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18405346 No.18405346 [Reply] [Original]

I was never taught anything about it in school. I can make a short list of the facts I know about SA:
-Colonized by the Spanish
-Brazil 4th most populous country
-Pablo Escobar
-I take it Simone Bolivar is something akin to some country's George Washington
-Christ the Redeemer
-Falklands War
-Incas (Aztecs are CA I believe?)
-Che is from Argentina
-Peron, I understand was something of a benevolent dictator?
Thats it folks. Recommend me some reading to better understand this continent, its countries and its history. The appeal to me is that I would be filling a black hole in my knowledge of the world, everything I would read would be new.

>> No.18405468


>> No.18406436



>> No.18406455

That place is a shithole that is the reason this site is so putrid. So many known demented posters are verifiable from one of those sweaty hellholes.

>> No.18406472

start with the spaniards

>> No.18406482
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Did you read the Ode /HispLit/ wrote for you? :3

>> No.18406499

>Colonized by the Spanish
Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese, my dear ameridumb friend

>> No.18406503

Tectonically inaccurate.

>> No.18406519

>North America was colonized by the English
>no retard, Louisiana was colonized by the French!

>> No.18406582



>> No.18406917


>> No.18407034 [DELETED] 

>Aztecs are CA I believe
North America, actually. Geographically speaking.

>> No.18407049

>Geographically speaking.

In what other could it be?

>> No.18407056


Shit fuck, look what you made me do, dumbass.

>> No.18407064

You are also forgetting about Quebec, the whole country of Mexico and most of the southern US states which were not colonized by the British. Forget learning about South America, maybe learn about your own continent first.

>> No.18407065 [DELETED] 

Mesoamerica. Culturally speaking.

>> No.18407072 [DELETED] 

>-Peron, I understand was something of a benevolent dictator?
No, he was mediocre.

>> No.18407087

Not the same thing. Brazil was Portuguese all the time.

>> No.18407187

>History of the Villa Imperial de Potosí
incredible autistic and "borgesian"

>> No.18407251

>I take it Simone Bolivar is something akin to some country's George Washington
Simon Bolivar is the "George Washington" (Thought that's a massively oversimplified comparison), of six different countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia (hence the name), and Panama (because it used to be part of Colombia).
>Colonized by the Spanish
It's worth understanding that in South America, the indigenous people still make up a much larger percentage of the population and have much greater influence over politics and culture than in North America, (with the exceptions of Argentina and Chile, which despite the memes are in fact white-as-fuck), so you're going to have to learn a bit about the indigenous history of the continent first. This is ESPECIALLY true when it comes to Peru, and Bolivia, where the Colonial regimes were really just Hispanophone-Catholic reskinnings of the precolonial Incan civilization.
It's also worth noting that virtually all of the countries in the continent broke off around the same time (1810-1830), as a side-effect of Napoleon's conquest of Spain and Portugal, and as a result, the various wars of independence all intersected in weird ways, which makes it kind of impossible to study any of these wholly individually (with the possible exception of Brazil).

>> No.18407283 [DELETED] 
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Argies are pretty mixed, as are Chileans. They're just paler but definitely not "white-as-fuck" in the European/Anglo sense.

>> No.18407386

And then there are the Guianas and Suriname. Brazil has always been overwhelmingly Portuguese (+ natives and African slaves), but we had French and Dutch colonies here for a small period of time, got some territories from the Spaniards and Spanish colonies during our expansion west and then accepted a whole bunch of immigrants from all over the world in the last century which is where the whole "the Brazilian south is all white Germanic immigrants" meme comes from, and where the fact that we got the biggest Japanese population outside of Japan comes from.

>> No.18407400 [DELETED] 

Brazil is currently 2/3 black-blooded. It's not Portuguese anymore.

>> No.18407429

Sure. I typed in a hurry but basically we're mostly a mix of Portuguese + Native Americans + Africans.

