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18476020 No.18476020 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading Pynchon worth it? I'm interested in postmodernism, but a lot of people who claim to like his books act like retards.

>> No.18476029

enh just jerk off.

>> No.18476064

Was this chart made by a /tv/ poster? Holy fuck

>> No.18476104

Started listening to Vineland audiobook today, it’s actually pretty good

>> No.18476126
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>> No.18476145

Where's Waldo is actually a great inspiration for the cover of Pynchon's novels, so it's a shame that the editions are so shitty on the inside.

He's right >>18476126 Pynchon deserves your full attention.

>> No.18476224

You got a better one?

>> No.18476230

I’m reading V right now and I’m gonna try Gravity’s Rainbow next, but I have the black and white Penguin edition.

Is it really that bad?

>> No.18476549

no, it has no typo problem. just go for it

>> No.18476558

man the seethe is real, you guys keep posting frogs and I’ll keep enjoying my book :)

>> No.18476649

It does have a few pretty big typographical errors in the second half of the book but it's not a major problem

>> No.18477064

post errata

>> No.18477237

How is he seething when all he said was Pynchon deserves your undivided attention?

>> No.18477242

Also it's not a book it's an audio recording.

>> No.18477247

I read crying of lot 49, years ago and I barely remember anything except when she goes into an office and something happens?

>> No.18477257

> I'm interested in postmodernism, but a lot of people who claim to like his books act like retards.
Comes in the package with being interested in postmodernism.

>> No.18477830

>crying of lot 49
for me, the entire message in this story is: who is conveying information?
try and focus on the who and why
i think that is a common theme of his
just my hot take

>> No.18477924

I got the bottom Waldo version of gravity's rainbow because it was the only one I could find. I thought I wouldn't end up getting any more waldo ones but now I have purchased a crying of lot 49 waldo cover because everything else was expensive, and now I feel I have to only get waldo covers

>> No.18477953

Vintage edition was cheap too when I bought it.

>> No.18477980

What about V.? Non-waldo versions of that are quite expensive from what I've seen

>> No.18478017

There is one perennial classic edition that ain't too expensive

>> No.18478658

>and something happens?
massive understatement if you're talking about the part where her shrink has a paranoid schizophrenic melt down because he's an ex-nazi and thinks the Israelis are after him so locks himself in his office and starts shooting at everything best part in the whole book only improvement would be if he actually got to kill some jews

>> No.18479508

Does he have a non tacky book cover?
Black and white one looks good but you guys say it has errors. The rainbow one is kinda gay.

>> No.18479903

my kobo broke and im too lazy to go to the library so i just listen to audiobook instead
probably going through a book faster than i would read it since im accustomed to listening to shit at 2 times speed

>> No.18480450

For GR the only option is the original cover on the Viking/Penguin editions

>> No.18480659

It's just one deleted line on one page, and it's been fixed for years.

Page 139-140
>Your task, in the dreams, is often to pens.
Authorized text:
>Your task, in the dreams, is often to cross under the trees through the shadows before something happens.

>> No.18480699

the blueprint cover is the only kino edition and thats not up for debate.

>> No.18482025

Are you in India? What helps me if I'm buying from amazon is to look up the same book on the US website first and then type the book name + publisher onto Google. It's usually more expensive than the local edition but the quality is way better.

>> No.18482028

Very much so, start with Crying of Lot 49, then Vineland.

>> No.18482048

The penguin one seems to have been corrected in reprints, at least in the version I have. One of my relatives has a first edition hardcover and I'm hoping to try and get it from her at some point though.

>> No.18482093

You can give your full attention to an audiobook, just like you can give your full attention to listening to music. Critically listening to an audiobook is considerably easier than critically listening to music, assuming you know your theory and have developed your ear.

>> No.18482445

It is actually better. Vintage edition doesn't have that *** thing seperating the episodes.