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/lit/ - Literature

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18461293 No.18461293 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18461319

I'm wondering if I should start reading and try writing as well, or focus on my art. I seem to have more affinity for the latter, but I want to tell people a story with my work, something that stimulates more than just the eye.

>> No.18461345
File: 137 KB, 1024x771, 1623651466584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that we are about to experience some very dark but nevertheless interesting times. I think its quite plausible that the vaccines will end up sterilizing billions of people world wide.

>> No.18461351

I came here to post another sad comment but I don’t need that and neither do you.

>> No.18461360

But it's so good to see other people also feel shit like me.

>> No.18461367

why would it be this vaccine that does this? we've been doing vaccines for a while now. did you read some truth-sayer sites?

>> No.18461378

You could write a book with illustrations to combine the two?

>> No.18461379

>I think that we are about to experience some very dark but nevertheless interesting times.
I feel this too, and I'm pretty sure it isn't just me. Something seems to be coming. Some greater collapse. Most likely to do with global warming. Something to do with crypto exposing capitalism. The 20th century was the fuck around century. Now we're finding out. More and more changes. Faster faster faster. Seems to be rushing to a point, whilst most of us stand. New world order, baby. They tried to warn us.

>> No.18461380

They started with vaccinating the over 70s here in Australia and I can confirm not one has given birth. Scary times indeed.

>> No.18461397

I don’t even really feel like shit. That’s why it’s worse this time, and why I came here.

>> No.18461410

>the vaccines will end up sterilizing billions of people world wide.
All the places with high birth rates are going to be the last to get them lol. You should take your feels to a pulpy secondhand bookshop and get PD James' The Children of Men. It's even set in 2021. And if you have similar foreboding feels about SJWs/trannies, you should follow it up with Anthony Burgess' The Wanting Seed. From there it'll be easy to get into PKD.
You should dance to some good music and read some nice poems. I will give you extra points if you read a poem to a tree.

>> No.18461413

Okay let's not be unreasonable here, the 20th century was far more of a disaster than the 21st has been

>> No.18461417

>tumblr vs WWI
IDK anon that's a tough call

>> No.18461418

I fear my writing ability would require so much more effort to achieve than improving my drawing ability would.

When I'm drawing, I'm enjoying myself a lot. When I'm even just reading, not even writing, I have to resist the urge to skip whole paragraphs and get so tired, even after 30 minutes I feel like I need a break.

Seriously considering to hire someone to write a story for me, but that wouldn't make it possible for me to tell what I want to tell.

>> No.18461424
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Why do you think they are not enforcing mandatory vaccination passports though?

>> No.18461425

So far. Guess we'll find out.

>> No.18461427

I'm thinking about how much I love Tolkien's "The Children of Húrin" and how I want to read it again this summer.

>> No.18461429
File: 586 KB, 828x896, 358F261A-BD7E-42B6-9191-D9D81C6E56CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop thinking about how contemptuous faggots are.
What sparked my thoughts.

>> No.18461432

What kind of things do you draw?

>> No.18461442

lol is that Tolkien? I honestly thought it was one of the few sci-fi/fantasy books that my Tolkien loving friends rec uninvited that wasn't by Tolkien.

>> No.18461443

Faggotty things like ponies and cartoon characters.

>> No.18461446

>This triggered you
You should really avoid books then.

>> No.18461453

I'm amazed at the shit people will make up, others will take for granted, and then get angry about.

>> No.18461454
File: 675 KB, 828x1148, FE17CFB3-E8DF-4B1C-8629-46999CC1F6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse and worse and corroborated by more homos.

>> No.18461471
File: 20 KB, 220x325, The_Children_of_Hurin_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's one of Tolkien's Great Tales, however he never published it himself. It fell to his son to compile the story from his father's notes.

>> No.18461477

>Weimar Berlin is going to cause me to go foetal position
I recommend Weimar Culture by Peter Gay. You'll love it. Chase it up with some Isherwood.

>> No.18461478

>It gets worse
Have you ever read Catullus?

>> No.18461481

Leftism ruined the West.

>> No.18461485

I’ve been torn between drawing and writing before. Drawing was the one that was really my first love, and before I realized how the world works, I wanted to be a mangaka. I didn’t even know how I would capitalize on my drawings or if I was even good enough. So I sort of gave up on it and turned to writing, which I also don’t know if I’m good at but I think it’s more straightforward. In the end, I was only interested in either in so far as they’re used to tell a story, so I guess story telling is what I’ve always been most interested in. I figure if writing is the easier way for me to do that, then I’ll write but if I’m being totally honest, if I felt like I had the talent and the capacity to turn my drawing into something, I would do that over anything else in a heart beat. I just don’t feel as though that’s the case.

>> No.18461490

because they dont need to? Majority of people are indoctrinated retards / NPC's who will get the vaccine witout a second thought, those are the same people who scream at you to "trust the experts" while at the same time virtue signaling and trying to hummiliate others who are skeptical about this or that at least try to think for themselves.

>> No.18461491
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Give me the paragragh that’ll convince me to hate read them.
Any one disgusting sentence will do even.

>> No.18461492

No the Swedes were dicks even before feudalism ended.

>> No.18461519
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, 1532410711622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just scrolled through facebook and everyone is a sad fat sack of shit.

I just scrolled through instagram and everyone is a fake, angled, bullshit sad sack of shit.

I just scrolled through linkedin and everyone is so humbled and thankful and humbled to announce their new job at CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS MEDIUM SIZED LAW FIRM ON TRACK TO PARTER WITH SMILES AND POTLUCKS

No relationship I have with anyone is 'real'.

I hate everyone I've ever met at this point. I hate the remains of my 'social life'. I hate how these people repeat platitudes and try their best to be happy. God I need to lose weight. Brb doing 100 jumping jacks.

>> No.18461528

Drawing and writing are really hard to make any money with, unless you sell your soul and make porn. I'm lucky enough to not have to worry about income at least, but I'd give it up for actual talent in a heartbeat.

>> No.18461539

>he doesn't know any Catullus
>not even
>I will sodomize and face fuck you
lol did you think reading the internet was literature all this time? why are you spending so much time triggering yourself with twitter? are you one of those emos? lmao @ your life

>> No.18461540

Don't use social media if you can avoid it. It's all posturing, all fake.

>> No.18461543

Public presentation is important when your future is at stake. This is why 4chan is the only place where people actually speak their mind.

>> No.18461546

I can't just delete it, but I have most def cut down my usage of them by 95%. Now I spend all my time here.

>> No.18461547

Jesus is there for you no matter what. The relationship you have with Him is genuine if you yourself are genuine. You are never alone because Christ is always with you. God bless! \[T]/

>> No.18461721

>Why do you think they are not enforcing mandatory vaccination passports though?
they will....

>> No.18461734

You sound like Butterly. You fucking faggot.

>> No.18461869

Butterfly would find a lot of those books problematic. Unless a new tranny has taken over the LARP and redirected Butterfly canon.

>> No.18461883

the days are too long

>> No.18461893

You are definitely not me.

>> No.18461894

> scrolling through something which is literally not real
> “Everything is fake!!!”

>> No.18461904
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Wait until you learn that they really are humbled and thankful. People are happy being caged animals as long as it’s nice in the cage.

>> No.18461907
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20210610-223749_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what else to do with this life aside from reading and farting
Everything seems fucking retarded now im very. tired

>> No.18461946

I don’t really know what to do either. I’ve tried some stuff that I think most people would think would be interesting but they weren’t. It’s all just so damn boring and reading, watching, that sort of thing is the only thing that takes my mind off of it. I just wish I had something to live for, ya know? No. Really what I want is something to fight for? But I have nothing to fight for.

