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/lit/ - Literature

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18401662 No.18401662 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so irrelevant /lit/wise?

>> No.18401666

What makes you think that they are?

>> No.18401676 [DELETED] 

The only relevant lit is by shitskins and it's not great.

>> No.18401680

nice trips satan

well it's simple: name me one author from Canada who is kind of relevant

>> No.18401690

Relevant in what way?

>> No.18401704

Alice Munro won the Nobel like 8 years ago.

>> No.18401711


>> No.18401756

What do you mean by relevant, then? Winning the Goodreads awards?

>> No.18401871

being posted on /lit/

>> No.18401877

its a small country

>> No.18401890

Canadians are too busy chopping lumber and bear wrasslin to write sissy books, anon

>> No.18401908

Marshall McLuhan
Leonard Cohen
Hubert Aquin
Félix Leclerc
Georges Dor

>> No.18401923

Am canadian, can confirm, eh?

Also, the best piece of canadian literature is vollmann's fathers and crows. Im literally canadian, not even joking. Grew up in waterloo, ontario. Living in vancouver

>> No.18401935
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Pic rel.
Although I guess French-Canadians aren't really Canadians.

>> No.18401952

Fuck quebecwaaahs and itchybums, both peoples should get the fuck out of canada

>> No.18401961

So are the Russians yet they are relevant

>> No.18401969

They have top tier cinema though.

>> No.18401981

There are more people in the city of New York today than in the entire country of Canada in 1950 for one.

>> No.18401996

We're trying.

>> No.18402000

Canada is just the 51st state of USA
We're just allowed to manage all of our stuff independently. We're what Texas should be.

>> No.18402242
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>> No.18402264

Because we suck as culture.
It's literally just copy+paste from either Britain or America

>> No.18402314

Canadian literature begins and ends with The Hockey Sweater.

>> No.18402322

Name one canuckino.

>> No.18402337

Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein and Inventing the Future by Nick Srnicek are two recent examples of great Canadian non-fiction/ theory

>> No.18402343

A group of hunters and an itchybum go hunting.
In a moment of complete silence, the itchybum says "stop" and puts his ear to the forest floor for a minute and whispers, "moose come."
A hunter whispers, "holy shit, how do you know? There wasn't even any sound or scent."
And the itchybum picks at his face and says, "sticky."

>> No.18402369

Check out Pour la suite du monde and Le Temps Perdu by Michel Brault.

>> No.18402382

How u kill a 1 legged fox?
U have it run across canada

>> No.18402390

Can i get a "fuck doug ford"?

>> No.18402395

I dont get it.

>> No.18402397

The colours of this Pepe are very nice, especially that shade of blue

>> No.18402406

It's the cancer nigga

>> No.18402519

Bumping for more canlit recs :^]

>> No.18402720

Fuck doug ford indeed

>> No.18402727

Frye has some books on them.

>> No.18404010

Mavis Gallant (especially among other writers)
Saul Bellow (born in Canada)
Margaret Laurence
Margaret Atwood (sorry)
Al Purdy
Mordecai Richler
bp Nichol
Farley Mowat
Denis Lee
Alice Munro
Northrop Frye
Susana Moodie
Marshall McLuhan
Leonard Cohen
Marie-Claire Blais
Among others...I barely touched Quebec. If you want an honest answer to your question: https://youtu.be/8y62e5Gqdxk

He has a whole lecture series on various Canadian authors if you click his channel (I named most of them above).

>> No.18404016

Too busy running away from polar bears.

>> No.18405504 [DELETED] 
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Chris Sky aka Chris Saccoccia.

>> No.18405606

How has no one mentioned Malcolm Lowry yet? Under the Volcano is one of the greatest books of the 20th century.

>> No.18405911


>> No.18405921

because they're also irrelevant in all other regards

>> No.18405922

Such as?

>> No.18405939

I really feel like most of lit would be very into Robertson Davies. Try the Rebel Angels

>> No.18405951

foreign policy
cultural exports
science and innovation

canada is america without the good and bad crazy shit that makes america unique.

>> No.18406055

Canada has one tenth the population of the US, why on earth would you expect it to have comparable cultural and economic influence?

>> No.18406101

Fathers and crows is set in canada too, and there's no better american novel.

