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/lit/ - Literature

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18440221 No.18440221 [Reply] [Original]

So it /lit/ officially dead?

>> No.18440224

why do you say that?

>> No.18440230

Mods are doing everything they can but the end is near.

>> No.18440232


>> No.18440233
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>> No.18440234

/lit/ is dead. Long live /lit/

>> No.18440238

If you actively filter terrible threads, you can turn this shithole into a nice place to discuss literature. It takes some effort; I have 30 to 50 threads hidden at all times.

>> No.18440249

Do the opposite. Filter good threads and ignore the rest of the catalog. It's easier that way.

>> No.18440258

What do you have filtered? All I have filtered are d1l4t3 and tr4n+n plus some soijaks

>> No.18440282

Its honestly not that bad to other boards which have gone to dogshit naturally or have god awful jannies. Only other boards I frequent that feel alright is /out/

>> No.18440306

I filter anything non literature related and poor effort threads. Philosophy, economics (mostly marxist bullshit), describe this image in your best prose, guenonposting, that dumb crocodile shilling, dumb theology threads, Buddhist threads, etc.
There’s a fucking tarot thread going on you better believe I hid that shit.
/lit/ then becomes slow as it used to be before 2016, an oasis worth fighting for.

kek you’re not wrong but I do take pleasure in hiding stupid shit away

>> No.18440322

Fuck I meant I hide etc etc. I don’t filter anything. I ignore tripfags completely, though.

>> No.18440335
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It seems like an unfriendly place. I've been on 4chan since 2003-2004, with the vast majority of time spent over at /pol/ until recently.
>People argue over nothing, threads are derailed, I have barely learned anything here. Found a couple interesting new authors. Thank you /lit/.

>> No.18440424


>> No.18440444

it's been dead for years

>> No.18440465


>> No.18440467

Yeah, i'm out for ever. BYE

>> No.18440469

Spend twenty minutes filtering threads just to have three threads up that no one responds to.
Seems dumb.

>> No.18440537

I quit for a month and came back yesterday for some reason. I think I'll leave for good this time. Bye guys

>> No.18440582

>Spend twenty minutes filtering threads just to have three threads up that no one responds to.

>> No.18440590

everything is dead. name one good thing. pro tip: you can't

>> No.18440610

We are but flies on its corpse.

>> No.18440611

Donair pizza and rum and coke.

>> No.18440729
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My man...

>> No.18440743
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>> No.18440751
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Based Nova Scotian.

>> No.18440764

I might do the same and filter all that crap, I effortpost way too much when they’re all just filled with morons and trolls

>> No.18440767

Why do they even come here?

>> No.18440769

>I filter anything non literature related and poor effort threads.
based af

>> No.18440781

It looks like the board has slowed down significantly over the past couple months

What happened?

>> No.18440782

who are you quoting
also go back /pol/nigger

>> No.18440790

Why would I go back? I'm an author myself...

>> No.18440796

/lit/ has been dead since the influx of 2016 election tourists to /pol/, a lot of whom migrated here. Also zoomer faggots who literally haven't read a challenging book in their lives but their favourite quirky arthoe streamers are into reading so they have to feign an interest in it.

>> No.18440817
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>influx of 2016 election tourists to /pol/
Its literally the same handful of trannies killing every board on 4chan

>> No.18440818

Reddit basically cracked down on anyone not towing the line...

>> No.18440824

Yes, that too... tons of mentally ill men in dresses derailing actual conversations.

>> No.18440827

Solely because these past couple years Ive unfortunately had to live with family and not doing much socially since im not going to college either. In July that’s all changing massively though so I probably wont even be here come the end of this summer. Only legit reason I have for coming here is resources like language learning and torrents

>> No.18440853

Fuck pol/fags/ and people who thought /pol/ was ever good. Fuck bunkerchannies for inventing a history that didn't ever exist. Fuck this website. Fuck my life. I hate all of you. This place has been shit since 2005 and it will be shit until it shuts down. I hate all of you. I've been posting on here longer than some of you have been alive.

>> No.18440869

Back during the height of /hyperlit/ I thought we were in for a /lit/ renaissance, but then it seemed like the /pol/posters doubled down and hyper/lit/ died.

>> No.18440875

The nietzschefags and guenonfags are particularly insufferable today but other than that it's just an average day on /lit/

>> No.18440876

>/pol/posters doubled down
Seriously, why do you guys think this when the catalogue is full of marxist bullshit and threads that are ebin takedowns of incels

>> No.18440908

Gramps getting cranky without his coffee