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18435146 No.18435146 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/s opinion on the horus heresy series?

>> No.18435964

Haven't heard about it anon. Tell me something about it. I trust more in you than in google.

>> No.18435992

Never got why he had a fucking Wrench in that picture.

>> No.18436039

That is Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands.
The Iron Hands in lore are the Hyper Techno-Futuristic Legion of Space Marines. They were the essentially the legion that pushed the technological bounds of the other legions, and worked closely with the Mechanicus, the faction that was reasonable for the tech in the Imperium.
The wrench inclusion was made for aesthetics. Despite the fact that in the Lore he uses a normal hammer.

>> No.18436355

It's from Warhammer 40k.

Basically the year is 40,000 and Earth is ruled by a psychic asshole who calls himself the God Emperor of Mankind.

Emp clones himself nineteen times. His oldest son is named Horus. Hours starts a civil war and half Emp's sons side with Horus while the other half side with Emp.

The books are okay but not particularly good imo.

>> No.18436371

Way too straight

>> No.18436559

Each one of them is a masterpiece in its own right and deserve its own place in the western canon.

>> No.18436561

>the year is 40,000
Sorry, I'm wrong. Most Warhammer novels are set in the year 40k but Horus Heresy is a prequel and is actually set in the year 30k.

>> No.18436579 [DELETED] 

Twenty 21 times you Sperg lord

>> No.18436619

21 times you sperg lord.
Twenty Primarchs for 20 legions plus Omegon

>> No.18436648

>psychic asshole who calls himself the God Emperor of Mankind.
Stay where you are. I've sent some inquisitors over.

>> No.18436787

>emperor gets btfo by priest
>emperor kills him
>priest is proven right hundreds of years later
>book still wants us to sympathize with the emperor

>> No.18436808

The best part is how the author still doesn't understand that he made the priest look like the rational mature one and the emperor like a manchild. He actually thinks the emperor won that.

>> No.18436810

>What's /lit/s opinion on the horus heresy series?
They're shit. Never read them btw.

>> No.18436830

I've only read Crusades End but I thought it was great fun. That whole chapter with the poet exploring the conquered planet and then breaking down when he realizes one day even the Imperium of Man will crumble was kino.

>> No.18436842

Wait what? The author expected people to side with the Emperor? But we know the Priest was right, he was completely vindicated. How can the Emperor have won the debate when we know for a fact the Priest ended up being 100% correct?

>> No.18436851

The author was an atheist redditor.

>> No.18436856

Oh that makes sense

>> No.18436877

He sent the story to Shane Dawson because he thought it was an epic own of religion.

>> No.18436883

The explains his motivation but it still doesn't make any sense. If the author wanted the Emperor to win the debate then he could've written about how faith is corrupting and stagnates human development or some shit and that would've won since we know the Imperium completely stagnated after the Emperor got wrecked by Horus. There are lots of ways the author could've had the Emperor win the debate if his interest was actually just writing a fanfiction where fedora tipping Emperor beats a Priest with facts and logic but he didn't.

You're basically saying the author wanted to do a story where rationality beats faith but was too incompetent to actually make his argument and accidentally made the other side look right while trying to do the opposite.

>> No.18436888

I only listened to the lore, but for some reason I remember The Emperor burning the church and the priest running back in, not him murdering the priest outright.

>> No.18436892

>You're basically saying the author wanted to do a story where rationality beats faith but was too incompetent to actually make his argument and accidentally made the other side look right while trying to do the opposite.
You just described what happened perfectly.

>> No.18436896

We all knew from the start that the Imperial Truth was just a psychic/intellectual barrier to prevent naive minds from being corrupted by demonic forces. It's pretty clear the Emperor doesn't actually believe it (given that he was working with supernatural powers from the start, which was only interrupted by Magnus' meddling). The Imperial Truth is basically a dogmatisation of modern scientist atheism to prevent any slippage towards occultism and chaos, without revealing his plans too early. Apotheosis was coming whether the Emperor was physically disabled by Horus or not.

>> No.18436927 [DELETED] 

What else do you call people who think inflation, a completely normal and intended result of floating currency, is a conspiracy that reaches back centuries perpetrated by the Rothschilds?