>> No.18461974

Its the way you said it. Also people dont just get rid of their misery by listening to some music or reading something. Jesus, man..

>> No.18462036 [DELETED] 

if you want to attend a research university your vaxx papers better be in order comrade

>> No.18462042 [DELETED] 

i think it's going to be the opposite. i was skimming that radfem turboterf reddit spinoff the other day and some post-menopausal cat ladies where talking about how the vax made their periods come back

>> No.18462091

I schedule meetings with different people at the same time knowing I cant make both. I'm not sure why I do this

>> No.18462099

Nah, it clearly isn't happening. Gene therapy is a new and highly experimental field and every government just got the green light to use everyone as Guinea Pigs. I dont think there's anything sinister in the vaccines.

>> No.18462108

The adult's Eenie meenie minie mo

>> No.18462143

I am simply too old to like the things I like

>> No.18462205

The more solitude I give myself the more pissed off I get at people when they tell me what the fuck I should do, im grateful to family but im going to see if I can move into dorms and just get a loan to get increasing debt, fuck it. The fucking annoyances I have to deal with are minor but so precisely annoying, at least in a dorm I have a room

>> No.18462216

is that ok?

>> No.18462237
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 347C0AB6-F65A-47B2-8379-4808E4ADDCA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know anymore

>> No.18462284
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The banana tree is not a tree at all, but in fact the world’s largest perennial herb, at 30 feet tall. The stems of the banana plant have no wood, therefore they are not trunks, but densely packed leaves.

>> No.18462297

It’s been a full week since I last even attempted to contact my (ex) gf. She was always weird, she had a DDLG/brat kink and always loved me to spank her, wanted me to slap her, etc. We had already gotten into a fight about a month ago, where she told me I talk over her too much and she thought I don’t care about her or her feelings. I got mad and insulted her using her insecurities, which resulted in her crying on face time. We actually made up and she felt passionate about me. But a couple weeks ago, perhaps it was a simple text message that threw her in the wrong way, but she went silent on me for days.

I got mad again, asking her why can’t she just communicate what her problems are, she eventually responded in a deadpan manner, which made me tell her to fuck off, essentially. A few days later I congratulated her on her recent graduation. She gave me a thank you. I then said: “I’m sorry for the way I am sometimes”. She only said: “Don’t be it’s not your fault sometimes.” She has not contacted me since. There’s a lot more details but this is the short versions and it’s already a faggy blogpost. I’m left with two choices, either grovel at her feet, maybe showing her that i care, but risk leaving a bad taste in her mouth and making myself look emasculated and weak, or do I continue my cessation of communication with her, maybe proving to her I don’t need her which could make me look attractive again, but risk her forgetting about me?

>> No.18462307

Here’s your Color Revolution bro:

>> No.18462322

Ive beem having really intense self bondage sessions lately and i'm beginning to suspect that it's not healthy sexuality

>> No.18462327

She's probably BPD. You just dodged a bullet

>> No.18462338

how long have you been with her? sounds like you should maybe leave her anon. just doesn't sound good.

>> No.18462341
File: 679 KB, 1600x2048, tumblr_7def97b078ca991bad25dec57048398a_f3fb6336_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no condoms lads, very based

>> No.18462343
File: 263 KB, 1024x977, 1616825628437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something seems to be coming. Some greater collapse. Most likely to do with global warming. Something to do with crypto exposing capitalism.
Its called the Great Reset and its currently happening. You will eat ze bugs and the onions, live on a pod, get your AI chip inserted into your brain so that goverment agencies can monitor your thoughts, you will date the trans gf and you will like it.

>> No.18462356

Some people do like to wallow. Maybe try The House at Pooh Corner.

>> No.18462367


>> No.18462381 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 555x631, 1610372322444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude...duderino, omg dude so based! Finally I wont have to have the vasectomy since I'm infertile thanks to the elites sterilizing me with the vaccine! At least I can have sex and not wear a condom,hecking based

>> No.18462397
File: 80 KB, 555x631, 1610372322444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude...duderino, omg dude so based! Finally I wont need the vasectomy since I'm infertile thanks to the elites sterilizing me with the vaccine! At least I can have sex and not wear a condom,hecking based

>> No.18462432

Assuming there is some conspiracy, I'd imagine it's to avoid causing too big of an upset, lest people do something about it. Same reason they don't just take guns wholesale.

>> No.18462583

Is there a cognate term for "thumos" in northern European cultures?

>> No.18462637

been reading fukuyama huh? his last book was all thumos this, thumos that, blah blah blah.

>> No.18462656

I read Homer because I'm not a fuckin economist

>> No.18462672
File: 87 KB, 300x300, monkaS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typed $ into Google

>> No.18462678
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We used to get chased by pic related.

>> No.18462706

damn the threads in this general have been moving fast lately

>> No.18462740

this but unironically. getting kids is the ultimate self-cuck, living only to improve the life of another.

>> No.18462784

Spengler was right, anti-natalism is mental illness

>> No.18462832
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>Very impressive, Mr. Schwab. But there are people in this world who are stronger than you, and we will not be defeated as easily as the West was.

>> No.18462852
File: 174 KB, 1702x682, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading this review and thinking, ok I guess that make sense but I end it with a feeling that the author find the notion that not everyone is enchanted by a vagina, hurtful

>> No.18462900

Remember when all the memes came from /sp/? Now no one talks about that board at all. Everything comes from /tv/ now.

>> No.18462903

/fit/ and /v/ also fell off hard

>> No.18462909
File: 155 KB, 800x1169, conocer-historia-frank-kafka-xlsemanal-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to repent of starting to study Law. I always thought that this was my destiny, it seemed to be a career I would fit in, and many of my heroes had studied it, yet now that I'm studying it, it just doesn't fill me, it feels soulless, it doesn't satisfy what I'm looking for, even if I don't know what I'm really looking for.
What other options did I have? It seems like the only career I could get a job in: Literature, Philosophy and History students can't get a job, even if their subject of study is a hundred times more interesting. And the possibility of finding a job is still low, considering the amount of lawyers out there. What would separate me from any other lawyer? Why would anyone prefer me over anyone else?
I just wish I could seclude myself from the rest of society and dedicate all of my time to things I actually love.

>> No.18462938

not continuing your essence through your kids long after your dead and in the dirt is the ultimate cuck

>> No.18462949

>Der Unterganges des Bildschriften

>> No.18462959

>I just wish I could seclude myself from the rest of society and dedicate all of my time to things I actually love.
No you don't, you just like the idea of it. I work nights by myself up on a mountain so I can work on the things I love without outside influence. If you really wanted the seclusion and ability to focus on your passions, you would make sacrifices for it.

>> No.18462970

What was your long-term goal after becoming a lawyer? If it's anything other than being a lawyer for the rest of your life or entering politics in the future, I don't know why. The romantic image and abstract idea of law is alluring but if you do your due diligence and read about other law students/lawyers you've probably known the reality of daily work in the field. So I'm not sure what you expected. Don't mean to put you down of course, just curious.

>> No.18462972

Leave her alone, it’ll be better for the both of you

>> No.18462974

>wanting a daughter in 2021
why anon

>> No.18462989

Why do i hear meowing, I dont own a cat

>> No.18463147

Sometimes I hear my mom calling me from the basement even though she doesn't live with me. Not sure why that happens because I don't hear or see things not there otherwise.