>> No.18407519

Since no one actually helped you, here: have a quick rundown of Brazilian History:
>1500: get discovered by the Portuguese.
Nothing major happens because they were more interested in the Indian trade route, only a few plantations along the coast.
>18th century: gold is found inland. Something starts to happen.
>1808: the king of Portugal flees Napoleon. The only time an European monarch goes to an American colony. Brazil get the status of United Kingdom.
>1822: after the king returns to Portugal, his son declares independence of the Empire of Brazil. Now they pacified the republican movements and successfully control both countries.
The next king, Dom Pedro II, is arguably the best ruler in Brazilian History.
>1864-70: Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay wreck Paraguay. Except for a reluctant participation in WW2, the only military conflict in the history of Brazil.
>1888: the British pressure for the abolition of slavery. People get so mad that republic is proclaimed in a military coup.
10 times more Africans were brought to Brazil and the abolition took 20 years longer than in the US. Even though inequality here is still higher, racial relations are incomparably better. Mostly because the Portuguese fucked every pussy they found.
>1937: the republic was kinda fake. Unfavoured elites do a military coup that turns Brazil into a fascist-inspired dictatorship, with some welfare and workers rights.
Vargas, the dictator, is arguably the best ruler in Brazilian history.
>1945: pressure from the USA ends the dictatorship, because fascism bad. First actual democracy.
>1964: pressure from the USA turns Brazil into another military dictatorship, because red scare. The presidents are elected by closed committee.
>1985: the military dictatorship ends with an agreement because they got bored. Conveniently followed by hyper-inflation.
>1994: hyper-inflation ends, economy starts growing fast.
Lula is arguably the best ruler in Brazilian history.
>2012: Brazil thinks it's finally going somewhere.
>Now: it ain't.

Beware that Brazilian history is very distinct from its hispanic neighbors'. They had revolutions, civil wars, wars of independence, bloody coups, people getting throne from air planes, left-wing and right-wing militias, schizophrenic dictators... We didn't have any of that. We just lay around, kill each other for petty crimes and fuck to death with the object of creating the ultimate raceless mob.

>> No.18407612

Kek it didn't take too long

>> No.18407700

Now, since this is a literature board, a few historical-novel recommendations that I don't expect you to actually follow:

>Jorge Amado:
You're not going to learn anything from him, but it's the easiest to find a translation into any language.

>An Invincible Memory (Viva o Povo Brasileiro), by João Ubaldo
Actually good. It will teach you that every Brazilian that calls himself white is lying.

>Time and the Wind, Érico Veríssimo
If you want to learn the history of the southern states, where the people call themselves white.

>Crimes of August, by Rubem Fonseca
It's about the time when Vargas, the fascist-inspired dictator, got re-elected (democratically, this time), but then killed himself because the press is shit.

Now, for some actually good writers, Machado de Assis wrote mostly during the Empire and Lima Barreto during the first republic.

look, Portugal is a small country, they didn't have the manpower necessary to control such a vast territory. Having mutt bastards was of strategical importance.

>> No.18407702

Only things you need to know about SA
>Brazil numéro um
>Argentina is not white
>Fuck Argentina
>chileans and uruguayans are cool and can share a second place behind Brazil

>> No.18407753

Any contemporary understanding is going to need a book exclusively devoted to US involvement. Lots of CIA and private business backed coups and proxy wars that's resulted in the state SA is now.

>> No.18408029

This is better applied for Central America. Yes, it's true, but must be approached with caution. It has be understood that in most cases, local elites had more to gain than the US. In the case of Brazil, for example, the relations with the US were closer during the democratic period of 1945-1964 than during the dictatorships preceding and following it. Yes, they learned torture techniques at the School of Americas, and Kennedy said he would support the coup, but the Brazilian military also started importing Ladas, developing a Brazilian nuclear program and were (still are) extremely paranoid that the Americans would take the amazon. It's really easy (and left wing South Americans do it all the time) to blame the all encompassing CIA for everything, but reality is more complex than that.
The Latin-American oligarchs are as old as powerful as the US's oligarchs.
But, in any case, we're never sure. It can be said that the 2016 impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, the "Car-Wash" anti-corruption investigation and the election of Bolsonaro was all a campaign lead by American think-tanks to stop the PT-Odebrecht imperialist plans in Latin-America and Africa and break the state-monopoly on oil just as soon as all the infrastructure was already built. I dunno. Can be.

In any case, any decent history book on SA in the 20th century already covers all the confirmed stuff. This is not a mystery to any educated South American, at least.
And you should not forget all the British shenanigans in the 19th century. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be surprised if we still had slavery well into the 20th century.

