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18452810 No.18452810 [Reply] [Original]

>this book was intended to replace the Bible
What went wrong?

>> No.18452913

>What went wrong?
Nothing, God finally has died and we are the ones that replaced him.

>> No.18452949

Something went wrong?

>> No.18453023

Literally nothing

>> No.18453040

It never was.

>> No.18453095

God laughed at his arrogance

>> No.18453100

He doesn't mention Ahura Mazda once. I suspect he's not a Zoroastrian scholar at all.

>> No.18453110
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>> No.18453127
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His incel tears went wrong

>> No.18453309


>> No.18453321

The Gay Science ist better than this one

>> No.18453666

When was this stated.

>> No.18453694


What went wrong was he left God out of the answer.

>> No.18453710

>>this book was intended to replace the Bible
>What went wrong?
what is with this new trend of hating on nietzsche?
I'm not a nietzsche fan by any means but the overwhelming majority of those who criticize him are syphilitic brainlet virgins who have 0 philosophy competence and after the first or second reading (best case scenario) they decide they've understood his work.
you fucking maggots.

>> No.18453754

Everything Nietzsche predicted would go wrong. There was nothing he could do about it, and he understood that.
Zarathustra is a book 'for everyone and no one'. If you read it and you think deeply about it, if you can take it seriously without turning it into an idol, then it's been read well - but it's always much easier to discount or to worship.

>> No.18453768
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>what is with this new trend of hating on nietzsche?

>> No.18453834

these next generation christians really are a weird bunch, aren't they.

>> No.18453909

It was gay as hell
>i just came back from a mountain and started accusing peasants of being stupid, why are they ridiculing me?

>> No.18453942

>i just came back from a mountain and started accusing peasants of being stupid, why are they ridiculing me?
your reading comprehension is void. you have green oatmeal instead of brains.

>> No.18453945
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pic related

>> No.18453953

this is what happens when you think you're on the right side of history

>> No.18453980

Incidentally, the very idea of a right side of history could be taken for slave morality, much like Christianity as analyzed by N

>> No.18454346

He was an atheist

>> No.18454353

not in the vulgar sense

>> No.18454357


>> No.18454545

>God gave him syphilis

>> No.18455751

>He was an atheist
wtf does that have to do with anything?

>> No.18456051

>He was an atheist
You dont understand nothing

>> No.18456061

>still believing he had syphilis

>> No.18456071

But was previously an ardent champion of faith.

Nothing went wrong with the Zarathustra project. He basically wrote it from the knowledge that the lack of God and coherent myth-structures was a shit-hit-the-fan condition for humanity. It is a piece for those with the brain to use it. If you have any competence for reading / understanding mythic texts, you'd see it as a wonderful tool.

but y'all are mostly brainlet philo-phallus worshipers who would rather the image of intellect to its actual presence

>> No.18456080

It's a fictional philosophical novel by a philosopher, the similarity it has to the "Biblical" does nothing to change (but rather expresses it most definitely) the fact that these are all things which cannot comprise a real religion or religious text.

>> No.18456082
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>new trend of hating on nietzsche?
Its not. And dont you mistake me for a christian, there are a bunch of christ zoomies too. Its just that young people tend to read Nietzsche as their 1st or 2nd philosopher (usually the other being plato,, for christoids, potentially Augustine), and it really, REALLY shows with how miopic and boilerplate they are. Not that Neitchze himself is bad mind you, but simply due to how most people act, their most recent thing they engulfed themselves in becomes the GOAT. While lacking much nuance or alternate or dynamic takes on a subject which you cultivate through reading many different takes and currents of thought rather than simply submerging yourself into one (which people who just started phil just have those one or two reference points so they tend to be rather narrow in their take)
>...its all just, like, slave morality
straight out , withought any additions, or more specific reasonings to the comment, just parroting the gestalt idea, instead of something more focused and reasoned, like
> In Ecclesiastes, for example, there is a major focus on the emptiness and hollowness of all things material, and to some extent, even extra-material, calling for a somber dedication to duty as the only fleeting line of vanity with even a semblence of lasting meaning, but this ideology skips over the inate meaning within the struggle of even a vain task, lumping the arbitrarity of things into worthlessness, rather than finding worth in the very act.
Or something a little more focused and less insipid parroting of a thesis.

>> No.18456086

>I'm not a fan of Nietzsche
>Anyone else who isn't is an idiot and a virgin
What did he mean by this?

>> No.18456243

>>I'm not a fan of Nietzsche
>>Anyone else who isn't is an idiot and a virgin
>What did he mean by this?
If that's what you understood from my rant then you have the reading comprehension of a taxidermied toad.
But hey, you can always read nietzsche or spengler and state how brainlet/based they are, depending on which trend makes you seem cool.

>> No.18456287

I want to have mild intercourse by using my penis

>> No.18456301


>> No.18456425


>> No.18456593


>> No.18456786

how the man cries out

so beautiful

>> No.18456806


All pseuds.

>> No.18456811


Sorry, except you. You said worst post.

>> No.18456833

no one knew what 'spake' meant

>> No.18456877

>Everything Nietzsche predicted would go wrong.
"Woe unto all loving ones who have not an elevation which is above their pity!"
"So be ye warned against pity: From thence there yet cometh unto men a heavy cloud! Verily, I understand weather-signs!"