>> No.18463296

I just reconnected with a college friend after a year and he's about to land a really nice government job when he graduates. I told him I feel like it'll be really hard to get the job I want upon graduating, but he says a lot of the time all you have to do is ask. That's definitely the right mindset, I think, but still I wonder a lot if it's true. In a big way, I'm starting to measure my success based on the job I get after graduating, but also I don't really want to put the work in to get a good job after graduation, so it's a shitty spot of being unmotivated but also fearing that lack of experience screwing me over in getting any decent job later.

It reminds me of some comedy special (I think it was kat williams) where at the start they were chanting "Everybody wanna be famous, nobody wanna put the work in". Even though I view my own desires as weird, honestly the above is true for me too, so it's really a normal problem. My major is Computer Engineering and I sometimes guilt myself over not enjoying it more, but I think those who do naturally enjoy it are a lucky minority, and the rest of us need to treat it as a job. That way we don't guilt trip ourselves when we can't get into it more, and we can focus on our portfolios not with the mind that we should enjoy it, but thinking, "This is an essential part of getting employed and I need the experience".

Kind of meandering thoughts but several of the STEMfags here can probably relate.

>> No.18463358
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Today I listened to my biggest fan tell me about his late father and how I reminded him of his dad because of my stubborn nature and financial savvy. He's an elderly preacher who has listened to me since I was in my 20s and before I even got my first book out into the world.
Though his words were kind, seeing him so energetic made me feel warm inside because despite his advanced age and cancer, if he has that much energy it means he's overcoming it.
You're rooting for me old friend, but I'm rooting for you too.

>> No.18463447

>there are things im supposed to do
>dont find them interesting enough to even try
im continuing to fuck up my life even more

>> No.18463516

Do you like it when a book review includes a plot synopsis or would that make you mad because it's a spoiler?

>> No.18463542

I want summer to end, so the girls will cover themselves again. When I go back from my shitty job, I don't want to be reminded everyday how miserable I am. I used to love summer.

>> No.18463557

>Which of the immature and dishonest strategies do I use to pursue my abusive relationship?
Either one, champ. They'll both get you where you're at anyways.

>> No.18463573

Going missing at sea seems like the coolest thing ever

>> No.18463594

>tfw you'll never be a conqueror subjugating primitive peoples for my own glory

Why live?

>> No.18463651

How much shit should you have to go through in order to get laid? When is enough enough?

>> No.18463657

I want nothing more to be a stowaway on a cargo ship on the run from a dark past

>> No.18463681

I feel like the plot is the most important part of the book, and the plot summary is the most important part of the plot. The plot is most similar to life. It corresponds to the deep nature of our existence. In life, what is inside of us is expressed through our actions. And so it is with books. The life of a book is expressed through its plot. What makes the plot summary superior to the plot is the condensation to the essentials. Therein lies artistic work on the one hand, on the other hand it saves me time. I'd rather read the summary of a book than the book itself. The book is like the twisted memory of its true past.

>> No.18463689

I have one overarching sexual preference which I don't think is so bad. But some of its subfetishes, which I have developed an affinity for, are a bit morally depraved.

>> No.18463714

I just read The Goliath Stone by Larry Niven and Matthew Harrington.
It's like if Nuromancer was written by Daniel Pinkwater. I really love it.
Why hasn't nanotech gotten into the public domain by now? It's existed for 30 years. You'd think that body rebuilds would be being done by now. It's 2021.

>> No.18463736

I wish I had people in my life irl that would give me extra points for reading a poem to a tree. Honestly.

In other news: every smart girl I've ever know has been into LOTR. What's up with that? Nothing against it, just wondering.

>> No.18463745

I'm a stemfag (mathfag, in fact) and I guess I'm in the lucky minority. I also 100pc agree with your friend's mentality. You gotta start getting into shit like sending cold emails and chasing opportunity even if it looks like there ain't one there. That difference in mind frame forms the foundation for what outsiders look at and call "good luck."

>> No.18463798

>In other news: every smart girl I've ever know has been into LOTR. What's up with that? Nothing against it, just wondering.
raised by nerd fathers

>> No.18463810

Never bothered with any of it. Hence im almost 30 khv

>> No.18463820
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Rough couple of months. Tell myself things will get better in order to get by, but at this stage its very hard to see how they could get better. But I have to tell myself they will, otherwise I won't be able to function.

>> No.18463823

Shit's fucked boys
I feel a need to scream and express myself with violence to try and dislodge the horrific ball of fear and anxiety regarding all of my social relationships.
I am a defective human being and want to hike into the woods for a week to cry and break shit.
Is a total and utter inability to form bonds with human beings schizoid personality disorder or covert narcissism?

>> No.18463853

Plausible. But why does the same not also seem to be true of smart fellers?

>> No.18463860

I'm really only thinking of one chick, but in her case I think she really idolized her father, like he was this mystical wise source of love. I don't think boys get those kinds of feelings about their dads, and I think moms are less likely to raise their kids on LotR.

>> No.18463873
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>tfw i actually got invited for a job interview for a job in my field
>tfw actually afraid i might get it
what is this mentality/phenomenon called, and how do i get rid of it?

>> No.18463885

fear of success?

>> No.18463888

What's the name for a state of mutual understanding without any words? I've checked out Ludwig Wittgenstein and it got me thinking about moments where I had a perfect connection with someone without uttering a single word. Like for example someone asks me how does acid feel, I can't describe it to them and if we take it together they would realize why I couldn't explain it and with that they'll get their explanation and we'll be in that state of understanding each other without words.

>> No.18463892

if you're like me it's feeling overwhelmed at everything that's about to change. but the thing is that they know you'll feel this way and they'll take it into account and if you just go it a day at a time it will be fine.

>> No.18463896

Or youll get fired :^)

>> No.18463900

People are mostly nature and nurture, right?
If your parents have such a big hand in both. Then isn't the game rigged from the start?

>> No.18463906

Or he could die in his sleep of a brain aneurysm
Or the dollar could undergo rapid inflation tomorrow and drag us into Weimer levels of fucked
Alot of stuff could happen

>> No.18463914

Probably Imposter Syndrome, look it up, very common. Imagine a kind of Pascalian wager where you, game theory-like, have a 2x2 matrix representing outcomes depending on whether you do/don't deserve success and whether you do/don't belieb in yrself. It's beneficial to believe in yourself even if you don't deserve it.

>> No.18463916

Just stop caring.

>> No.18463955

usually your brain just shoves everything down, but then some times it doesn't. It shoves everything down because it can't handle it, and then it waits for one of two scenarios: either you will become stable enough that you can handle it, and then it will let it all surface again, or the combined stress of supressing things and your regular life breaks you. I am in a period when it is surfacing. I am now remembering gradually why my relationship with my parents is so bad. Usually I try not to think about why and just try to get along with them, but I think the thing is that from my youth I.. have not been given assurance from them that they love me. I think this is a pretty basic human need. At least someone has to love you, normally that would be your family as a baseline, but I do not trust tht my parents do love me because in truth they.. didn't. I feel like every time I meet my mom I look at it as an exchange that is supposed to prove to me whether or not she loves me. If we have a good time I think "phew, ok", but if we don't there is a lot of pain. It just goes on like this. Most of the time I don't enjoy spending time with her, and I still feel like she leans on me for a lot of support but doesn't seem to understand much about my life or really care deeply. I feel like my family is growing tired of me for being weird around them (and this seems to me like a thing that could happen with my family, that they would tire of me), but I don't feel like I am at fault for my being weird around them, I feel like they were supposed to provide a security for me and they didn't, and so the relationship isn't there.

