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/lit/ - Literature

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18473326 No.18473326 [Reply] [Original]

Who /fitlit/ here?
Just finished the salvation saga from Hamilton.
What are you reading?

>> No.18473327

My fav series has always been Wheel of Time

>> No.18473328

Foucault's pendulum.

>> No.18473329

Just finished Sassoon’s Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man

>> No.18473330

Catch 22.

>> No.18473331

I just finished 20,000 leagues under the sea by Verne (obviously), currently reading LOTR.

Leagues had some great quotes in it. I particularly remember "the gambler regrets his lost money less than his foolish hopes" or something like that.

/fitlit/ is lowbrow as fuck, by the way, but here I am reading trash so who am I to judge.

>> No.18473332
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Reading Limits & Renewals by Kipling and The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

>> No.18473333

Just started Spring Snow by Mishima. Slowly working my way through The Cantos by Pound-Town himself.

>> No.18473334

Fug, this is on my list, should I bump it up a few spaces? Currently in the middle of stormlight and love the writing style

>> No.18473335

Currently reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Not exactly the same but a long high fantasy series that my dad and I both liked a lot was "Malazan: Book of the Fallen" by Steven Erikson.

Extremely lore and culture heavy, great characters and scenes.

Recommend Children of Hurin if you haven't read it. I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.18473336

im reading don quixote
absolute kino

>> No.18473337

Dude same, what part you on?

>> No.18473338

I haven’t read anything in a long time but I started Walden a couple of days ago. I’d forgotten how much reading eases your mind.

>> No.18473339

ill tell ya page number so i dont spoil you
im on page 802

>> No.18473340

"The Stranger" by Albert Camus. I also listen to Harry Potter audiobooks in the gym every day. When I finish the series I just start it over. This has been going on for 6 years.

>> No.18473341

The Decline of the West by Spengler, very good historiographic book that talks about how things such as math or art have been experienced in different cultures, for example the greeks had no concept of zero or negative numbers because they thought they were useless, they also believed that there was no point in writing past history down because nothing interesting happened before their times

>> No.18473342

Is it any good? I couldn't get through Name of the Rose, it started good and got worse.
I'm mostly reading philosophy this summer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Habermas. It's fun but a bit taxing.

>> No.18473343
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My goal is to read twenty new books by the end of the year. I'm on number nine so far, "Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries", by Martin Gardner

>> No.18473344

I started reading Notes from underground but I feel unconfortable since its about a bitter loner, it reminds me of my life.

>> No.18473345

If you think it's just about a bitter loner you're missing the point

>> No.18473346
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haven't read a book in years

>> No.18473347

Just started Facing Reality, Charles Murray. Bought it on Amazon Kindle because I really wanted to read it, pretty sure I am now on a list somewhere (if I wasn't already).

At night I read /comfy/ fantasy series to help relax and turn off the brain. Currently reading Greg Keyes' Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series. Actually quite good and readable.

>> No.18473348
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Make way, kino coming through

>> No.18473349

La Peste, Albert Camus.

>> No.18473350


All I read lately are webserials, just finished ward, following a practical guide to evil and the wandering inn. I've been meaning to go back and finish/reread all of Lovecrafts stuff.

>> No.18473351

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.18473352


NGL the wheel of time DRAGS on once you get to about the halfway point and it can get pretty dry. If you have patience it's definitely worth the read though.

>> No.18473353

I only read university textbooks in maths and physics, not for university but because nothings else interests me and I also hate popsci

>> No.18473354

are you a math/physics major or just a complete loon?

>> No.18473355

I'm reading Chrisitne by Stephen King at the moment. I also quit caffeine and all social media...I feel like I'm actually able to concentrate.

>> No.18473356

Reading is for retards.

>> No.18473357

sure you do

>> No.18473358
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>> No.18473359
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>I only read university textbooks in maths and physics, not for university but because nothings else interests me and I also hate popsci

>> No.18473360

Yesterday was Bloomsday, so obviously we should pay some attention to Joyce today. I relooked over Proteus again, Lotta interesting stuff going on in that chapter. Love the way the prose transitions from visual to auditory in the first few paragraphs.

Fitlit is a joke, though. These people read such entry level material that it all ought to be disregarded.

>> No.18473361

King's latest shit has been really good, almost on par with his coke era output (Stand, It, Shining etc)

If you liked Christine, check out Joyland, Later, and The Institute. I also thought 11/22/63 was really good although it made me so sad.

It's harder to appreciate King because he's so fucking annoying politically, but the man can spin a yarn. And if I ignored every boomer with deranged political opinions, I would basically never talk to anybody over 40.

>> No.18473362

my copy of The Pale King arrived recently. really looking forward to the read, even though it's likely to be unfinished in nature

>> No.18473363
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Reading Confessions of an English Maid right now.
I thought it would make me horny, but it just gives me feels I don't want to feel.

>> No.18473364

You are reading right now, retard.

>> No.18473365



Holy shit this is why the british aren't a superpower anymore

>> No.18473366
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>Reading is for retards.

>> No.18473367

It's a 12 years old girl. She only says it like that at the beginning of the book.

