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18423354 No.18423354 [Reply] [Original]

Who here reads mostly on an e-reader? Do you buy the books you read?

If you mostly read physical books do you mostly buy new books or used books? Do you often buy nice hardbacks? How much would you spend extra on a nice hardback versus a cheap hardback/paperback?

How many books do you buy a year average? How much do you spend?

Do you find yourself completing physical or e-books more often if you've read both before?

>> No.18423366

Buy new books. I buy about 4 per month. I complete every book, more or less in the order I buy them.

>> No.18424423

>Do you buy the books you read?
No I pirate them

the whole point of getting an e-reader is so that you can read tons of books for free

>> No.18424641

If you enjoy reading and aren't poor it’s perfectly fine to purchase a few books a month and build up a collection. Perhaps one day you could pass it onto your kids desu. And it also looks quite nice, permitting you have good taste. Albeit, some books are rare and/or expensive, in that case a cheap e reader would be quite sufficient.

>> No.18424826

I buy the non-public domain books I read. Buying foreign language ebooks for an Android based e-reader is a lot simpler than having to import everything.
I spend some $100 per month. I've done a lot more reading since switching to digital.

>> No.18424874


>> No.18425073

I haven't spent a cent on books since I bought my Kobo last year. Super comfy to load up 3 books the night before a long camping trip instead of worrying about wether the 3 books that cost me $120 will arrive in time. While also crossing my fingers that I bought a good translation.

>> No.18425086

I use my remarkable tablet a lot.

>> No.18425138

I recently bought a kobo for cheap and have to say that books and ereaders don't cancel each other out. I prefer physical books but nothing beats libgen in terms of value and accessibility. Instead of having to hunt for books or buy novels that might be embarrassing (light novels, oedipal stuff) you can just load them on your device. Also, ereaders usually have a light which is very nice.

I find that I finish almost all the books I pay for and almost none of the books I pirate when I connect my kobo to the pc.

>> No.18425280

I pirate most of my books and only buy those I really really like if I can find a cheap and good looking edition

>> No.18425471

Same, I pirate first and if I really like it I buy a copy to support the writer. Also I always pirate books if the author is dead period, doesn't matter if the book was published in 1940 or 2007. His widow/children will have to stop being lazy leeches and get a job

>> No.18425546

fuck off market researcher

>> No.18427213

I like buying the classics for 2-3$ brand new. Bought the brothers karamazov and war and peace together for 6$. They're Wordsworths but the quality is nice. Have almost read the karamazovs and no complaints.

>> No.18427278

I read a mixture of both, but I developed huge lump of bursitis under my shoulder blade from reading in bed for hours everyday during a year when I was bedbound, so now I can't tolerate reading upright for more than 15 minutes at a time. I have to read laying down on my side, which means it's easier to have long reading sessions on my kindle. I strongly prefer physical books, but we must bend not break, etc.

>> No.18427290

i like ereaders but supposedly you remember less when using them

>> No.18427291

For kindle I mostly libgen it, unless it's a living author whose work I really like. For physical books I mostly buy new, due to the cost for used books + shipping often being more or equally expensive to new.

>> No.18427327

advertising data thread

>> No.18427335


have you tried reading on your stomach?

>> No.18428619

Oh this wasn't meant to be a market research thread kek
I'm just struggling to deal with my collecting impulse and my kindle
I bought a kindle and thought that I'd never buy a book ever again but about 6 months later I'm feeling the pull towards collecting again and I just don't know what to do

>> No.18428629

Also a reason why I bought the kindle was because I wanted to read slightly obscure books that would be too expensive to buy but then I realised that reading pdf's on a kindle is shit cause the font is too small and if you zoom in then you have to scroll down through the text which is an awful experience
I'm jealous anon
I'm a filthy hoarder and usually don't read the books I buy

>> No.18428669

do NOT buy the white color of this piece of shit, it's cheap plastic so it just ends up looking yellow around the edges after a while

>> No.18428709
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I buy physical books, then pirate the digital copy and read it on my kindle.

