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File: 1.53 MB, 1354x786, fuck this world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18425436 No.18425436 [Reply] [Original]

Post the edgy poetry you wrote in high school. Come on, I know it’s there

>> No.18425548

Most of mine is lost lol but you right I definitely remember writing it. One was about drowning in the Rhine river and that the river was filled with alcohol

>> No.18425567

My dark heart writhes helpless and alone,
forgotten and desolate in tragic, tear-soaked isolation,
in the pock-marked, seething pain and acne-scarred angst
of blackest Satan days and nights,
gone to futile waste
in the raging hellfire tornado storms of my burning and tortured memory. Each day is a cruel, flaming raven that swoops down from the empty, godless heavens to oppress my nascent desires,
to mutilate and crush my dreams into fragmented, bloody knife-blood nightmare horrors.
Angst is bad! Angst is long!
Angst is sad! Angst is wrong!
Help me, God.
My putrefied and rotting, half-devoured soul
squirms slowly out of the hopeless cave of despair and profoundly anxious misery,
deep and dark caverns of boiling ire and skin-soldering odium
rise like billowing Holocaust smoke plumes
from the ashen, soot-black chimneys of the odious cauldron of the Devil,
crawl like a diseased, fat slug across the dry surface of the scorched earth.
All there is left of me is slime.
Tend to my wounds, how sublime.
No one understands my deep pain.
No one understands my suffering.
Once there was sun, now only rain.
Once I was flying, now I am barely hovering again,
Above the ground,
the charred muck of death and destruction
that shrieks and wails to a pinch and implodes
having grasped the tedium of its eternally unchanging being.
The fury of screaming odium and hated demons churn in my chest,
bellow like murdered ghosts,
risen in cold blood and vengeance
from the shallow graves and graveyards of
accursed strife and memory.
Don't pray for me.
I'll pray for myself.
Goodbye, Emily Dickinson.

>> No.18425584

dont make me post my old tumblr poetry from 2011/2012. if i get enough (You)s i'll post.

>> No.18425587


>> No.18425600

>Post the edgy poetry you wrote in high school
you mean, thats not what 4chan is meant to be used to replicate?

>> No.18425732

show me

>> No.18425780

Fine OP, if you insist

You search for a while
And find yourself

Through lands
Where quixotic giants loom
Over fields
Of manure and rust

Black towers
Draw the frayed edge of dusk
Onto the hills
By long strands

Under otherwise sleeping dark
An empty stretch
Belonging to those damned
Who don’t know it

And when there’s an almost comfort
In hollowness
When the end is assumed to be
Only an absence of character

The land gives way
Hope rides in
On crashing waves
And leaves with the tide

So you turn back
An upward slope of the soul
The journey respools
Around tired tires

>> No.18426070

Do it

>> No.18426113


>> No.18426174

У мeня в кapмaнe pyчкa
Oтcocикa y физpyчки

Пиcькa, жoпa, aнaнac
Дocтaвaй кa ты лaмпac

Я хyй знaeт чтo пpидyмaл
Ho мнe пoхyй тpaй ля ля
Moчa лyжи paзлeтeлacь
Пo вoлгoгpaдcкoй мocтoвoй
Я yвидeл и yхУeл
ля ля ля

>> No.18426218

>in high school
I would love to but I dont remember my login to hi5 (if that website is still active and assuming my profile still exists)

>> No.18426248


>> No.18426254
File: 87 KB, 594x812, fagboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote this one after I had a really bad breakup with this girl I had known for a few years- definitely abused me, but i had loved her.

>> No.18426432

My brain isn't me anymore
It's its own organ forevermore
It manipulates my self and soul
into throwing up in this porcelain bowl

A black grainy spit of phlegm
ugliest feelings of jealousy and regret
it was so so lonely before we met
and it's lonely again

>> No.18426551

I don't have it, I erased it, but I made a poem about a speck of dust that was still in midair while I was waiting alone for a physics class. Had a lot of physics jargon and depressed 17 year old angst. I regret erasing it, it was absolute cringekino

>> No.18426960

you must

>> No.18427561

lol nice
very overdone, almost seems like a parody of the genre
is this about Dark Souls? jk i liked it. i thought the 5th stanza was nice
is this about being drunk? it would be all the more edgy if you wrote it before you were of legal age to drink

here's mine

Beating heart, beating heart
Shall I stop thy bleeding art?
Beating heart, beating heart
From thy beat my torment start

Covetous and iron wrought
Finds me love that I want not
Beating heart, you beat in vain
For loving bouts all burn the same

Endlessly you push me on
Thru raging nights and weeping dawn
Beating heart, you'll never rest
Till an arrow pierce my breast

Beating heart, you strange machine
Tell me what it is you've seen
Do you work for brighter day
Or do you beat for my dismay?

Beating Heart! Tell me soon
For I can't lift another moon
O Beating heart, O beating heart
Is life just your bleeding art?

