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/lit/ - Literature

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18407539 No.18407539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

have you ever impressed a girl with your knowledge of literature?

>> No.18407548

girls like men who make shit happen in real life and not awkward faggots that post on /lit/

>> No.18407551

Women only read trite romance shit or equivalent garbage.

AOC does have some charm in her face but sadly she’s not looking to age well. She’s also an embarrassment to her office and sad reminder that she’s also perfectly fit to recommend an urban American district

>> No.18407558

me pajeet and my chinese wife met because of our love of russian literature :)
she was the first person,let alone a girl, who learned russian like me because she loved russian lit
russia might be becoming a shithole but it helped us meet so thank you russianbros here

>> No.18407589

I unironically have before. We were talking about books and I told her about Ulysses and how great it is. I have never read Ulysses btw

>> No.18407663
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>> No.18407709

I'm pretty sure me drunkenly raving on about how good James Joyce and Ulysses is got me a girlfriend for a bit. Obviously she broke my heart in the end but that is life. Being able to talk articulately about literature has also allowed me to get my dick wet a few times I'm sure, alcohol was almost always involved as well though so hard to be sure.

I have actually read Ulysses btw.

>> No.18407772

yes and it's never gotten me anywhere. don't be like me.

>> No.18407783

>no girl will ever say this to me
Mostly because I don't know a lot about Roman history

>> No.18407785

Why do you pretend to like and understand it?

>> No.18407787

That's swell buddy, but I don't remember askin'

>> No.18407793
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hahaha yeah, nothing gets the pussy wet like an exegesis on the intricacies of Hegelian philosophy of history. Explain 'the transcendantal' whilst off my fucking tits in some queer's flat to his perky young lady friend ranks among my finest moments

>> No.18407827

what an elegant cat

>> No.18407832
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sort of
at my gfs promotion I was left alone with her friend who finished college (for context I just finished hs) and I started rambling about ted kaczynski's view about society and after that I changed the subject by talking about how the japanese literature orbitates around the idea of death(which I find interesting)
before that I was talking about how no one who read freud could ever talk to a normal person without looking like a giga pervert
she had no idea about most of the books I was referencing
when she left she told me
>although I felt stupid when talking with you, I really enjoyed the conversation
>actually I am the stupid one; I'm just acting smart; sorry
desu I still feel sorry that I drifted the conversation to such an autistic direction

>> No.18407846

Don't know. Why?

>> No.18407850

i can't take these threads anymore

>> No.18407856

Yeah, it can happen. I've talked to plenty of girls who liked that I read, but very few will be smitten by your esoteric tastes. And even if they are, you've got to be a genuinely well rounded person to capitalize on it.

>> No.18407858

I take it you're lonely then.

>> No.18407859

are you the anon who posted those dating site chat logs?

>> No.18407888

>I take it you're lonely then.
what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.18407898

>have you ever impressed a girl

>> No.18407924

no, but I got a girls number once by talking about chinese geopolitics in front of her with my teacher.

>> No.18407927

>have you ever impressed a girl with your knowledge of literature?
my knowledge of literature is smol
I've impressed them with how violent I can be towards them though. Eastern Europe is good.

>> No.18407933

>Mostly because I don't know a lot about Roman history
you don't know shit about anything, face it

>> No.18407936
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he means because you're an awkward faggot posting on /lit/, you can't make shit happen in real life, therefore you would be unlikeable to girls and thus be lonely in that sense.

HOWEVER I very much admire your trips and will check them now for you, sir

>> No.18407939
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>> No.18407940

my friends seem impressed when I mention I started reading heavy during covid. I think because they feel its too difficult but they would like the do it? idrk desu. since I got vaccinated and have been more social , people have been enjoying my presence and a girl was definitely into me, but im the same autistic retard as before so idk. Ive been getting more exercise though so I probably look a tiny bit better, and the reading probably makes me a tiny more well spoken

>> No.18407944

>>actually I am the stupid one; I'm just acting smart; sorry
what a fucking loser no wonder you got friendzoned hard

>> No.18407947

honestly this shit is fun to talk about if you're not autistic about it and everyones drunk. just play it off as kinda humorous that you're nerding out but say genuinely interesting things and framed in a modern context. easy

>> No.18407948
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>can't outlift autism

>> No.18407963


>> No.18407970

>he means because you're an awkward faggot posting on /lit/, you can't make shit happen in real life, therefore you would be unlikeable to girls and thus be lonely in that sense.
I very much agree with his clever analysis but it was beside the point.

