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File: 69 KB, 261x447, Porphyry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18481764 No.18481764 [Reply] [Original]

What was written in Porphyry's "Against the Christians"? Do you think it would have led to the sooner destruction of Christianity if it hadn't been erased from history?

>> No.18481815
File: 435 KB, 1888x2928, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not entirely erased though

>> No.18481855

We only have scraps, and from what I understand it's mostly from Christian sources. I reckon the really juicy stuff has been lost to history.

>> No.18482000

Considering Porphyry's masterpiece (Isagoge) is pretty meh, I doubt it.

>> No.18482063




>> No.18482095

Probaby not since the majority of early christians were illiterate retards and the the ones that could read were schizos
Your religion is being steadily replaced by wokeism and islam, and by now has more africans practicing it (mixed with native voodoo of course) than europeans, if that's not "being destroyed" then I don't know what is

>> No.18482103

There are currently 2.4 billion Christians on the planet. There are more Christians than there have ever been, though Kevin might disagree with that number.

>> No.18482121

Thanks again for proving that christians are retarded.
1. There are more people than ever, relatively the number of christians is declining in comparison to wokeism and islam
2. The majority of those 2.4 million are Africans lmao

>> No.18482124

Africa's population is 800 million. Of that, fully half are Muslim.

>> No.18482136

>There are currently 2.4 billion Christians on the planet
definitely not in western Europe and much of north america

>> No.18482138
File: 26 KB, 275x183, 275px-Thebes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Islam is heavily comprised of Africans, yet according to you Islam is taking over the world? Lmao fuckin retard alert, can't even troll coherently

>> No.18482145

I would assume he took after Plotinus or the other hellenized pagan theologians.

>> No.18482148

>There are more people than ever, relatively the number of christians is declining in comparison to wokeism and islam
>The majority of those 2.4 million are Africans lmao
BILLION, and they're not the majority though they are a large portion, yes. Christianity is never going to disappear anon, deal with it.

>> No.18482151

Islam is bigger in Asia than Africa, just look at Indonesia. Previously christian peoples are converting to wokeism and islam and the only peoples converting to christianity are africans.

>> No.18482165

1.3 million Catholics, 920,000 Protestants and 292 million Orthodox Christians.

>> No.18482170

Are you claiming there's not more people than ever now? Or that not more are converting to wokeism and islam than to christianity? That would be incorrect.
>they're not the majority though they are a large portion, yes.
What does that say about the state of your religion if the only people converting to it are africans?
>Christianity is never going to disappear anon, deal with it.
Sadly not no, but when its only adherents will be africans it will have lost all relevancy anyway. Same difference.

>> No.18482173

*billion Catholics

>> No.18482176

Most of those are only culturally christian, not actually christian. Don't play jewish games.

>> No.18482179

>What does that say about the state of your religion if the only people converting to it are africans?
It's just not true, sorry. Not that I care about your simplistic racism.

>> No.18482187
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 1619377404677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Christianity is the olympics of said games!

>> No.18482191

Okay JIDF.

>> No.18482196

I'm not the one larping as a jew lmao

>> No.18482237

Reading "Sword and Scimitar" from Ibrahim right now. Christianity really ruined Western Civilization. We lost 2/3 of the territory we once had because of Christian weakness. It's maddening this literal cvckhold religion was ever allowed.
The one thing I'm jealous of Muslims about is that they haven't forgotten their own history. Christians have this disgusting draw to martyrdom in addition to naivete and pervasive ignorance. The average Muslim can go into detail on their own history and the writings of their important men, while Christians act like uneducated pigs and have forgotten everything we once knew. Anatolia, Egypt, North Africa, and the entire Levant used to be Christian. Now it's all held by Muslims and our fathers act like it's always been this way. We sat around and let 2/3 of Christiandom fall to the sword and when we finally could go back and reclaim it suddenly we decide to pretend those lands have always been Muslim and it can't be helped. What shit. There are important religious and historical sites in these places, not to mention cities founded by the Roman Empire, that are now inaccessible because godforsaken third world muslim savages overran it all. Oh you want to go for a nice visit to Damascus well TOO BAD, IT'S A WAR TORN MUSLIM SHITHOLE NOW.