>> No.18429542

I've gotten back into reading recently. I do both physical and digital.
>Do you buy the books you read?
I assume you mean digitally. Then no, I pirate all my shit. e-books are even more expensive than physical copies around here.
>new books or used books?
Mostly new so far, but I got into buying used just before having to move because of the pandemic.
>nice hardbacks?
Not ultra, folio society tier nice, no. But I bought a few that seemed sturdy, well anotated, or cute.
>nice hardback versus a cheap hardback/paperback?
Hasn't come up yet.
>How many books do you buy a year average? How much do you spend?
I only recently started reading again. But in 6ish months I bought 12 books or so. This in addition to the ones I pirate. I won't answer the spending since we don't use dollars here so it would be sort of useless.
>Do you find yourself completing physical or e-books more often if you've read both before?
As in the same book? If not, I grab my e-reader more often because I am completely neurotic about damaging my physical copies most of the time.

>> No.18429595

One thing I like though is highlighting the shit out of books. I never did that with physical copies

>> No.18429621

This. I spent like $900 on the Max Lumi, so I'm just downloading books from Z Lib. I have plenty of physical books too and still read them though. I read a lot.

>> No.18429664

Why the fuck would you spend $900 on an e-reader?

>> No.18429689

When I used to buy physical books my reading habit cost me some $100 per month. Then I got a Kindle and just started downloading books for free from the Internet. It's much more convenient as I can read in 4 languages. Just imagine the hassle of importing books from various countries! Still, I occasionally have to buy books because obviously not everything is available online for free.

>> No.18429715

What languages can you read in anon?
I'm only bilingual but that was the appeal of digital to me as well. Not having to deal with translations, or imported editions of unknown quality and long shipping times

>> No.18429763


Polish, French, English and Japanese. Getting J books is so difficult that I either had go to the now extinct Book Off in Paris, order through White Rabbit or ask people to buy physical books for me. Most amazon.co.jp vendors don't ship abroad and even when they do you're going to pay tons of money on shipping.

The legal J e-book offer leaves much to be desired and the free resources are limited but it's better than going through all the crazy hassle of getting paper copies.

>> No.18429822

I pirate ebooks, but if it was good, I buy paper copy.
Support the author, you know.

>> No.18429833

I got really pissed off last time I ordered a book and it took more than 1 and a half months to arrive. I wanted it for a course I was doing and by the time it came, we had already concluded the topic. Usually it takes about 2-3 weeks, but I realised even this is too long.
Why would I buy books and wait weeks for them to arrive when I can just download the PDF and read it on my computer instantly? So that's what I do now.

>> No.18429861

i exclusively read on my kindle, unless gifted a book by someone. even then, if the book is large/difficult to hold/carry around/read in bed, then i'll just download it onto my kindle and read it there.

i have never paid for an ebook. i have about 500 pirated books in my collection. the whole point of using an ereader is so that you can pirate the books. if i was paying for books i'd just buy physical paperbacks.

>> No.18429870

I dont buy any books, they are all given to me or found online and downloaded, i dont use e-readers just my computer or hard copys,
The last nice book i bought was never.

>> No.18429895

never use pdfs on a kindle, just find epub/mobi

>> No.18429990

>Do you buy the books you read?
I read books on my kindle everyday and the reason I bought it is so I can read more books without having to bought it. It feels good to be honest.

>> No.18429999

is it made of gold?

>> No.18430002

Not that anon, but having a large e-ink screen with a nice note feature is a very tempting offer, especially if you read ton of books. With larger screen you can read academic books, journal, and even manga in really comfy way.

>> No.18430027

It's close to A4 sized.

>> No.18430051

Not everything is available in epub/mobi though, especially obscure books like he was talking about.

>> No.18430063

How is the Lumi? I was thinking of getting one since I could also use it for music scores but really couldn’t justify the price tag for it. I ended up buying a Kobo H20 and I love it but I’ll never read any music on it.

>> No.18430136

I can only comment on the Max 3 which is the predecessor without front light.
I love the thing, there's so much screen real estate for reading and drawing. For reading I'll often use the horizontal orientation and display two pages at once which makes it feel like a paper book. Android is also a nice thing to have since the possibilities are endless.