I feel like it's pretty cringy to be my age and still be hung up on things like this, but really I don't think I had enough stability for my brain to dig all this up until pretty much right now. It seems that God thinks I can handle this right now, so I'm gonna have to trust Him on that.

>> No.18463970

Hey man, better now than confusion you carry with you into your old age that never gets resolved or thought on, only repressed and further integrated into a warping psyche

>> No.18464149 [DELETED] 

>im up to mid 70s body count now. and not even 30 yet lol. i want to kill myself but cant seem to change myself. sometimes the horniness and loneliness takes over and i end up just fucking and sucking and fucking
kek i'm not gonna lie reading this turned me on

>> No.18464155

I think Butterfly is in love with me :3

>> No.18464156

>im up to mid 70s body count now. and not even 30 yet lol. i want to kill myself but cant seem to change myself. sometimes the horniness and loneliness takes over and i end up just fucking and sucking and fucking
kek i'm not gonna lie reading this turned me on

>> No.18464203
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Every little thing seems to make me depressed these days
It's not a sharp pain but a heavy one blunt but not easily cast off
To say that I'm cynical or jaded those aren't really the right words to me any more
I want to believe choose to believe in the goodness but I believe just as much in the darkness now too
I've seen too much felt too much the ages wash over me time place life the burden of knowledge is overwhelming

>> No.18464222

Imagine there is a place where all your hopes and dreams come true. Securing admittance to this place will require sacrifice, however, you should be contented with the fact that you actually are not missing out on anything because eventually all will be given in time.
All you need is a little patience. It's an unfolding process.

>> No.18464249

Is it worth it messing with a girl with BPD if she's a freak in bed? Debating when to cut it off.

>> No.18464250

dumbass bitch these are the "problems" you get when your life is way too comfortable and you are bored to death

>> No.18464273


>> No.18464289

you can think about what it means to use the mentally ill for your physical pleasure and visualize the degree of pain that you will cause to the sick individual when you will inevitably abandon them - bpd is madness that is rooted in fear of abandonment, so you will be personally responsible for making it worse. it may be traumatizing and you may end up with a stalker on your hands. well, after you think about it long and hard, if you are still okay with that in your human conscience, then go ahead and mess with whoever.

>> No.18464333

I'm too cowardly to quit my job

>> No.18464378

that sounds like a really sweet living setup. what area of France? I'm assuming you're in France?

>> No.18464412

I’m not that guy, but I posted earlier in the thread about my ex and I think she was BPD. She would get really insecure a lot and tell me things like “you think I’m ugly”, “you deserve someone prettier” “you deserve someone who loves you more” “you don’t like me like that anymore do you?”. Constant guilt tripping. Along with that, she would express how she didn’t want to get too attached to me because she didn’t like how jealous I made her feel. This was after a big fight in our relationship. What could that mean?

>> No.18464423

That just sounds like someone who hates herself, not mental illness

>> No.18464437

I'm also mentally ill but yeah you make a good point. Seems unfair though since like 10% of women have bpd.

>> No.18464439

Does good fiction make anyone else depressed?

I always do this. Ever since I’m a kid, whether it’s a book, anime, a movie, if I get really sucked into a good work of fiction, all I end up being able to think about is how that world, that story is better than this one. This one sucks. And I’m reminded about it constantly. Even if the story and the world I’m immersed in is ultimately horrifying, brutal, and sad it’s just imbued with meaning in a way that real life just isn’t. I thought one day I’d get over this, but I never have and to this day this happens every time I encounter a story I really like.

>> No.18464448
File: 350 KB, 1000x618, DFEA6501-AAB1-4EA0-AF22-508C24E83394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote this poem last night to capture the feeling I got from mister Henry Darger’s work.

i play among Painted beauty, painted new
with fresh pastel and wet with watercolor,
green leaves, skyblue sea, canary sun, each hue
in my dollhouse was painted by my mother,
even my skin is painted porcelain white,
but the paint cracks, sometimes there is another

world I see but few things, few shadows and few
old rocks cracked as by the darkness and the weight
of worm eaten, rotten trees, for otherly
eyes and hands placed them there, light could not fall through
them, I am also worm-eaten and cracked, light
does not know me, not until I am smothered,

cracked paint; dust, and all returns; painted beauty
is new again, gone is the ugly of night,
pink flowers, silver swords, each returns cutely,
everything is as it was, all is set right,
once more: I am painted again and again,
the soul is painted;and I am whole again.

>> No.18464462

I hope Butterfly sees this. Thank you for not posting while I'm not posting. :3

I'll be home tonight around 6 or so, please wait for me until then

>> No.18464482

Oh and I wanted to let you know that I saw you posting last night in that thread about God butterfly :3

>> No.18464502

I'm so tired of "obligations" to other people. This modern era of 24/7 connectivity is exhausting. I'm sick and tired of people calling me, the chimp outs if I don't immedatiely respond or just stop responding for a couple of days. It's like everyone became some annoying gossip that "just wants to talk" about nothing. Talking over the microphone, online, or over a phone is idiotic.

>> No.18464507

Absolute cringe. Pedophile faggots RAUS.

>> No.18464520

Unironically lift weights.

>> No.18464537

Same and this is why I now have no friends.

>> No.18464540

I've been a wagie in my own field for 3 weeks. Felt exactly like this the during the screening process. And then I kept asking myself "where the fuck is my life going?" after I got the job. This is normal. (I guess). One step at a time is better than being a NEET though, this is my cope.

>> No.18464544

Where are you? I am a solicitor in England so I can only speak for our system and the niche that I have fallen into (property law), but I would not recommend pursuing a career in law unless you are absolutely committed to it. If you are able to do almost anything else, you should give it some serious consideration.

The hours are brutal, the consequences of making even a small mistake can be severe, the pay is low compared to other jobs with similar demands on your time and health, and the work is often tedious.

I am sure that you could succeed if you wanted to, but you still have a chance to get out if you are not 100% certain that a career in law is for you.

>> No.18464550

Where are you? I am a solicitor in England so I can only speak for our system and the particular niche that I have fallen into (property law), but I would not recommend pursuing a career in law unless you are absolutely committed to it. If you are able to do almost anything else, you should give it some serious consideration.

The hours are brutal, the consequences of making even a small mistake can be severe, the pay is low compared to other jobs with similar demands on your time and health, and the work is often tedious.

I am sure that you could succeed if you wanted to, but you still have a chance to get out if you are not 100% certain that a career in law is for you.

>> No.18464565

Can anyone tell me honestly how I am supposed to compete against BlackRock and other international firms who are buying up these houses across the country?

>> No.18464633
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Read pic related and then go into a reverie where you imagine yourself blowing up the protectorates of industrialism while living in comfy cabin deep into the woods.
Then snap back into reality and browse 4chan for 10 hours a day.
That's what I do until better people with greater will come and save me.

