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/lit/ - Literature

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18412750 No.18412750 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lil/,

Any great books come out in the last 6 months?

>> No.18412787

No, nor in the last 60 years as a matter of fact.

>> No.18413223

why the fuck would you read something from the 21st century

>> No.18413495

Anybody read the new Evan Dara novel?

>> No.18413801

Yeah, I finished it this morning.

>> No.18414093
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>mfw i realize it's june already

>> No.18414160

peaceful gif

>> No.18414932
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I thought for sure someone here would have suggested something decent?

Like... nothing in the last 6 months has been a decent read?!

>> No.18415306

It's been years since I last read a book by a living author

>> No.18415329

Would you read a book I wrote if I mailed you a hand-made copy?

>> No.18415354

Yeah probably, if only to see how it is.
I just find that most published stuff nowadays seems to be aimed at a simpler demographic than me, especially when it's a book that has a marketing budget.
That being said I'll also admit I don't do much searching to see if anything lately published is actually worthwhile

>> No.18415430
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I'm still working on the design, been printing copies and they've been getting better and better quality. I need a better paper cutter...

>> No.18415441
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You know shit is in a bad state when im looking forward to a fucking Tao Lin novel. Im just curious to see if he has evolved for the better since Taipei

>> No.18415445

I've been reading &amp. I haven't missed an issue. I have no idea what's going with real publishing writing shit.


>> No.18415471

Who's Tao Lin?

>> No.18415504

That is a depressing book.

>> No.18415678

Was it good? How'd it compare to lost scrapbook?

>> No.18416376

I swear, /lit/ has so many people who like to read long books but everyone replies with the least text posssible...

>> No.18416398

I'm with you on this. I read Taipei and hated it but I still feel strangely curious about this man and his work. I haven't read anything else but I will surely buy this one and maybe his trip report book too.

>> No.18416428
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As an author, I am soooo curious to know why you hated a book but are still drawn to know more about the man...

>> No.18416507

ahhhh I don't really know myself, I was scrolling through his twitter and reading his blog and watching a couple youtube videos and he simply seems interesting and very smart and I think he has great potential and just because I dislike this particular style of this particular book doesn't mean I am willing to try again. Also, ngl, it helps that the books title is "leave society". In short, I think we are kindred spirits.

>> No.18416509

*not willing

>> No.18416590

That is a great explanation!

Society in 2021 is so amazingly fucked. I am in my 40's and when I was 20, over 20 years ago... life was soooo amazing... man... like I was so happy as a teen and young 20's guy, life was a bowl of fucking cherries compared to what young people face today.

>> No.18416608

How does it feel to have lived more than half your life?

>> No.18416783
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I feel fucking amazing lately, actually... super stoked to have finished my 2nd book. Just fixing the little details and trying to find a paper cutter that is going to work has been a huge bitch... Need to put out a quality product.
>Growing up in the 80's and 90's was COZY as FUCK!

>> No.18417294

Missing out on Pynchon

>> No.18418238

The English translation of Ahab by Pierre Senges should be out now. Krasznahorkai has another big book coming out at the end of the year. In Memory of Memory by Maria Stepanova is apparently good. Tokarczuk's Books of Jacob is due to be translated this year too.

You wouldn't know it by browsing this place, but we're in a golden age of literary translation. Dalkey is alive and kicking. Most of the great stuff that will be remembered is being written and published in Europe. The Anglo-American literary establishment isn't doing so hot, but they're not the whole world.

>> No.18418243
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>> No.18418261

New Ishiguro was okay. I don't read a lot of new stuff though, so my perspective might be shot.

>> No.18419567

Obviously there have been great books published in the past 6 months. This guy is just a negative nancy

>> No.18419576


>> No.18419822

Any suggestions?

>> No.18420894

Compared to The Easy Chain and The Lost Scrapbook it is far less ambitious and borderline plain. I haven't read Flee, so I can't compare it to that, but it seems like a novel anyone could have written which can't be said about his first two at all. It's just honestly just terrible.

>> No.18421363

um so smart bro
YA man
tha CANON dude.

>> No.18423078
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you need to go back

>> No.18423238

The Netanyahus
Anti-Ligature Rooms

>> No.18424714
File: 390 KB, 436x675, HeroOfTwoWorlds_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to this one desu. Written by the dude that does the History of Rome podcasts. Lafayette was like America's Alexander the Great. The guy's life was super interesting playing critical roles in the American & French Revolutions alike.

>> No.18425132

call of x series is amazing. i loved arcade and crocodile. i'm about 1/3 of cherokee now and it's kicking my ass. looking forward to tao lin's leave society as i have loved every novel he's written so far

>> No.18425205

Love the revolutions podcast. Served more than anything to get me interested in periods of history about which I knew nothing.

>> No.18425234

I will keep shilling Patrick until I'm dead. All I need is one of you to actually be willing to read the damn thing and then I can sit back and enjoy. It's America's Brother's K and I'm tired of you guys not buying it.

FWIW I'm the dubs philosophy essay writer from a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.18425562
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Let Them Look West by Marty Phillips was surprisingly good by an apparent first time author. It's a spiritual/intellectual showdown between a cosmopolitan Jewish journalist and a newly elected American governor in the Midwest.

>> No.18426351

Trip is bad

>> No.18426402

I absolutely agree with you on literary translation, but never really acknowledged it.