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/lit/ - Literature

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18480682 No.18480682 [Reply] [Original]

This collection is, as they say, a mood; an elegy for lost Americana, a memory of a place you've never been. If seduction is getting lost in the incomparable alienage of the other, and writing is teasing out the universal from the particular

>> No.18481050

More tacos/ma crap?

>> No.18481058

Sounds like horseshit.

>> No.18481067

link the epub

>> No.18481074


"Billy Pratt wanders and wonders through the ruins of what is left of our civilization and provides poolside musings on the façade of what passes for human relationships in our atomized present day. With more than a helping of melancholy and longing for things which are now past, Pratt writes in the mold of Delicious Tacos midway through an existential crisis. Enjoy these Despairing Tacos." — Mencius Moldbugman, contributor to Ending Bigly: The Many Fates of Donald Trump

>> No.18481083


>> No.18481096

It's totally incomprehensible to me that people use twitter for anything other than jacking it to femboys, what flavour of faggot spends their day consuming the twitter-approved thoughts of others? You might as well off yourself

>> No.18481126
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This is pre-twitter

>> No.18481133
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>It's on amazon

“Those other girls aren’t real.”

Abigail went to great lengths to convince you that she wasn’t like those other girls. Her experiences had greater depth, her thoughts were more developed, her interests were more artistic, and her feelings were more genuine. Abigail had esoteric qualities that made her special and unique, while those other girls were basic and shallow. Abigail also had a bigger waist and fatter thighs.

She wasn’t fat, but Abigail was conscious of her limitations and adjusted accordingly. If she couldn’t compete with those other girls, Abigail would attempt to hijack and redefine what it meant to win and then try to convince men that what they thought they wanted was all wrong.

The blonde cheerleader with the big chest wasn’t cool like Abigail. She didn’t like indie music, nor artsy movies, she didn’t read interesting novels, she didn’t have an ironic taste in fashion, nor would she be happy having a night-in drinking beers and playing Mario Kart. She wasn’t real, and Abigail was; real is what you should want.

The results weren’t very interesting. Abigail was able to be promiscuous with high-value men who probably would have fucked her anyway regardless of her advertised depth. She had beta-orbiters who masturbated her unique identity, but probably would have orbited her anyway. And, she had doofus boyfriends who respected her esoteric thoughts and opinions, but probably would have liked her regardless.

Abigail thought she needed to leverage authenticity, in the form of a meticulously sculpted identity, to compensate for not being as aesthetically competitive as higher-value women. Abigail thought that with enough salesmanship and authenticity she could land a rockstar boyfriend.

>> No.18481203
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Pretentious 'I see things as the are, dispassionately, truthfully, tersely' bullshit. Thanks for the heads up; good looking out.

>> No.18481218

Wow so this is literally just a board for advertisements now, huh?

I just wish at least one of you actually wrote well

>> No.18481254

It's /lit/core

>> No.18481261

post a single passage that you think is good. I’m totally willing to be persuaded but I’m not a fucking retard who’s going to buy some dreck to be a part of a meme.

>> No.18481277

You faggots all write with the same voice. This reads like something that could have been a post here in this board on some faggy incel thread. At this point I'm convinced I'm a 24 year old hanging out with literal 15 year old retards trying to sound remotely well-read writing in the most sterile and affected way.

>> No.18481285

>At this point I'm convinced I'm a 24 year old hanging out with literal 15 year old retards
Welcome to the chinz, faggot.

>> No.18481295

I'm an oldfag, queer. How is it that the years pass and you all stay the same age? Guess it really is time to move on to greater things. Gold aid the ones who stay, as they try to keep this shithole's level of quality.

>> No.18481333

I am an oldfag too. Believe me, this place won't get better anytime soon. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.18481448

>literally you

For most of last year, I enjoyed getting to work an hour before everyone else. Often, I’d be the first in the building- the motion lights of the vacant hallways clicking to life upon my arrival. It felt important to settle into work. As I age, my brain seems to take longer and longer to heat up- like one of those old IBM computers, with the turbo button on the yellowing plastic shell, that would only display green type on a black screen. Back when computers held mysteries and nerds were the only priestly caste who could access them. Now computers are vehicles for advertisements and nerds are the people happiest about it.

I enjoyed getting to work early because the roads were empty and I could speed. The highway I’d choose was wonderfully twisted, lined with trees, and toward the end of the school year my backdrop would become a gorgeous sunrise. It felt like playing Outrun (1986), and just the idea that a wrong move could flip my Honda Accord (I chose the “sports model”) and send it bouncing across the road made me feel alive. The only risk embedded in my daily routine was cut short by a speeding ticket. The officer was polite and reduced my seventy-eight in a fifty-five to a seventy-five citing major differences in consequence. I appreciated that. I plead guilty by mail, and got a reasonably prompt reply that my guilty plea was rejected. A court date was to be determined.

But I wouldn’t get to work early to do actual work– it was genuinely about swimming through lanes to cut-off the guy doing sixty-five in the left. Send him a message about my superiority. Maybe an intervention of sorts: only the strong survive. Feel the torque of your pick-up and become who you are. Pac-Man chasing ghosts, viciously cutting off anyone who considers safety an inherent guarantee of highway usage; watching in the rearview as they drift to the right. Lesson learned.

I’d get to work and watch old MTV videos on YouTube. Stuff you couldn’t have fully appreciated upon initial airing. When I got to 1979 (1996) I found myself watching on repeat, my eyes welling with tears, in what would become my morning ritual for the rest of the year.