>> No.18464701

im too cowardly to find a job

>> No.18464713

>talk to a chick
>ask her more and more personal questions, want to get to know her
>eventually she stops responding
>she contacts me again a year later
>let's me know that I had really pissed her off a lot with my questions
>but now she wants to be chummy again
>this more or less happens again a while later, she gets so mad at me that she just fucks off for months (she never told me outright she was mad at me but based on social media I should say so)
>then she wants to be chummy again
>now I asked her how all of this made her feel, she had been really mad at me and now she wants things to be "normal"
>she asked for time for a response
>then deleted her account
what do you think I should make of this? I more or less know that she is from an unloving home and that she has been in at least one abusive relationship

>> No.18464747

>an unloving home
although I should say that I think she lives at home and it seems to be more or less doable, so maybe not catastrophically evil levels of unloving, more like neglected and with poor rolemodels levels (which is bad enough but a difference)

>> No.18464780

how is ceasing contact with someone who isn't talking to me in the first place immature and dishonest?

>> No.18464843
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No matter how hard i try, i cannot get my bolognese sauce to have a lot of flavour, and i just dont get what im doing wrong.

>> No.18464894

When you’re cooking the sauce, throw a whole stick of pepperoni in, this way the meat and the sauce itself shall be heavily pepperoni flavored, chopped up and it works as an addition to your dish also.

>> No.18464910

My mouth started watering as I was reading along imagining the pepperoni.

>> No.18464915
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>Experts claim the vaccine is safe
>"I don't believe them"

>BackRider69 on twitter claims the vaccine will sterilize people
>"wow so true"

Why are conspirationists like this?
I'm not saying the experts are saying the truth, you should always be cautious and suspecting, scepticism is always the right way to go, but if you're so sceptic when it comes to exprts, why are you so prone to accept any bullshit random retards claim on the internet, this is what I don't understand.
If you were very sceptical on everything I would take you seriously, but this kind of stuff really makes you sound like a massive retard

>> No.18464934

I don't have any particular stance on this, but it is just not possible for the "experts" to know all the side effects at this point. How could they have checked for reproduction during the trial rounds?

>> No.18464948

do you know of any reason why this particular vaccine would affect reproductive health?

>> No.18464953

Im this anon>>18463873
The interview is unironically for AstraZeneca (though not their viral vaccine department). If you wanna know anything, ask and ill try to answer.

>> No.18464963


>> No.18464964

That's exactly what I'm saying, the experts don't always say the truth (either because they don't have the full picture or because they are dishonest), but when random retards claim they know that the vaccine will sterilize people, I don't get why there are people willing to believe it as if it was true.
Even then, I don't even know where the idea comes from, a vaccine triggers the immune system with certain proteins, I don't get how it could technically sterilize people.

By the way, the elites are using the human population as modern slaves, they have absolutely no reason to suppress our numbers

>> No.18464972

Choose not to be a pussy, and ignore this dumbass >>18463557

>> No.18464988


>> No.18465029

Opened up my wallet today and thought of this small story:
For sale: snug fit condoms, never used.

>> No.18465057

There’s a documentary on YouTube about companies in Japan that help people disappear like that.

>> No.18465066

It’s fine if there’s obvious disclaimers that spoilers lie ahead, but usually, you can give a summary synopsis without spoiling anything if you really want to and that’s preferable if you ask me.

>> No.18465094

I'm actually back, Butterfly! I had a mishap with the area I went to today. You may post throughout the day now :3

>> No.18465136
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>> No.18465466

You've beaten Hemingway. You're officially one of the greats. Remember to use your powers for good.

>> No.18465758

You have to feed a slave

>> No.18466189

You ever read Mishima?

>> No.18466216
File: 901 KB, 2544x4000, 1623801958284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have severe Oneitis for girl
>read about how Dante Alighieri also had Oneitis for the real Beatrice
>he had oneitis for NINE WHOLE YEARS
>Vow to never be this cringe and snap out of it entirely, no longer got feelings
Literally cringed myself out of love, Ovid should have added this to his Remedia Amoris lmao

>> No.18466236
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I agree that something is gonna happen, but imo the Vaccines are a total nothing burger. They'll be about as memorable as polio vaccination in the 1950s.
More likely we'll see the Neo-Cold War between China and the USA ramp up considerably.

>> No.18466269

I just tell people I'm not in the mood to chat and they're fine with it and call me another time.

>> No.18466274

Of all side effects it could cause, why is sterilization the one everyone is fixated on? I'm more concerned about embolism when I get an injection.

>> No.18466331

I think I’m just gonna start cutting my hair myself, with a knife, no less.

>> No.18466348

I don't really see people talking about mass immigration into western countries much anymore. Does no one care now? I'm still worried about it.

>> No.18466356

Anyone know where you can get Polish books for cheap here in England? The fella I would usually get them from on Ebay has decided to fuck off, and every other place or site I've looked at has neither the book selection or anywhere near as reasonable prices as I was paying before.

>> No.18466380

Is what visual media is doing to written media really all that different from what written media did for oral storytelling?

>> No.18466397

Don’t. I’ve been working at it for a year now and it looks terrible every time.

>> No.18466407
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dante is a legend and his "cringe oneitis" allowed him to write one of the greatest works of literature in the history of humanity you absolute fucking faggot. what have you done with your life?

>> No.18466409
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Desperate to move back out to the country, but I'm trapped for now...

>> No.18466451

Why do I feel negatively about the idea of writing fantasy? I like fantasy and I would like to write fantasy and yet I feel like I’m somehow diminishing myself by doing it.

>> No.18466467

That's because it's filthy genre fiction.

>> No.18466471

I don’t have any issue with genre fiction. For some reason though, I feel like it would be childish of me and I’m afraid of being childish.

>> No.18466519

Grow a spine.

>> No.18466550

It’s not a matter of being spineless really.

>> No.18466672

Would anyone be interested in a YouTube that analyzes anime and manga from a serious fiction perspective? I like anime and manga and I would like to talk about it. There’s one or two channels out there which do this currently but they don’t upload much and they tend to go down rabbit holes of theory that just aren’t interesting in my opinion. Meanwhile, the rest are kind of shallow takes like “this is good” by talk show host style personalities. I want to talk about this stuff from a serious perspective as a reader/viewer without being shallow or going into nonsensical theories.

>> No.18466683

I cannot imagine myself in relationship. The idea of a person loving you so much that choose to spend time with you is impossible to comprehend for me.

>> No.18466788

You are an insect who cannot love.

>> No.18466834

I know what you mean. This feeling cuts deep sometimes when I’m reading fiction and there’s a character that’s just so in love with another character. It’s hard to imagine another person even feeling like they need me. The tragedy is, I think that’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted.

>> No.18467023

Exactly. I wonder if i'd understand the romantic passages even better if i'd ever been in love myself.

>> No.18467033

I’ve been in love.

>> No.18467044
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I, to this day, do not understand how men got tricked into marrying spermed women, surely you're not dumb enough to believe your marriage will last with someone who dosen't respect himself enough not to debase himself, right?

>> No.18467078


>> No.18467160

>do I continue my cessation of communication with her, maybe proving to her I don’t need her which could make me look attractive again, but risk her forgetting about me?
>how is ceasing contact with someone who isn't talking to me in the first place immature and dishonest?
>proving to her I don’t need her which could make me look attractive again, but risk her forgetting about me
Because you're doing it not to cease contact but because you have an immature and dishonest plan to manipulate her into acting how you want her to. You're asking anon "how is saying no when I mean yes" immature and dishonest. You might be a girl, but you're definitely immature and dishonest.

>> No.18467234

I understand intuitively, physiologically even, that free will does not exist. I am attracted to Whitehead's ontology, but I can't take it seriously because of how radically free it is.

>> No.18467307

I have crawled under my blankets to the foot of my bed where I'm just lying like a dog in the darkness and warmth

>> No.18467317

do youever think of poo?

