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File: 54 KB, 592x422, bjork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18441426 No.18441426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bjork just ended Ted Kaczynski's whole career

>> No.18441438

Is there anyone that calls cabins natural?

>> No.18441440

Unironically a very good argument

>> No.18441441

This is what happens when all of your ancestors going back a thousand years are cousins. Also see Ashkenazi Jews.

>> No.18441444

musicians are retarded and should keep their mouths shut

>> No.18441447


Uncle Ted wasn't exactly sleeping rough when he was out there in the woods

>> No.18441453

She's completely correct.

>> No.18441458
File: 72 KB, 472x468, 4pd2u0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18441473

He called for a return to primitive life, not nature.

>> No.18441475

This means absolutely nothing.
She will never acknowledge you, let alone love you.

>> No.18441484

Means the same thing for the same reason given in the OP

>> No.18441487
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>> No.18441490

Best Bjork album?

>> No.18441497

>industrial society has destroyed the autonomy of humans and here's why
Twitter faggot
>duhhhhh but technology and nature is the same!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18441500


>> No.18441503

>a Twitter faggot is enough to debunk Ted
Tedfags BTFO for eternity it seems

>> No.18441505
File: 840 KB, 2993x1691, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"J-just me standing here with my naturally occurring housing infrastructure!" N-no contradiction here!"

>> No.18441507


>> No.18441513

Can she cure my internet induced adhd?

>> No.18441514

Nature means nature you retarded cretin. A cabin is not nature. A tree and a forest are nature for me and for every human that ever existed.

>> No.18441515

It doesn't because Ted isn't reducing technology to a monolith and is referring moreso to industrial society in particular.

>> No.18441517

see >>18441505

>> No.18441526


>> No.18441533


It's also worth noting Ted is wearing shoes and clothing, neither of which are by any means naturally occurring, nor were humans "evolved" for them

>> No.18441536

You're not seeing what Bjork is implying there. Industrial society is nature, or at least will become nature eventually, because all techno is nature and vice versa depending on the perspective.

>> No.18441543

the word "good" and the word "bad" mean the same thing . depends if you look at it from the past or from the future. for example , owning a slave : an ancient Greek thinks it's good but for us it has become bad . we must live with both . it is very important . we can't be just good or just bad .

>> No.18441548

More retarded sophistry. Just give up.

>> No.18441555

Derrida and Heidegger btfo this retarded argument. Also bjork is inbred and makes bad music.

>> No.18441559



>> No.18441561

t. industrial society's ape-man

>> No.18441567

See what you low iq monkey? Does he say the cabin is the nature? Everything else around him is the nature part not the cabin.

>> No.18441569

There's no sustainable philosophical distinction between nature and artifice IMO

>> No.18441570

Fucking based
Everything in this world is "natural".

>> No.18441573

>Everything else around him is the nature part not the industrial society.

>> No.18441577

Your opinion is retarded and you're stupid.

>> No.18441578

>doesn't understand "good" in the moral sense is a noun
back to r*ddit

>> No.18441584

Derrida and Heidegger were both wrong

>> No.18441587

The cabin is a society? Are you inbred?

>> No.18441589

Unironic trips of truth.

>> No.18441592

Consciousness and its products are alien to the physical world.

>> No.18441599

No they were actually 100% correct. Read Stiegler you retarded faggot, you obviously don't understand what techne/physis is.

>> No.18441601


>> No.18441612

Seems like you haven't even read his manifesto. If you plan on trolling, it helps to actually know what you are talking about.

>> No.18441613

But consciousness itself emerged out of nature so it's not separate from nature. Even apes show moralistic behavior which isn't beneficial in an evolutionary system but they still do it.

>> No.18441620

Based argument. I guess it's natural that Ted a man who artificed nothing of value hates its family so deeply.

>> No.18441622

No they were actually 100% wrong. Now go jerk in the woods to relieve yourself of your shame, backwoods hick.

>> No.18441625

Look within yourself and see if there's a mathematical object representing the state of neurons that resembles redness, or if there's a certain feeling to what it's like to be the Mandelbrot set or even just a triangle, and you'll see physicalism is total fucking nonsense.

>> No.18441626


>> No.18441627

>consciousness emerged

>> No.18441630

Stop using internet and go be monks in the woods

>> No.18441633

It's not an argument. Conclusion doesn't follow from the premise.

Anyone can make a clever observation, then say, "It's very important," then assert a non sequitur.

>> No.18441634

This. It was implanted somehow. Emergence doesn't smuggle in entirely new ontology, ever.

>> No.18441640

>let's play semantics while completely ignoring the main argument

>> No.18441647

>Anyone can make a clever observation, then say, "It's very important," then assert a non sequitur.

You mean like Ted did?

>> No.18441656

>getting your tales from Bjork
Put your trip back on Buttershit

>> No.18441664

>getting your takes from Unabomber
Put your trip back on Buttershit

>> No.18441665

Maybe it "emerged", whatever difficulties >>18441627 might find, but consciousness is a differentiating sort of thing, especially with regards to identity. It is awareness of what is, of what is not you. These two are separate by virtue of the not-I producing the I & vice versa as opposed to any ontological quibble. Primate anthropology is a poor castle to defend because we haven't defined consciousness yet meanwhile the entire debate about primate sociality can unexpectedly turn on something trivial like levels of intentionality or creole grammar.

>> No.18441668

I see Bjork more as a daughter, which is why I hate seeing her date that half caste nigger. I would take her of her, not sexually of course but if she wanted it I would lick her pussy to satisfy her sexual needs.

>> No.18441694

What fucking drugs are you on?

>> No.18441698

Eliminativism, panpsychism and emergentism are all wrong. Leaves few viable options.

