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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 502 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20210610_023900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18425338 No.18425338 [Reply] [Original]

Any news on Marieke Lucas Rijneveld's new novel? Or anything about her poetry being translated?

>> No.18425341


>> No.18425415

She's cute no matter what her mental problems are.

>> No.18425533

What happened to her tits? Did she cut them off?

>> No.18425550

Ne’er had them to begin with

>> No.18425591

I thought this was actually a chick who was doing the "i'm genderfluid look at me" thing.

>> No.18425611

That's exactly what she's doing. She just has tiny titties.

>> No.18426132

How do I get a gf (?) like that?

>> No.18426212

what a cute boy

>> No.18426981
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She was born a female. But playing The Sims made her discover herself as male

>> No.18426992


>> No.18426997

Not yet. She's not sure about transitioning yet. Hopefully she will do it soon

>> No.18427526

notice how no one in this thread has said anything about her actual work. That's the reason she is trans or whatever the fuck, just another marketing ploy

>> No.18428837

/lit/ is always like that, wtf

>> No.18428855
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>> No.18428856

One day, for no reason at all...

>> No.18429073

...the world realize the superiority of FtMs over the common woman

>> No.18429574
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>> No.18429688

The Sims can also turn you into a White Nationalist


>> No.18429694

Post your prescriptions.

>> No.18429824
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>> No.18429834


Marty is awesome, have you read his book yet? Antelope Hill recently published it, I'm waiting for my copy to arrive.

>> No.18429906
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 1544408240588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rob Coen has a mission he has reluctantly chosen - to interview the newly re-elected Wyoming governor, James Alexander, a populist politician who has seemingly reinvented not only his state's politics, but also its soul. No one could more strongly contrast with Coen, a big-city, liberal journalist, than the rural, Bible-thumping Alexander and his strange social and religious projects, which include constructing Mount Calvary, a monument to the Crucifixion atop a man-made mountain. Coen quickly becomes personally invested, and his trip to interview Alexander becomes a joust, pitting his nihilism against the faith of the people whom he meets as he seeks to discern the lie he is convinced hides at the heart of their righteous kingdom. At the same time, Coen begins to realize that he himself is being swept up in a struggle beyond his understanding orchestrated by forces out of his control.

This actually reads like a promo summary for a generic Jewish novel.

>> No.18430146
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>> No.18430149
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>> No.18431113
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Phase 3.

>> No.18431470
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>> No.18431863

Such a based game

>> No.18431929
File: 27 KB, 600x418, 1564990698417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get to the last page
>It has a QR code
>Scan it
>It's a tikkie for 5 euro's for the emotional labour she had to expend while writing

>> No.18431959
File: 144 KB, 785x1235, Tirza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Dutch novel i ever enjoyed was pic related. Not because of the novel itself, because it's kike trash, but because the girl on the front of it is a qt.

>> No.18432048

She should've remained a FtM

>> No.18432108

No, she should not have.

>> No.18432298

really lol?

>> No.18432382

Awe. Did queer culture go a little too far for you, sweetie?

It was never about you, your "preference" is just a commodified consumer fad, and you're frigid because daddy touched you.

>> No.18432402
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post a pic

>> No.18432434
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It's fake, but tikkies are the hot new /int/ meme to mock dutch people for charging people for the most mundane things. The worst ones ive seen were.
>Anon charging 20% interest on money he borrowed to his friend
>Anon charging 10 dollars for some k pop shit he bought for a friend (the friend thought it was a gift).
>Some guy charging 50 cents for mayonnaise on a friend's fries.
>Some girl charging 2.50 euros for contraception from every guy she had sex with.

>> No.18432439
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Tomboys always were a part of (((their))) plan

>> No.18432526

Dutch people are a failure as a culture

>> No.18432533
File: 41 KB, 659x525, 38e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that supposed to work? They hand each other little invoices or something?
Is there a payment enforcement mechanism or is it just some northern Euro passive-aggressive thing?

>> No.18432552

You send a whatsapp and you can pay via your mobile. There's no obligation to it, other than norf european passive-aggressiveness.

>> No.18432607

Why do so many young women today feel the need to hide from puberty by deluding themselves into thinking they're not women?
I blame the sexual revolution. Until recently, sex was directly associated with pregnancy which is a much greater cost to women than men. Now that sexual energy is diffuse through society, women are constantly bombarded by constant titillation (just like men). For women, this provokes their underlying fear of unwanted pregnancy.
So to evade this and as an attempt to reclaim their agency and take control of their bodies, they decide to make other people address them in special ways like they're the Queen of England and adopt gender identities outside of traditional heterosexual relations between men and women since that's deeply associated with the threat of pregnancy.

>> No.18432678
File: 22 KB, 612x134, Screenshot_2021-06-11 (0) int - Honest question to you guys Did you ever get a ti - International - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18432705
File: 134 KB, 1024x639, WHO COUD BE BEHIND THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why indeed.

>> No.18433084

Feminity is in crisis. More than ever before women are liberating themselves from feminity and embracing manliness

>> No.18433224

But are those Jews external agents or themselves perverted by a different party's programming, the Jews themselves existing only as a scapegoat?

>> No.18433274

>he wonders if the founders of NGOs have any agency

I mean, if you want to abstract agency away from every jew you see as a cope, go ahead.

>> No.18433494
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FtMs are so kino

>> No.18433991
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Tell me about it.

>> No.18434488
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>Jews are evil in themselves

>> No.18434497

This is a part of it, but the tranny epidemic is mostly due to environmental toxins fucking up hormone levels in fetal development. Read Count Down by Dr Shanna Swan for the details.