>> No.18467326

I fucking hate those shoes broads used to wear, much less popular now but they always stink. Like actually stink, flats soak up dat sweat man. Also this woman is a gross whore and too thin blechy!!!!

>> No.18467365

Yeah you're probably right.

>> No.18467462
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I can't be the only one who has noticed how the jannies have been so annoying lately. Why are they being such reddit mods all of a sudden? I opened like 7 tabs today (most of which were directly related to literature), and after an hour or two all of them were deleted. One even got moved to /his/ even though it made perfect sense for it to be posted on this board. Is it just one guy having a power trip or what?

>> No.18467486

Yeah I can't complain when they remove politics bait threads and the like but they've been removing threads about actual normal literature lately its so fucking stupid

>> No.18467489

Got any examples?

>> No.18467525

seems like there's way less shill threads and a lot less religious shit. i'm ok with it.

>> No.18467526

They removed a Murakami thread of mine

>> No.18467535 [DELETED] 

marukami threads just end up being a playpen for fascist weebs, no loss.

>> No.18467539

What else are we meant to talk about?

>> No.18467751

Boy am I in one sour mood.

>> No.18467760

one thread about nick land being a poor writer who can't attract the audience of his right-wing ideology, another thread asking for opinions on the welcome to the nhk novel, another thread about a stemfag who was reading aristoteles but couldn't understand shit so he asked how to read philosophy better, another thread about mike ma's new book "gothic violence" etc. You don't have to like these types of threads but they're still clearly related to literature. I didn't start browsing this board to follow 5 subr*ddit rules in order to post stuff.
I hate the /pol/ bait too but there's nothing wrong with religion threads as long as they're lit related. They're usually some of the more interesting ones imo

>> No.18467770

You're a literal retard. What benefit is there to sterilizing wage slaves? The elites don't want to get rid of their labor force. It's why they import so many uneducated subhumans while pushing the educated to not breed.

>> No.18467777

Just had another intense self bondage session. My nipples hurt

>> No.18467789


>> No.18467794


>> No.18467809
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I'm slowly turning into him

>> No.18467814

Shameful :3

A light collar is all that's needed.

>> No.18467841
File: 380 KB, 956x640, 121701693_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In two hours I'll be meeting with a gilf. I hope we have sex. If it happens, I'll be living out my decadent dreams. I will be the next Baudelaire. At the least she should give me head. We will see. I'll give updates when I get back if anyone cares. She is pretty hot for her age. It's mostly the perverted aspect of it that turns me on, not her looks. Perhaps I have mommy issues or something, I don't know. But I'm banging someone's grandma tonight most likely.

>> No.18467842

Describe your ideal collar

>> No.18467887

Doing anything feels like a Herculean task. Writing especially feels like a Herculean task.

>> No.18467891

Just stop being a pussy.

>> No.18467938

Do you ever worry that you’re too old to be doing something you want to do?

>> No.18467945

That is not helpful advice.

>> No.18467967
File: 2.97 MB, 3264x2448, 20210616_170807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza just arrived, avril lavigne is on in the background, and my book hasn't been touched in a week

>> No.18467985

I think I just have too many things I’m working on. I can’t improve at all of them at the same time. How am I supposed to choose?

>> No.18468096

If you listened to it then it would be very helpful. Pussy.

>> No.18468097

I guess schooltextbooks and x shit

>> No.18468203

Just typing this so I can turn off my phone and go to sleep. Felt like I needed to write something. Anything. Hope I'll have decent dreams. Dreams are my favorite part of each day cycle.

>> No.18468357

All that exists is mind matter and reason. Refute me

>> No.18468422
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I had to go to a work happy hour and a lot of the older married guys I work with kept asking me about how the girls are treating me and shit like that. I had to keep lying about my history and making up excuses like "man COVID's been rough" since everyone assumes I'm good with women for some reason. I must be decent looking or something. Meanwhile I'm a mid 20s virgin and hearing these guys talk about how they met their wives in college or hearing the guy who's a few years older than me talk about how he just broke up with his gf makes me feel like shit. I feel so behind socially in this regard. I'm /fit/ and have always had male friends but I have no idea how to talk to women, I'm too autistic to dance and just pick them up in clubs, and my pictures are all too shitty to work on apps. I despise self-pity but I can't help but feel like shit about this kind of thing.

>> No.18468481 [DELETED] 

ya i already hate going back to the office and it's been like two weeks and not even everyone is there yet

>> No.18468523
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1558825467396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's absolutely no reason to be in a relationship with a woman in 2021. modern women are beyond toxic and entitled. since you're in your mid 20's and unmarried I'm going to assume you have a decent amount of money saved up. given the fact that you have cash and you're /fit/ there is no reason for you to not whoremax if you want pussy. forget marriage; forget "getting a gf", that shit is cucked. just bang whores and enjoy life, friend.

>> No.18468525

>pick them up in clubs
>Meanwhile I'm a mid 20s virgin

>> No.18468547

Based post anon. But I at least want to experience a gf so I can make that decision on my own. I want to know that I could have that if I want and it's my choice not to.

>I'm too autistic to dance and just pick them up in clubs

>> No.18468560

picking girls up normally means fucking them

>> No.18468568

Yes? That's implied by the fact that I'm a virgin...

>> No.18468573

oh I see. I thought you meant you were too autistic to dace, so you just picked them up in clubs. Not, too autistic to affect anything in general.

>> No.18468584

Trying to maintain a calmer state of mind. At least until I can get to the weekend...

I need to get a hold of my stress, but my life is very stressful right now. What do? I try to keep calm with breathing techniques and mindfulness but then the stress just shows up in other, more physical ways. I don't want to go on medication, I just need a holiday...

>> No.18468591

how do you pick up a girl in a club without dancing?

>> No.18468598
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>I want to know that I could have that if I want
fair enough; there is a certain ego boost that one experiences when a woman falls for you. I hope you get to experience whatever it is you want in life; I just have to say from personal experience that validation from a woman is nothing compared to the beautiful, life-affirming feeling of being a free man who bangs sluts and lives totally on his own terms. maybe you'd really like being in a relationship so I guess I can't tell you not to pursue it -- I'm just saying there's more than one way to live a life. stay based and walk the righteous path bro.

>> No.18468602

with your arms

>> No.18468604

You can just go up to them, have a quick chat and start kissing. I'm a beta male NEET but I've made out with girls and pulled in less than a minute at clubs.

>> No.18468664

you just walk up to them out of the blue? what do you even say to them? they just let you kiss them after only talking to you for a minute?

>> No.18468726

just remembered metafilter

>> No.18468727

Unless I fight, I can’t win.

>> No.18468793

I thought that I had changed because as a kid I would get consumed by a topic for a time. Spend a month learning all the endangered species. Get super into Mario games, etc etc. But as I was typing I realized that I still do that just it boils down to reading a 300 chapter manga in five days.
Either way the problem is that I can't direct this focus on useful things.

>> No.18468917

>that shit is cucked. just bang whores and enjoy life, friend.
What if you want children?

