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/lit/ - Literature

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18434424 No.18434424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

everybody on /lit/ either loves this book or hates it

>> No.18434430

The people who have read it hate it because it's shit. The people who haven't read it love it because MUH JEWS.

>> No.18434440

Here's a review of it by Kerry Bolton

Bolton is one of the angriest cranks about usury and Jews I've ever seen, so you can trust him.

>> No.18434443


>> No.18434444

I hate it because he makes unsubstantiated claims in a diatribe against a group of people who will latch on to any unsubstantiated claim you make and use it to discredit everything you say. He let his anger get in the way of what could have been the most important book ever written

>> No.18434483

I know into which group the jannies fall!

>> No.18434500

This is true and a good point, but we both know Jews wouldn't care either way. Even if he made the best case and the best arguments in the world, with objective proof, they would use exactly the same smear tactics, condescension, and media control tactics to discredit it.

You are right that the arguments should be good, and not muddling your case with shit out of left field is a good idea, but only insofar as you're talking about convincing non-Jews.

>> No.18435676

its a great book though

>> No.18435725

I hate jews and I couldn't be bothered to finish the first chapter, it's that bad

promoting this book is jewish

>> No.18435808

Can confirm. Haven't read it and love it because MUH JEWS.

>> No.18435917
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>>18434444 Checked
That really sucks. Their needs to be someone who can come in and make a book on the topic that is logical, concise and with good writing.
Such a book would be revolutionary can could legitimately de seat the globohomo

>> No.18435928

And one of us, won't say who, is paid to shill it every week

>> No.18435937

F Gardner?

>> No.18435942

I'm pretty sure he does it for free.
Like the Jannies or the trannies

>> No.18436231

I read it. You have not read it. He doesn't just blame the Jews 100% of the time. Maybe 10-15% of the time, but the context is important. His mention of Jews is about who was kicked out, why they were kicked out, and what was being said about why they were kicking them out. If anything you hear about the "elite" pushing usury more than anything else.

>> No.18436247
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Or doesn’t know about it and doesn’t care

>> No.18436283

When did it become "based" to be unintelligent. It's a good book

>> No.18436316

based book reader

look how easy it is kids, look how unassailable your e-argument position about books can be, if only you just read the book. no more hours spent on youtube and wikipedia trying to figure out what to think about the book or what buzzword ideology it represents, no more sucking down the regurgitated chum of midwits who want to recruit you as their patreon paypig. just read the book, yourself, directly, on your own, and you can tell anyone who hasn't read it (everybody else) to fuck off, any time you like

>> No.18436798

There's a shit ton of people saying its bad but they never say why its so bad.

>> No.18436802

I have to admit the schizos who think inflation is an international conspiracy are highly amusing

>> No.18436813

I read it and I love it because muh jews
>Think his story about Nathan Rothschild manipulating the London stock market after Waterloo is too good to be true, just an antisemitic urban myth
>Read an article comissioned by the Rothschilds about the event
>Basically everything was true "this and that didn't happen but actually it did but it wasn't that bad goy, trust me"

>> No.18436869
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And I think the shills still using this tired buzzword are also hilarious.

>> No.18436935

What else do you call people who think inflation, a completely normal and intended result of floating currency, is a conspiracy that reaches back centuries perpetrated by the Rothschilds?

>> No.18436944

Have you ever heard of the Petro-Dollar?
Also "schizo" is on record to be a insult used in shill toolkits.

>> No.18436955

They don't bother shilling here for the same reason it's unnecessary to COINTELPRO today's left.

>> No.18436956

Where's the schizoposter that used to post good unintelligible rants a few years ago?

>> No.18436967

I thought it was a joke that most of tbe people here are chrirstcucks racial identity autists who hate jews and everything a 18th century blacksmith would hate.
I am getting the feeling this might actually be the stuff you retards believe in
Holy shit man laughable and pathetic
What are you irl? A traditionalist?

>> No.18436968

1) Yes there is active shilling here. To say otherwise is retarded
2) They don't shill here as often because it's a fucking literature board you twat. The comparison with the Left and COINTELPRO is false.

>> No.18436973

I dunno.
Haven't been here very long

>> No.18436978

Whats wrong with being a traditionalist? Better than being a progressive.

>> No.18436979

Ah ok, I haven't been here in a couple years.

>> No.18436980

What's the point of convincing anyone here of anything?

>> No.18436987

>I thought it was a joke that most of tbe people here are chrirstcucks racial identity autists who hate jews and everything a 18th century blacksmith would hate.
Sorry, can someone translate from retard? Because holy fuck I actually have no idea what this troglodyte is spouting off about

>> No.18436994
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Control you stupid nig-nog.
With these people, you can never have enough to satiate their paranoia and power lust

>> No.18437000

>elites care what ~200 socially retarded spergs who have no influence think

>> No.18437003

They're not convincing people, they're subverting. The more people they make miserable here, the more people will leave and not congregate into the think-tank that is 4chan. This site is reactionary for the most part against the powers that be, so the less people they can get here the better.
They also use it to gather information on reactionaries and possible extremists. This is all documented and proven, go on wikileaks and get out your shell

>> No.18437012

I know JTRIG and shit exists, I just have a hard time believing they've devoted even one man to /lit/

>> No.18437014
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>elites care what ~200 socially retarded spergs who have no influence think
Then why are you here?

>> No.18437016

Because I'm a bored shut in like you.

>> No.18437018
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It's more so to people trapped in a continuous feedback loop of fear and panic.
Imagine what would happen if the people that used 4chan got out into the world.

>> No.18437020

We did see this in the Scientology protests. It was the geekiest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.18437032

Well the reason they want to suppress this site is quiet simple; you can actively talk about them and their activities.
Which to the globohomo, which has survived via it's secrecy, is a death sentence. You can argue all you want about the active userbase or the size relative to other platforms, but the shit that gets posted here always tend to bleed out into mainstream sites and are proven to cause shifts in the perception of the public (2016)
When you have almost no filters on what you can say, any bit of influence is a dangerous to an conglomeration of people that operate in the shadows, because it shines a bright light on their activities.

>> No.18437043

you re genuinely a retard then

traditionalists have a limited arrogant capacity in their mind, ingrained in them from all the belt beatings from cuck emasculated fathers. Result being that every tradfag is a sad weasly little scared manchild.

>> No.18437044

Oh you're just a retard. Never mind then, go back to sucking tranny dick

>> No.18437046

Half that first sentence was meaningless buzzwords you pulled from Twitter and a 4chan Youtube video.

>> No.18437052

good one guys so based
now christ will happily jizz over you while your wife cries to her mum for marrying with a manchild tradfag larper

>> No.18437056

Haven't seen convincing evidence of a central shadow cabal either. It's less centralized, more of a systemic thing.

>> No.18437059
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Is this a chat bot or a real person?
Because no-one can be this retarded. Is this your first day here?

>> No.18437065

good one
I am shattered bro, fucking mental aren't you.
go cope somewhere else

>> No.18437068

Think of it like the Holy Roman Empire, a confederation of companies, powerful families, Banks and secret societies combined together in loose alliance in order to make more money and protect/maintain assets.

>> No.18437072
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So you're just retarded. Good to know

>> No.18437094

Yeah I mean Bilderberg and Davos clearly are real, but I don't know about this confederation. Secret societies seem much less relevant today. I don't know how banks are supposed to fit in, except the BIS which is an interesting case. Just from my research. It's more the transnational capitalist class who are your globalizers. I'm still not sure what caused wokeness, which does seem to partially come from elite schools, but I don't think anybody really knows