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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 811 KB, 1536x2048, bookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18457306 No.18457306 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your bookshelf

>> No.18457330

you sure love James Phelps

>> No.18457331
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>> No.18457332

Damn OP, that's a big bookshelf.
I've been thinking of upgrading, myself. I've got 2 of them that are about 1/4 that size, 2 taller ones that are maybe 1/3 that size, and a small corner shelf.
How much did that run you? Where'd you get it?

>> No.18457343

>multiple copies shelf
What. Why is an Australian so obsessed with Phelps.

>> No.18457348
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needs a sorting

>> No.18457372

Holy cringe!!!

>> No.18457574
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>> No.18457596

chaotic but kinda sweet

>> No.18457607
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>> No.18457622

Was about to say you seemed like a comfy person until I noticed those 3 books...

>> No.18457645
File: 1.59 MB, 4608x1822, P_20210613_233215_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been unconsciously arranging some of my books by color.
Post Tolkien and read Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.18457652
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>> No.18457671

hah! i wish i could claim them as my own, the wife was propagandised by those awful movies

>> No.18457686

I keep my wife's shit in the closet, but I let her have the cool books out.

>> No.18457707
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this is where I keep Europeans, Anglos and Proust have their own shelves.

>> No.18457725

Based Dune reader. Have you seen the recent Dune editions? Their covers are very nice

>> No.18457743

>basedboi notices the funkopop and not the 14 copies of a shitty australian crime novel

>> No.18457749

Its him

>> No.18457752
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>> No.18457757

confirmed shit tier taste

>> No.18457765

I didn't want to make a new thread to ask this, especially considering I never use lit but I am out of ideas.
I am trying to remember the title of a specific book I heard about from a teacher once ages ago.

It was written by some English guy, and is very unorthodox and meta. The whole point is that it was a meandering book about some guys life that goes no where story wise.
I am fairly sure it was written some time in the 1700s but it could be the 1600s or 1800s.
I know this is a long shot but I need to get this out of my head.

>> No.18457772
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To be honest, I hate them, I also hate the editions I own. I don't like those minimalist designs.

>> No.18457773

Tristram shandy?

>> No.18457787

Yeah but I've had trouble finding editions like you posted that aren't in terrible condition

>> No.18457790

holy shit thank you
I'm in no way a /lit/ kind of person so sorry if the answer was obvious.
I haven literally been thinking about this for a week

>> No.18457821

>those rugba leeg books
/nrl/ family member?!

>> No.18457909
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>displaying the spine

>> No.18457931

Are you the jap anon?

>> No.18457937

>exposing more of the paper to light
Ok retard

>> No.18457943

This looks so fucking stupid

>> No.18457955

Spotted the psychopath

>> No.18457990
File: 1.38 MB, 4608x1876, P_20210615_212053_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this same shit irl only once, I didn't say anything because I knew I was going to end up sperging out.

>> No.18458075

what are the recent dune editions?

>> No.18458238

Bookshelves are little shrines for whatever you read, as if this is any important. They're just vanity and exibitionism about whatever bullshit books you've been led to buy by market teams because you are not able of picking your own books yourself.

>> No.18458274
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>> No.18458310

gibts das auch in nicht-verschwommen?

>> No.18458325

my man be traveling

>> No.18458338
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>> No.18458346

Reddit is that way, dune niggers.

>> No.18458364

I've never been on Reddit, to be honest I know jack shit about Reddit, and didn't know about its existence until 2011. Define "Reddit" and its correlation with Reddit.

>> No.18458373
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Correlation with Dune.
Pardon me.

>> No.18458391

Think about the cringe stereotypical nerd that thinks that science could fix everything despite not knowing himself a lot of science and just having a deep trust in it, he is probably in something related to IT and acts like a retarded child bragging about playing with his Nintendo switch at work, and the only garbage he reads is dune and other low scifi shit yet he thinks that he is worldly and cultured.

That is reddit.