>> No.18468926

Already do. The intense dread at everything has pushed me into 1/2/3/4 at 6 months

>> No.18468931

Literally me

>> No.18468934

If you dont fight, you will lose

>> No.18468939 [DELETED] 

wait till the bubble pops and then buy one cheap when they dump them all

>> No.18468954

I can't take any religion that has a concept of the eternal soul or an afterlife seriously, it's basically a roundabout way of denying death. Why would want an afterlife anyway? Any heaven where you are still you but for eternity would drive you insane from boredom

>> No.18469140

The matter is not nearly a 1 to 1 transfer of living consciousness to consciousness as a soul. Death is a harrowing followed by an absolute mystery that will only be legible when you are actively experiencing it. Religious view of an afterlife is mystical for a reason

>> No.18469181

I'd be much more comfortable in a world where death is truly the end of consciousness and experience

>> No.18469193

I’ve felt this, did acid with my ex and two friends two years ago and there were moments of silence that felt eternal and sublime at the same time, it’s an indescribable feeling. maybe you should create a word for that.

>> No.18469210

Transforming death into a mystery rather than seeing it as the end of a person seems like a roundabout way of denying death

>> No.18469212

Just make manga useful, dummy.

>> No.18469300

A rare outlook. Faith aside, the only answer lies in dying
Is anything short of scientific reductionism not denying death?

>> No.18469314

fucked up how i hated DFW posting when it was consuming the catalog, but now i miss it

>> No.18469350

i’m poor i don’t have time to think about this shit, i need to eat

>> No.18469366

I am apathetic to most things of the world at large outside of the Winter months, where I can go camp alone and let everything slide off and be a hightech, Cro Magnon Motherfucker for a week or so.

>> No.18469367

I remembered bebo about a year ago.

>> No.18469399

Recs and discussion from the recently deleted femboy lit thread
Our Lady of the Flowers by Genet
Monsieur Vénus by Rachilde
/sffg/ is leaking again

Mods seem to oblivious to the fact a femboy trad problem runs deep within literature and you cannot get rid of trad cringey femboys without getting rid of half of canon and most of history. I mean, kabuki plays as a whole genre would never have happened without femboys with cringey trad samurai lovers. Do the mods really want to try to Noh only route which did not work at all for the Edo period again? Learn from the shogunate's mistakes, mods.

>> No.18469409

>Bebo was founded by Michael Birch OBE and Xochi Birch OBE
boy they're just giving these things away

>> No.18469421

Lol did bebo make the honours list? Big if true

>> No.18469439

I drank six IPAs and I'm watching YouTube videos about the Younger Dryas catastrophe while I fart and remember things from college that make me feel wistful and ungrateful.

>> No.18469454

>you cannot get rid of trad cringey femboys
>Mods trying to cancel Euripides again
If it didn't work when Aristophanes tried it, I don't know why the mods think it will work now. Just post the thread again.

>> No.18469552

I am so glad I ditched my career as an IT drone to become a machinist/fabricator. The metal sings to me

>> No.18469596
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>reading Kafka on the Shore
>alternating perspective between Kafka and Nakata is pretty trippy
>Kafka keeps sexually fantasizing every woman he meets is either his long lost sister or mother
>girl he randomly meets on the bus a week ago lets him stay at her place and randomly gives him a handjob
>his librarian friend, who've only known each other for a week, takes him on a 2.5 hour drive to shelter Kafka at his cabin in the woods
>Crow is Kafka's tulpa?
This shit's weird. Sometimes feels like I'm reading a visual novel with how spontaneously sexual it gets.

>> No.18469609
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The effects from last weeks 5-day alcohol fueled bender have caught up. All the drinking and smoking has induced the semi yearly gastritis episode. Avoiding the bottle won't be too much of a problem but having to cut out caffeine because it re-animates the symptoms will be difficult. Taking out the ritual of tea making and drinking has disastrous consequences on my ability to remain focused on the current project. Wish I hadn't fucking drank so much goddamn poison.

>> No.18469675

there was this egirl someone posted her once that i'm trying to find again, who would make shitposts sometimes mentioning /lit/, but i can't find her. she was like... not really black, but kind of. does anybody remember her? she had a weird twitter name.

talking about /lit/ egirls, there is one bitch on twitter that i really can't stand, the complete opposite of the first girl i mentioned. she's brazilian and she's so fucking annoying. she's so arrogant and all her posts basically translate to "blablablabla if you don't get this you're a lowbie blablablabla" man kill yourself. dumb bitch

>> No.18469743

>Would anyone be interested in a YouTube that analyzes anime and manga from a serious fiction perspective?

>> No.18469755

in fact fucking is not debasing for a person, although the biological realities of sex are obviously different for men and women, sex is still a process that part of human biological nature and the biological nature of every animal species on earth. but you live in your imaginary moral paracosm so don't think about it too much or your head will explode

>> No.18469767

Yes, there's a public for that. Not me I hate that shit, I like my anime dumb and smelly.

>> No.18469769

You will keep doing this to yourself because you are weak and lack discipline. That will be your death.

>> No.18469773

it's admirable how devoted you are to huffing the copium

>> No.18469816

Why not? Just make sure you really bring something to the table. Most out there obviously don't read, and their 'analysis' often sounds like a highschooler's first attempt at philosophising. If you can do better than that, then go ahead.

>> No.18469843

i have resolved to shave my head before i go to college in september. it will be my first semester since graduating from community college and i am taking 6 classes in math, philosophy, and physics and auditing a few more. i have begun to worship the subjects in hope of cultivating a manic obsession. i go to school not for parties or social life like 18 year old me would've, but to experience pure unadulterated gnosis. wish me luck bros.

>> No.18470222

there are some insightful posters on this website, but I'm unsure why they stay here when it's mostly garbage
is it an inability to discuss things offline?
a lack of people to speak to?
simple habit from visiting this website in youth?

after sever years of communicating primarily through text online, my verbal skills have atrophied greatly and the way I construct sentences is now at odds with natural speech

>> No.18470362

For me? Its the occasional good esoterica thread, and that I know for a fact I will not find someone to have a quality discussion of Hermeticism with in person

>> No.18470406
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>there are some insightful posters on this website, but I'm unsure why they stay here when it's mostly garbage

Because I don't always just want to talk about philosophy and literature.

I want to talk about anime and manga, and also anime girls with fat tits and asses, so I go to /a/.

I love cartoons and webcomics, so I go to /co/.

I love sports, and /sp/ is the best digital space to ruthlessly banter about sports across the planet.

And I love cars, so I go to /o/.

Who can possibly be serious about big ideas and big books all the time? You need space to breathe. And I barely even spend a lot of time on /lit/ relative to other boards. I like to talk about books here but I spend other time elsewhere, because 4chan's hobby boards are some of the best left on the internet.

Not to mention that when I want to be a true degenerate and indulge in horrible fetishes I go to /d/, or even worse, /trash/. So my urge to fap gets satisfied as well.

This is a fairly strange and varied website, and it's handy to know about if you have a lot of diverse interests. I love books but that's not ALL I love.

>> No.18470475

Why is /fit/ so gay and effeminate? Is the obsession with muscles inherently girly?

>> No.18470538

“Poor Lupita, you must be exhausted,” he said.

He pulled up a chair next to the bed and looked out the window.

“The sunset is lovely. Would you like to take a look?”

She kept sleeping. Jabari sighed. Despite her unconsciousness, Lupita looked more beautiful than ever. The sun’s golden-red light caressed her smooth skin. Her afro looked soft and luxurious under the evening light. Jabari turned toward the window and looked at the horizon. The warm rays turned cool as day became night.

“I wish Lupita could watch the sunset with me. It would be a romantic thing for a boyfriend and girlfriend to do together,” he thought.

A pair of bare, Black arms embraced him from behind. A cold, feminine cheek pressed against his face and soft hands caressed his beard.

“Ayo, wassup?”

“Miss Westenra!”

He felt the pressure of her breasts against his black. The faint scent of cocoa butter wafted in the air.

