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18400495 No.18400495 [Reply] [Original]

What books should an autist read to become normal?

>> No.18400502

Define autist, define normal.

>> No.18400505 [DELETED] 

Normal is shit.

You'll end up serving the femholes and jews in one way or other.

>> No.18400518


The lsd section

>> No.18400878

Cause I have a bunch of d-lysergamide just laying around

>> No.18400890

Kandi flip

>> No.18401014

reading books won't give you practical experience.

go out on the street and ask a random person for the time. or talk about the weather (as cliche as it may sound).
If things are turning awkward, thank them and wish them a good day.

repeat until you feel less like an autist

>> No.18401382

I don't have access to anything.
I have plenty experience trying to talk about menial shit at work and at different points in life and at the end of the day it just makes me wanna blow my brains out because both them and I know I am forcing interest and faking enjoyment

>> No.18401420

no one wants to be around you vs someone wants to be around you
Normal is the dream. Imagine enjoying human interaction. Imagine people liking you.

>> No.18401444

depends on how you define autist, but stop identifying with the label and improve on your flaws, accept not being perfect, have introspection and become confident in who you are as a person. this is actually what normalfags mean with "be yourself" they just can't articulate it.
if you are going to dress like a faggot you are going to feel like one too. these terms shouldn't exist and people who diagnose kids this way should be shot in the back of the head for damaging entire generations.

>> No.18401503

>stop identifying with the label
Why? This is a bundle of actual traits that applies to me. It's not some made up xenogender shit
>and improve on your flaws, accept not being perfect,
Now this is rather contradictive.
>have introspection
I'm constantly introspecting as to why I am such a fuckup and what I am doing wrong. It's more exhausting than anything.
>and become confident in who you are as a person.
Confidence is earned.
>this is actually what normalfags mean with "be yourself" they just can't articulate it.

>> No.18401631

this entire post is whats wrong with you

>Why? This is a bundle of actual traits that applies to me. It's not some made up xenogender shit
because if you are going to keep calling yourself it your life will mold to that created identity you are a retarded cuck who probably tells people hes a quirky sperg and now you're surprised people treat you like one

>I'm constantly introspecting as to why I am such a fuckup and what I am doing wrong. It's more exhausting than anything.
durr im a retard who hates himself and has terrible self image that means i look into myself really good right

>confidence is earned
it isn't really, its all in your head, but you can get rid of insecurity by actually removing the cause where applicable, like exercise if fat or skinny, improving social skills, education, anything. if you can't change it then there is no logic in caring so deeply about it, spend more energy in maxing out something else.

>> No.18401669

There's no cure for autism, or even effective treatment. Just learn how to not be distressed by it. Personally, I joined the National Socialist movement and have never been happier.

>> No.18401673

>because if you are going to keep calling yourself it your life will mold to that created identity you are a retarded cuck who probably tells people hes a quirky sperg and now you're surprised people treat you like one
Wrong. I'm fighting to hide my powerlevel every day (to whatever effect). For a long time I was in denial about being autistic, until this year it became unbearably clear where I stand.
>durr im a retard who hates himself and has terrible self image that means i look into myself really good right
So introspection to you is just thinking about how awesome you are? Congratulations I guess.
>it isn't really, its all in your head, but you can get rid of insecurity by actually removing the cause where applicable, like exercise if fat or skinny, improving social skills, education, anything. if you can't change it then there is no logic in caring so deeply about it, spend more energy in maxing out something else.
You say it isn't earned and then you go on listing things I can do to earn it.
Not that I can while having a job because all my energy goes to spaghetti management.

>> No.18401683

I've been looking into politics both left and right. In the end I can't deal with the herd mentality and hypocrisy so I just stopped caring.

>> No.18401731

if you really can't change something then there is no reason to worry about it
if you can, then change it. your take on confidence is just an expression of insecurity since you think confidence is what other people think of you, like i said, if that is the case then you can improve your actual confidence partly by improving things that in your head, make people look down on you to get a bit more comfort in your skin, but thats only a small bit compared to just accepting who you are and accepting your flaws while also improving on them the best you can.
you never had any intention of changing your mind and just wanted to whine here though so this will be my final post.

>> No.18401835

>Why? This is a bundle of actual traits that applies to me.
So you're just a self diagnosed retard who thinks because he's awkward and introverted he has genuine autism. Does that sound right?