>> No.18458816

wtf you guys read pure shit

>> No.18458824
File: 3.54 MB, 4032x3024, 2A833FBE-9BB8-4A23-B7E4-2188BD4BD700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18458833

t. general secretary of the based department

>> No.18458847

i am absolutely certain this is the bookcase of someone's parents not someone that posts on /lit/

>> No.18458917

we're not all teenagers mate

>> No.18459107

>buying things because of a marketing team
>not buying things because they fit your interests
>not having a place to store your books
...Then again, I do not read fiction, perhaps this does not apply to me and tends to be the case with the popculture "look at me, imma nerd lol I can't wait to share this with my 300+ friends" nonsense.

>> No.18459127

Ah, I see you are a man of taste

>> No.18459136


>> No.18459150

Oh hey, Utena!
Recently watched the musicals of that show. I rather like them.

>> No.18459185

Oh, which musical? The new one or the first? I have only seen the first and... It was an experience.

>> No.18459263

The new ones, Utena Bud of the White Rose and Utena Blooming Rose of Deepest Black.

They were surprisingly good.

>> No.18459378
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>> No.18459388

I confess I rambled about the marketing part, but bookshelves are shrines for a cult of how smart you are, as those shinto shrines are cults for their dead or your catholic grandma for her saints. The marketing part is crowning the fact you have a shrine about how smart you are while showing off stuff other people, corporation and academia manipulated you to have

>> No.18459392

Holy shit anon can I have your number?

>> No.18459498
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>thigh guy
>Jack Vance reader
Dangerously based

>> No.18459545

You have issues anon.

>> No.18459560

>based upper shelf
>tranny lower shelf

>> No.18459807
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>> No.18459934

>The Best of L. A. Lafferty

>> No.18459938

based struggler

>> No.18459965
File: 808 KB, 1447x823, Le antiguenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18460002


>> No.18460011

glad you found it out, anon!

>> No.18460081
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>> No.18460085
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At some point you should be asking yourself "why have I bought all these expensive ass english translations when I could have just learned french?". All those thinkers are pretty based though.

>> No.18460097

Do americans really?

>> No.18460119
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>this triggers the pseuds

>> No.18460136
File: 425 KB, 960x1280, 64E629ED-D5BA-45AD-8166-673BEFE4EFC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part I don’t keep a book once I’ve read it so there’s not much on there.

>> No.18460152

I took Latin years ago but I really only know English. How long would it take to be able to read French?

>> No.18460166

Reading on an e-reader isn't real reading because

>> No.18460187

You will never be a woman

>> No.18460188

I had the same copy of zola. Sold it to a bookstore in the hipster downtown

>> No.18460232
File: 1.78 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20210310-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 4 more boxes which dont fit.

>> No.18460255

Nice setup, anon. I like those simple wood shelves

>> No.18460310


>> No.18460335

Thanks man! Tried to go for simple and basic.

>> No.18460339

read carl schmitt

>> No.18460360

Spend more time outside.

Nazi critics of liberal democracy are less appealing to me than socialists, but I’ll check it out.

>> No.18460362


>> No.18460374

How was 'Denial of Death' if you read it yet?

>> No.18460573


Hoppe: Democracy, the God that Failed
Brennan: Against Democracy

>> No.18460590
File: 1.14 MB, 2047x2357, 20210615_153814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only dedicated bookshelf, the rest of my stuff is in shelves on my desk or my bed frame

>> No.18460675

If its truly yours u are such chadinton

>> No.18460722
File: 1.33 MB, 2235x2616, 100_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18460758

instagram normie

>> No.18461100


>> No.18461121

I don't know about you but I'm okay with being influenced and manipulated by other people. To sound really stupid, it's how life works. Yes, academia has manipulated me into becoming a scholar, and the Church has manipulated me into becoming a Christian, and my parents manipulated me into becoming their son (with all the loyalty and commitment that entails), and my profession has manipulated me into becoming a successful worker. We should remain critically aware of our manipulation, I agree.

>> No.18461130

This is pretty awesome lol.