Even the library of Alexandria wasn't a lamp being knocked over, it was book burnings by Muslim invaders. The Library of fucking Alexandria. And in the west all our historians are god damned apologists. We should kill every Muslim on the planet now while we have the military tech to do so.

>> No.18482254
File: 369 KB, 1182x820, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The one thing I'm jealous of Muslims about is that they haven't forgotten their own history. Christians have this disgusting draw to martyrdom in addition to naivete and pervasive ignorance.
This is Evola's take on Christianity

>> No.18482258
File: 15 KB, 640x399, chart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good chart I found on the subject. It has stupid projections, just ignore those.

>> No.18482287

Pitiful. The christians will cope by claiming that all people are equal under god though

>> No.18482299

There is neither Jew nor Greek.

>> No.18482300

Holy shit Evola was really dumb. Seriously, I used to admire people like Guénon and Evola, Coomaraswamy I still think is ok, but the more I read the more I realize they have a very superficial understanding of religion. Guénon for example, didn't even bother himself to study fricking platonism. Now, you see how ironic it is when you realize that the pagan religions are ethnocentric precisely by reason of their being emerged at the same time as the community was settled, but this is the case exactly with ALL pagan religions, that is, they all are worldly related and share a universal and common aspect, a precise original event that is replicated in all myths. Christianity literally goes beyond all this wordly universalism, to spiritual universalism.

>> No.18482313

Thanks for pointing out why christianity is retarded and paganism is at least more correct. Spiritual universalism is just as unattainable a utopia as communism since people are not equal. Universalism is a disease.
The jew and the greek disagree.

>> No.18482327

>hating on my boy Orpheus
To use your own words, tradzooms, this is counter-initiation af

>> No.18482346

Where is he wrong?
Stop trying to meme this

>> No.18482349

>spiritual universalism
Do you know what these terms mean? If anything they are really contradictory, since utopias concern the world and spirituality, well, you seem really dumb but I don't think I need to explain this as well.

>> No.18482358

Holy shit, I had no idea Evola was actually good. Guess I'm reactionist now.

If the Roman Empire was the peak of western civilization, and I strongly believe it was, then it follows the religion they followed is the best religion, not necessarily because the gods are true but because it had the best effect on society, strategy, and leadership. Islam has spread far, but we have a concept of quality versus quantity--it's taken over shitholes, and places that used to be great and turned them into shitholes. Particularly they took Egypt which was, at the time prior to islamic conquest, still wealthy, cultured, peaceful, intellectual, and civilized, and drove it into the ground through incessant taxation and the genocide of all its people who would not bend the knee and cvck out to pisslam. So now modern day Egypt is a broke ass shithole of crime and poverty.

Under Roman paganism, Western civilization spread and prospered. Under Christianity we weakened until 2/3 of our lands were lost for 1000 years, and now we're inviting our sworn enemy into our cities and feeding them off our tax money while they rape our sisters and children. If we look at results, the best religion gets the best results and that is inarguably Roman Paganism. Their religion forged a culture that valued strength. What does Christianity tell us to do? Sit and wait to die so you can be a martyr and get off on virtue signalling while you die. That's piss. Fuck passivity, we should actively conquer and enslave other countries again and make our children wealthy and prosperous. Peace through Strength and the proactive annihilation of our enemies. Not sitting here with our thumbs in our ass while our enemies grow stronger and stronger.

Unless americanism waters down Islam enough to turn it decadent and lazy, the only fate I see for the future of the world is that everything outside of China will be Islamic by 2200. I think the Romans were right and we ought to go back to the ideology and cultural strategy that made us great. Christianity is cultural suicide.

>> No.18482360

Christianity is a subversion of Orpheus-Dionysus. To say they paved the way for it is a bit like saying we should blame the Seleucids for Constantine becoming Christian. Of course, Evola probably views those characters as subversive themselves, since traditionalism always means "things I like" but never admits to that.

>> No.18482361

It assumes that all mankind is made up of the same spiritual substance which is only very superficially true. There is a reason christianity has devolved into thousands of sects and that's precisely because this spiritual universalism does not exist.
An unobtainable ideal. Which the universal salvation promised by christianity is.

