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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 366 KB, 2048x1536, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18407706 No.18407706 [Reply] [Original]

This is the ideal /lit/ library.

>> No.18407710
File: 283 KB, 868x942, 1622749860867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is

>> No.18407712

are you an interior decorator? this is the gayest shit that has been posted here for a while. how many test shots did you take? did you re-arrange the setting and compare results? you fucking faggot, colossal fucking faggot.

>> No.18407726

What the fuck is that liquid and why is it that color OP

>> No.18407740


>> No.18407765

holy pseud

>> No.18407768

looks like iced coffee

>> No.18407769
File: 894 KB, 1200x600, web3-trappist-monk-reading-books-study-wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed desk stacker.

>> No.18407788

equally vulgar

>> No.18407805

I bet you cant read a line of ancient greek, barbaros.

>> No.18407807

looks highly GAY. and how the fuck do you even wash the inside of that bottle? you probably can't wash it well enough in any case, which is gross.

>> No.18407810
File: 713 KB, 275x275, 1621472324599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18407812

looks like jenkum

>> No.18407817


>> No.18407831


picture OP crying and putting these books in a box, hiding it under his bed, hastily ordering the entire F. Gardner collection. OP spent so long amassing a collection he could post and be proud of. Too bad he couldn't predict...The Gardner Paradigm

>> No.18407870

>all that philosophy
Philosophy fags who bury themselves in it are always the dullest and dimmest drones out there. It's like they're ticking off a list of "books that will make me smart" without actually getting any smarter.

>> No.18407874

I like it

>> No.18407875


>> No.18407881

>some books on a desk

>> No.18407883

Gardner only read the Douay-Rheims you poser

>> No.18407884

>iced coffee
>without ice
>kept in a hermetically-sealed bottle
no, there's something more sinister going on here

>> No.18407897

>This is the ideal /lit/ library.
orange juice is not good for your brain anon

>> No.18407908

>No this is

>> No.18407915

>how the fuck do you even wash the inside of that bottle?
you don't. virgin.

>> No.18407918

That's orange juice, mate

>> No.18407928

Even one book can be a library.

>> No.18407937

Needs more Plotinus

>> No.18407941

Even a single anon can't be this retarded and homo.

>> No.18407946

You still live with your parents don't you?

>> No.18407953

Go ahead. Tell us what constitutes a library.

>> No.18407954
File: 156 KB, 402x605, 21D6CC52-5400-42B0-ADCA-9D17C4B4CF12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18407972

Why the picture of wagner?

>> No.18407981

just a makeshit cover up for the portrait of his mum

>> No.18407982


>> No.18407985

>I get tired of frogposters
>crocodileposters have become a thing

>> No.18407996

>You still live with your parents don't you?
I live with your mom

>> No.18408017

if you buy that bottle, there's no way you do your own dishes.

>> No.18408026
File: 86 KB, 333x485, 6137074+_3fca518ba68b4acff1fd3e8891b83afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't have fucking end labels

>> No.18408034

Not this.>>18407706

>> No.18408042

They’re coffee table styled. Meanest to be displayed with the covers up. Either that or read aloud from a podium. The weird formatting honestly makes the memes even better.

>> No.18408066

OP here, it's Kava

>> No.18408068

shut the fuck up, Gardner you talentless samefag

>> No.18408082


>> No.18408087
File: 2.00 MB, 2954x4608, IMG_20210524_150358_723_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, this is.

>> No.18408098

Very based indeed. Now show your devotional corner to the Greek gods

>> No.18408099

>four books on the shelf
>you know they’re horrors call but you don’t know the books
>any given one is call of the kappa
Call of the schroedinger more like it, Gardner grows more based with each passing day

>> No.18408145
File: 772 KB, 3000x2000, shelf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18408217


>> No.18408231

plotinus is based, today ive read sixth ennead and it opened my fourth eye, pretty good stuff

and that last paragraph... it gave me goosebumps

"This is the life of gods and of the godlike and blessed among men, liberation from the alien that besets us here, a life taking no pleasure in the things of earth, the passing of solitary to solitary."

>> No.18408250

Only if the green books are the Summa Theologiae.

>> No.18408282

>Loeb instead of Bibliotheca Teubneriana

>> No.18408298


>> No.18408802

yeah, plotinus knew...

>> No.18408850

are you in the monistic union or theistic union interpretation of plotinus?

>> No.18408959

Those Loeb covers are disgusting, especially in contrast to the actual cover. Thow that shit away.