>> No.18406280

yeah i don't love atwood but her cultural impact is evident and her prose, while meandering, is in present tense with excellent sentence structure. seems like a weird thing, to question canadian literature, when handmaidens are a thing.

plus this recent obsession with canada on 4chan is getting silly

>> No.18406296

it's easy to trigger the land of the seethe
merely being their neighbours and not being a gang wrecked shit hole is enough to offend them, like when a suburbanites neighbor isn't cutting their lawn the way he likes

>> No.18406306

You're right it is a really nice blue

>> No.18406321

i mean, i guess? if you want (You)s, yes, canadaposting works. but also, boring now, and colloquially everywhere? i think it's either a coordinated foreign intelligence operation or you're all just jealous of our trees and native poon

>> No.18406354

nah, genuine leaf here, not OP. just shit posting about fragile american sensibilities
and don't pretend like natives are anything but repulsive. one in 10 half whites are decent and that's more as a novelty than anything
if you want delicious brown in canada you're best of perusing some of the middle eastern overseas college students. oil baron money grows pussy right

>> No.18406361

Canada is irrelevant in every way that matters

>> No.18406375

Which ways are those?

>> No.18406411

Because in Canada your work will only be promoted by the state media and often will only be published by Canadian publishing houses if it is somehow distinctly "Canadian" meaning irrelevant anywhere else.

And so, Canadian literature often boils down to being Indigenous, about fishing, about the prairies, about the changing or losing Canadian identity, about how it's apparently a good thing that Canada is a cultural mosaic, hockey, winter, etc. Nowadays in particular the only books that are going to get any traction on CBC and the like have to be published by BIPOC authors which then narrows the scope even further to books that are about being black/asian/gay/a woman/native/etc in Canada. All literature must in some way relate to being in Canada.

You will never see much of a great Canadian novelist because of this, and also you will N E V E R see any sort of relevant pop culture novelist come out of Canada with genre fiction either in particular due to this. There is no Canadian Steven King, JK Rowling, Tolkien, Heinlein, Poe, Tom Clancy, etc because these sorts of genres are not going to get recognition or promotion in Canada and thus will certainly never reach beyond the borders.

Canadian media in general is fucked six ways from Sunday. Literature is just the deadest of the bunch here at this point.

>> No.18406418

nah native poon is best poon this country was literally founded on this ideal. like, seriously, serious seriously. canada is an iroquois word, kanata, meaning community. a community of sweet native poon and trading furs

>> No.18406438

Most CanLit is written by people who get government grants (so no incentive to sell books and make a cultural impact) for a tiny audience of academics and "intellectuals."

>> No.18406440

go back to the counter, you have to pay for cigarettes if you want to smoke

>> No.18406464

This and this
I unfortunately did a degree with a major in English and also ICS and part of that was a fuckload of CanLit courses pertaining to novels and poetry. Canadian literature is basically inextricably mixed up in government funding and control. It's almost like the Soviets or some other communist state churning out state sponsored creations, in a less direct way. The government will give grants to what it feels best promotes Canada in literary form. Anything outside of that will be dead in the water in terms of getting any sort of promotion on Canadian airwaves.

>> No.18406480

perhaps you have not sampled the pussies of canada. white women have pleasant vaginas, sometimes hair, but always well groomed. they tend to keep it clean. black women have huuuuge clits and suuuuper pink labia and they fuck like men, it's crazy. asian women have small vaginas, always shaved, and get very wet, like obnoxiously. indian women, from india, usually have incredible bodies, sure, but like, oddly inanimate pussies. they don't really cum, they just like, absorb your male energy, and kind of just want you to grope and pound them. native women, it really should be said, have the nicest, most attractive, and just plain good looking vaginas. it's fucking weird. they're like, pictureesque. and there's two kinds of native women, the tall skinny pochahontas, and the chubby pepsi drinker. doesn't matter, they both have crazy beautiful vaginas. it's the wildest thing.

i sincerely recommended enjoying and partaking in the many vagina canada has to offer. you have but one life to live anon

>> No.18406505

based hedonist
I assumed you were a drunk res native
>asian women
>always shaved
you're close enough to the mark I'm willing to trust. perhaps if I ever meet one of these 'pocahontas's I'll pipe her for you

>> No.18406510

i'm not joking man. this country was founded on the power of native poon. it's like, the whole lynchpin of western civilization

>> No.18406744

Guy Gavriel Kay is Canada's best author and probably the best living fantasy author
Genre anons also like Canadian fantasy author Scott Bakker
William Gibson has lived in Canada since the 60s

This is exactly true. It's a sinister industry. Book sales are usually incredibly low even with state support. No one but boomers care about the books. But that's not the point. The author's career goal is not to become a great storyteller or to sell many books. It's to create propaganda in a superficially highbrow and novel manner, thus gaining rank in the prestige economy which is run by the government and universities. With enough accolades, they can find a position of permanent funding at a university or through direct government grants.