"The neural bases of social pain: Evidence for shared representations with physical pain"

>> No.18456904

I'm interpreting this, in relation to pity, to mean that the social reliance on pity (as should be obvious) has led, as N. alludes, to psychological weakening / hypersensitivity to pain?

Open to differing interps, but to make a short plateau:

Pity-based communities, numerous as they are, breed highly neurotic people, leading to societies prone to both self-isolation (for security / coping) and quickly-arising conflict (as social expectations for acceptance meet the harsh reality of unaccepting outgroups)

rlly good post btw

>> No.18456925

It's easy to criticize Nietzsche because he provides no intellectual standards by which to analyze or comprehend his work (in fact he basically makes it clear that he wants people to be harsh and unfair in general). It's perfectly valid to call Nietzsche a virgin retard, not that I do because I think he had some valid intuitions. But, at the same time, they are still just intuitions so it's perfectly fine for people to entirely reject Nietzsche for whatever reasons they happen to have.

>> No.18457386

>But, at the same time, they are still just intuitions so it's perfectly fine for people to entirely reject Nietzsche for whatever reasons they happen to have.
Not sure this would work at uni or any philosophy class.

>> No.18457408

syphilitic and virgin are opposites.

>> No.18457416

>new trend of hating on nietzsche
Juden schwein spamming with their bots.

>> No.18457482

>syphilitic and virgin are opposites
oh you pitiful soft bodied brainlet

>> No.18457492

>Be a retard
>Read halfway through beyond good and evil
>Don't understand shit
I think that's his main problem. He couldn't express himself in a way that even fucking retards like me would understand

>> No.18457495

I am a Christian yet I hate Jews with a passion. They rejected Christ and Christ rejected them

>> No.18457496
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The Neetch is a bit autistic, please understand

>> No.18457535

It does. You just have to phrase your objection in a way that makes you sound intelligent (just like Nietzsche did).

>> No.18458105

Racist non-whites and Christians flood the internet now. None of them read him to understand him.

>> No.18458326

Good post

>> No.18458355

These comics are always retarded.

>> No.18458747

t. filtered by Nietzsche

>> No.18459859

It's very relevant. It means that the entire basis of his worldview is objectively wrong.

>> No.18459866

Nietzsche is hated by non-whites because the concept of self-discipline is appalling for them. they want to live in hyper matriarchal social dumping grounds like Calcutta for example.

>> No.18459872

you can't have both. only few people alive have ever truly been atheist such as Lavrenty Beria.

>> No.18459896

I haven't heard of that guy yet. What made him different from other atheists?

>> No.18459907

other "atheists" you talk about aren't atheists. they're just Protestants trying to push Protestantism to newer edginess. You can't be an atheist and have the moral philosophy of a Puritan schoolmarm which is what most atheists are. Beria ran the KGB the man had no soul and probably would liquidate his entire family for the sake of it. Thats a true atheist.

>> No.18459949

How could he not have had a soul if God created him?

>> No.18459992

Maybe you should read about Beria.

>> No.18460034

Okay. Thanks.

>> No.18460182

>Nietzsche is hated by non-whites because the concept of self-discipline is appalling for them. they want to live in hyper matriarchal social dumping grounds like Calcutta for example.
Is that why women hate him too?

>> No.18460198

You're not a retard. You just didn't put in the time and effort to truly understand him.

>> No.18460810
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>> No.18460844

Nah, Nietzsche is hated because Hitler was into him and they think Nietzsche believed in über- and üntermenschen, even when Nietzsche never even used the word üntermensch and his concept of übermensch has nothing to do with race. But these people just believe what popular media tells them.

>> No.18460848

>be manlet incel with hot sister
>see woman
>propose to her through her current boyfriend second day after seeing her
>take in Stirner, Mainlander and Schopenhauer without understanding anything
>shit out reddit tier /r/atheism type philosophy
>also women bad
>be remembered as baby's first philosopher
>everybody and his mom knows you

He's probably the 9gag of philosophy. That's why I hate him. He's absolutely boring and unoriginal.

>> No.18460855

The term is "Untermenschen", not "Üntermenschen".

>> No.18460858


I think you hate him because of the amount or kind of people that flock to him instead of hating him for objective reasons.

>> No.18460859


>> No.18460897

you're probably right

>> No.18460903

It's okay, anon. No hard feelings. <3

>> No.18460910

He used the word untermensch once. The Ubermensch is also very much about race, but race in a biological, psychological, and sociological sense simultaneously.

>> No.18460936

Wasn't that the bit that is ascribed to his sister who wrote it when he was dying of syphilis?

>> No.18460961

No, it's in The Gay Science:

>The invention of gods, heroes, and overmen of all kinds, as well as near-men and undermen, dwarfs, fairies, centaurs, satyrs, demons, and devils [...]

Kaufmann translates it to "undermen." "Near-men" is also probably a word that means half-man or something to that effect.

>> No.18461242

>"I'm so afraid of being understood by my reader, that makes me deep, right?"
It's just sad, really.

>> No.18461306

no true scotsman

>> No.18461323

>If you have a moral code you must believe in a god
Not only are you wrong, you're stupid.

>> No.18461361

>He's probably the 9gag of philosophy.
ironic considering your post is currently the 9gag of /lit/

>> No.18461600

nothing, 20th century is proof enough that it succeded. Both bible and christianity are dead and rotting while everything N said ultimatly proved to be correct