>> No.18481461

There’s a complexity to adolescence that becomes forgotten in adulthood. Like the ability to truly fall in love, once it’s lost, it’s gone forever. People who shit on adolescence- who mock those who miss high school, who swear they’d never go back while laughing at the cynicism they’ve developed over the years- are dead inside and should be avoided. If you’re so far gone that you can’t remember a time more lofty and wistful… you may as well give yourself over to the system entirely, work your bullshit job until you’re dead, and, if you’re a woman, get pounded out by every shithead with a decent opener on Plenty of Fish. Most men don’t have that luxury. If you do have fond memories of adolescence, you’ll end up doing all that just the same, but at least you’re not an asshole.

Adolescence is the intersection of childhood freedom and adult responsibility. Childhood isn’t terribly interesting, even when romanticized, and being an adult is like a sitcom that’s been running for infinite seasons too long- every year a rehash of the same- everything amplified to parody, where Kramer and George are building a rocket ship out of couch cushions because George got caught masturbating at the library. The manifestation of sexuality is what makes the human experience interesting, but too much sexuality gets old quickly. There is nothing romantic about a twenty-two year old trying to fuck everything that moves- in another time, in another place, that energy could have been harnessed to build bridges and craft beauty, but in hell we spill fluid on hormonally altered women and consider that success.

But there’s a beauty to the emerging sexuality of adolescence. Taking a closer look at the pool scene in 1979, we find the play and exploration of childhood, as a boy and girl leave a house-party to hop the fence of a neighbor and swim in their in-ground pool, before a fleeting moment of eye-contact becomes a welcome kiss. There’s a moment where the girl smiles with elation and- as if this was too much, too soon- the characters are next seen throwing patio furniture into the pool; a regression to the aimless destruction of suburban living.

There’s a greater depth of meaning to that kiss than every OkCupid date you’ve ever been on. In a perfect world, they’ll marry and share variations of that kiss for the rest of their lives, evolving as they mature- taking the form of spending the first night in their new house, giving the first bath to their newborn daughter, the disastrous first Thanksgiving they host- everything carrying the newness of that kiss, and for a lifetime, they’ll never step out of that moment.

>> No.18481467

A moment that’s been erased by the modern world- a moment that’s become as dreamlike as a music video. A modern world where people don’t marry young; a modern world that’s given us the gift of college life and travel, exploration and experience, time on our side with a double middle finger aimed at anyone who doesn’t get the joke- that we’re too good to replicate the lives of our parents; too good for our fuck-count to be in the single digits; too good to marry our high school sweethearts, and only once that it’s too late to change course, as we careen down the highway- swimming through lanes and cutting off cars- will we understand that we’ll be chasing those ghosts forever.

>> No.18481472

Tacos and Billy are good but I can only take so much twfnogf and that's most of what they write.

>> No.18481505
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>You like to break women down so that you could rebuild them in your own image, she’d tell me. Your compliments are backhanded- insults by omission. You want her confidence dependent on you; reliant on your permission. Her only source of dopamine; good feelings; self-esteem. You become her dealer and you want her hooked. You want to own her.

>> No.18481533
File: 147 KB, 680x657, what zero pussy does to a mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro this girl's values and interests are just a facade for her to get attention from men bro, I know it because she is fucking Chads and shit instead of fucking me, and I'm super authentic, I'm a mental 15 year old who writes edgelord pseudo-nihilism because I can't get gf
>bro society is totally caging me man, I just wanna RUN with my car because like, society is castrating me and that's all I got, but then society wont allow me, man!
>bro adolescence is fucking magical man, because I'm a virginal faggot who didn't get no pussy on his teens so now I'm obsessed about it man, some girl rejected me back then and now I can't luv :( fuck tfw no gf

>> No.18481552
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I feel like I need a break from written text in general.

>> No.18481705

What do you recommend then cuck?

>> No.18481978

Not him but I found Tacos to be far less self indulgent than the stuff anon posted here. Still not great or even good, since it is ultimately just the usual "PUA wannabe turned pseudonihilistic cultural critic/analyst wannabe" stuff that arose in the mid 2010s.

>> No.18482073

Other than DT...

Something more mature

>> No.18482294

I swear to God, they who shill for these self published authors are truly the lowest of the low.

>> No.18482311 [DELETED] 

it's like the suburban white guy version of urban lit

>> No.18482333


There's nothing like it

>> No.18482387

>Highly specific profile of a woman
>Generalizing this highly specific profile
>Author thinks he is some kind of godly psychologist

>> No.18482414

OPs post made me think that it really could be a potent piece of literature to write a novel that is sort of like, "the best case situation" of life in USA in 2021.
Like, ignoring the pandemic. Ignoring the political bullshit. Ignoring the looming societal collapse / totalitarian state / whatever. But keeping all the good parts.
I think it would be nice.

>> No.18482441

Like... White Boy Summer?

>> No.18482451

Stop reading crapass meme literature and read A Balcony in the Forest by Julien Gracq

>> No.18482457

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.18482486
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>This collection is, as they say, a mood; an elegy for lost Americana, a memory of a place you've never been.
How did you manage to make me lose interest entirely in the exact sentence that was intended to grab my attention??

>> No.18482495

best post

>> No.18482504

None of these women are attractive to anyone but you, fag

>> No.18482552

>read A Balcony in the Forest by Julien Gracq
>His literary works were noted for their dreamlike abstraction


>> No.18482566

It's not like that unfortunately, it's just a collection of essays.

>> No.18483889

How do you know?

>> No.18483892

Is it a remaster?