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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, space_drive_by_visualdon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18458966 No.18458966 [Reply] [Original]

>feel depressed reading a book
>feel happy doing something outside with people i like

>> No.18459014

>spend my time reading and seeking knowledge
>feel miserable
>hang out for an hour with my sister and just talk about random shit
>feel great
It's like the world wants me to be an ignorant pleb

>> No.18459033
File: 28 KB, 400x400, apubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a book in a bar waiting for friends to arrive
it's not so difficult guys, you just have to read while also having a healthy social life. None of the two things is inherently good if taken alone, but both are good for you if taken in the correct doses - with good books and people you value and who value you back. Try to live a good life anons. Reading is fun, and having friends is good.

>> No.18459129

>have an utterly imbalanced life
>thing you do too much starts to feel bad
>thing you barely ever do feels better because you now have a need for it
Gee, I wonder why one of those feels better

>> No.18459195

>muh feelings
>muh Dopamine

If this is the primary thing directing your life you're essentially a coomer, even if you're completely celibate.

>> No.18459299

I have no friends and don't want any it's too tedious
At least with family even if you don't keep in touch for a while it doesn't affect your relationship

>> No.18459311

since when you are a sis con?

>> No.18459328
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 12938892378923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanging out with your sister for an hour makes me feel great too

>> No.18459332

The things you listed are essential to your humanity. Being alienated, and therefore reduced and lesser, isn't macho lol. You are more a victim than OP.

>> No.18459341

Being unfeeling or stoic objectively is macho though, it's literally part of the definition

>> No.18459345

What do you do when you're with people you like?
Pic unrelated: I've only seen that style of lamp on a highway when I'm driving north on I-5. I can't remember if it's around Seattle or Portland. Very cool style. I've never seen it in California.

>> No.18459355

What do you talk with your sister about?

Despite mine being /lit/ she refuses to discuss anything of any import with me.

>> No.18459489

I have never had a real conversation with my sister and im 30.

>> No.18460291

Ladies and gentlemen, we got him