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/lit/ - Literature

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18404435 No.18404435 [Reply] [Original]

How much have you read /lit/?


Alternate translations are permitted. If you've read more then half of a poetry/essay collection then you are allowed to count it. I have been confirmed as a pleb with only 43 :(

>> No.18404776

hard time believing its the western cannon when the dude forgot to put the bible in there

>> No.18404805


Bible (KJV) is on Bloom's list. The compiler on list challenges seems to have forgotten a few works.

>> No.18404843

A few hundreds.

>> No.18404871

Is two n's in canon some kind of meme or are you guys just retarded

>> No.18404893

>How much

>> No.18405051

methodically going through a "canon" sounds like a waste of time. I'd rather find authors I can resonate with and focus on their works instead.

>> No.18405074
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>> No.18405280
File: 47 KB, 480x640, western canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read probably 3% of his list but 70% of pic related :3

>> No.18405283

T. Hasn't read the book

>> No.18405330

I've read around 40, but his list is so full of mostly irrelevant English lit that I would not take it as a reference.

>> No.18406170

Am confirmed for retarded.

Canon is singular, so both much and many work no?

How much of the canon?
How many books in the canon?

It's a very good guidebook. You don't need to read every book considered a classic, but it's important to be aware of them. I don't follow lists either, but I guarantee that there are plenty of authors on Bloom's who will resonate with you.


Good for you anon!
I wish I had your confidence Mr. Gigachad.

>> No.18406183

imagine reading for pleasure

>> No.18407232
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>> No.18407790
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Random Gay Book Fan (You)
Western Canon Enjoyer (me)

>> No.18407800

who fucking cares about some hack critic. the western canon existed before Harold bloom you know? its the equivalent of discussing Anthony fantano

>> No.18407808

You're just comfy not being methodical. I don't defend all the books on the canon but I acknowledge the shoulders of Giants that are presented to me by Bloom, a literature professor (back when they were good at that), who assures me it will resonate with me: a Westerner.

>> No.18407821

Who cares about what some Michelin star chef has to say about food?
Cuisine existed long before cooking shows, bah! You're basically eating bacon and eggs presented to you by Guy Fieri

>> No.18407902

Michelin cooks are reviewing new restaurants. bloom is masturbating himself over fucking Shakespeare

>> No.18407961
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Considering I'm a young Zoomer fresh out of school and I read about twice as many works that would have almost made the list like Plato's Republic. I think I'm doin alright amidst the storm cloud of Amerigoblin stupidity. I'm not some Russian Classics baby like I wish I was but I'm struggling alright for myself.

>> No.18407987

I agree about Shakespeare
>makes dick jokes and illiterate people feel fancy
>Forgettable ghost stories
>Oh lmao he made fun of Jews once and still is taught in Jew schools because hes so gay

>> No.18408008
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Looks interesting.
I wouldn't mind looking into that!

>> No.18408037
File: 111 KB, 1706x810, Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 4.05.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this as a reading list for about two years, the goal is to finish by 2050

>> No.18408038

im not making a judgement on Shakespeare but saying that bloom is a waste of space

>> No.18408058

There has to be a canon collator. If it was E Michael Jones it would be all Catholic shit. Since it's Bloom presenting a case against the School of Resentment but that itself is lacking constructive inherent zeal to really rally people up to a cultural canon.
If only there was a watercolor painter who...

>> No.18408074


>> No.18408166
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>> No.18408170

oh fuck... i just logged my IP address on a glownigger website

>> No.18408215

i've read the entire 19th and 20th century american and russian lists respectively, and all of the greeks and romans

>> No.18408223
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why, pray tell, is Indian literature considered part of the Western canon?

>> No.18408272

because the translation of the indian epics in the 18th and 19th centuries is an important antecedent to much western lit from then and the 20th century. if you're reading thoreau without being familiar with the baghavad-gita, for example, you're missing out on an entire dimension of his thought

>> No.18408279

Yeah, """""""forgotten"""""""

>> No.18408293

2050 might be pretty ambitious, there are some real doorstoppers that have single line entries. like the collected short stories of henry james takes up something like 5 LOA volumes

>> No.18408326


>> No.18408361

142, impressive list actually thanks for listing. I just read stuff in my dad’s library my goal is to have a library as good as his when I’m his age.