>> No.18473368

Blood Meridian

>> No.18473369

Alright bros I’m into horror and thriller right now.
Give me the good stuff to read

>> No.18473370

>help me

>> No.18473371

I’m reading Baudolino, it’s baudokino

>> No.18473372

Based Spenglerian

>> No.18473373

Finished Satanic Verses recently, which I thought was pretty average considering I loved Midnight's children. Reading Dead Souls by Gogol now to get in the mood for my trip to Russia in a few months

>> No.18473374

Finished Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut yesterday and it is pretty good. Honestly liked it more than Slaughterhouse Five but those are the only two works by Vonnegut I've read.
Now I'm probably gonna start on the Iliad
I just read the stranger yesterday but i didn't totally understand it. Is the whole point that he's just complacent and does things without thinking too much? Like he just doesn't care about the consequences of his actions because he's an atheist? I'm kinda confused

>> No.18473375

>Finished Satanic Verses
>almost quad 6
I guess it's still something with the triple

>> No.18473402

Check out the memoir of Henry Spencer Ashbee/Pisanus Fraxi - My Secret Life; be warned, there's a boatload of descriptive dealings with minors.

>> No.18473521

>believed that there was no point in writing past history down because nothing interesting happened before their times
Tell me this isn't what he believes

>> No.18473545
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I'm reading Conan right now. The Discworld series has also been on my planned reading list for a while, so I'll probably start those books pretty soon too.
I also read various survival manuals. I'll probably never be in a situation where they're actually necessary, but they're interesting and the knowledge and skills can usually be applied in more general situations.

>> No.18473733

There's a niggerman in the rats in the walls by Lovecraft
Checked. Lovecraft's work is public domain so anyone can do an audiobook of them. The ones on the channel horrobabble are excellent
What would you recommend for visiting Providence, Rhode Island, famous hometown of the esteemed author H.P. Lovecraft?

>> No.18473950
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I read while walking and I lift dumbells daily.

>> No.18474420

I'm working on a few books:
>This Time The World (G. L. Rockwell)
>Hyperborean Home (Farnham O'Reilly)
>Táin Bó Cúailnge
>The Hermetic Tradition (J. Evola)
>The Crisis of the Modern World (Rene Guenon)
>The Vedas (Rig)
I picked up a collection of Lord Dunsany and I'm about half way through this, too, but I haven't cracked it open in about 2.5 weeks.

>> No.18474428
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How do I achieve this physique?

>> No.18474449

I’m /fit/ and /lit/
Reading The Recognitions

>> No.18474572

Im too scared to ask /fit/
care to share your /fitlit/ routines (focus on the lit disposition)?

>Day 1 run 10kms; pull ups 10x; chin ups 10x; wide pull ups ~4x
>Day 2 push up and sit up routines (+100 push ups including: diamond, inclined, wide, explosive; bycicle, side planks, elevating +4mins, etc.) and currls
>Day 3: repeat day 1
>Day 4: repeat day 2 routine + barbell rows, military press, skull crushers, shrugs, raising 10.5 kg plate extended infront of you
Day 5 rest
>day 6 repeat day 1
>day 7 repeat day 2

If I play tennis on any day, everything gets pushed back by 1 day. Clearly only work out in the garage, but I have gained 14kgs in 9 months and trimmed down 5 again since I added running.

>The picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.18474950
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>> No.18475009

/fitlit/ are a bunch of plebes, to no one's surprise.

>> No.18475036

This thread was originally posted on /fit/ and was moved here by the mods
That routine is kind of shitty if you're actually trying to build muscle. It sounds like you have access to a barbell which you should use whenever you have the chance. Bench press is better than pushups because you're able to progress linearly in weight as opposed to increasing the reps.
Also for pull ups and chin ups (which are good workouts on their own) do sets of reps. For example instead of 10x, do 3x10 or 3xf. You will see more progress this way
Let me know if you want a good simple routine based on what equipment you have

>> No.18475643

that's funny, i'm reading confessions of an english opium-eater

>> No.18475659

yeah, I'd love that.
two dumbbells 12kg max
curl bar 35kg max
and a pull up bar

>> No.18475672 [DELETED] 

I didn't know your head physically grows when you read books. :3

>> No.18475701
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this week I read American Psycho and next week will be Platos Republic.

>> No.18476480

Okay I would say just split into a push and pull day since you don't have much weight and alternate every other workout
Push 1
>3x10 OHP
>3x10 overhead tricep extension
>3x10 lateral raises
>3x10 squat
Pull 1
>3x10 deadlifts
(3x5 or 5x5 is more appropriate for deadlifts if you had more weight)
>3x10 barbell rows
>3x10 chest flies
>3xf pull ups
>3xf chinups
Push 2
>3x10 bench press (off the floor if you have to)
>3x10 overhead tricep extension
>3x10 front raises
>3x10 lunges
Pull 2
>3x10 upright rows
>3x10 shrugs
>3x10 dumbells pullover
>3xf pull ups
>3xf chinups
Honestly i would do pullups and chinups everyday until you can do like 20 in a row then start adding weigh with a belt or backpack also if you don't like one of the exercises, substitute for a different one. Im not a fan of skull crushers but you might like them more than overhead tricep extensions. Or Romanian deadlift instead of conventional since you don't have a lot of weight

>> No.18476848

Taking a break from my normal esoterica to read Radiant Terminus. Had I to furnish a reason to not destroy the French, the books author would be among the first. Same with Martinism