>> No.18430187

I read 90% of my books on an e-reader and I don't really spend money on books anymore as I just pirate them all, which was part of the main reason I wanted an e reader in the first place

>> No.18430206

Is the Kobo Libra H20 gtg? Are Kindles shit?

>> No.18430211
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I got my Kobo Libra H2O in the mail today. I haven't had an ereader since the original first gen Kindle was a thing. I installed KOReader, I like it because it turns pages faster.

Kobo's are basted because they run Linux and I can run SSH into it. Amazon cucks BTFO, they can't even read epubs kek.

>> No.18430226

Kindles are extremely locked down. You can't read epubs without conversion and you can't install any alternative readers on the current models.
Hardware wise they are nothing special and limit features such as color adjustment to the Oasis.

>> No.18430244

Damn more reason to tell Bezos to fuck off. I was planning on getting an ereader and just dumping ass loads of epubs.

>> No.18430260

Based and checked. When reading in bed is the light like a phone?

>> No.18430286

It has an adjustable front-light and it has a variable setting that turns it from white-light to amber. Technically it's not "like a phone" because it's totally different technology. Superficially the screen appears to glow.

You can read in a absolutely dark room, or outside in the bright sun. That is the nature of a eInk display with a front-light.

>> No.18430293

here's a video of an older model, looks about the same on camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNM4N2dkac4

>> No.18430299

You can do that easily with calibre
I have hundreds of epubs i converted to mobi using calibre through a usb onto my kindle paperwhite
Just be aware that pdfs mostly suck

>> No.18430311

I used to buy books but through gifts I got a ton at once and sort of ran out of room. I still buy used stuff if the price is good but I will have to stop soon. I won a kindle in some contest at my school so I use that but I don't know if I would've ever bought one.

>> No.18430333

I either read on a Kindle or listen to books because I am always on the road and I don't want to stuff my luggage with books when I can carry a library in a single device.
Some, I buy, others I download.

>> No.18430337

Is there a benefit to reading mobi as opposed to epub or pdf? I saw you can add the epubs by simply dragging into a folder or use Calibre

>> No.18430356

Wait iIm illiterate you meant mobi for kindle, guess I'm pretty much set with my original intention.

>> No.18430367

>highlighting the shit out of books
I also do the same but find myself never revisiting those notes, do you?

>> No.18430391

for some people taking the note itself consolidates the information even if you don't return to it

>> No.18430392

Mobi is just the format that the kindle can accept, also txt, pdf and azw3
Otherwise it really doesn't matter, I've never had a problem converting from epub to mobi

>> No.18430584
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reMarkable is the shit. I will definitely buy one when I have enough money. Its large enough to be able to read pdfs on and has an e-ink display. Its just perfect. Till then I will make do with my Kindle.

>> No.18430624
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Allow me to introduce you to clippings.io. Here can you look at your highlights and notes through a graphical UI. I discovered it a few days ago and I find myself reading the highlights I made in books back in 2014 and its very interesting to see what things I thought important back then and what kind of books I was reading and my general thought process while reading a book as a teenager.

>> No.18430635

Are you me?

>> No.18430645

There's a variety of other devices with 10" E Ink displays.
Kobo Elipsa, Likebook P10, Boox Note, Supernote A5 to name a few.

>> No.18430669

>Do you buy the books you read?
The way I do it, is to use my kindle as an initiation. I pirate the book and read it. If I like it enough that I want to read it again, I'll buy it in physical form. If it's only ok, or good but not re-readable, then I leave it at that and go on to my next book.

>> No.18430722

I mostly read physical books, generally buy used but have no issues with new, generally buy quality hardcovers but have no issues with cheap paper backs. For the most part I just buy used hardcovers, if you are in no rush they can be had cheaply. The expense of even new books is a non-issue for me but I mostly stick to used out of habit and my enjoyment of pursuing the stacks of the local used book stores. New books stores, online shopping and downloading is a poor substitute.