>> No.18461136

Holy hell anon you're pretty well read

>> No.18461144

Who the fuck said anything about Americans? What are you talking about? Are you just looking for an excuse to seethe?

>> No.18461153

Reading books and collecting books are practically different hobbies, and I partake in both -- as do many of the people on this board.

>> No.18461162

This place looks so comfy dear lord...

>> No.18461169

Absolutely based setup.

>> No.18461188

Good God... this would have made me nut when I was 15. This has to be the library of some dying commie part in NYC, right? Or otherwise some academic?

>> No.18461385
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>> No.18461394
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Occult-ish section

>> No.18461399
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>> No.18461403
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>> No.18461411
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>> No.18461416
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>> No.18461444

Patronizing ppl doesn't make you look smart. I guess that means you at 15 had more taste than you now.

>> No.18461460

Lol that wasn't meant to be overly patronizing -- just a touch of lighthearted mockery. This is 4chan after all. It's not that severe of an insult to compare your library to that of a political party whose ideology you ascribe to, is it? Nor to compare your library to that of an academic?

Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I mean that genuinely. I was just teasing. Seriously, the collection is surprising and pretty impressive.

>> No.18461505

And how do you live with the fact you're a gear on the slaughter machine of thirsty, laughing megalomaniacs that believe they're gods?

>> No.18461521

jfc, the ultimate reddit consoomer

>> No.18461533

Oh well I guess. I'm doing my best, not gonna wail about it.

>> No.18461719

Communion. Nice.

>> No.18461729

ruined by all those retarded toys. what are you, 12?

>> No.18461760

Where's Rei?

>> No.18461795
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wow you really like anatomy of melancholy

>> No.18461811
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>> No.18461818
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rate how cringe

>> No.18461825

>record player

>> No.18461846

its from college. i never plug it in but it's too heavy and annoying to do anything with. so i keep it there for e-girl cred.

>> No.18461865


>> No.18461936
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If you are planning on reading more French philosophy, does it really matter how long it will take? Learning French is much, much easier than Latin, because there isn't any tv in Latin :(

>> No.18461952

Why would you even bother reading titles if there's a funko pop on the shelf?

>> No.18461961


>> No.18461969


>> No.18461975
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>> No.18461976


>> No.18461979

If Joe Rogan had a zoomer son, this would be his shelf.

>> No.18462046

I don't like Rei.

>> No.18462162

>Just Genki 1
>Picked up Japanese for a little bit then dropped it
Wow you're just like me

>> No.18462221

Maybe he just realized that it sucked?

>> No.18462243

I have other stuff I'm busy enough with. I hesitate to call it a philosophy book—but that is the idea—and I'd like to be done by the end of next year. I think it's fine for reference purposes to use English but if I really wanted to do a real study on Bergson, Bataille, or Deleuze, like an actual monograph, it would make sense to learn their French.

>> No.18462281

I lacked the motivation to fully commit to Japanese and ended up enjoying Arabic more.

>> No.18462393
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>> No.18462401

can you take some pics of the contents of the mobius books?

>> No.18462406

god please take my virginity

also whats in the trash can?

>> No.18462418
File: 2.89 MB, 3000x4000, comicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the contents? any specific ones?

garbage m8

>> No.18462450

>the contents? any specific ones?
any one is fine, are they mobius art books?

>> No.18462506


>> No.18462574

I think it's a book store

>> No.18462588

Love u m8

>> No.18462590
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x2250, mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, has some of his sketches in it. Story about his life where he inserts himself with his characters from his other comics and about his struggle quitting weed as well

>> No.18462613

No werewolf of fever swamp 0/10

>> No.18462668

Unironically based

>> No.18462739
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>> No.18462992
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x2176, IMG_20210409_172904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Donald Duck pocket books published here in Finland

>> No.18463051
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How is that much duck even possible?

>> No.18463073

I like it. Can you post a close up of the middle shelf? The one with the 4 volume hardback set.