>> No.18482369

>their being emerged at the same time as the community was settled,
That's piss and you know it. All forms of Paganism borrowed from predecessors. You can trace it back to ancient Indo-aryan deities. No one went to found a city and then just made up a bunch of shit to worship.

>> No.18482377

Are you 17 or something? Please stop treating religion/spirituality as window dressing for your already superfluous personal theories of non-actionable grand politics. I know your entire world is shattered into barcoded parcels housed in an Amazon warehouse but please try to achieve some level of self-awareness and genuinely study religion if it interests you, not as a tool of governing a state you don't have.

>> No.18482384

Lmao look at this dirty material obsessed hylic.

>> No.18482392

>It assumes that all mankind is made up of the same spiritual substance which is only very superficially true
Elaborate because I have never heard of any metaphysics/theology positing many different non-corporeal substances (only gradations from subtle/ethereal, intelligible/intellectual/noetic and, in some cases, purely spiritual as pure consciousness).

>There is a reason christianity has devolved into thousands of sects
This has nothing to do with being made of spirit A or spirit B, you have a materialistic mentality. The major factor of heresy was minor doctrinal divergences, yes, there were sects believing in monophysitism instead of dyophysitism, docetism, etc.
This has nothing to do with different intellectual/spiritual constitutions or different kinds of consciousness, whatever is constituted is material.

>unobtainable ideal
This is pretty christian, you know, right? There is no salvation in the world. And no, even apokatastasis is not orthodox.

>> No.18482399

>traditionalism always means "things I like" but never admits to that.
If you had read him you would see that he has a very logical exposition of where his ideas come from. You can disagree but "things I like" just doesn't cut it, sorry buddy.
>Christianity is a subversion of Orpheus-Dionysus. To say they paved the way for it is a bit like saying we should blame the Seleucids for Constantine becoming Christian.
No, that comparison doesn't go. Evola's point is that while Orpheism was "Traditional" to some extent, it was already infused with several chthonic (Dionysian) elements from the Pelasgian substrate.
It's from Revolt Against the Modern World. You should read it. Or Men Among the Ruins if you want his take on post-war Europe.

>> No.18482400

You missed the point completely or just misread my post.

>> No.18482404

>There is a reason christianity has devolved into thousands of sects
Printing press. Loss of centralization due to fraternal wars, etc. Colonialism. Monotheism is highly authoritarian there is a reason emperors always like it when it is available. Akenaten, Elagabalus, Constantine, etc.

>> No.18482408

Well, if by subversion you mean demystification, then yes I agree. Christ unveils everything that is hidden under pagan institutions, culture. The greek tragedians suggested the same thing but did not see fully.

>> No.18482410

Doubt it. If it was so earth shattering as to dismantle the largest religion in the world, it probably wouldn't have all gotten burnt up.

>> No.18482416

>No, that comparison doesn't go. Evola's point is that while Orpheism was "Traditional" to some extent, it was already infused with several chthonic (Dionysian) elements from the Pelasgian substrate
Yes I'm aware things he doesn't like are pre indo-aryan and things he likes are indo-aryan

>> No.18482439

You are being way too autistic about it.
Every people has its own expression of spirituality, this is only natural. Yes, to some extent it is universal because all spirituality derives ultimately from the same source, but there is a reason so many divergencies exist, that is because every people will find the manner that is most conducive to their own spirit. To take the Abrahamic (jewish) expression and posit that it is the correct expression for all of mankind is not only utopian but also delusional. If you want to call that materialistic fine, that doesn't make it any less relevant.
>This has nothing to do with being made of spirit A or spirit B
Please explain to me why the reformation happened specifically in Northern Europe? If you're aware of European peoples it's easy to see a large north/south divide in everything from culture to mindset to approach to spirituality. The same goes for most subsequent sects and schisms. Yes, they are doctrinal, but where do those doctrinal disagreements stem from? From a difference of temperament for lack of a better word.
>This is pretty christian, you know, right?
Yes, my point exactly. It's a death cult fit for semitic peoples, not Europeans.

>> No.18482446

It's the same myth but repurposed in a different way. Instead of a reintegration into the world Christianity through the murder of god opens a portal to heaven.

>> No.18482454

>what is arianism
Also Akhenaten's monotheism was very different from that of Constantine.