>> No.18401883

>if you really can't change something then there is no reason to worry about it
It is because the endpoint for me is homelessness as I won't be able too keep my job from impending burnout. Already happened once and left a big hole in my work history.
>if you can, then change it. your take on confidence is just an expression of insecurity since you think confidence is what other people think of you, like i said, if that is the case then you can improve your actual confidence partly by improving things that in your head, make people look down on you to get a bit more comfort in your skin, but thats only a small bit compared to just accepting who you are and accepting your flaws while also improving on them the best you can.
Confidence is derived from acheivement. Acheivement can only exist in relation to something else. And I don't get anywhere with my agario scores or whatever. Accepting who I am is accepting I am autistic.
Also again with this thing where I am to accept my flaws, yet try to rid myself of them. Fascinating.
>you never had any intention of changing your mind and just wanted to whine here though so this will be my final post.
Thanks for giving normie advice.

>> No.18401911

You make it sound like genuine autists are some kind of unicorns that may or may not make a post on 4chan every hundred years.
Hate to break it to you but this website is an autist hotspot.

>> No.18401964

Buy some from the Darknet with bitcoin.
Mushrooms legit cured my mild aspergers and taught me empathy with the world.

>> No.18401966

confidence and self esteem aren't the same thing but they overlap, your problem really is you are a pathetic faggot who lets others define him and identify as an unchangable specialty as a coping mechanism for your cuckoldry. you need to accept this and then you can actually take steps to change it.
and realise you can improve things without having to be the number one or even average in them, and be satisfied with it, not comparing yourself to people because its meaningless.
you think you're so smart but you're just retarded and a bitch, my life is almost certainly worse than yours but you assume im a "normie" because of your default submissive fag mentality. go do something or you might aswell be a tranny.

>> No.18401986

Autism is like the new ADD. I'm sure there are some people here who are noticeably off and developmentally stunted like Chris Chan or worse but so many people that are generally normal are being diagnosed with it since they decided to make it a "spectrum".

>> No.18402085

I'll bite.

You don't want to become normal. You want to go above normal and then dial down your social savviness and appear normal. You almost never go "meta". In other words, once you see and understand social dynamics, you keep your mouth shut. You play the game, but don't explain the mechanics of the game to others. That would be autistic. The good news is that your tendency for autism (analysis and overthinking, really) will help you as long as you put the theory in practice.

I can almost certainly tell you're a guy. Evolutionarily women understand social cues better than men. So if you want to skyrocket your social skills you'll have to do something unorthodox. Can you guess what it is?

Learn Game and sleep with many women.

No, I'm not advising you to become the "slimy", "rapey" stereotype of PUA you're thinking of. Rather, you want to become the charismatic, charming, and socially aware guy that women drop their panties for. The guy that gives girls the tingles. Once you "crack" women, you crack most social interactions as a corollary. By going on dates you will be FORCED to internalise not just ordinary social skills that most normies possess, but go beyond them because most normies are TERRIBLE with women and women, evolutionarily, are better at this. If you're dedicated, you can become good in 6-12 months time.

Focus on Evolutionary Psychology and Power Dynamics. Stop reading Aristotle, Kant, and J. Stuart Mill, and anything that came out of the Western Canon in general. Philosophy makes you dumb and stunts the growth of your social skills. The important bit is to not get stuck in theory and put it in practice as you read the theory. Once you've reached social nirvana, you can get off /lit/ for good and quit being such a miserable faggot.

And to anyone that's interested in books on Evolutionary Psychology and Power Dynamics, reply to this post.

>> No.18402126

Delivered to your irl address? Seems risky af
Not to mention you won't know if the shit you get is the actual thing and not pure anthrax
>confidence and self esteem aren't the same thing but they overlap, your problem really is you are a pathetic faggot who lets others define him and identify as an unchangable specialty as a coping mechanism for your cuckoldry. you need to accept this and then you can actually take steps to change it.
How can you define yourself with no point of reference? Am I to cherrypick or what?
>and realise you can improve things without having to be the number one or even average in them, and be satisfied with it, not comparing yourself to people because its meaningless.
Having a normal social life would be enough for me. As it is, it is impossible because people are hostile by default, because they pick up I act, think and talk weird. They take my autistic hestiance as rudeness and laziness. Not to mention we have nothing in common.
>you think you're so smart but you're just retarded and a bitch, my life is almost certainly worse than yours but you assume im a "normie" because of your default submissive fag mentality. go do something or you might aswell be a tranny.
Nothing truly bad can have happened in your life because you still seem to think problems can be confidenced away. I'm long past that phase.