>> No.18463085
File: 473 KB, 2048x1536, E2qq7npXEAUyE9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the pokemon.

>> No.18463103

Looks like a Donkey Kong level

>> No.18463110

Is that complete Lovecraft a well made volume?

>> No.18463111


>> No.18463196


I have quite a few of those, the Homer, Chomsky and Zizek, Simulacra and Simulation, Denial of Death, Anti-Oedipus. And Malcom Gladwell who I think is a bit of an idiot.

Malleus Maleficarum, I picked it up as a teenager thinking maybe I should be hunting down witches but in hindsight that was really dumb.

>> No.18463226

Love it.

>> No.18463229
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>I picked it up as a teenager thinking maybe I should be hunting down witches but in hindsight that was really dumb.

>> No.18463240
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>> No.18463300

your water must have extra fluoride

>> No.18463306

fellow Asuka chad

>> No.18463321

where did you get Caste and Races?

>> No.18463326

I like you.

>> No.18463368

Not that guy, but you can get it from Caribbean Thule Publishing.

>> No.18463376


>> No.18463390
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>> No.18463637

how's life in chile, pablo?

>> No.18463647
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>> No.18463653
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>> No.18463656
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>> No.18463659
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>> No.18463660
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>> No.18463663
File: 1.79 MB, 4031x1369, BADC64B0-D489-467C-9BA3-5FF33A66D598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18463669
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>> No.18463671
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x1813, 4C751F25-C783-45B0-8576-7917460F1B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books with no spine text

>> No.18463697

Thats the texan flag

>> No.18464001

What are those two hardcover book at the right bottom?

>> No.18464007

kek, this

>> No.18464277

its Goethes collected works

>> No.18464283

ich bin enttarnt

>> No.18464309

not to measure dicks but do y'all only have one bookshelf?

>> No.18464316 [DELETED] 

Absolute faggots. Every communist I've ever met has been a low-effort midwit, in exact accordance to what one would predict from a first principles analysis of the retarded ideology. Squirming over the appearance of being learned, so par for the course.

>> No.18464459
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, pathetic scotch taped spine attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sure. Please excuse all the Gladwell.

>> No.18464468

Don't be impressed. I've probably only MAYBE read up to 33–40% of what isn't reference lit here. I read slow and have a looooong to-read list that I just grab items from if I ever find them on sale or if cheap out-of-print rarities from that list show up on ebay/etsy or the like.

>> No.18464479

the virgin funko >>18457306 vs the chad figurine owner >>18457331

>> No.18464539
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 095B3CF7-2E37-46AB-A8FC-F41C397892F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly up to the alarm has been read, everything else is backlogged

>> No.18464554

Jesus, was it worth the time investment?

>> No.18464717
File: 576 KB, 1536x2048, 7FFDE4A8-CCF0-4E8D-B3DA-E13564C16A90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell I don’t read books that often.

>> No.18464739

Can’t tell if that is a joke about the clock or a comment on the potential wasted time of excessive reading. If the latter, yes, sometimes it does feel wasted

>> No.18464951
File: 692 KB, 720x404, cathat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pristine, untouched books
Wouldn't hurt to read a few of your books, guys...

>> No.18465043

Stop cracking your spines, you savage

>> No.18465060
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Look on ye pseuds and despair

>> No.18465069
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>> No.18465080
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We have some writers in common.

>> No.18465083
File: 2.14 MB, 3495x2557, Shelf 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18465210

Nazis lost :)
Capitalism is literally killing millions of people every year.
Communism is the only option.

>> No.18465249

looks like a booktuber's shelf.

>> No.18465273
File: 38 KB, 500x503, m3uyif1xt4j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism killed hundreds of millions.

>> No.18465277

>Chandler and Hammet

>> No.18465306
File: 67 KB, 700x415, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are both idiots, tribalism is the only way.

>> No.18465922

You made that joke last time, friend.

