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18428953 No.18428953 [Reply] [Original]

I want to understand how the world works. What books should I read?

>> No.18428956

Thinking in Systems

>> No.18428957
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>> No.18428964

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

>> No.18428966
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>> No.18428970

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18428971

First start with every lit poster's diary

>> No.18428972

culture of critique

>> No.18428987

Nicomachean Ethics
The Social Contract
The 48 Laws of Power
The Culture of Critique
The History of Central Banking

>> No.18429010

The Holy Qu'ran

>> No.18429013

>Nicomachean Ethics
Bit of a snoozer.

>> No.18429016

Hayek, Mises, Rothbard et al

>> No.18429020

Das Kapital

>> No.18429042

Time is your best teacher. That's not the name of a book

>> No.18429062

theres no books in the school of hard knocks and mean streets

>> No.18429086

if you want to understand how the world works then watch norm macdonald interview with david letterman where he talks about letterman's testicles. watch that video a few times. pause and rewind at key moments and study the physical expressions of each keeping in mind the narrative playing out over the course of the interview.

>> No.18429465


>> No.18429491

We need an anti-communist primer. Something that will appeal to the youth
> The Post-Apocalyptic Guide to Anti-Communism
with cartoon boobs and sports cars and negroes and so on
and cartoon portraits of guys like Kissinger and Brzezinski with cartoon maps of containment tactics

>> No.18429499

it's mostly Bolsheviks these days controlling the culture, that's why you have seriously wacky stuff like Pump Up the Volume...read up on Judeo-Bolshevism

>> No.18429506

The Holy Bible, KJV

>> No.18429507

>no one posted my dairy
My god this place becomes more and more shit everytime I come back

>> No.18429511

your local tax code

>> No.18429513

diary* how the fuck do people phonepost I hate this shit

>> No.18429547

The Big Ass ONA Collection

>> No.18429559
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>I've studied now Philosophy
>And Jurisprudence, Medicine,--
>And even, alas! Theology,--
>From end to end, with labor keen;
>And here, poor fool! with all my lore
>I stand, no wiser than before:
>I'm Magister--yea, Doctor--hight,
>And straight or cross-wise, wrong or right,
>These ten years long, with many woes,
>I've led my scholars by the nose,--
>And see, that nothing can be known!
>That knowledge cuts me to the bone.

>> No.18429578
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That’s what your library is for.
Build one.

>> No.18429593


>> No.18429716
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Not philosophy, that's for sure. It's all highly erroneous.

>> No.18429723

> he doesn't want to understand his dreams

>> No.18429913

Unironically this.

>> No.18430390

Pimp: The Story of My Life by Iceberg Slim

>> No.18430404


>> No.18430413

Don't. Go out into the world. Ideally into nature. It's a good idea to bash a few skulls in too to know how it feels to take a life.

>> No.18430419

Dialectics of Nature and The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Frederick Engels

>> No.18430427
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How the World Works by Paul Cockshott

>> No.18430431
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>> No.18430497

what are your favorite comedians besides norm?
I love Dave Chappelle, Norm, O'Neal and that's it. Every other comedian I've tried fucking sucks. to keep it on topic, I'm open to written comedy suggestions too. How's Jimmy O. Yang's book?

>> No.18431118

bumpty bump

>> No.18431165

Skip the 48 laws of navel gazing

>> No.18431178

My Inventions by Nikola Tesla
It's a short one but bookends all of it in reference.

Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
You will be gigabrained after. You won't have the answers but all the right questions.

>> No.18431196

Play Civ V

>> No.18431849

Not that guy btw.
Bill Burr and Chapelle are my top 2, and I can't pick a favorite between them. They came up around the same time and have worked together in the past.

I stopped paying attention to Billy Boy a couple years ago when he got too rich and too hollywood for my sensibilities, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have years and years of fantastic material prior in his standups and podcast episodes (the only solo comedy podcast I've ever been able to stand)

I also just love watching old late night interviews with older all-time greats like Don Rickles, Mel Brooks, Dangerfield, etc.

>> No.18431875
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>> No.18432092

The book works. You just have crippling autism.

>> No.18432345


>> No.18433621


>> No.18434614

Utopia of Usurers
The Servile State

>> No.18434655

Watch Adam Curtis documentaries (start with Hypernormalization) to inspire you to look into politics from a modern "oh god where the hell are we and where do we go from here" perspective

Watch Manufacturing Consent, then read Manufacturing Consent, read Chomsky on Lippmann and Bernays and the construction of modern mass democracy by "consensus building" elites
>The leading figure of the public relations industry, Edward Bernays, explained that “the very essence of the democratic process” is “the freedom to persuade and suggest,” what he calls “the engineering of consent.” If the freedom to persuade happens to be concentrated in a few hands, we must recognize that such is the nature of a free society.

>Bernays expressed the basic point in a public relations manual of 1928: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society… It is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systematically.” Given its enormous and decisive power, the highly class conscious business community of the United States has been able to put these lessons to effective use. Bernays’ advocacy of propaganda is cited by Thomas McCann, head of public relations for the United Fruit Company, for which Bernays provided signal service in preparing the ground for the overthrow of Guatemalan democracy in 1954, a major triumph of business propaganda with the willing compliance of the media.

>The intelligent minorities have long understood this to be their function. Walter Lippmann described a “revolution” in “the practice of democracy” as “the manufacture of consent” has become “a self-conscious art and a regular organ of popular government.” This is a natural development when public opinion cannot be trusted: “In the absence of institutions and education by which the environment is so successfully reported that the realities of public life stand out very sharply against self-centered opinion, the common interests very largely elude public opinion entirely, and can be managed only by a specialized class whose personal interests reach beyond the locality,” and are thus able to perceive “the realities.” These are the men of best quality, who alone are capable of social and economic management.

>It follows that two political roles must be clearly distinguished, Lippmann goes on to explain. First, there is the role assigned to the specialized class, the “insiders,” the “responsible men,” who have access to information and understanding.

A good recent book is Quinn Slobodian, Globalists. More conspiratorial is Quigley, Tragedy and Hope and Anglo-American Establishment.

Don't take anything any economist says for granted. If you don't understand it, don't assume they do. They stand on sand and build castles to obscure their weak foundations. Reserve the right to decide what YOU think a firm foundation is, not take it on faith from anyone.

>> No.18434690



>> No.18434740

Anon I wanna bury you so deep even your God will need a shovel

>> No.18435281

"Permanent Record" by Edward Snowden if you want to know how glowies spy on you and everyone else

>> No.18435708
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>> No.18436191

You will never "understand" the world if you guide yourself in between faggots who keep making up shit to then explain you what you don't understand about their nonsensical made up shit

>> No.18436278


>> No.18436304

Everyone understands the world in their own way

>> No.18436337
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weak, even by my standards

>> No.18436720


>> No.18436735

I haven't delved into Manufacturing Consent, but Hypernormalisation is an experience I will never forget.