Well neither psychiatrists nor in casuals refer to autism as being exclusively Chris-Chan tier types. So I'm not sure why you would champion this view at all.

>> No.18402183

>Well neither psychiatrists nor in casuals refer to autism as being exclusively Chris-Chan tier types.
That's not what I'm saying either though Chris Chan himself (or herself if you want) could've turned out okay if they had a better upbringing.

My point is that the criteria for diagnosis of autism has become so loose that at this point a significant proportion of the population could probably be considered in some sense autistic.

>> No.18402188

I honestly can't tell if this is a joke post or not.
Having to always consciously process social cues before responding will always make me seem "off". Or "creepy" as your average female would put it. Even if I had encyclopedic knowledge of all approprate responses.

>> No.18402203

>That's not what I'm saying either though Chris Chan himself (or herself if you want) could've turned out okay if they had a better upbringing.
Personally I'm team Nature > Nurture
>My point is that the criteria for diagnosis of autism has become so loose that at this point a significant proportion of the population could probably be considered in some sense autistic.
And what of it?

>> No.18402235

>And what of it?
Because at that point you might as well label actual autists with a new name altogether because then you have legions of special snowflake retards who like to think all their problems are due to being autistic and not just normal character flaws or aspects of their personality.

>> No.18402260

1. don't consider yourself autistic anymore
2. read what books you like
4. you're no longer seen as having autism

>> No.18402267

I'm not at all opposed to the idea of utilizing different terms for different degrees of severity and types of symptoms and so on, but for the time being, it's all autism.
Though I don't understand what the distinction between "normal character flaws", "aspects of personality" and autism would be. Autism is simply a set of "normal character flaws" and "aspects of personality" that are dysfunctional enough and common enough to warrant a diagnostical term.

>> No.18402290

I wrote earlier ITT I didn't even consider myself autistic for the longest time. It's only recently I've given in to this humiliating reality of my being.
Still, I had the same problems then as I do now, and of the same severity as well. Nothing has changed really.

>> No.18402310

You're talking to a guy that once thought was "autistic" and fixed it in the way I outlined in that post. It's probably the most important post you'll read in this thread. You just don't get it yet. Most autistic people on the internet are not autistic, they just have poor social skills.

I can already tell that you're inexperienced just by seeing how you dismissed my post as a "joke". ANYBODY that has gone through the same process WILL attest that it skyrocketed their social skills. It's unavoidable. You will become more social.

>Having to always consciously process social cues before responding will always make me seem "off". Or "creepy" as your average female would put it. Even if I had encyclopedic knowledge of all approprate responses.

The theory has many moving pieces, so if you focus on too many things at once, yes, you could come across as "creepy" or "awkward" or INCONGRUENT. But you have to go through that initial phase to become better. This is common sense. This is classic case of fear of rejection that's holding you back. As you get better, you will eventually become "outcome independent" which is a good state to be in with women, social interactions, and life in general. Non-attachment. You won't mind being turned down. You get used to it. You grow thicker skin.

But it's your life. So it's up to you.

I can tell you just one thing--the path I outlined has changed thousands of lives of men and WILL change your life if you go down this rabbit hole. Just don't get stuck in the theory. There's a reason they call it the "anger phase" (evo psych angers a lot of men and it's not pretty).

>> No.18402328

Build your charisma faggot.

>> No.18402335

Not that I think it isn't bullshit, but point me to a decent resource and I'll look into it

>> No.18402344

When you buy LSD they are very discrete, it's something you can slip in between a nook and nobody would know without careful searching.
Legit sellers know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.18402345

Have you ever seen an autistic trying to act "charismatic"? Trust me it's better not to.

>> No.18402356

How do you know who is legit?

>> No.18402363

Use the autism you have to research who's legit and what to avoid. This isn't difficult, an idiot like me has done this.

>> No.18402365

Atomic habits.

>> No.18402372

Reddit unironically used to be the go-to place for this, they've all gone underground and now there's reddit-like alternatives that you can do research.

>> No.18402396

How do you find these? Are there darkweb search engines?
Looks interesting.

>> No.18402398

Motherfucker, I live in a shithole household, an was bullied for a significant part of my school career, and could barely order food at a fucking restaurant, and yet despite all that, I can now not only hold a conversation with multiple people, but am now making friends, going to parties.
I have seen the depths of loneliness and isolation. Charisma is key to escaping it and thriving in the world

>> No.18402420

So you were a normie facing temporary hardship, big deal. I've yet to see a single autist with genuine charisma.

