist fishing magazine.

>> No.18484874

Youth by Conrad
The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb

>> No.18485019

>There’s a whole catalogue of boats in the Iliad
Yep, the most infamously boring part in the book.

>> No.18485033

Moby Dick.

>> No.18485039
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Heart of Darkness, if a riverboat counts.

>> No.18485269

nigger of the narcissus

>> No.18485420


>> No.18485682
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Steam Paddle Boat Master-Race.

>> No.18485691

most anything Joseph Conrad
Moby Dick

>> No.18486605

u gotta read mobby dock

>> No.18487091
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Just finished it, excellent!

>> No.18487132

I hate the word kino so much. It sounds like POC slang for illegal pussy

>> No.18487728


>> No.18488613

obviously moby dick. it felt like i was on a boat when i read it. i could smell the salty ocean, fell the rolling waves rock the boat, hear the seagulls in the air, imagine the bitter wind pinching my face.

>> No.18488664
File: 207 KB, 675x1024, Robert%20Swain%20Gifford%20-%20Wreck%20of%20the%20Grampus%20illustration%20from%20The%20Narrative%20of%20Arthur%20Gordon%20Pym%20of%20Nantucket%20by%20Edgar%20Allan%20Poe%201884%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little over halfway through Poe's 'The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket' and am enjoying it so far.
I've heard it gets silly towards the end though.

>> No.18488673

Ahab rapes pip

>> No.18489301

st brendan's voyage

>> No.18490391

This is the best one

>> No.18491564

Redwall books.

>> No.18491579

Ahab rapes the white whale, Mocha.

>> No.18492239

ehh idk man. could just be your perverted imagination. pip was kind of feminine yes and it was a strange interaction to me but it was a different time. i think it was just an innocent relationship where ahab felt bad for the kid.

>> No.18492399

White Jacket is Melville's nonfiction account of the US Navy. It's amazing.

>> No.18492403

checked, this

>> No.18492497

yeah, that's a great read. I thought about reading Moitessier, as he seems quite the based fellow - the race in 1968 is also interesting in featuring all different seamanship.

>> No.18492499

>Ahab rapes pip
I kek'd. That would explain his trauma.
The lil nigga saw the GREAT WHITE DICK and never more was the same since then.

>> No.18492600

his trauma was from falling off the boat dumbass it defined his character.

>> No.18492790

>his trauma was from falling off the boat dumbass it defined his character.
I know, dumbfuck. That's just a joke, lad.

>> No.18493555

joseph conrads youth is pretty short but high boat kino

>> No.18493602
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>too much suspension of disbelief
Just have headcanon that she slept with everyone and everything clicks in place.

>> No.18493618

Moitessier is good, his first and second books are quite different. He developed some guilt over publishing the first during the first Golden Globe, possibly from mental issues, possibly he was always just a bit off, mainly he overthought during that long isolation on his boat. A Voyage for Madmen is a great read regarding that race.

>> No.18494404

The old man and the sea

>> No.18494565

>But if we Southern whale-fishers are not so snugly housed aloft as Captain Sleet and his Greenlandmen were; yet that disadvantage is greatly counter-balanced by the widely contrasting serenity of those seductive seas in which we South fishers mostly float. For one, I used to lounge up the rigging very leisurely, resting in the top to have a chat with Queequeg, or any one else off duty whom I might find there; then ascending a little way further, and throwing a lazy leg over the top-sail yard, take a preliminary view of the watery pastures, and so at last mount to my ultimate destination.

>> No.18494805

White Jacket
Moby Dick
Benito Cereno
Billy Budd

>> No.18496172

She slept with Davy, at least (or whatever his name is).

>> No.18496366

The Odyssey