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File: 1.11 MB, 2560x2146, Stephen-King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18441655 No.18441655 [Reply] [Original]

What's his secret?

>> No.18441657


>> No.18441660

hard work every day

>> No.18441662

Cocaine and booze

>> No.18441718

Ghost writers.

>> No.18441747
File: 34 KB, 569x376, 1623539340967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kingbros... we got too cocky...

>> No.18441859


>> No.18441868


>> No.18441874

Norm's such a Chad.

>> No.18441876

Being a degenerate, pedo alcoholic. I'll still read his garbage tho.

>> No.18441899

For that single scene in IT?
So is he also a rapist, a murderer and a vampire?

>> No.18441947

Did we ever find out why he looks so weird
Have never seen another person that looks like him

>> No.18441955

Being a paedophile, and maybe joined Hollywood cults/freemasons though I've yet to find sufficient proof for that in my irl investigations.

>> No.18441961

>one person looks like nobody else

>> No.18441964

>a certain difficulties
King caught out trying to sound smart.

>> No.18441967

Does Norm expect Trump to be reinstated in August?

>> No.18441969
File: 94 KB, 1080x785, Norm Macdonald quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18441981

He has kiddie fiddle in many books. One where a father greases up his sons asshole with lard.

>> No.18441993

>He has kiddie fiddle in many books
Yes, and there are also many books where there are alien demons

Is he an alien demon?

>> No.18442006

Why yes. Don't you know? Anytime a character says or does something in a work a reflection, it is a reflection of the author's thoughts and desires.

>> No.18442017

If I wrote nothing but books with detailed scenes of paedophilia, from the perspective of a lustful paedophile, what would you make of me?

Get oudda here with your false theorems and so-called logical consistencies.

>> No.18442018

Writing committee. No one can produce that much content. I've done the numbers before.

>> No.18442102

Idk dude, I guess that if I was pedo alien from another dimension I wouldn't be a writer.

>> No.18442136

>making this much of a strawman
Can't you admit that he's a little suspicious?

>> No.18442146

Colin Wilson proves you wrong.

>> No.18442179

>Can't you admit that he's a little suspicious?
Can you name a single writer who never wrote anything questionable? No homicide, no suicide, no rape, no sin, ever, in his books?

>> No.18442183

He's from Whoville, Maine.

>> No.18442184

Writing for an audience who does not care about quality

>> No.18442329

I read his latest, "Later", about a week ago. Solid throughout, but the ending is a total wet fart. Muh incest reveal that nobody gives a shit about. Dude. Do something interesting with what you've just spent the entire fucking book establishing.

>> No.18442336


>> No.18442339

"Write what you know" Stephen King

>> No.18442371

I love norm but damn if he doesn't suck mccarthy's dick a lot

>> No.18442391

>"Write what you know" Stephen King
I was thinking about that earlier. It's a solid advice.

So...He knows alien demons?

>> No.18442398

You're again strawmaning, the difference is paedophilia is rarely an artistically beneficial subject, and this is no exception. Except here, he makes constant references to it in detail, and in what might be called a sleazy way.

>> No.18442520

>You're again strawmaning
>paedophilia is rarely an artistically beneficial subject, and this is no exception
In his books he deals extensively with domestic abuse: so, is he a wife beater?
Also racism, bigotism, mysticism, cancer, immortality, shapeshifting, apocalypse, bullying, technology...
If I write something, I am that?

Just to be clear. I don't know if he is a pedophile. I think that you should have some better argument than "H-he wrote pedo scene in his books!". Dante wrote of cannibalism, I don't think he actually ate people (he complained about how salty "foreign" bread is, btw)

>> No.18443817

His distinct look mostly comes from his long philtrum. And he's aware of it.


>> No.18443825

Didn't know Norm was so redpilled

>> No.18444220


>> No.18444338

You don't have to be a Q tard, or even like Trump at all, to hate elitist liberal psueds.


>> No.18444485

I heard his son wrote Duma Key?

>> No.18444487


In his book 'On Writing' a very expicitly trashed the common suggestion to 'write what you know'. He said that much better advice would be 'write what you like'.

>> No.18444515


>Christians literally executed people that were against their beliefs
>Oh no the christian after glow is gone :(((((

>> No.18444926

Even more worrisome.

>> No.18444991

Also Alice Munro's metaphorical penis

>> No.18445952

literally this, it’s telling nobody else here said this

>> No.18446063

1. Open mad libs book
2. Fill all the location blanks in with New England
3. Throw darts at a board full of nouns and verbs to fill in the rest
4. Type a million words a day and keep the best 10,000
5. Splice in some coomer shit
6. Repeat 4 and 5 until novel length
7. Submit to publisher, reminding them if they even do much as look at the manuscript before printing and shipping it you’ll you with the notion of releasing it online again

>> No.18447643