>> No.18402423

What books do you recommend?

>> No.18402434

I'm anything but.
I just learned the key of Charisma.
You need to break this victim mentality in order to advance in life, otherwise you grow into a bitter, spiteful man

>> No.18402448

>Mushrooms legit cured my mild aspergers and taught me empathy with the world.
awesome, how much did you take and any other tips for tripping?

(I've only done acid and would probably do shrooms solo)

>> No.18402452

>the key of Charisma
Is this some shitty subscrition website you are advertising?

>> No.18402472

Here's the reading material off the top of my head.

What you read:

1) Rollo Tomassi's "The Rational Male" 1st and 2nd books (he has 4 volumes, but the first 2 are the essential)
2) Heartiste On Game
3) The Mystery Method (some theory and practical stuff, might be a bit dated but still legit)
4) Roosh V's "Bang" (practical stuff)
5) 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green
6) Read the side bars of /r/asktrp/ and /r/TheRedPill/ (Overlaps with a lot of the above)

What you do:

If you're out of shape: lift weights until you aren't. Get to 15% of body fat with a reasonable amount of muscle mass (you don't have to be jacked). Women in general prefer a "swimmer's body". Get a haircut every 3-4 weeks. Whiten your teeth if they are yellow. Pluck that unibrow.

Download Tinder, Bumble, and other dating apps. Get PROFESSIONAL photos done. I don't mean you have to wear a suit. I mean you need QUALITY photos. If you're low on budget, ask a friend or hire a student that will do it for cheap.

On dating apps you will practice what is called "Text Game". This is 2021 and you must know how to text girls. Forget about "pick up lines" for a while. It's about understanding social and power dynamics that underlie interactions with women. You will practice how to tease, push and pull, pass "shit tests" etc. over text first. Once your body is on point, you go on dates. A lot of dates. Think volume. The best of the best close 10% of women. "Closing" here means sleeping with a woman. It means you will have to talk to 10 girls to sleep with 1, or 100 to sleep with 10. If you know what you're doing. Your odds of success will be lower at first as you may already guess, so keep things in perspective. What you do on first dates is very important and most guys screw it up. But that's another can of worms I don't have time to go into now. As you become better at this you'll become more autonomous and think for yourself.

Got tired of typing. I'm off to bed. I'll check the thread for replies later.

>> No.18402475

>become normal

You literally can't

>> No.18402477


Reading books is the problem, anon.

You need to keep fucking up and learn what you can and cannot do, by participating in the real world. As an autist, you will have to repeat this process in every new social circle, so just accept it.

Good luck. I'm in my late 20s and I'm finally about as socially competent as a stoner in their early 20s. I sometimes get a pass on my weird behaviour because I have developed tolerance and acceptance for others.

>> No.18402502

The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.18402539

The more you talk OP the more it sounds like I was right that you're just a self-pitying faggot who diagnosed yourself with the 'tism to make yourself feel justified.

Take that other anons advice and actually work on yourself.

>> No.18402587

Gotta be honest, this is an effort I'm not really prepared to make for probably nothing. Thanks for effortposting though.
I mean I have been participating in the real world through a number of workplaces, at most I amount to is sitting quiet and listening to everyone else discussing shit. Often if I say something people react as if I loudly farted or something. One-on-one conversation is stilted, impersonal and dies quickly.
Isn't this one autism inducing, rather?
All autists who are not provided a safe bubble by parents and authorities will invariably end up self-pitying, as their lives are objectively horrible.

>> No.18402636

Can I ask, how old are you?

>> No.18402640


>> No.18402656


Don't conduct yourself based on how employers want you to think and act. Even normies feel alienated and get shit on at work.

You need to humble yourself. When it comes to your special interests, show don't tell (I know how difficult this is, but keep trying.)

Remember that everyone loves an under-dog, but not a self-pitying or inconsiderate dick. There will be normies who just want someone to be the butt of jokes and bottom of the hierarchy, those are not your friends. Avoid wannabe "alpha" types.

Red pill and self-help books are a meme, don't listen to people who tell you that you're broken.

I believe in you, OP. If I can do it, you can as well. Don't expect comfort ever, as relationships are always hard work.

>> No.18402669

Just stop caring. Stay quiet and just listen to whats around you, be patient with people but dont treat them lesser than you. You’ll seem normal enough to them and since you stopped caring it no longer matters

>> No.18402677

you're born into your role. you can change a little, but you'll always be who you are now.