>> No.18406812

Absolutely based and for the most part correct (can't account for indian pussy, but I can attest for the native thing).
Best thing is when you get an asian girl that let herself go for a couple of weeks and didn't expect to hook up, and they have just a tiny patch of the softest fuzzy cat-like hair. Fucking love it.

>> No.18407059

Based. Fuck Doug Ford.

>> No.18407084
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Makes even worse what the Anglos did to the Metis.

>> No.18407213

Because we're not a nation or even a country. We're a vassal region to the American empire that exists solely to have it's natural resources whored out to predatory nations like the USA or China. There is no such thing as a Canadian.

>> No.18407929

Atwood wrote a book about Canadian Lit that's still the go-to for a lot of teacher's/academics. The main thrust of it is that the signature of Canadian Lit is that it's about "survival" (also the title of the book); she paints Canada as reactive and insignificant relative to the US and UK. (Basically, midwits who make that argument in 2021 don't realize they're aping a hot take from the Canadian writer they likely hate the most).

I agree that Atwood is a great technical writer (the clarity and focus of her prose is as good or better than almost any writer). However, her whole thing is to spit out simplistic takes on prominent cultural ideas. She has no depth. She's insufferable as a person and /pol style attacks on her aren't without warrant.

Check out this lecture for the guy I mentioned in the earlier comment. You can tell he respects her a lot but the lecture will still make you think she's a complete twat.


>> No.18408647

French Canadian lit is about sex, winter (and winter sports) and the wilderness.
I assume Canadian lit is the same, but with less sex.

>> No.18408650

canadians are a cowardly nation and have nothing relevant to say

>> No.18408719
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> the Largest Nuclear Power Plant in the world is in Ontario, Canada and their security force has won the U.S. National SWAT Championship four times.

>> No.18408755

Nobody’s interested in what mapleniggers have to say. It all comes from that special brand of northern social liberalism that destroyed Minnesota and Michigan.
>ohhh yah its fuckin cold eh, better let everyone with non-white skin move in and destroy everything, pass me a beer yah hockey’s on after wrestling

>> No.18408813

>It all comes from that special brand of northern social liberalism that destroyed Minnesota and Michigan.
Ok but that really wasn't a thing until the 2000s.

>> No.18408938

Things are becoming homogenized around themes of identity/minority status; it's pervasive across the literary world. Canada is going all-in as far as that shit is concerned. Formerly, a lot of Canadian Lit aped Southern Gothic sensibilities ("Ontario Gothic" was the primary characterization of most Canadian Literature coming out from around the 1950s until recently). Quebec will probably one day see itself as the last bastion of traditional North American sensibilities in much the same way as they identified themselves as the barrers of Franco-Catholic values. For all the shit English Canadians throw at French Canadians...they know how to protect their culture and stand up against the idea that multiculturalism is a value in-and-of itself (I just wish it was something the rest of Canada could incorporate instead of containing it within things like the Bloc Quebecois).

>> No.18408970

I'm the only Anglophone Francoboo in Canada. Both my parents are Anglo but I attended French Immersion for long enough to be fluent. At least the Quebecois have culture beyond being "not America" and brand loyalty ffs. The Quebecois have a few annoying qualities but overall they're pretty good people and deserve independence. Canada is rot.

>> No.18409097

You're not the only one. I don't want to see them go because their cultural ideology is the only thing stopping Ontario from going full retard into multiculturism/identity politics at the expense of any notion of Canadian identity. They're, somewhat ironically, our last hope. (Not that should be any at this point, railroading Bernier out of the Conservative Party probably merits Quebec taking the ball and claiming Nationhood).

>> No.18409564

Quebecker here. I've spent most of my twenties in Alberta, and I've always take every opportunities available to discuss independence when it came up (without being obnoxious about it). I've found that unless I was speaking to younger folks with little experience or education, or Natives (who really *REALLY* fucking hate us frenchies), I could always have a polite conversation about it, and usually folks admitted that my points made sense. Canada should not have been created, as it stands, it is purely a means for extracting wealth from the peripheral provinces into Toronto, Ottawa, and previously Westmount.
As for the multiculturalism shit, at least in Montreal, it is getting pretty fucking bad. Obviously not as bad as Toronto, but the influx of arabs is very high in the metropole and around it.
Anyways, whatever shit is said of Eternal Anglos and such, almost every leaflet I've met from the Prairies was chill as fuck. And since most French Canadians going out West are bumming their way to BC and are hippie trash, it is perfectly understandable why you'd have prejudices.

