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18479101 No.18479101 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on McCarthy’s The Road?

Of McCarthy I’ve only read this and Blood Meridian. I think BM his the stronger work /lit wise, but I liked The Road more for pleasure reading. To me the road stands as an ultimate justification of faith. To keep persevering and not to give into despair even in the face of impossible odds. I just found it to be a very comforting book. Sometimes when I’m really stressed or worried, I find myself repeating the Father’s words in my head to myself.

>it’s alright. I know. It’s okay, everything will be alright.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.18479137

I really liked it as well. At times I was bored because it got repetitive but the ending really elevated it and it wouldn't have been as effective without the long depictions of the dreariness and struggle beforehand.

>> No.18479151

i love it too and i'm glad to see someone else actually getting the hopeful aspect of the book rather than just treating it as the most depressing book ever

>> No.18479158

I felt the same way reading BM. The repetitive descriptions of bleak landscapes does get tiring, but like you said it is necessary for the plot. Plus from what I’ve heard that’s kinda McCarthy’s mo.

>> No.18479160

THis book made me commit suicide.

>> No.18479167

How's paradise treating you?

>> No.18479174

Great book, his wife was a coward though

>> No.18479182

I'm in a new circle of hell where I have to browse lit all day but can never find a good thread.

>> No.18479207

Yeah, it’s a depressing book for sure, but that’s where the hope springs from. Overall I don’t think the book is some masterpiece, but the father is one of the bravest characters I’ve ever read


>> No.18479242

Coward, just like the wife.

Seriously though, did you dislike the book overall, or enjoy it but found it depressing?

>> No.18479378

The relationship between the father and the son is beautifully depicted. Makes more sense if we take into account McCarthy's personal life.

>> No.18479422

idk I read it a long time ago I don't really remember what happens.

>> No.18480231


>> No.18480309

Give it a reread. You got nothing else to do in hell.

>> No.18480328

I really enjoyed that section when they find the underground shelter and can finally not worry bout food for awhile. I can't rememeber why they had to leave it though.

>> No.18480335

nah, I'm doing the gravity's rainbow loosely organized /lit/ summer reading group.

>> No.18480338

and the next McCarthy I'm planning on reading is Suttree

>> No.18480349

The father felt that they were being followed throughout

>> No.18480427

I just finished Suttree last night and it's a pretty incredible journey.

>> No.18480707

OP here
I’m planning on doing his Border Series next. Some Anon on /lit told me the second book in the trilogy is McCarthys best book

>> No.18480738

everything he wrote pales in comparison to suttree. it's fucking criminal how underrated it is among the general public. it's one of the best works of fiction of all time and beyond any doubt cormac's entry into the western canon, if any one novel does it.

>> No.18480852

Is Suttree part of the Border trilogy? I got filtered the first time reading ATPH but I want to give it another shot.

>anyone use audiobooks for Cormac? BM is fucking awesome in audio format. The Judge is one of the best literary characters of all time and if you disagree you're gay.

>> No.18480876

The road is great in audio too. The voice actor they have does a great job with both the father and the son. BM is great too.

Suttree is not part of the border trilogy, but I’ll definitely put it on my list after this thread

>> No.18481178

I read this a decade ago and it was bad enough to have turned me off of anything else by Cormac McCarthy and to remember it to this day. The amount of time he spent describing the hopelessness of their situation throughout the book made the optimistic ending seem like an an outright asspull. It was basically a string of deus ex machinas strung together with emotional manipulation and cheap shocks, like the room full of people having limbs harvested. McCarthy seems like an annoying sort of person who needs to spend more time brushing up on punctuation and less time looking up purposefully obscure words like "gryke".

>> No.18481184

So you haven’t read anything else by McCarthy?

>> No.18481237

It is true the book has a christian message about hope and God/Jesus?

>> No.18481250

I enjoyed it back in 2007-ish when it was released, but I was still a teenager and was blown away by a lot of books.
haven't re-read it yet. it did get me to buy the Border Trilogy. I enjoyed the first two books a lot and never got around to Cities on the Plain.

>> No.18481367

Sorta. I say it’s a justification of faith because the father refuses to give up against impossible odd.

God is mentioned a few times, but I don’t believe Jesus is

>> No.18481374

I see, I will check it out

>> No.18481384

Having talked to other anons, and having read BM, I can say it’s not his best book, or at least not his deepest. I can see someone who read it when they were younger going back and not liking it as much as they remember.

That being said I’m planning on rereading it when I have my first kid

>> No.18481416

the road was fine but Suttree changed my life

>> No.18481527

Me too, it’s too bad they couldn’t stay longer>>18480349 He was right

>> No.18482301

The ending can be interpreted as pessimistic and many people do interpret as such.

>> No.18482587
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When did I die?

>> No.18483630

>It was basically a string of deus ex machinas strung together with emotional manipulation and cheap shocks
Yeah but in a hopeless situation wouldn’t any thing that helped you seem like an act of god?

>> No.18483774

I'm sure Blood Meridian would be a more compelling read if I knew Spanish, but I can still recall the passage where he describes the moonlight shining off the sand-polished wheels of the wagon.

>> No.18483790

Honestly about 3 months of doulingo is all you need to appreciate BM’s Spanish dialogue. I’m speaking from experience. I can read Spanish at about a 1st/2nd grade level, but I understood everything that was said in BM

>> No.18483888
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>tfw read suttree six years ago and don't remember a thing

>> No.18483934

idk but the movie is kinda comfy. might rewatch soon