>> No.18441703

>these are wrong, so I'll believe in even stupider shit instead

>> No.18441711

What's your proposal then?

>> No.18441724

Absolute nigger

>> No.18441726

My proposal is that you're a fucking retard. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18441732

If you want land in the muddy waters of metaphysics then do it by all means. My point is that human body pretty much belongs to "natural" world. We can shut the fuck up about mind but having an animal gives us the pass of being a part of "natural" world. If the nests are "natural" then industries are also "natural".

>> No.18441736

Yes I'm somehow stupid even though I tower above almost all philosophers today who believe in one of the three despite the gaping flaws.

>> No.18441755

You failed

>> No.18441766

Not noticing a single argument against my claim...

>> No.18441779

Hmm but the human body & home are in possession of the Imagination, which is how I change them (build my factory) in accordance with a vision of something which, being imaginary, is-not, and therefore its procession into reality is miraculous, whether it be something drastic as oneself flying into Dickensian peasant-fantasy or merely wearing clothes. What I mean is: nature has its spiritual component too, when brought into accordance with mind in this way. This is the only real motion from an is to an is-not, ie an ought, so realizing the spiritual union between man & nature is also the only possible ethical vocation. Sorry I don't believe in man-animal...

>> No.18441782

>This. It was implanted somehow.
Hmmm... It was implanted by someone with consciousness, I guess?

>> No.18441792


>> No.18441805


>> No.18441818

It's real that "techno" is our nature, but we still need the real nature and for the other species, if kept in account, techno is not nature. The solution is to reach (maybe is unattainable) a techno completely integrated with nature, at least on this planet where there are lifeforms that "should" be protected

>> No.18441820

Yeah, they're from a different plane though, one perhaps of pure consciousness.

>> No.18441830

Schizo idealism/10. Quite based.

>> No.18441837

It's called Brandolini's law

>> No.18441841

Holy shit are you guys actualy trolling? How the fuck can you compare a shack in the woods with the industrial revolution and still think that you have an IQ of over 90?

>> No.18441844

I think that there's not "natural" and "unnatural" because all that is, is natural. Man does not come from nature, but he is nature, and similarly what comes of man (e.g. technology) is also nature. When you follow this and start going backwards, you quickly come to the realization that whatever is now is not separate from what the big bang was, nor is it a continuum of it.

What is now is the same as the big bang, and the big bang is now.

>> No.18441846

Hmmm... And in that plane, consciousness emerged or...

>> No.18441851

Which "career"?

>> No.18441860

Could just be a brute fact of indeterminable origins like our physical universe.

>> No.18441872
File: 11 KB, 224x249, 1611148294094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone would argue that a cabin is a technological creation, and her ape point is well-taken in a way, I suppose.

But in regards to what Kaczynski was saying, it misses the point.

Kaczynski wasn't anti-technology, he was opposed to what he saw as a severe imbalance between the natural world and human beings' relationship to it. And, even though he mailed bombs to people, he was kind of fucking right. Much of what's in Consequences is terrifyingly prescient when considered against the present day.

If anything, this post is pro-Kaczynski and proves his point that such a sentiment is perhaps more prolific than one would initially think.

>> No.18441895

I view consciousness as a malignant disease. And basically agree with the thesis of Zapffe that civilization/human actions beyond basic survival is a cope from the awareness of our existential fears. When viewed in this context human actions are understandable and thus "natural" because this weight of consciousness and this mysterious position with in the universe was imposed of them without any choice.

Zapffe was a proto deep ecologists but that's another topic.

>> No.18441900

Techno Ted kek

>> No.18441914


>> No.18441924 [DELETED] 

What a dumb bitch, can't understand philosophy (of nature) beyond its aestheticisation.

The danger of technology, the inimitable nature of unique value of particular historical and cultural "techno", is not just an aestheticisation.

>> No.18441931

Only apes are afraid of technology. Remember this.

>> No.18441934
File: 31 KB, 236x359, Heidegger in forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dumb bitch, can't understand philosophy (of nature) beyond its aestheticisation. The danger of technology, the inimitable nature or unique value of particular historical and cultural "techno", is not just an aestheticisation.

However she properly in the midwit level, looking at the lowit has developed a logical response to the arguments which those people don't have a rational foundation to.

>> No.18441935

Ted's argument IIRC was that certain technologies are fine, he cited the Amish as an example.
The idea he was arguing people should revert to cavemen is idiot.

>> No.18441960

Ted Kaczynski doesn't have a problem with technology, but with mass technology. The distinction is important and it's like everyone who tries to critique him doesn't even bother finish reading him before running their mouth. Mass technology is technology that cannot be supported by a relatively small, isolated community. We could expect such a community to manage building a house or the tools they need for farming, but we wouldn't expect them to build a car engine, let alone a car. It's mass technology and problems coming from them that Ted is concerned with.

>> No.18441972

So, we shouldn't build a CT scan machine because..?

>> No.18441979

They disrupt the power process.

>> No.18441987

If tedfag themselves aren't willing to give up on their urban lifestyle and when do they preach to other that they should? Not many people are willing to give up their 21st century lifestyle.

>> No.18441988

Muh relativism

>> No.18441998

The revolution necessitates the use of technology to destroy technology.

>> No.18442003

Regression from technology should occur at the same pace at which growth took place.

>> No.18442021

Charlie said something along the lines "You don't print books to advocate for ATWA"

>> No.18442023

Bjork is a woman???

>> No.18442025

hes standing so autistically

>> No.18442026

Something Ted wishes he was

>> No.18442217

Why are people pretending this bitch has a point ITT?

>> No.18442394

Standing here, I realize you were just like me trying to make history.

>> No.18442406

contrarianism is funneh