>> No.18482466

Religion IS window dressing. None of these gods exist. Wanting to see your culture grow strong and powerful and your people prosper is the opposite of superfluous--it's the only thing that matters in life. You're a decadent little fag.

>> No.18482467

>Christ unveils everything that is hidden under pagan institutions, culture. The greek tragedians suggested the same thing but did not see fully.
The arrogance of the christian is staggering. Nothing has brought more darkness to the world than the advent of christianity. All good things in christianity were from the pagan elements it had to absorb to sustain itself.

>> No.18482476

>Every people has its own expression of spirituality, this is only natural.
This is highly reductive and suggests only a cursory interest in spirituality on your part, which is unsurprising because most of the posters here take spirituality as downstream of their personal politics. You can study any period in a "people's" history and find they have ongoing debates on metaphysics (inclusive of religion, spirituality, and so forth) so long as those debates have been preserved. Where they have not been preserved, like in the destruction of the learned Porphyry's treatise, it is incredibly obvious that some commotion was taking place contrary to your static notion of natural peoples.

>> No.18482477

Yes, he makes a good case for it although you're free to disagree. Your point that Traditionalism is "everything I like" is much too shallow though. The same can be said for any religion/ideology by that logic.

>> No.18482478

>If I LARP as a pagan I can bring back the glory of Rome!
Anon, please grow up.

>> No.18482480

>disgusting hylic calling anyone else decadent

>> No.18482481

>Wanting to see your culture grow strong and powerful and your people prosper is the opposite of superfluous--it's the only thing that matters in life.
As unreal as your god!

>> No.18482494

>None of these gods exist
Right so why would I even bother LARPing then and not just join in the masses of atheist hedonists who you're lamenting? Did you think this through at all?
>Follow my fake gods for the glory of ROME!
>Uhhhhhhh, because it's based?
You're a retard

>> No.18482497

No, you mischaracterize me. Politics is downstream of spirituality, but like I said each people has their own expression of the spiritual truth. The way it is open to the majority of mankind (not a select spiritual elite) is bound to a certain place and time. Yes, like you said it is not static, but neither are peoples. I never said peoples were static, that is your misinterpretation.

>> No.18482499
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>The same can be said for any religion/ideology by that logic.
Oh I'm very aware. You can smell these sorts of things from a mile away. Whatever increases my feeling of power is good because [insert rambling passage here], the inverse is bad because [insert...]

>> No.18482502

>Nothing has brought more darkness to the world than the advent of christianity
Care to elaborate? Because nothing during the Christian era can compare to the Greek dark ages.

>> No.18482520

Well if we are moving it to certain places and times we are demoting the people. They are now products of those places and times. Or do such things create each other mutually? We can really only imagine after the fact, that is in a static documentary fashion, that each people had its own expression of spiritual truth. We're alive now during great spiritual upheaval aren't we? Who is to say what anyone's natural spiritual expression is at this point, let alone an entire people's.

>> No.18482526

If everything is [x], nothing is [x]. You have said nothing of value and are dismissed.
The Greek dark ages were not Greek only, they went much beyond the Greek world, we just view it through a Greek lens. The Christian dark ages were the btter part of christianity, the longer it went on the worse it got, culimating in protestantism. Christianity paved the way for all the universalistic cults we see today.

>> No.18482550

First of all, can you just stop using the term Utopia that was coined in order to express a specific socio-political community in the world, and still preserves this sense, when we are talking about metaphysics/spirituality? I mean do I even need to make it clear it is completely retarded? It just makes me want to leave this conversation, because it is inconceivable to talk to someone with this lack of understanding of the issue at hand.

>Every people has its own expression of spirituality
You need to make a distinction between what is individually expressed and what is not particular. Consciousness/Nous/Spirit is not particular (in the platonic sense, obiously), it is the very substance of reality - Aristotle's Form-Matter compounds, etc.
By that claim you imply each one expresses consciousness, metaphysics, spirtuality in their own way and that there is no objective spiritual/metaphysical substratum. What you are implying here is psychological and not spiritual.

>where do those doctrinal disagreements stem from? From a difference of temperament for lack of a better word.
So the fact that some believe the Spirit comes from the Father and others that the Spirit comes from the Father and the Son means they have different temperaments? What are you even grounding this on? You're saying doctrinal dogmas are held because of psychological factors. You should just go with Nietzsche and say because it is Will. Much better.

