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18477223 No.18477223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I met a girl and gave her some books to read. The Box Man, My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness and Harassment Architecture. She's left-wing, anti-racist, the whole deal. Guess who cried like a baby and got dropped like a ball?

Women can't ever understand literature that doesn't directly describe familiar things.
At least I have money to buy his second book now ;)

>> No.18477230

Fuck women

>> No.18477240

I love it how they keep ragging on how unromantic men are but when you show them that you are ready to commit they scurry off because that's how 'toxic relationships' start. Women's vocabularies are so infected with new age bullshit, it's unreal.

>> No.18477249

And then everyone clapped

>> No.18477306

It really happened. Her name's Caitlín. She came to return my books and when I tried to touch her she recoiled and walked off and I walked with her to her bike. She told me not to give girls HA if you want to get with them. I experienced real despair yesterday. Like I finally got a glimpse into heaven and it was ripped away from my hands. Safe to say I was a little peeved.

>> No.18477322

>She's left-wing, anti-racist, the whole deal.
Why would you even date someone like that? You can smell the impending disaster from miles away.

>> No.18477332

>Guess who cried like a baby and got dropped like a ball?
what are you trying to say here? You hit her?

Lesbian Loneliness is written by a woman.... it's not even a book. Did you give her the manga of box man as well? Why wouldn't she understand what other women are thinking?

why did you kill a thread for this? go write in a diary and think about what you did wrong so you can do better last time.

>> No.18477336

That's the overwhelming majority of Dutch college-aged girls save for religious nuts and coalburners.

>> No.18477344

I gave her The Box Man novel. Lesbian Loneliness she liked. She was interested what I liked about it. I didn't. I made up some bs about how relatable the escort scene was.

I wrote this thread to tell anons to always hide their power level.

>> No.18477348

Anyone read Gothic Violence yet?

>> No.18477362

I know, that's why you don't date those (amd they are the same as coalburners). Honestly the only options are upper class girls (if you have money), church girls, shy autistic girls, and simple but wholesome lower class girls (not from the cities).
You'll keep running into the same thing if you date the woke ones.

>> No.18477366

Anon I've had Dutch college-aged girls tell me Hitler wasn't an all bad guy, maybe you're just not attractive enough to get them to change their ideology

>> No.18477369
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Two bonobos far too underdeveloped to be even considered chimpanzees meet. In an attempt of courtship, the male offered the female some of his feces. She was mostly displeased and scurried away to look for bananas somewhere else. The male is unfettered, as he can now consume his feces by himself and he finds them delectable.

>> No.18477382

It's only come out two days ago. Shipping takes longer.
>the only options are mirage, mirage, mirage, mirage
she was shy and autistic and I fucking squandered the opportunity

>> No.18477390

>she was shy and autistic and I fucking squandered the opportunity
She probably just acts that way. I've seen my fair share of Dutch college aged girls and some like to do the shy autistic act but they're mostly not. What opportunity? To be lectured about your white privilege by her? To attend a BLM rally together? What were you expecting?
And no those are not mirages, you just have to narrow down the right pond.

>> No.18477395

I've had a Dutch girl in high school tell me she wanted to read Mein Kampf and I got her a pdf lmao

>> No.18477410

On two occasions I've lent a book to a girl I had a good friendship with, and they stopped talking to me afterwards. One time a stranger girl lent me a book out of the blue. We got to taking more, and once I finished the book, she dropped me like a hot plate.
What is it with women and books? Is it like, a sign of commitment to them or some shit?

>> No.18477433

Women are like children. They don't know what they want themselves. If you show them that you are ready to restrict their freedom by entering into a relationship and they haven't reached the point in their life where their looks are noticeably deteriorating and their bioclock is ticking away as their carton empties, they usually are as scared of commitment as they are of death.

>> No.18477445

You’re all pathetic. Women wouldn’t be afraid of commitment if they actually loved you, and judging by the replies on here none of you are lovable or even kind

>> No.18477477
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>On two occasions I've lent a book to a girl I had a good friendship with, and they stopped talking to me afterwards.

>> No.18477478
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>> No.18477485

I gave a girl from class If On a Winter's Night a Traveler to read and she hated it. She apparently liked Walden though, because I never got it back

>> No.18477491

not true

>> No.18477496

Maybe not in rural areas but definitely if you live in the city.

>> No.18477503

i live in amsterdam. the prime minister is centre right & plenty of college aged girls (both dutch and international) are not left wing, although yes most are anti racist.

>> No.18477505
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The religious nuts are going to be the ones that save your country, and all of Europe too. Yet again the Catholic Church is going to have to saddle up and save the West. It's only happened, what, four times now? Maybe five? Maybe you fuckers should stop ignoring us when we tell you that certain things are good to do and certain things are bad to do.

>> No.18477507


>> No.18477511

Why are there so many Mike Ma threads? I know he just had a new book come out (on Amazon, at least) but it's odd that some guy who was by all accounts a complete unknown is now getting multiple threads per day.

>> No.18477520

Yummy yummy old man cock fills my tummy
the ones that aren't left wing are 'career women'
we're all paid shills, obviously

>> No.18477525

have you been diagnosed with autism? If not I diagnose you with autism

>> No.18477527

why are you in a city dating 'college aged girls' if you dont want to date people who want a career you fucking retard

>> No.18477543

I'm talking more about women that in all respects are like men and live for their career and nothing else. Think of gunners. I want someone who has a career but not someone who wants to shoot for CEO spots. That's right wing 'women'.

>> No.18477547

i completely disagree

>> No.18477567

Why would you give a femnoid HA in the first place? That book is too precious for a woman to hold.

>> No.18477606

For the first time in my life I felt something akin to love for a woman.

>> No.18477613

Also, fuck off Mike.

>> No.18477624

I haven't felt that inkling feeling since I was in middle school. I've stopped trying after every female I was interested in was already taken, but even if they weren't, no woman is worth the chance of her ripping up my copy of HA.

>> No.18477629

HA isn't that precious lmao
also you haven't felt what I felt
I had a meltdown and when I got home I started to scream like a madman
I went bonkers for a second