>> No.18408375

me too

>> No.18408485

Yeah, it's a lot and I expect to probably fail within the decade but it's fun to have a grand project and however much I end up reading I'll have read some great books

>> No.18408716

That's not the point, how can you say you truly love a book if you won't even try to understand the author on a more intimate level?

>> No.18408726 [DELETED] 

To elaborate a bit more, for example what can you say you truly understand about McCarthy's style by beelining straight towards Blood Meridian and enjoying a good chunk of his other works?

>> No.18408733

To elaborate a bit more, for example what can you say you truly understand about McCarthy's style by beelining straight towards Blood Meridian and ignoring a good chunk of his other works?

>> No.18409313

you absolutely will, it's a really solid list. good luck!

>> No.18409319

did kantbot lose weight?

>> No.18409737

Reads like you think people are supposed to Only read the canon. Canon means having read these books is the absolute baseline for an educated westerner, a point to start from.

>> No.18409752

You're a fucking retard, Bloom is a base critic who drastically falls short of others that came before him. No one takes him seriously outside of psueds on /lit/ that get mad at other people for not "reading the western canon!!" while they do minimal reading and play video games all day anyway. Reactionaries will always have terrible lit criticisms.

>> No.18409838

Sorry I didn't catch anyone else before the world got censored into a steaming pile of apeshit, asshole.

>> No.18409860

Lots of irrelevant poets and political/compensatory picks. I give it a 7/10.

>> No.18409862

That's too precise for the use case of a canon being urged to the public being force fed the school of Resentment which is the resisting purpose of his canon. It's not the best top 30 authoritative list of all time. It's just a collation of recommendations to endure the heckling of university kikes so young readers like me can still pretend to have the peaceful time to make it to pleasure reading as if the culture didn't immolate into twerking smithereens.

>> No.18409867

Jane Austen is basically country club Nicki Minaj

>> No.18409874

>its the equivalent of discussing Anthony fantano
>Renown academic with a lifelong passion about literature who has penned dozens of books vs youtuber
You really need to go back

>> No.18409882

Tbh I discuss Anthony Fantano to an unhealthy degree. I made many memes of him and Sam Hyde around 2016.

>> No.18409894
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What would be the /lit/ patrician supremacist canon?

>> No.18409900

Name one other. Better yet a handful

>> No.18409908

No women, no niggers, nothing published after 1985, simple as

>> No.18409921

I just realized I need to buy a rocking chair asap
Also gonna start smoking again

>> No.18409944
File: 1 KB, 60x60, harold-bloom-writers-photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T.S Eliot
Ezra Pound
Samuel Butler
Jean-Paul Sartre
John Updike
Hugh Kenner

>> No.18409948

And yet after reading the first two chapters of his defense of the western canon I got nothing out of it I couldn't have learned from a wikipedia skim. Compared to other literary criticisms it's really lacking, his chapter on Dante was pitiful.

>> No.18410019

I googled em all + canon and didn't find anything except TS Elliot having one obscure paper on the Ideology of Canon Formation.
Looks like no one but Bloom bothered to reach out to the public at large to suggest a canon and everyone you listed was content to aim their discussion among literary critics. That's keeping the circle closed. Such a public announcement is crucial and scarce and makes Bloom unique though not among Literature professors.

>> No.18410060

I don't give a shit about the "canon", you asked for literary critics and I gave you some. The fact that you had to Google most of those is embarrassing, how have you not heard of T.S Eliot or Ezra Pound?

All of them have notable literary criticisms from most of the authors included in Blooms book, most notably the poets like Dante and Shakespeare, and they write at a far more academic level. Without having to shamelessly repeat the concept of the western canon repeatably, Hugh Kenner discusses at length how Homer, and Dante etc. Greatly impacted literature. Buzzwords are for undergrads, be better.

>> No.18410098

I don't give a shit about your critics I came here for the canon. Looks like you're one of those English majors who can't communicate in English

>> No.18410101

Literally no one gives a shit about your critics but your critics themselves

>> No.18410101,1 [INTERNAL] 

>guys my hecking western canon is not being defended enough!! Guys I need to talk about the canon without actually reading any of the works so people will think I'm smart!!