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18475573 No.18475573 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys listen to music while you read? I put on the silent hill ost when reading spooky shit. It really helps me get into the book. I don't really know what to put on for other genres, so I read in silence most of the time.

>> No.18475616

No, but I find white noise helps if you live in a noisy household or area.

>> No.18475641

I've never even tried listening to music while I read, I feel like it would distract me too much. I guess playing songs without vocals at a low volume might be okay though.

>> No.18475647

Disintegration loops or watermusic ii
My roommate are noisy or I like reading in cafes that usually have music playing and conversation, otherwise I wouldn't.

>> No.18475648

I listen to those spooky story narrators, creates a good atmosphere.

>> No.18475723

There's this YouTube channel callec "ambient worlds" they do hours long orchestral and ambient music from a whole host of things including tolkien's universe and vidya. I pretty much read Tolkien's main five books with various videos from this channel in the background. I never listen to any music with words, though. I used to but it's too distracting. Reading about Smaug getting merk'd while Erabor themed music was playing in the background was KINO.
Im currently reading Moby Dick with whale sounds in the background, pretty nice atmosphere

>> No.18475847

I listen to this

>> No.18475880


>> No.18475974

Classical music or movie soundtracks

>> No.18475988

Are you me? I was listening to Silent Hill tunes while reading through Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18476075

Thanks for calling those out, I'm in the same situation where I need music that's "loud" enough to drown out outside noise while still being "quiet" enough for me to focus.

>> No.18476080


>> No.18476169

Used to, find it too distracting nowadays

>> No.18476719
File: 57 KB, 425x425, 81vaOIWJkcL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to this on loop

>> No.18476881

I just play either classical or some foreign song so
I don't get caught up in the lyrics.

>> No.18476939

Shut up commie fag

>> No.18476945

Guys, me too... the SH 1 and 2 soundtracks are kino

>> No.18476957

Anyone who listen other than to instrumental music while reading is a subhuman.

>> No.18476966

i do not listen to music when i read because the emotions of the music will never line up with the emotions of the literature. this ruins both

>> No.18478252



I've really enjoyed this particular playlist and the other ones similar to it that appear in the suggestions.

>> No.18478270

No but I like white noise. If I'm at home alone I'll put on rain or wave noises, sometimes cafe ambiance or whatever

>> No.18478283

listen to Kate bush songs with no Lyrics

>> No.18478291
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I maintain that the best way to enjoy Heart of Darkness is with an angry old washing machine that sounds like it's going to blow any minute.

>> No.18478295
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Lmao, count me in. Been listening to Silent Hill 1 , 2 and 3 soundtracks while reading horror short stories for the past 6 months. No coincidence though, it's perfect sonic background for the genre - escalating from ominous bleakness to disharmonic insanity.

>> No.18478496

One of those jazz streamings, mostly. But like OP I change the soundtrack depending on the atmosphere of the book. For Blood Meridian I'd put some western ambient, for Lord of the rings some medieval stuff and for American Psycho I'd just play whatever he was talking about in the book.

>> No.18478505

No music. But like hearing the sound of rain when I read.