>> No.18436972

Universe is set in the 30th millennium in the aftermath of an apocalyptic galaxy spanning war of unfathomable proportions between hyper advanced human civilization and it's AI-turned-rogue/sentient servants

Results in mankinds empire being shattered and severe technological regression resulting in a galaxy wide breakdown of communication networks

In the aftermath a supreme psychic being known as 'The Emperor' reveals himself and sets about reconquering the galaxy for humanity. With the help of advanced geneticists he creates super human warriors called 'Space Marines' for this purpose. He also clones himself 20 times to provide leaders for cohorts of said warriors.

During their infancy these clones also known as 'Primarchs' are scattered across the galaxy by inter-dimensional gods spawned from raw emotion.

Story picks up when the emperor sets out to find his lost sons to help him reconquer the galaxy.

>> No.18436998

It's a pretty unique universe as far as fiction goes because it's so malleable. Novels can range from political intrigue, spies, war stories ect with heavy philosophical and religious subtexts. Science fiction at it's best, really. Without getting too heavily into semantics.

>> No.18437017

How the fuck do I even get into warhammer 40k?

>> No.18437024
File: 161 KB, 1280x334, 5CF0F5D6-4279-421E-819B-37415B649D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browse lexicanum's 40k section or read the books.
I don't even play the tabletop miniature game because it's too expensive for my taste in hobbies.

>> No.18437045

why would you want to

>> No.18437049

>Science fiction at it's best, really.
Nothing about Warhammer 40k is written in the manner of a sci-fi story, it's pure fantasy.
>Without getting too heavily into semantics.
Don't care.

>> No.18437081

Some of the grim dark sections are retarded though. Like picrel.

>> No.18437100

So avoid what you don't like and read what you do. Depends upon the author.
>Nothing about Warhammer 40k is written in the manner of a sci-fi story, it's pure fantasy.
Not correct. Although the vast majority of it is fantasy there are some interesting ideas about artificial intelligence and nature of reality in there.

>> No.18437110
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>> No.18437330

I wanna see what all the fuss is about. Surely there must be something good with such a vast amount of creators contributing

>> No.18437355

Started out great with some good pieces in the middle. Though the series felt that it was being rushed in the latter part. Also, The Siege of Terra books are atrocious.

>> No.18438862
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>sympathize with the emperor

>> No.18438969
File: 1.70 MB, 2000x1680, illust_65763709_20210114_052717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiction novels set in a grimdark scifi space opera.
Its 30k, humanity has conquered the stars under the watchful eye of their immortal scientist emperor. Its a universe where ships ftl travel by going through spacehell, where all good intent and naive races are long extinct before humanity could even meet them and each race of what is left could easily be the villain nightmarefuel threat of another scifi novel, humanity included. The good gods died long before humanity could learn about them and all thats left are twisted gods made from everyones worst emotions.
The emperor's own son is about to be tricked into leading a coup that will damage his species' empire beyond repair and cause his father to be a permanently comatose lich, forced into a machine where his dying empire 10k years later will worship his corpse as the one true god with self destructive, extreme zealotry. Despite him expressly NOT wanting that.

>> No.18439003
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>tfw you will never be a part of the Imperium's brahmin caste

>> No.18439215

I would recommend it if you like science fiction involving 8 foot tall armored super soldiers wielding swords and machine guns tearing aliens apart and fighting literal demons.

>> No.18439956

The quality of the entire series of books: "above average". Considering that the "average" is going to be bolter-porn with power fists and chainswords.
Some authors really jump over their heads and write very interestingly.
For example, instead of describing how 3.5-meter genetically modified super-soldiers slash each other with mega-weapons, he begins to develop a novel of ideas or describe minor characters of mortals, maybe even describe a landscape.
That is, many really could write something more, but they are paid by the manufacturers of shitty board games (very cool and greedy manufacturers of a very cool game, in fact).

I just thought: what if the GW could order the authors of "classical literature" to write books on the Horus Heresy?

>The Demons (Horus Heresy XIV) by F. M. Dostoevsky
>The Lunarwolf - (Horus Heresy XXIX) by Hermann Hesse

Anyone else have ideas?