>> No.18434508

I thought that was real and it made me sad. She's a cute kid and a little tomboyish and exactly the kind of girl who would fall for the FtM cult.

>> No.18434596

You'll all cry when this actually happens

>> No.18434647

Femininity is nothing to be liberated from.
Adopting some contorted gender identity is, for these very misguided women, completely consistent with the logic of femininity. Women are more dependent on the group and need others to take care of them. These novel ways of relating to ones body are inextricable from an oppression/emancipation narrative. A fundamental aspect of this narrative is that society must be reconfigured so as to make your life easier and meet your needs better. Women have more social capital than men, and "oppressed" groups have the most. It's simply a strategy that women weaponize to climb to the top of the oppression hierarchy so they can maximize their social capital and demand that society spend even more of its resources on protecting them.

>> No.18434682
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>> No.18434686
File: 490 KB, 652x526, Screenshot_2021-02-01 (1) MarkBrahmin☀️ ( MarkBrahmin) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice dubz.

>> No.18435507

It's just matter of time for Sophia to transition

>> No.18435842

The only woman who achieves freedom is the one who liberates herself from feminity

>> No.18435895

Femininity is nothing to be liberated from.

>> No.18436042

It's nothing they can be liberated from. No matter how they act or what they cut off.

>> No.18436108
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>> No.18436398

Looks even cuter

>> No.18436426
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>> No.18436792

Still an ape

>> No.18436807

Precisely my point.

>> No.18437115

It will never

>> No.18438597

Average Swedish male

>> No.18438896

She's a Dutch semi-male

>> No.18439071

No, just female.

You wish.

>> No.18439116
File: 76 KB, 763x1017, 763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She indentifies as non-binary although she always wanted to be a man. Get over it. Not all women are lesbians you can put your hands on

>> No.18439161

Non-term. She’s female.
Never said she was lesbian. Doesn’t look like she’s into anything.

>> No.18439175

She will never be into a transfobic fuck like you though

>> No.18439310


>> No.18439854

Silence, femcel

>> No.18440480


>> No.18441509

All tomboys are potential FtMs

>> No.18442076
File: 271 KB, 629x504, 1616539124474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww. Beautiful boy

>> No.18442651

oh yeah

>> No.18442829

Misogynist homophobe

>> No.18442847

seethe. Lesbians are going trans and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.18442896

looks like a female me
t. Dutch

>> No.18443039

Fake post

>> No.18443115
File: 35 KB, 1022x754, 1513593849893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how queer theroy shit has gone too far for old dykes like Butters.

That's what you get for letting jews convince you snatch-licking is an identity, sweetheart. They don't need you anymore and now it's the box of wine, netflix, and shitposting until you expire alone in your one-bedroom.

>> No.18443198

You’re new around here. And rude. Probably don’t even read.

>> No.18443409


You will never touch a woman.

>> No.18443803

jesus, I had that hair cut in middle school in 1993.

>> No.18443824

it's done via your banking app or the tikkie app itself, it's very easy, people do it all the time at drinks or dinner. One person pays and sends everyone a tikkie for their part.

It's not an /int/ meme it's a real life buitenlander meme, dutch people are actually like this

>> No.18443841

Old lesbians notoriously hate trannies because they’re turning all girls that would have been lezzers into ftms

>> No.18444049

They’re perfectly normal girls who have been brainwashed into believing they’re in the wrong body. Same concern for males of course.
Sick of these larping threads most of all.

>> No.18444179

cute eyes. would stare deep into them

>> No.18444190

she just needs a good dicking

>> No.18444227

>Marieke Lucas Rijneveld's

>> No.18444358

That's not what all the books you post about about homosexual identity say.

>> No.18444382


>> No.18444386
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>> No.18445357

Famous for dressing in boy clothes. Memed here by people who haven’t read her


>> No.18445498

Many such cases

>> No.18446050
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1548730467433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not wrong though, honey. Go through a random sample of books you post in the queer-theory threads. Read what they say about transsexuals. It won't be qualitatively different than what trans-pushers say now.

The only real difference is what's being amplified and repeated.

The heady days of your 90s' college lesbianism are over. As a homosexual vanguard you have been replaced.

>> No.18446678

Indeed. Soon FtMs will replace lesbians in academia

>> No.18447739


>> No.18447773

It was obvious this was happening when (((Judith Butler))) started using Xim/Zer/Zam pronouns a few years ago.

>> No.18448360

it´s funny how bunckerchanners get some weird psycho-sexual obsession towards their "enemies" the chuds

>> No.18448696
File: 186 KB, 1065x575, terfs auckland pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for old lesbians. Look at the menopausal beauties, trying to preserve a rapidly-evaporating "dating" pool.

I mean, why bother, TERFs? It's not like young women want anything to do with your prune-lips anyway. Male or female.

>> No.18448761
File: 119 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p3fzz6jBqX1qgb3euo2_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those old hags --mad that they can't prey on a new generation of girls. Mad that we already know their lies

>> No.18449005

I literally dreamt about meeting her

>> No.18449022

What happened?

>> No.18449032

You are wrong. I haven’t posted any such books. You can’t even name them.

This is just rightwing trolling.

>> No.18449053

She came to my town, we went to the art museum and to a park that has a pond with lillies that resemble Monet's paintings. We were going back to my place when we saw (within the property of my neighbor) a giant tree that looked like a wave crushing against the street. That's about it.

>> No.18449117

>butterfly is anti-enby


I thought he was a transbian?

>> No.18449443

I love those kinds of dreams

>> No.18450055

Let's hope