>My point exactly.
So your point is that you agree with Christianity? Christianity is against the idea of heaven on (wordly) earth (utopian achievement by worldly means).

>death cult fit for semitic peoples, not Europeans.
It is neither for semitic nor european. You are still caught up in the old mundane tribalistic mentality and pre-reductive consciousness.

>> No.18482556

>If everything is [x], nothing is [x]. You have said nothing of value
Try to keep up. Polemicists hypostasize the things that they feel empowered by into good and the opposite into bad. The really dumb ones act like it is The Absolute.

>> No.18482558

Not the same myth. Christ expresses what the myth means and reveals what it hides. It goes beyond.

>> No.18482563

>Or do such things create each other mutually?
You could say that.
>We're alive now during great spiritual upheaval aren't we?
Of course, that's because the advent of the universalist doctrines was bound to fail and because they were so all-encompassing, left emptiness in their wake.
>Who is to say what anyone's natural spiritual expression is at this point, let alone an entire people's.
To some extent you're right that it's most easily assesible after the fact, but I'm very certain that it will express itself somehow as it always has. I guess it's the fault of the unversalist mingling of everything that's it's become such an incoherent mess. The only logical result will be a re-fracturing.

>> No.18482569
File: 301 KB, 664x542, Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 22-30-30 Porphyry's Against the Christians - The Literary Remains [R Joseph Hoffmann] pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what has been preserved, he critiques Christianity using the standard pagan criticisms of the time that you can see in the fragments of Celsus and in Julian, picks out parts of the New Testament which he views as philosophically incredulous or contradictory, and most notably, somehow ingeniously anticipates modern textual criticism by showing how Daniel was "prophesying" about events that had already occurred. It was such a radically dangerous book because he placed his finger on things which are only now becoming common knowledge and which have now rendered much of traditional Christianity entirely unbelievable to educated people. Look at the effect someone like Bart Ehrman has had on Christians, and that will give you an idea of half the amount of seething Porphyry caused. How the hell he did it is beyond my understanding.

>> No.18482571

Thanks for proving my point. You have asserted this, now what?

>> No.18482576

That's all you can say, repeat the same things as the worldly minded people do, pagans, atheists, in the end they all are very similar, they end up being reduced to the same dirt.

>All good things in christianity were from the pagan elements it had to absorb to sustain itself.
The main point is exactly the anti-paganism, the exposition of the worldly origin of paganism, the underlying scapegoat mechanisms. Paganism already is born in death. Read Girard.

>> No.18482583

You're looking at it from the point of view of a pedestrian, who thinks the question of religion is whether it's true or not and what it does for his soul. From the aristocracy's point of view religion has always been a tool of diplomacy and political power. Religion is the drummer on a war march--it gets the pedestrians to follow a certain movement and have a certain mindset, and you can use that to shape your culture and civilization, both for domestic affairs and in times of war.

I don't want my children to speak arabic. Why was Merkel caught wearing a hijab? Look at this shit. I may dislike Christianity but I for damn sure hate Islam. In order to survive we need to instill belief in a stronger ideology in the people, becuase a religion that upholds martyrdom and passivity is cultural suicide. Maybe when it is your child under a set of truck tires you won't be so edgy and aloof.

>> No.18482585

Regardless of Christianity the same path would have been followed over time. Though I argue it would have been a quicker and more extreme decline.

>> No.18482590

>pagan just denying what is supernatural
I'm telling you, pagans and atheists in the end are the same filth. Gnostics knew it.

>> No.18482591

I'm actually sickened that I have to share a board with people like this.
Go back.

>> No.18482596

>very certain that it will express itself somehow as it always has. I guess it's the fault of the unversalist mingling of everything that's it's become such an incoherent mess. The only logical result will be a re-fracturing.
Right the question is what and from where. The exoteric peoples are afterimages. Even within a people there were defining subgroups that made that image even plausible for capture. Here I am not so different perhaps from the traditionalists ie neotheosophists in view, but I more closely follow Nietzsche; there are roots being choked by undergrowth and a forest fire is coming sooner or later. But this hardly translates into the political larpist interpretations shouted here. What would come is a bit like the overman, terrifying to the merely human. All the highest spiritual self-descriptions are of someone unfazed by human affects. Is that really what you want to arrive as a merely political window dressing? I would hope not for he would cast you down and trample you without realizing it

>> No.18482617

Where to even start with you. For aristocracy to be using religion merely as an animal husbandry technique already suggests that the society in question is sliding down the drain towards nihilism. Christianity does not defeat Islam in a pokemon battle like you think it does.