>> No.18465933
File: 74 KB, 720x899, B63ECF45-A5DF-432A-BBBA-149127223DC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onions mass media talking point

>> No.18465982
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1440, 20210609_123501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else get bothered when their books get put in a random order and the size doesn't line up?

>> No.18465987

Rent free.
So what part of the world are you from?
The asses we saved?
Or the asses we kicked?

>> No.18466104
File: 1.98 MB, 4128x1908, 20210616_202006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i like ASOIAF sue me. I have everything besides F&B which i just finished on audiobook and the 2 short stories about what transpired before the Dance of the Dragons. Besides that some history/philosophy stuff.

>> No.18466181

It was good. I’m not sure I agree with the fundamental principal, but it was extremely well-presented and raised a lot of good arguments.

Love you too.

Yeah, I picked up Malleus years ago thinking it was a handbook on identifying witches from back in the day, but it’s dry legalese about trying them.

>> No.18466237

Americans are so delusional about what the rest of the world thinks about their imperialist war mongering ways.

>> No.18466427
File: 257 KB, 1388x1041, Shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Adjusted Person :^)

>> No.18466428

>being dragged into 2 world wars despite the country being overwhelmingly anti-war and the being made the world police
>imperialist war mongering ways

It's literally your fault.

>> No.18466491

holy based...

>> No.18466551
File: 3.94 MB, 4624x2080, IMG_20210616_215510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18466613

is that skyline real??

>> No.18466617

Anon, find some rope, and if you’re a nigger light yourself on fire.

>> No.18466682

>bookcase throwing shadow on the clouds
I think it's just a wall anon.

>> No.18467334
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my mostly dante shelf

>> No.18467342

post tits

>> No.18467376

It absolutely is.

>> No.18467805

what was the rope for?

>> No.18467920

I do this too for privacy

>> No.18467966

Why did you glue your books to the top of the shelf, anon?

>> No.18468143
File: 735 KB, 1920x1062, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is calibre, I have almost one thousand books and all of them are in my kindle.

>> No.18468152

I forgot to mention. I didn't expend a penny on any of them.

>> No.18468360

i didn't, i'm australian.

>> No.18468381

Might as well just download libgen.is, you could have millions then.

>> No.18468468
File: 35 KB, 853x480, 7A37432D-E7E9-453D-8AC7-884939128C91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cock first.

>> No.18468594

Me too

>> No.18468629
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>> No.18468737

This is actually I funny prank I could do when inviting people over.

>> No.18468969

Nice. I have most of those books!

>> No.18469430
File: 209 KB, 1280x960, Book shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly History, Tolkien and some mathematics books.

>> No.18469495


>> No.18469532

>owns the version of Gravity’s rainbow with typos in it

>> No.18469956
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>> No.18470021
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, 7401CC3D-82DB-481F-8837-B1E721B1E76C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18470023

based and nationalist pony pilled

>> No.18470055

i was waiting for someone to post this

>> No.18470101

Don't go to Rio, go to Fernando de Noronha instead.

>> No.18470104


>> No.18470285

Gladwell sucks

>> No.18470837

Show your bookshelf then.

>> No.18471045

you're a bit late with this advice! rio treated me very well, i'd say it's one of the great cities of the world.

>> No.18471518

It’s incredible how you have Gene Wolfe and Jack Vance in the same shelf as cringe isekai shit, anon. Don’t you have any sense of literary dignity?

>> No.18471538

This anon is a WAHMEN, litbros.

>> No.18471555
File: 2.16 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20210617_133509475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my main one. top is books I've read in chronological order, bottom is books I read before I started doing that
chair is music i need to find somewhere to put

>> No.18471561

I’m pretty sure every ebook nigga here in /lit/ hasn’t spent a dime on any of the books they “own”.


>> No.18471666

I don't even own a book, let alone many books, with which to necessitate a bookshelf.

>> No.18471729

Based supple leopard owner. Enjoy your healthy joints

>> No.18471798
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20210617_091951_728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I just like what I like

>> No.18471818

based weebs

>> No.18471920

Will Durant series is great

>> No.18471935
File: 541 KB, 904x1607, P_20210617_234326_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Nabokov, and I have that edition of TLOTR.

