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/lit/ - Literature

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18420519 No.18420519 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?

>> No.18420525

What's second person POV?

>> No.18420535
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>> No.18420541

I guess 'you'

>> No.18420563

YOU are a trans-demi-ophido-sssexual, trans-beastkin, black, fem-presenting, jew. And people call you the "k-word" a lot. Isn't that terrible. Okay, so anyway, there were these nazi whitoid who said that they weren't attracted to trans women. So naturally, as one does, you smash a bottle over one of their heads and the racist police arrest you for assault. How rude.

>> No.18420565

It baffles me how these types of people need to list their personal issues as if they were some sort of credentials. "My name is Jack/Jackie and I'm a disabled freak" would be short and sweet.

>> No.18420569

Alas, that is the state of modern "literature"

>> No.18420584

You stare at the words on the screen absorbing second person present POV.

It's creepy as fuck and suggestive, like hypnosis suggestive. That dumpster fire of a human is using it because they want to be quirky and unique.

>> No.18420588

But those are credentials in clown world

>> No.18420589

Desu I've read some fan fics and porn lit like that. Definitely not a healthy thing to do

>> No.18420616

Victimhood is a credential within post-WW2 morality.

>> No.18420629

at least someones writing literature

>> No.18420673
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>basis in abrahamic folklore
>vampire and fairies

>> No.18420686

Literally greentexts

>> No.18420767

Jew tranny writes pre-Holocaust survival tale. Epic win!

>> No.18420768

>username is Viole the Violent
Viole is French for "I rape" lmao

>> No.18420782

And government, academia, and media. The bad guys won WWII and we're living in their utopia.

>> No.18420861
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What's not to love about this world?

>> No.18420903

She got her tits cut off at 19. Holy fucking shit she is going to live a life of deep regret

>> No.18420932

i can't wait for the coming war with the damn chinks. make us men again. our lives are too easy. we need some conquest and war.

>> No.18420937

These types always open with how they identify as an LGBTQ POC with some sort of disability. It’s a shitty way to get eyes on whatever project they’re working on and not have to worry about heavy criticism on how garbage their writing is.

>> No.18420983


>> No.18421001
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>and I'm disabled

>> No.18421325

Jews aren't known for being smart.

>> No.18421340

Women don't feel regret. She'll only "feel" regret when she thinks it will get her a boyfriend.

>> No.18421351

Damn, she was cute.

>> No.18421375


>> No.18421396

They literally are though

>> No.18421434
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Suggest you take a look at this: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/12/20/ashkenazi-iq-as-high-as-they-claim/

Ashekanzis aren't smarter than whites, their IQ is roughly the same, on account that they ARE white Europeans; any trace of Palestinian in them was bred out long ago.

>> No.18421498


>> No.18421514

If they're only as smart as white Europeans, why are they so heavily over-represented in all spheres of intellectual endeavor, including Nobel winners and billionaires?

>> No.18421517

>jews control the world
>jews aren't smart
pick one.

>> No.18421524

Rich people aren't smart, just lucky. You don't have to be smart to be handed the keys to the world.

>> No.18421537

I didn't expect you to tell me something so patently milquetoast and insincere.

>> No.18421541

They put that stuff first ostensibly so you don't say something that will "trigger" them, i.e. force them to consider a universe they are not the center of. So it's sort of like, "My name's Joe and let's get this out of the way: if you call me a poophead I will cry." I said "ostensibly" up there because that's what they WANT you to think, that it's establishing ground rules for conduct. What they actually want is for people to freak out about the snowflakiness of saying, upfront, that if you call them poophead they will cry. That way, people do freak out, and call them poophead, and they can feel snug and secure at the center of the universe while instead of crying they rage at you for raging at their incredible specialness.

>> No.18421570

Narcissism. They're proud of things they are rather than things they've done.

>> No.18421575

Whites still make up the majority of those spheres, and also, nepotism.
>jews control the world
Where did I say this?
>jews aren't smart
Where did I say this?

>> No.18421578

>Where did I say this?
Literally in your post.

>> No.18421586

No, I didn't. I never said Jews control the world or aren't smart. I said they're IQ is about the same as whites. If you think whites are stupid, then you might interpret it that way.

>> No.18421594

Ah, wait, I see the misunderstanding now. This >>18421325 isn't me.

>> No.18421597

Folklore meaning traditions outside the Bible.
The popular Western vampire is based on Christian folklore. That's why they're afraid of crosses and holy water. Jews and Muslims probably have their own vampires that are afraid of other stuff.

>> No.18421671

>”because I hate myself”

>> No.18422267

"Hi Faggot here. I'm a blogger, pro-Nutritiva Accessibility activist and clinically diagnosed Retard with Bimanic D-Division Faggotry with depressive characteristics.

>> No.18422525

>Vampires and fairies
Translates to "jews and fags". But then again, the whole thing sounds like the person writing it, a bunch of stickers and labels slapped onto a roaring dumpster fire.

>> No.18422617

Its autism

>> No.18422967


A crime against humanity.

>> No.18423014

I just absolutely despise people like this. They are the labels people give them but because they say it it’s powerful. “I’m a gay retard, here’s my book idea about a gay retard who wins”

>> No.18423080
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bone chilling

>> No.18423198
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maybe polpot was right

>> No.18423222

>our favorite morning star
Yeah I figured Iblis was involved somehow by the end of the first paragraph...

>> No.18423264

>be me
Is first person

>> No.18423331

Oh wait no it isn't, I'm an idiot.

>> No.18423392

> neurodivergent with chronic mental illness
Well, that much is clear!

>> No.18423406
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Must be a ton of fun to read from a schizo-safari perspective, other than that, these are the effects of too much internet in a narcissistic mind.

>> No.18423410


>> No.18423415

You. pynchon does it a fair bit

>> No.18423441

I’d read a toy lesbian’s lesbian Lucifer sex book.

>> No.18423447
File: 42 KB, 640x366, HP Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hum, even this degenerate is capable of understanding that their contemporaries are too retarded to entertain the idea of antisemitism or racism being portrayed in a novel as something negative without foaming at the mouth shouting "BAD BAD IS BAD!"

The average zoomer does a performative act of self-immolation as protest whenever they see racism being portrayed, even if negatively in a novel whose point is to expose racism as something bad, which makes them incapable of reading anything but infantilized effeminate twtiter YAS QUEEN rhetoric.

>> No.18423451


>> No.18423967

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

>> No.18424034

A classic. Thank you Katie.

>> No.18424186

we didn't know how good we had it

>> No.18424194

>*holds up spork*
top kek

>> No.18424204
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Had to look up “polycule” and I am as disgusted as can be. Polyamory should be a capital offense

>> No.18424210
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>> No.18424236

>genre literature

>> No.18424246

>Dude they're just lucky! That's why Jewish people around the world all hold positions of power; they all got lucky!

>> No.18424261
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>present tense second person
based tranny

>> No.18424965

This is how you know this shit is a wide open psyop appealing to the mentally ill and sexually obsessed. They can't even face their reality for mere minutes. They are disgusted by themselves

>> No.18425401

I still dont get it

>> No.18425412

Wait a minute, wait a minute, everyone stop for a second. This is literally just "family" but allowing for weird sexual degeneracy.

>> No.18425426

Second person POV in writing is used ONLY for erotica. This is a fact.

t. Former coomer

>> No.18425484
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>> No.18425500

I have very low standards and would fuck her still after transition so long as she has a pussy

>> No.18425505

It's people trying to take the easy way to attention rather than by developing a skill which is harder