>> No.18482642

More like pagan denying that God would flout the laws of nature he designed.

>> No.18482647



>> No.18482662

I'm glad we have a self-aware pagan recognizing the mundane reality of his faux-religion! Sadly, this is not the case with a bit more spiritual pagan figures that attributed/were attributed with miraculous, prophetic, and supernatural, activities.

>> No.18482665

I said you're being too autistic. Utopia is an unattainable ideal, and that is what I'm comparing christian universalism to. It's not hard to grasp. Yes one is material, the other isn't, but that doesn't matter (see what I did there?). It's an analogy and if you refuse to see why that's your problem.
>By that claim you imply each one expresses consciousness, metaphysics, spirtuality in their own way and that there is no objective spiritual/metaphysical substratum. What you are implying here is psychological and not spiritual.
No, you miss the point. I do not deny that there is a universal truth (Consciousness/Nous/Spirit). However the way in which it is expressed differs from people to people, from culture to culture. That is why there were so many different religious expressions, disagreeing outwardly but mostly reconciled inwardly (although they would probably disagree with this statement).
It's both psychological and spiritual, or actually somewhere in between. Psychology is the consequence of spirituality you could say.
>So the fact that some believe the Spirit comes from the Father and others that the Spirit comes from the Father and the Son means they have different temperaments? What are you even grounding this on?
To some extent. Not literally those arguments but the reason those arguments even come into existence. If Truth is universally expressed in the same way that would not happen. Of course it's not black and white, but there's definitely trends traceable to peoples over time.
>So your point is that you agree with Christianity?
No, have you read what I wrote before?
>Christianity is against the idea of heaven on (wordly) earth (utopian achievement by worldly means).
You refuse to see my analogy because you're too caught up on the material/spiritual distinction of the term. The heavenly utopia christianity promises is just as unattainable as the worldly one which gave it the name I used. That is because universalism does not work that way. Hindus have their own way to the Truth, the christian take would not suffice for them. That was my point.
>It is neither for semitic nor european. You are still caught up in the old mundane tribalistic mentality and pre-reductive consciousness.
No, christianity (and islam and judaism) are definitely semitic in spirit. True, christianity has taken a very European garb during its evolution, but that doesn't change its origins. You are blinded by the promise of universalism so you cannot see how groups of people differ so much that they will find a way to wiggle their own expressions into even christianity. There is nothing wrong with that, it's only natural.

>> No.18482681

You thinking you are beyond this world only proves your arrogance. You are not better. You are still here arguing senselessly on an imageboard instead of communing with your god.
>the underlying scapegoat mechanisms
Which is literally a typically jewish/christian idea, not a pagan one. Sorry buddy.
>Paganism already is born in death.
Say about paganism what you will but it celebrated life when it existed. Christianity is obsessed with death. Christianity is anti-life.

>> No.18482687

Perhaps, but it cannot be denied that christianity never reached the peaks that the classical world before it did. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper, I'd say.

>> No.18482712

That is the root of the telluric/chthonic/solar/lunar/poopoo/peepee distinction in Evola

>> No.18482721

I somewhat agree but I don't believe in the messianic themes of the overman, that's Nietzsche's christian (yes) lens speaking. Perhaps with the re-fracturing I mentioned there will be multiple concurrent incarnations of such a being/idea, relevant to the peoples and spiritual interpretations they represent.
I don't agree with the purely political takes either, but neither with the purely spiritual (universalist) ones.

>> No.18482722

Take your complaints up with Machiavelli, then. Aristocracy has always used religion as a tool of aim and control, and not necessarily for negative implications. Islam was partially invented just to stop arabs from murdering their newborn daughters and similar atrocities.

>> No.18482731

Okay and how is he wrong?
But like I said this can be said for any and all value judgments on any subject. If that is all you have to say you have nothing to say.