>> No.18408268

Well said
Lula Livre

>> No.18408321

You should learn about the real 9/11

>> No.18408367

god damn, i knew you were embarrassingly retarded but holy shit

>> No.18408429

> Lula livre

Deus me livre

>> No.18408543

I can give you something about Chile: their southern natives, called mapuches, were the only natives in south america that resisted the colonizing invasion. Spaniards had to make their way through a hundred years of parliaments to "conquer" the land. This is mostly because of the mapuche warrior Lautaro, who serviced the spaniard colonizer Pedro de Valdivia and learned everything he could about Spanish warfare, specially how to evade cannons and muskets. Lautaro was an impressive warrior that teached his knowledge to the rest of the mapuches and they won over the spaniards every single time. If you can get your hands on some chilean history, look for the time of the Spanish conquest, it's worth a reading

>> No.18408552

Kek, what a masterpiece

>> No.18408554
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That sounds really good, too bad there is no English translation. Guess I'll have to learn 18th century Spanish.

>> No.18408618
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That's largerly a myth. Sergio Villalobos wrote a book debunking the myth of the War of Arauco.
Anyway, for anyone interested in Chilean history, these are the ones I recommend:
>Historia de Chile desde la prehistoria hasta 1891, by Francisco Antonio Encina
This one is the longest book ever written about the history of any Hispanic American country. Since it is pretty expensive to buy the 20 volumes, you can read the abridged version done by Castedo.
>Historia de Chile by Luis Galdames
There's an English translation you can find even on Wikipedia.
>La Guerra del Pacífico by Gonzalo Bulnes
Can find it on Memoria Chilena. Francisco Antonio Encina praised it as one of the best history books ever written on Hispanic America.
>Un Mundo que se fue, by Eduardo Balmaceda Valdés
About the life in Chile at the end of the 19th Century and beginning of the 20th.
>Vida Fronteriza, by Sergio Villalobos
An article that esmytifies the War of Arauco.
>Ensayo histórico sobre la noción de Estado en Chile en los siglos XIX y XX, by Mario Góngora
One of the best books ever written about the history of Chile, atleast to my judgement. It explains how the Chilean State was formed, and what role it played on the formation of the Chilean nation.

>> No.18408623

The founder of Chile was Irish.

>> No.18408661
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The founder of Chile was from Extremadura

>> No.18408695

El Poder Político en Colombia by Fernando Guillen

>> No.18408702

Oh you don't know spanish. Then checkout The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself

>> No.18408837

>Lula is arguably the best ruler in Brazilian history.
lmao tankie

>> No.18408858

>Vida Fronteriza, by Sergio Villalobos
I will check it out, thanks anon, I hope it doesn't kill my child fantasies about Lautaro

>> No.18408979

>18th century Spanish
that's just modern Spanish
The book is super boring and interesting at the same time, first half is like a imagined history of the city, the guy invented sources and books a là Borges. Second half is an autistic recounting of the city's life, who married who, what day hailed or snowed and so.

>> No.18409002

I'm not the one arguing it.

>> No.18409127

This was very good, thank you anon.

>> No.18409324

Some people don't like Villalobos for being too biased against Mapuches. He consider them as nothing else but alcoholics, lazy and violent people. Even some academics call him racist. So read it but be aware of this

>> No.18409340
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>Tectonically inaccurate.
Imagine being such a dumb nigger as yourself.

>> No.18409687

oh no, you could say so of modern mapuches but not back then, maybe lazy in a "living the life" sense but they had a well knitted social, political and militar life and they were violent only when the spaniard was begging for it. I hope he doesn't take that bias to their military developments

>> No.18409997
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While you're at it listen to some songs

>> No.18410167

Get a history book.

>> No.18410207

bro he literally said a king and a dictator were arguably the best rulers too

>> No.18410762

Why do you write in all caps? Genuine question

>> No.18410846

I'm thinking of writing my own history of this region. I'm not native to these parts but I think it'll be a funny experiment.

>> No.18412027

>No Spain colonized it
>No Portugal colonized it
Did none hear of Treaty of Tordesillas?

>> No.18412130

Chileans are a bunch of sissy retards, brazilians and argies are based.

>> No.18412358

why did this post >>18406436 make retards seethe?

>> No.18412404

>with the exceptions of Argentina and Chile, which despite the memes are in fact white-as-fuck
And Uruguay, which is actually the whitest American country, even more so than Canada now.

>> No.18412832

Hi my white as fuck friend, how are things going on that shithole?

>> No.18413745
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