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File: 243 KB, 960x1512, lit esotericism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18404417 No.18404417 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who've gone the "greenpill" route, when did it start making sense? Which books helped you tie everything together and figure out the right path?
How are you supposed to find the truth when there are so many contradictory opinions that all make sense in these books?

>> No.18404423
File: 1.18 MB, 2952x3047, e0a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tao Te Ching
>Stephen Mitchell
That chart looks incredibly stupid

>> No.18404443

What is this? Everytime I think I've understood everyone's beliefs there's some new pill that gets added. What the fuck is Esotericism?

>> No.18404459
File: 3.06 MB, 900x4100, lit esotericism greenpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the charts are kinda dumb but I just assume the most frequently mentioned books and authors are the ones worth checking

>> No.18404462

It's an old meme newfag

>> No.18404467

tao te ching is fucking based, the chart in the OP is good
this is tin foil hat shit

>> No.18404479
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x3004, lit esotericism gatekeepers remorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18404546
File: 1.24 MB, 1056x1184, 1611018377783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is Esotericism?
Hidden knowledge basically, all these charts are more or less about figuring out the nature of reality and the truth for yourself.

>> No.18404589

Who dude
I'm like
Did you know fractals repeat?

>> No.18404603

>Did you know repeating things repeat
*Mind* absolutely fucking *blown*

>> No.18404614

If you think Stephen Mitchell's interpretation is good than idk what to tell you

>> No.18404616

>figuring out the nature of reality and the truth for yourself.
You could spend your whole life reading all these books. Or you could meditate on one sentence that will unlock the secret.
>There's no God but God

>> No.18404625

Reading a smorgasbord of Buddhist lit and westerners fetishising mystical words to make up for their lapsed Catholicism won't bring enlightenment.
What will is reading Spengler and realizing that different cultures have different truths, hence why Zen will always be alien and flat to the Westerner and you will never meet anyone who's read all these books who wasn't unhinged and a failure at life.

>> No.18404637

>What will is reading Spengler and realizing that different cultures have different truths
In what way?

>> No.18404652

I agree that westerners taking up eastern faiths doesn't work well.
I disagree that reading books makes you a failure and that enlightenment can't be attained.

>> No.18404749

Read Spengler and find out :')

>> No.18404757

Enlightenment is a thoroughly eastern concept

>> No.18404760

Which book?

>> No.18404782

It has western equivalents, I used that term for convenience.

>> No.18404839

Decline of The West lays it out perfectly. He shows that there are different worldviews, even different mathematics per culture and that our worldview has been warped largely by viewing ourselves as "inheritors of the Classical world when in reality we are merely it's admirers"

>> No.18404849

>Decline of The West
Anyone else annoyed by these decline of the west type titles? People have been writing this for hundreds of years and so far the west is still here

>> No.18404853

Thanks, anon. Though I'm not sure what is meant with "different mathematics per culture" as mathematics is universal, but I guess I'll find out in the book.

>> No.18404862

What the fuck is the green pill?

>> No.18404897

take meds

>> No.18404921

acquire soul

>> No.18404977


>Tao te ching is shit
>X interpretation is shit

So which one is it ? Tao te ching is shit or someone's interpretation of tao te ching ?

>> No.18404987

I never said the Tao Te Ching is shit, it's one of the most profound books I've ever read.
I just don't want people to look at the chart, think they're meant to get Stephen Mitchell's interpretation and go away thinking they're reading a translation of the text.

>> No.18405111

Yeah it's a shit title which even Spengler admitted to. The German literally translates as "Undergoing of the West" (Untergang) and if you've studied Thus Spake Zarathustra, you'll know of the philosophical implications of using that word. Something which many modern scholars seem to overlook

>> No.18405248

>nobody answered the OP questions so far

>> No.18405340

Esotericism threads used to be more active, what killed them?

>> No.18405344

OP you should read The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction

>> No.18405362

Thanks, is it the best book to give an overarching view of esotericism? There's also Manly P. Hall's book, it's often recommended
Are eastern traditions also worth studying for the sake of breadth of understanding?

>> No.18405580


>> No.18406177

What's the best translation of the Tao Te Ching?

>> No.18406294

Bump for an actual answer to the OP

>> No.18406342
File: 47 KB, 670x377, 94ec0c3aa2a532dfeaf098544154ce7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste your time with the "Green Pill." Pic related makes one immune to any "beholdeness" that one might have clinging to them. The only people who enjoy these books are willingly spooked. They are in awe of a bunch of things that simply do not exist, to say nothing of existing "higher or lower" than oneself. Spooks. Imaginary shit that masquerades as "nonfiction." It's actually worse than fiction! It is a lie! Like "Schindler's List." Fiction that wants to lie to you about its genre.

Maximize the value of your property. Quit separating mind, body, and soul. Quit striving for an "ideal" that is only a few hundred years old, an "ideal" that has to be focus-grouped by European parliamentarians, and then watered down for Americans, is no ideal of my mine.

>> No.18406423
File: 3.50 MB, 1028x1580, A_Beginners_Guide_To_Ecophilosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the ecopill instead

>> No.18406486

Thousand you mean

>> No.18406524

Political philosophy is boring

>> No.18406609

And what ideal is that?

>if we get on our knees and chant some mumbo jumbo to this totem pole, JDSAHFLKHAGDFH the War God will bless us with many gifts (vague)

Hmm I'd choose somebody like Stirner any day of the week.

Scribbling into the dirt might make you feel like you did something, but at the end of the day, you just scribbled into the dirt and murmured (probably even mispronounced) some new-age garbage in order to try and cheat your way out of work. Even entertainment magicians who pull rabbits out of his hat for a living has more "magical credibility" than anyone in this thread mongering for power via channels that are meant to deceive and waste one's time.

>> No.18407101
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Filtered and also very embarrassing

>> No.18407156
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>> No.18407246


>> No.18407352
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>> No.18407371
File: 2.09 MB, 1542x701, 1623047408405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel King Solomon

>> No.18407409

I know about Raildex and FGO but recommending Crowley seems weird since the guy was mostly full of shit IRL

>> No.18407910

Why does Aleister have tits?

>> No.18408141

I like Victor Mair

>> No.18408247

Greenpill is just Robert Anton Wilson (extended edition).

>> No.18408522

Any translation that's an actual translation done by someone who can read Chinese

>> No.18409052
File: 201 KB, 893x496, ILLUMINATUS_Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you found the trilogy dull?
They should have wrote a great book with all the good ideas instead of 3 unnecessary volumes.

>> No.18409113

>reading anything by a CIA plant in 2021