>> No.18482747

>bro machiavelli in the 16th century bro
Read the Pythagoreans.

>> No.18482748

>Christianity is anti-life
Exactly this. We have absolute wastes of life under Christianity like women and men devoting themselves to celibacy, IE no children will be produced by them and their bloodline will end. It's a waste of genetics and it's encouraged and extolled as a virtuous thing to do. And you have the obsession with martyrdom. at least in Islam you are encouraged to die fighting for a cause--the propagation of your culture. In Christianity the believers are encouraged to just die, be killed by anyone for any stupid reason even if it were easily preventable. Christianity is a disgusting, backwards death cult and the adoption of it will lead to the inevitable collapse of your civilization. A christian nation has no chance of surviving a war against an islamic nation. Christianity is utter civilizational cancer.

>> No.18482760

Christianity never stopped the Crusades, you retarded fuck sand nigger subhuman.
Once all the godless animals are removed from the earth God's promised land will be reclaimed once again and your barbaric backwards culture will be scattered across the desert like sand.

>> No.18482761

There is no acomism, rather the opposite, creation signifies, it is not a deistic, impersonal emanation.

>scapegoat mechanism
>jewish/christian idea
lmao you don't even know what you're talking about, Judaism to a lesser extent, but even it, exposes the pagan mechanisms and the significance of their rituals and institutions.

>what you will
Not what I will. Read books.

>muh christianity death
You should read Euripides, Heraclitus and Plato. Ah, remember to pay Aesclepius a cock when you find yourself in your deathbed for releasing you from such an ill.

>> No.18482768

You're just affirming what I said; they are using it to correct behavior. Why did the behavior need to be corrected? How did such a disconnect happen between beliefs and acts? Too much to get into here, but your take seems to be that everyone was just lying so you should pick the most politically optimized lie. Now don't you think the current elite (who you resent) have already done so? You are living the most optimized lie already, and its predecessors smashed their way through the religions you think would win if they got a do over.

>> No.18482776

Yes he really is too Christian in a number of ways, and funnily enough Christians seldom see that in him.

>> No.18482781

>Proclus was rebel towards marriage. Through his ascetic life woman seem to play only a minimal role except for some wise conversations.

>Proclus never married; he was prosperous, gave generously to his friends, and was much sought after as a scholar and adviser.

Why are you pagans so retarded? Can you at least present a decent and coherent argument?

>> No.18482792

the crusades were PATHETIC. all they did was job and lose, and prance around like they were on a school trip. they ran around outside the city periphery barefoot doing laps for jeebus, and got ambushed and murdered because they were barefoot dehydrated and half-starved. the crusades were a mass suicide event so they could go become martyr without actually accomplishing one god damned thing.

i can't even contain my disappointment. read a history book you dumb cunt. crusaders were weak, delusional, naive jobbers because christianity is a weak, delusional, naive jobber ideology.

>> No.18482799

There is no way to talk to someone too caught up in political suggestions and materialism like you. Yes, you can't even get eschaton and theosis, your narrow mentality can only see worldly contingent distinctions even in the spiritual realm/metaphysics. Start with Plato.

>> No.18482831

His evaluations are based on his personal tastes like most other philosophers. Like most other philosophers he attracts followers of a certain type. And so forth. I don't particularly like the distinctions he draws, or that I have seen drawn by his glossers here. They are highly simplistic. None of his higher types exist out of thin air anyway. There is no aristocracy with a beneath-aristocracy so setting up the top as based and the bottom as cringe, in order to preserve a static order, is itself degenerative because it would eventually necessitate propping up what is dying and suppressing what is vigorous. That these stations exist is perhaps too obvious, or not obvious enough in a democratic culture, but to close movement between them and set up spiritual hierarchies or whatever fluff reeks of a moral provincialism, the good and evil, enslavement to affects, and so forth.

>> No.18482854

cope. the british crown (under God and God alone) conquered the world.
go fuck a goat.

>> No.18482879

>conquered the world
and then gave it away and now they're being conquered, raped, and enslaved by their former colonies who all hate their guts and want to murder their daughters.

Nice argument, faggot.

>> No.18483463

And its all the fault of godless heathens who perform pagan rituals.