>> No.18409697

im Albertan and as far as im concerned its for the best that Quebec is isolated from the influence of Canada. i cant claim to know too much about the state of Quebec but quebecers seem to actually give a shit about their culture and heritage and folk to some degree

>> No.18409715

russians can write about how much it sucks to be russian
being canadian is great

>> No.18409726

>being canadian is great
Almost there, man.
You could have been American. Think about that.
The way things stand you get cucked even locally.

>> No.18409739

After what happened in London today, the one thing we can be sure of is that we're all on CSIS watchlists now.

Do you think he actually targeted them because they were Muslim or was he just a pissed off neighbour who posted a few things online about hating immigrants?

>> No.18409740

This, but also, since Canada's history is shorter and has grown more relative to its total population more recently, vastly more people total have lived in the USA than Canada, so the projected influence they should have considering these things is significantly less than 10% that of the USA. When you add in that novelty is a significant factor in the ability to influence culture and that Canadian culture is just an averaged halfway point between British and American culture (so that Canada has almost no novelty at all in the world), even if Canada had proportionally equal numbers of exceptionally skilled writers to the rest of the world per capita, they would have almost no cultural influence or significance. I believe this is the case.

>> No.18409745

Could almost have been a member of the most cucked people on the planet, who are in fear of their own police who arrest them for basic things like having a beer in public, have a "mass Shooting season" and get bankrupted by caries. Tough break

>> No.18409775

You will never win a war.

>> No.18409797
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>> No.18409905

Imagine caring about literature

>> No.18409911

When you think of it there are only like half a dozen countries that are relevant in literature with most countries being pulled by some unique case like Dante, Cervantes, Dostoyevsky.

>> No.18409913

Ever hear of Homer?

>> No.18409919

seething lib

>> No.18409922
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This, population-wise they don't have a lot of people. They're also a relatively young nation like the US. It's like being surprised that Mongolia doesn't dominate the cultural arena and we aren't all throat singing.
>not to say some of us aren't

>> No.18409924

Homer Simpson was based on a Canadian

>> No.18410158

>Do you think he actually targeted them because they were Muslim
I haven't read too many details, but it sounds like he was looking for any visible immigrants they were a target of opportunity.
This shit is sad. Those muslim fellows aren't at fault. They were promised a better life at no cost to them, of fucking course they would take it. That cunt, despite being a cunt, isn't either completely at fault either (although he could always have figured out a way not to be such a cunt). He was also promised a better life and it never got delivered and he took it out on the folks who are being used by the real malefactors of society, the assholes who push for another x million of immigrants to boost our economy despite having ~10% unemployment.

>> No.18410183
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Be careful. That opinion is too balanced and you said boo about immigration.

>> No.18410185
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Homer was Canadian, or at least told tales of the first Leafs.

>> No.18410217

Reminder not to read anything from Worst Case Ontario.
Quebec and the Maritimes are the only places with any culture.

>> No.18410252

/lit/ doesn't post anything of worth.

>> No.18411237

You didn't read russian literature then, retarded cuck

>> No.18411465


>> No.18411603
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>> No.18412764
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Canadians are more into cult sensations then "relevant" shit. Yeah i know i sound like a fucking hipster faggot, but when you have the good kush, you pay attention to weird the shit

>> No.18412784

Canada is a dull cultureless country. What would you even write about?

>> No.18412833
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Pussy and weed

>> No.18413338



>> No.18414331

I dunno if you'd count him, but the creator of the Forgotten Realms is Canadian.

>> No.18415137

>greatest canadian lit is by a crossdresser

>> No.18415141

We are way more cucked than the US

>> No.18415168
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Read this.

>> No.18415221


>> No.18415552

>Why is my subjective impression the case?

>> No.18415624

Because they’re just diet America

>> No.18416079

my nigga. Deptford trillin'

>> No.18416131

Russians were relevant

>> No.18416496

The problem with independence is that we'd be absorbed into China and America, at least the Western Provinces would.
I like that we are a country of hobbled together nations and communities, its almost an Empire. If it wasn't for Ottawa sucking the lifeblood of every province I think we'd be a really great country.