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18479254 No.18479254 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this book?

>> No.18479321

The Great American novel without a doubt.

>> No.18479377

One of the 10 best novels ever. If you don't like it, it outs you as underage.

>> No.18479385

The Great Simpsby

>> No.18479390

gatsby simp lord

>> No.18479393

Tom was a chad

>> No.18479458

I ordered an old used copy of this published by scribner's sons. Is that good?

>> No.18479498

It’s a really incredible book. Some of the best prose ever written.

>> No.18479502

i don't know i only read iliad over and over

>> No.18479562

i like its themes

>> No.18479580

Good social commentary. Predicted the GD in a way, even

>> No.18479607


>> No.18479615

The last paragraph is really wonderful.

>> No.18479624

How has this widely read work not gotten the 1984 treatment? For something held in the public consciousness I'm surprised by how pure it is.

>> No.18479648

Legbeards hate Fitzgerald for locking Zelda up in an insane asylum and for stifling her writing career

>> No.18479650

ah there it is

>> No.18479663

It’s not the most exciting novel, but it’s a perfect novel.

>> No.18479677

Are you sure? Half the articles online about it are about the sexuality of the characters.

>> No.18479693

Lol, I guess what I meant to say is that whenever you hear about it and you are not specifically looking it up online its usually pretty non toxic and reasonable takes. Like its just good and not really used as some social bludgeon nearly as much as other popular high-school tier literature.

>> No.18479727

I have seen some accusations of anti-semitism in his portrayal of Gatsby’s bootlegging associates.

But I’ve also seen Jews defend it by saying that the character was based on Arnold Rothstein who really was a Jewish bootlegger
And Fitzgerald wrote sympathetic Jewish characters in The Beautiful and Damned and The Last Tycoon.

>> No.18479735

read in my 20s
found it quite boring
planning to read it in my 30s

>> No.18479739

The classic optics vs reality debate -___-

>> No.18479771

Tom was a Chad indeed. a man of his era

>> No.18480557

It's my favorite. I'm doing the Hunter Thompson method with it.

>> No.18480784

nice try anon, but you have to be underage to enjoy this high school-tier piece of shit

>> No.18482010

It made an excellent movie. Like the owl-eyed character.

>> No.18483691

Great book. I liked it in high school, and my friends and I still make jokes about it

>> No.18483711

Not being ironic, this would probably be great for ones mindset.

>> No.18483810

Probably the worst book Ive ever read Id probably prefer a reread of Harry Potter or Da Vinci code.

I tried 4 times to get through it before I finished it. I found Moby Dick and James Joyce easier. Terrible, boring, crap and a general waste of time. Just cause Americans have to read it in school doesnt make it good.

Anything by Steinbeck and Vonnegut are superior if you want American.

I actually threw this book away because it was a waste of shelf space to keep it despite its small size.


>> No.18483833

Mate, its a book for school aged kids. If you find the prose exceptional and the stort enticing you need your head read. The only people who like it are people that only read books while at school. No person outside America ever rates it or puts it in a top 100 novels.

Nabakovs prose crushes Fitzgeralds pathetic attempt its like Tiger in his Prime vs a toddler with a stick. Not worth the comparison, because Fitzgerald is so pathetic he is better off compared to the likes of Meyer.

If Gatsby was his best work I cant imagine what his other books are like...

If you are 15 or so and want a simple coming of age novel go with Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.18483921

I liked This Side of Paradise much better

>> No.18483962

had to read it in high school
the only things i remember are "boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" and also that guy who says gonnegtions

>> No.18484044
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>Nabakovs prose crushes Fitzgeralds pathetic attempt its like Tiger in his Prime vs a toddler with a stick. Not worth the comparison, because Fitzgerald is so pathetic he is better off compared to the likes of Meyer.