>> No.18428327

I'm shattered into millions of pieces
I need someone to put me together
But there's nobody here for me
I'm all alone in this world
Clinging on to fabricated dreams
Mechanisms created to salve my solitude

Yet shallow reminders of that which I'll never have
Just me, talking to myself about sinful things
Tantalisingly close like a word on the tip of my tongue
Teasing my imagination and thoughts like a gentle caress
But immaterial, fruitless, and destructive to my mind and soul
My body wastes away, a vessel for the corrupted spirit it houses

In these past days I've become somewhat of an observer in my own body
Watching, detached, as I plummet slowly to my ultimate demise
As inglorious and shameful as that of a drunk being beaten to death in an alleyway

His detached interest and reptile emotions nullified by an intense lust
The lust that keeps him going, animates his ruined frame
Kindles the furnace that burns its way through the snow of his withered life
Only to leave colder snow and darker skies tomorrow
Without a reason, blindly flinging himself into the icy jaws of perdition
And thrashing desperately in the fiery intestines of his repentance
Repentance that, like a flickering candle, cannot outmatch the pyre of his desire
Which burned from the beginning of his fall and consumed him his entire life
Gave him his worn face, his weathered hands, his frail body
The haggard look and crooked posture, telltale signs of a lifelong sufferer
One consumed by a feeble wish to better himself
Led onwards by a hunger to fulfill his lusts in the deepest way possible
Led through a world of unrevealed mysteries and ripe beauty
Seen by all but him, whose eyes were long ago stolen by the object of his desire

(this was before I realized brevity was the spirit of wit)

>> No.18428336

Do it, faggot.

>> No.18428578

A drop out the window
Through the glass of my eye
Falls to memories below
As night begins to cri

>> No.18429479
File: 443 KB, 455x500, Donut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that you replied to here. I had this tab opened and forgot to deliver. Fuck me. This was written around July 11th, 2011
My Only Problem (Is you)

My only problem was you,
You may have been truthful but it always seemed like you didn’t have a clue,
You always stayed out of the blue
I honestly dont wanna start caring about you again
Like when we we’re friends,
But fuck that,
Now a days I wanna be your nightmare
I’ll be in your dreams with a black mask,
Hang you on a rack and attack your ass
While you cry intensively until you couldn’t bare it anymore
I would be sticking a knife down your throat all hardcore,
Of course i would throw up afterwards,
But it would be a joyful feeling full of gore,
I would go bananas like never before,
You did mean alot to me
So look dont you see
I couldn’t slap you
Or even make you bleed,
Cause i have heart,
It may be in bars under heavy guard,
But i still have it,
And so do you you ignorant bitch
Your old shit always got on my nerves,
I swear it felt like a fucking curse
Being your friend
Like a spell i couldn’t reverse,
Now after months of pain and suffering and stains on our skins
You still bring me that sympathy shit
Or that kind of stuff that feels like it is,
Its annoying like a inch in the vein,
Every time I see your fucking name
I die a little inside,
All I see in my mind is you getting beaten by a cane,
Or a gun to the face
And all I see is the brain on the floor,
While its oozing that red stuff,
And even after that I wanna see more
One day you will be nothing
And by nothing i mean dead,
So just keep fucking your brain up
While you lay on your bed,
And maybe you’ll be lucky and get the led to the face.
We Must(Listen)

We must stop having war in the streets,
Before the devil takes all of our needs,
We shall clean the unholy bodys full of blood
We shall take the lust that all these kids want,
Dont get me wrong im one of those
Stupid as I may be I actually listen,
From outside the media that people are always tripping towards,
Its a cold world,
And this will never be a desert of unnecessary whores,
They feed off the stupidity,
Take it quickly,
Then leave it,
We all want peace,
So please listen to my words,
That even though this world fells like its a blur
We must heal all and burn all the false words,
It will come in time,
When its right and our minds
Adapt to the non lies that people are blinded by.

Love Lust (I hope no one reads)

You left I couldn’t care less Thats a lie I care more then the rest, Its dark without you It’s hard without you, But to be honest I’ve been so thoughtless, I love you no more So life goes on That just comes to show Why does the right feel so wrong, It comes from the bottom of my heart To tell you That being with you was an experience plus, But from now on, I’m done.

>> No.18429549

I actually wish I had some, english class was so bad it made me and some of my other friends hate poetry because we basically only read edgy poetry. I’ll try and make some

>> No.18429575

I submitted the poem I wrote in high school to the Lit Quarterly. It's in there. Take a wild guess which one it could be. kek

>> No.18429579

here is your (You)

>> No.18429878

you faggot

>> No.18429904


>hang you on a rack and attack your ass

>But it would be a joyful feeling, full of gore,
>I would go bananas like never before

Fucking hearty kek. This is hilarious and captures some authentic edgy angst, my man. Never throw this stuff out.

>> No.18430811

She was a beautiful deception, an aesthetic trap that lured you in with promises of tenderness, and slowly ate away at you, like wind erodes great mountains and rivers carve deep canyons. She held affection like a floral knife, skillfully carving away at your emotions, shaping them as an artist would at marble. And I was soft, virgin marble that longed to be sculpting

>Tfw called myself a virgin

>> No.18431029

I'm waiting for some tragedy
Just to fuckin' happen to me
So i can write some better poetry.

- age 14 or 15

>> No.18431313

I wrote fanfiction where I raped my crush and gave it to her to read

>> No.18431589
File: 862 KB, 400x347, 1606605689693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I age not a day as my life slips away
Time is gone and so am I, nothing can remind me why.
Crawling on blind, hearing their footsteps behind.
Demon souls, past fears that haunt me for all these years.
Then years become days and I'm too dry for tears.
Overwhelmed in the shadow of the tower of my failures,
unable to stand in it's presence.
Every second crushing me with guilt and sadness. I cry out,
"Please, I'll go back;
I'll go back, I'll say I'm sorry and I'll do it all again."

>> No.18431597
File: 107 KB, 1280x723, 1601572972239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying screams in restless dreams,
the normality of reality.
It's all the same to me now.
Ask me how
How I know, I've seen it, first hand, I've been there.
My self made hell, my padded cell,
where I writhe in my straightjacket of pain.
Arms bound tight and locked in chains.
It's not always this dark though,
yet somehow that's worse so.
When I wake from the sweetest of dreams
and curse the pain of the real world.
So it seems,
all that I want is to die in my dreams.
Die quietly, peacefully. The happiest I've ever been.