>> No.18471975
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 19F79230-A7C1-4BB8-952F-AC148481DF3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of my shelfs

>> No.18472123

damn that gary lutz comes out of nowhere

>> No.18472195
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Dantechads being always the smartest ones.

>> No.18472422
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>> No.18472719
File: 3.76 MB, 4608x3456, 1book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just moved to a new place, so there is no order to speak of. what's the best way to arrange/organise books?

>> No.18472751
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>> No.18472763
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>> No.18472776
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>> No.18472855
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>> No.18472875
File: 1.15 MB, 2485x2150, 9623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a table at least

>> No.18472933

Good for you anon. Also that's a pretty awesome stack, you must be an interesting guy.

>> No.18472945

Hesse, Kazantzakis, Asimov, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Hegel, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Latin grammar, Tolstoy....

Wow anon you have awesome taste. This is an impressive collection, I hope you're doing well in life.

>> No.18472951

Based overflowing mess.

>> No.18473006

thank you :)

>> No.18473038
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1611988792589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out Bataille's On Nietzsche and the other volume of The Accursed Share.

>> No.18473215 [DELETED] 

That's a Photo on a wall

>> No.18473307

wtf? those outlets aren't floating in the void?

>> No.18473322

They do; use magic spells and duct tape

>> No.18473448

how is the way of kings so thin

>> No.18473483

based ministry of image fo:e set, want one myself :(

>> No.18473655
File: 132 KB, 752x1008, book shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not organized but I don't really care

>> No.18473731
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>> No.18473850
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>> No.18473854
File: 1.02 MB, 2720x3640, 201808734_182359987239828_3671152595604502614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry my phone camera is apparently fucking shit

>> No.18473868
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>> No.18473875
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>bunch of Fisher and urbanomic books
Where are you hiding Land/CCRU?

>> No.18473899

I met a very strange man who did this but only on books he disliked. I was so creeped out, it made me want to shower immediately.

>> No.18473912


>> No.18473927

I quite like reddit desu

>> No.18473929


>> No.18473958

God, I wish I had a friend like you.

>> No.18473982

The spines on most of these are immaculate, suggesting they haven't been read... however, since a library indicates the books one intends to read, most of your choices are decent.

>> No.18474017

did you read 'the great reset'? what's it like?

>> No.18474042

Just a tourist, but I can appreciate the large monkey mask you have to the left. A very nice plant indeed. But uhh, how can you read on such a thin mattress? must hurt after a while.

>> No.18474060

you do realize people can be careful with their books, right?

>> No.18474098

no, it's a practical impossibility.
It means you value the paper more than the words inside.
You value the material more than the meaning.


... implying I'm messy, motherfucker.

>> No.18474128

>Nail polish gel
explain yourself

>> No.18474401

Holy fug I just met a deadline by 24 seconds because my internet lagged

>> No.18474609

I picked it up on the recommendation of paperbird. I quite enjoyed it

>> No.18474686

what is there to explain?

>> No.18475165
File: 1.50 MB, 1077x1251, 46kbh0xaugw61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're certainly melodramatic, faggot

>> No.18475277


I have that same fucking Corinthian helmet on my bookshelf, my parents got it from Cyprus for me.

>> No.18475517

Are you.... homosexual?

>> No.18475621

highly based. why do the english versions of capital and POE look inferior to the german originals i have though

>> No.18475720

You're based

>> No.18476130

You know that you don't have to label yourself and then defend your label to the death right

>> No.18476198

fuck, I remember that one! Turned out to be his ginger mate or something

>> No.18476231

Pretty big collection for an Australian

>> No.18476567


>> No.18476572

>i have two sides, the bookshelf

>> No.18477640

You have to be 18+ to post on this site

>> No.18477646

Fuck I need that alice in wonderland edition

>> No.18477819

Order the books by height