>> No.18430752 [DELETED] 
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i use this dinosaur. still works

>> No.18430758
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i use this dinosaur. still works

As a neet i bought a kindle so i didn't have to buy books. I haven't bought a book since i bought a kindle
that was like 2010-2012. i forgot exactly when i bought it
why the fuck would buy books when you can get them for free?

>> No.18430957

>Who here reads mostly on an e-reader? Do you buy the books you read?
Me. No, that's the whole point of the e-reader.

>Do you find yourself completing physical or e-books more often if you've read both before?
Physical. Mostly because I have so many options on my e-reader that I just keep jumping between books.

>> No.18431000

Those common classics can be had used for like $5 in a decent hardboard in great condition. Publishers like Modern Library and Everyman's library have been publishing classics for decades, used copies are almost a glut on the market. Last time I was at my local used book store they have three or four copies each of Everyman's TBK and C&P, I bought a copy of C&P for $4 in perfect condition other than the missing dust cover.

>> No.18431201

It's a big cost up front, but it pays for itself pretty quickly. The screen is 13.3 inches so it's great for PDFs, which is obviously a common digital format. I have a smaller Kobo too, but the Lumi is much more versatile.

The Lumi is great. You could easily have sheet music on there. There's even a feature that will automatically turn the page after a set amount of time, which might be useful for a musician. The device takes a little while to set up, get connected to the Android app store, and tune all the features to your liking, but it's worth it. Especially if there are a lot of books you want to read that are expensive in print/ academic/ manga/ have no mobi or epub format. If you take notes on a PDF, you can view those notes on your computer. You can also have two apps open at once, so you can read and then take notes in a separate app, or even have two books on screen at once, which could be useful for reading commentaries.

>> No.18431291
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>Z Lib
thanks anon, this is why I came into the thread

I read mostly physical but if I'm not too certain about a series I read like 10-20 pages digital beforehand then read some other physical book while I wait for it to arrive

I only read in bath & bed and read at a rather slow pace (40-60 pages an hour) so I tend to do quite a while with them. so that's 3 series every like 2-3 months

I buy secondhand if they're rated at "very good" quality and a lot cheaper than new, otherwise new. As for cover it depends more on collection editions, since I buy entire series at once I look at what the cheapest option is. For Belgariad I went with two second hand collections (1-3 & 4-5), for His Dark Materials & Earthsea were hardcover full series collections. His Dark Materials (at least the version I got) was far nicer than softcover books or other hardcover books I've bought

Don't think I'll ever buy ebooks

>> No.18431302

>Why would I buy books and wait weeks for them to arrive when I can just download the PDF and read it on my computer instantly? So that's what I do now.
that's why you buy them in advance while reading the previous one still, anon

>> No.18431478

I alternate physical and ebooks. Sometimes I feel like reading a real one, sometimes I don't. I pirate all ebooks, mostly shit that sounds interesting that I wouldn't be willing to plop down money for. It's nice because I don't even look for reviews, I just go in blind. Physical if it's a reasonably nice edition or it's completing a series or I think I may want to revisit in the future.

>> No.18431512

I've been using a Kindle for years and I have a huge library of ebooks I've downloaded and converted it with Calibre.
I always notice that the formatting on the downloaded books isn't as good as the ones I get directly from Amazon. Is there anyway to fix that, mainly the line spacing. I can't quite seem to get it formatted like one I would buy.

>> No.18431517

I wouldn't be able to afford being a reader if it wasn't for Bezos

>> No.18431564

Try to find .azw/.azw3 versions.
You can also sort by ID on libgen. People frequently correct format issues, that means newer=better.

>> No.18431565

I’ve been reading on that one, reading pdfs is a bit funky but not bad. It’s a comfy little thing that gets the job done.

>> No.18431944

>Who here reads mostly on an e-reader?
efag here
>Do you buy the books you read?
lmao no
>How many books do you buy a year average?
3, 4 maybe
>How much do you spend?
2 bucks per book on average
>Do you find yourself completing physical or e-books more often if you've read both before?
I don't drop books on any format

>> No.18432094

exactly this