“Oh, boo! Where have you been all day?” said Lupita. “I’ve missed you.”

The change in his patient astounded Dr. Seward. Her eyes were seductive underneath her dark lashes.

“I have to be real with you,” said Lupita.

She caressed his afro and moved her hands down his neck. Her lips were an inch away from Jabari’s ear, and he shivered from her hot breath on his neck.

“I’ve always had a crush on you,” she whispered.

The inner fire in Jabari flared in his lower torso – but at the same time, a cold horror. Her cherry red lips, soft and tempting, grazed his skin. He pushed her off and stood up.

“Miss Westenra, I have to leave now. I have other patients to see at the clinic.”

“Hey, Doc! I thought we was gelling.”

“We are, uh, gelling,” said Jabari. “But we must do the honorable thing. If you want, we can start courtship.”

“No!” said Lupita. “I want to do the nasty.”

In the dimmer light, it was harder to see Lupita’s features. Jabari thought that she looked like a wild animal. Her eyes gleamed like a wolf’s and her canine teeth long and white. With inhuman speed and strength, she grabbed him and forced his body on the bed. She began to undo his belt when –

knock knock knock

“Room service,” came the voice from outside the door.

“Come in now!” yelled Jabari.

The Black receptionist with braids came in. She carried a tray that had a plate of food covered by a cloche and a vase of South African geraniums.

“I have your dinner, Mrs. Westenra,” she started saying. “You’ll like the side dish – it’s morogo – a leafy green vegetable from Botswana.”

One sight of the new visitor and Lupita screeched and hid underneath the covers. Jabari stumbled out the room and into the lonely streets.

>> No.18470584
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Sex disgusts me. I have only ever watched porn a couple of times and each time i had to turn it off because it reminded me of two dogs fucking. The thought of sex seems horribly degrading to me, as something that reduces both participants to nothing more than animals.
No, i am not a Christian.

>> No.18470591

hope i die soon

>> No.18470601

that's because you never experienced love but I believe you can make it

>> No.18470602

based except for
>No, i am not a Christian.

>> No.18470607

I have experienced love, but that love was without sex. I think love is great, and the times ive been in love were the best feelings i had in my life.
But sex ruins it. Sex, to me, degrades the object of love.

>> No.18470609

Love is bad.

>> No.18470614

lmao just shut the fuck up

>> No.18470619

no no, love is good. your experience of love is bad. what can i say. it fucking sucks to be you.

>> No.18470620

why so angry?

>> No.18470621

I think your instincts have gone bad from poor fitness, have you been unwell, fat or mentally insane?

>> No.18470624

all that truly exists is God. everything else has only contingent existence and arises out of delusion

>> No.18470626

>your experience of love is bad.
And this undermines my opinion on 'Love' how? Love distracts you, it makes you a weaker, less moral person. I abhor 'Love'.

>> No.18470632

>/fit/fag has to insert his meathead mumbo jumbo into a discussion because it's contingent with his chimp-like worldview

>> No.18470636

No, im /fit/. I actually get some sexual attention from women now, and i get really fucking pissed when women come on to me.
As far as i know, ive had this attitude for my entire life.

>> No.18470648

I don't respect loveless pencilnecks and you're deluded if you think the soul is not reflected in the body
me too until I met someone I couldn't hate

>> No.18470649

>tell therapist that some of the time when I meet my mom it feels kind of self-evident that she is my mom and that's just a simple fact
>but some of the time when I meet her there is nothing, there is no recognition that she and I have anything to do with eachother, it's like looking at a gypsum wall
>look up at therapist
>he has tears in his eyes
well, we had a good run

>> No.18470652

lmao your therapist is a pussy

>> No.18470654

Have sex.

>> No.18470659

that's the thing though, he was 70+, he has probably seen it all

>> No.18470661


>> No.18470681

Just do it. Are you scared?

>> No.18470695

if a man wants to be free he will simply lash out and become insane

>> No.18470703

Pseud take.

>> No.18470731

What are you guys currently working on?

>> No.18470773

am i not correct? if a man is not free then he is a slave to something or someone. it could be the government, landlord, family or his own nature. you can't touch the government alone, you can't kill your landlord, you don't want to hurt your family and you try and keep trying to change yourself then what is left?
let me rephrase what i said: if a man wants to be free, but cannot kill his master, he will become insane.

>> No.18470779

Pseud take.

>> No.18470786

it's possible that if a man should prefer first and foremost to be free, over having obligations to his family, that he already is insane

>> No.18470799


>> No.18470807

or he is a twat.
but i meant more in a sense of abusive family which now reminded me of Opal as a good example:

>> No.18470812

>Love distracts you, it makes you a weaker, less moral person.
love has always made me stronger and morally virtuous. it allows me to feel powerful in what i create, gives me the ability to create in a meaningful and impactful manner. see this is why your experience is bs. i feel truly sorry for you. maybe one day you'll understand that love is what gives humans the highest potentiality and intensity of experience.

>> No.18470813

maybe i'm mixing freedom and escapism with this but aren't they synonyms?

>> No.18470817

Nice example.

>> No.18470823

New thread

>> No.18470842

>and you're deluded if you think the soul is not reflected in the body
I don't necessarily disagree but exercising for pure vanity is extremely effeminate. A man should always hold a reasonable amount of fitness that befits his trade.

>> No.18470843
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>> No.18470884

Okay so love is good under your own highly specific individualized framework that benefits you and not me, which only fuels narcissistic habits instead.

>> No.18470892

>but i meant more in a sense of abusive family which now reminded me of Opal as a good example:
I'm projecting. I can understand that you need to start with getting out from under something. But I think people need people in the end, so I don't think it can be your final resting place

>> No.18470893

"where there is no love, put love and you will draw out love" - Saint John of the Cross

>> No.18470918

of course people need each other but everyone also needs space. once that space is broken and occupied, and with no hope of expanding it nor driving out trespassers, the only place to go is in itself.

>> No.18470936

There’s 8-10 people I hang out with who have been smoking weed since 2016. Their brains have turned to mush in front of my eyes, they can’t even talk about anything that doesn’t involve partying, sex, video games, or drugs. I wish I had some friends that were different desu

What are your friends like anons?

>> No.18470980

well, your own framework is highly specific and individualized as well, in case you weren't aware. arguably it is even more narcissistic, because you deny yourself the selflessness of loving others. anyway, are you just now discovering the subjectivity of human perception?

>> No.18470984


>> No.18470988

the few friends i have are all marginal and insane but knowledgeable and eloquent

>> No.18471125

i wish i had some degenerate friends that still try to hide it in public. all i have now are army autists who cant shut up about how cool they are

>> No.18471502

they're quite diverse... writers, artists, engineers, doctors, druggies, accountants... they're all pretty smart, one is very well-read in the classics. we talk about various things. the odd thing is that they're all much more left-wing than me. not sure why this happens. i'm very centrist, but i think they're prone to be carried away and radicalised by the far left. sometimes i try to help them stay sane and ignore the media narratives. i like my friends

>> No.18472216

Nigga he met the girl only twice in his life over the span of 9 fucking years. That ain't love, that's mental illness.
Obviously great authors are often lunatics to boot, so we benefit from his weirdness, but it's not an example to be followed (especially since his infatuation never led to anything with her)

>> No.18472548

>he doesnt obsess over every woman he sees out the corner of his eye

>> No.18472939

Dude he probably got something stuck into his eye. It's a therapists to make patients recognize their hatred toward their parents.