>> No.18407975

yeah, never say this. also make them not feel stupid during your convo

>> No.18407978

>Ive been getting more exercise though

>> No.18407984

yeah nah I was being a bit melodramatic, I'm quite self-aware with my schizo ramble and balance it well with some charm, it's silly fun indeed and has won me quite some respect (admiration maybe?) from friends and even some QTs, but alas my fear of intimacy has stifled that.

still, I had a great time talking about Nick Land (in ideas only) to my stoner pals one evening. Good times

>> No.18407986

Nice trips, lonely, potentually faggotish, incel.

>> No.18408049


>> No.18408060

This girl that I really liked at work once snuck up on me on my lunch break while I was reading Ulysses. Too bad I am so autistic

>> No.18408063

>Nice trips, lonely, potentually faggotish, incel
all true but beside the point. you have serious reading comprehension issues. that's worse than me desu

>> No.18408070

Yes, I have occasionally recited sonnets by Shakespeare and thusly swooned womenfolk

>> No.18408071

nice projection, you're literally frothing at the mouth because it hit home so hard lmao

>> No.18408092
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I have. She really liked how adept I was at translating books into relatable conversation. Unfortunately, and for totally different reasons, things didnt work out.

>> No.18408101

>. She really liked how adept I was at translating books into relatable conversation
You're autistic. She was just telling you in a polite way that you namedropping books all the time is annoying as fuck.

>> No.18408104

sorry to hear that anon.
if it's any consolation your Harrellpost is utterly and completely based

>> No.18408109

Yeah that's a good trolling angle but it's not the case. She liked listening to me talk about books and ideas I got from books. I broke up with her, it didnt have anything to do with this.

>> No.18408113

Stay incel, then.

>> No.18408123

Not really sure that makes sense since an incel is someone who doesnt have sex, right?

>> No.18408127

Prove you have sex, because you sound like you don't.

>> No.18408133

Damn, that sucks

>> No.18408311
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AOC is an Infinite Jest fan

>> No.18408503

based who is aoc?

>> No.18408524

Tons of girls read (statistically far more than men) but it's mostly garbage. Impressing a girl by your knowledge of literature is easy. Just be gracious about it.

>> No.18408533

All the time.
They're just easy to impress I guess.

>> No.18408569

I have ceased planning conversations
I have ceased frantically researching current events, recent shows/music to try to find some common ground to connect with people before I go into the world to interact with it
I have ceased taking stairs two at a time
I have seized, and I hope its not too late

>> No.18408589

no, the opposite: once a very cute girl I met often in College, after hearing from a mutual friend that I was into literature, showed me what she was reading and I couldn't contain a laughter. I lost all my chances with her at that very moment.

>> No.18408592

Good for you anon. Chicks dont need you to have some huge planned script.

>> No.18408603
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Unironically yes. My wife said one of the first things that got her attention was me autistically rambling about Beowulf because she liked how passionate I was. Now when I sperg out she says I'm insane but she loves me anyways.

>> No.18408613


As said above, be gracious about it.

>> No.18408620


reading is essential to forming non-shitty thoughts but people (other than employers and people you trust) should not get the impression that you're a "bookish, thinking" type of guy.

to an extent, high school never ends. most people equate avid reading with sexual impotence.

>> No.18408624

This reads like cope

>> No.18408625


Romantic life isn't about impressing "most people" but about finding just one person.

>> No.18408633

No, but people seem to think I'm smart. I suppose because I talk about what I've read sometimes. But I don't read that much, just more than people who don't read anything.

>> No.18408636

this women love passion. the content isnt that important, they just love the passion. that said being passionate about legos or capeshit probably wont get you laid because that’s just dumb

>> No.18408637

>the PI of my lab asks me to help an undergrad student girl with some shit
>I book a study room for one hour
>we finish in 30 minutes and start talking about random things
>she's into all things Russia because her family
>she even has a bit of that eurasian steppe look
>we talk about Dosto, Gogol and Pushkin
>when our time runs out, she says that we can keep talking and if someone wants to use the room we leave
>we talk for one more hour
>I ask her if she doesn't have anything to do for her classes and shit (I didn't because during my master's I used to mostly just slack around and help other people)
>she says she wants to talk a little bit longer
>we spend the afternoon having a good time
>I get her number
>we message for two days and she stops responding
Why are girls like this?

>> No.18408639

>finding one person...
... and impressing the hell out of them with all your booksmarts.

>> No.18408645

>no u

>> No.18408656
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I'm sorry to hear that, anon. I don't know why that happens.