>> No.18408974
File: 63 KB, 1024x576, FC0A6AB0-B85E-4662-92A5-B5F4782FBE62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my attention. You may speak.

>> No.18409003


>> No.18409782

OP is a fag for a variety of reasons, but his sense of interior decor is not one of them. He has a cheap door-desk, a desklamp that he's trying to use as an area lamp, and some shitty brown kombucha and some orange juice. I don't know what about this picture suggests a sense of cohesive interior design or decoration.

>> No.18409788

Looks like it has no real world application so yeah.

>> No.18409807

All those Greeks but none of the correct ones. Complete and unadulterated cringe.

>> No.18409820

This looks like the one bookshelf that would be in hell.

>> No.18409825

This. Finally someone with taste.

>> No.18409831

>Jenkem in bottle
>Orange juice in glass

>> No.18410020

Anymore pics?

>> No.18410056

>he pulled gerson's and not mackenna's

>> No.18410141

lol fuck off you cheap cunt just admit you didn't want to pay extra for the spine print

>> No.18410258

Dustjackets block the forming of the One.

>> No.18410405

>tfw poorfag and will never be able own collections of proper editions of historical, religious, philosophical, etc books

>> No.18410444
File: 20 KB, 821x869, 9zvpqjt66up31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag too and I own one that I built up from buying used books and books from charity shops but yeah, it sucks when there's that particular book you want and it costs more than $10 used :(

>> No.18410500

>bible, "catholic edition"
How much more of a tyke can one be?

>> No.18410506

Why is the Gerson version so thick? Size 16 print? Two pages of footnotes per page of text?

>> No.18410747

The actual text of the Enneads is like 850 pages in total, and the footnotes usually take up 5-10% of the average page

>> No.18410776

where is the little shrine to the gods?

>> No.18410800

My great books of the western world version is 360 pages, though the text is spaced like the Bible.

>> No.18410898


Gerson's books are so fucking expensive though. The hardback version costs 187 US dollars, paperback 70.

>> No.18410973

You're so cringe. Pictures like that (and the fact itself of posting them) make me think I'm in the presence of an absolute pseud.

>> No.18411335

All yous are samefag. This guy writes his own reviews and the books are shite. My heart goes out to the guy and i wish he understood more people would read his stuff if he shilled them on reddit pretending to be a cancer patient or something

>> No.18411899

OP is clearly a chick

>> No.18412707

ok it's a nice setup

>> No.18412724


>> No.18412736

>an absolute pseud

>> No.18412778

Real libraries are made out of pdf files.

>> No.18413013
File: 173 KB, 1080x1080, 1616854765262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18413185

Where did you get these? based btw

>> No.18414150


>> No.18414174


>> No.18414191

You in the plato discord?

Also are you in academia? Im looking for fellow platonists in the academy.

>> No.18414205

this is the ideal small pp desk

>> No.18414211

sir, im afraid you are retarded

>> No.18414233

They are among us, anon. They always have been.

>> No.18414239

E-reader + Calibre, that is the way of the frugal reader anon

Anybody else have Calibre libraries? We should get together and share sometime

>> No.18414242

>in academia
Extremely cringe.

>> No.18414243


>> No.18414257

How else do I get paid to read Plato.

>> No.18414281

You can though. If you do the maths on even expensive books like Pléiade you will see that it doesn't work out to much cash at all. For example, Pléiade Rousseau Tome 1 is about 2000 pages and costs maximum 35 euro used. Assuming you read 80 pgs a day and take a day off once a week, you'll get through the book in about a month, i.e. a cost of a little more than a euro per day. I don't believe that you cannot set aside that amount of money for reading.

And of course, this is worst case scenario economics, and in most editions are cheaper than pléiade.

>> No.18414293

Are you the Platonism General poster? or do you wish you were?

>> No.18414303

not him but its quite difficult for a third worlder who would have to import most of those

>> No.18414381

Where can I get this? I'm in the EU

>> No.18414386

You can't

>> No.18414403

Why not?

>> No.18415057

Just look up "Kava". Its technically a drug of some sort. I'll go have some kava tea, actually...
Maybe its illegal in the EU. I wouldn't know, I'm an amerimutt.

>> No.18415099

Yeah I do that too but I also like having a collection
A collection of slightly damaged paperbacks but a collection nonetheless...

>> No.18415181

The best library is the one you have with you

>> No.18415357

The true library is the friends you make along the way

>> No.18415377

Does anyone else have a problem with collecting things especially books?
I'm not a hoarder but I really do like buying nice books

>> No.18415722

unequivocally the king of lit

>> No.18415850

very cozy