>> No.18402683

I'm 27 too.

What are your interests/hobbies? Have you tried talking to people about that? What are the people like that you work with?

Coming out of high school I was super awkward but I joined a frat and after going through pledgeship I could socialize with people just fine. Maybe there's some way you can put yourself out there that aligns with your hobbies/interests. I don't wholly agree with the other anon that you need to try being a chad if that's not who you are. I'm not and never was. I'm still super introverted and that's fine, you don't have to be a normalfag if you don't want to but if you want to improve your social skills there are ways to do it rather than moping on 4chan about having "autism".

>> No.18402698

never seen a more cringe list in my life. if i didnt think you were genuine about your recommendations i'd joke with you about them.

>> No.18402704

>Red pill is a meme
Will not make it.

No offence, but do you yourself understand what you just wrote?

Your advice to OP is wishy-washy feel-good nonsense. One baseless claim after another.

>> No.18402718

You're probably one of those half-wits that thinks Robert Green's 48 Laws of Power is "evil" or "immoral".

Am I right?

If not, enlighten me. What would YOU recommend to OP?

>> No.18402730

>no one wants to be around you vs someone wants to be around you
fuck that shit, becoma a SIGMA

>> No.18402744

>I don't wholly agree with the other anon that you need to try being a chad if that's not who you are.
Good point. People who suggest that are dumb.
You should though get comfortable in uncomfortable situations and confront your fears. An effective approach is to go to the gym or even better join some martial arts class. It may sound like a retarded cliche, I agree, but it's really working wonders in terms of social awkwardness, imposing respect to others without trying, getting girls, reducing anxiety and all that shit.

>> No.18402746

it's not evil or immoral, it's just embarrassing. you also type like a 17 year old redditor.
i wouldn't recommend any books to op. i would recommend he go and socialise, become involved with his community and learn how to behave like a reasonable adult with their own personality.

>> No.18402751


They're just a few simple tips for people on the spectrum to bear in mind. The only real advice is to go out and learn by experience.

Also, red pill is unequivocally a fucking meme for people who think men are incapable of genuine friendships and women are self-serving children. There is no "making it" in this life. There aren't step by step processes or secret techniques to unlock any door.

>> No.18402762


>> No.18402764

Make people fear you. Someone else's fear is what makes you feel alive and what makes vaginas succumb to your dominance.

>> No.18402793

Thanks for proving my point.

Your room-temperature IQ "advice" will not get OP the results he wants. It's as if OP was angry and you instructed him to "stop being angry and be happy instead'. Same energy.

>you also type like a 17 year old redditor.
That's cool, but when was the last time you got laid and had multiple women that adored you?

>> No.18402810
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i now see you are attempting to ruse me. this will be my last response to you in this thread.

>> No.18402827

>Don't conduct yourself based on how employers want you to think and act. Even normies feel alienated and get shit on at work.
I need ot act accordingly becauce I am not exactly employable in the first place.Normies have the mental faculties, experiences and resources to bounce back effectively. I got nothing.
>You need to humble yourself. When it comes to your special interests, show don't tell (I know how difficult this is, but keep trying.)
What do you mean? I don't talk about my interests (or my life) at all because I wanna avoid getting bullied.
>Remember that everyone loves an under-dog, but not a self-pitying or inconsiderate dick. There will be normies who just want someone to be the butt of jokes and bottom of the hierarchy, those are not your friends. Avoid wannabe "alpha" types.
If they find the underdog socially displeasing they might pity him but still not wanna interact with him regularily.
>Red pill and self-help books are a meme, don't listen to people who tell you that you're broken.
How can you know this? If "broken" is an applicable condition why would I be immune?
>I believe in you, OP. If I can do it, you can as well. Don't expect comfort ever, as relationships are always hard work.
Definitely not expecting being comfortable ever. lmao
In fact I'd love to go uninhibited megasperg no-fucks-given, but there's the fact I have rent to pay every month and I'm at the mercy of normalfag judgment when it comes to that part.
How much is "a little"?

>> No.18402830

Well that's a good advice for getting girls effortlessly, stop caring about them and to start focusing undistracted on your projects.
For those saying it's cringe I agree. But it's a good start.

>> No.18402837

>What are your interests/hobbies? Have you tried talking to people about that? What are the people like that you work with?
Art, animation in particular. The place I work at right now is basically a feminist's nightmare, the only allowed interests are pussy, booze and vehicles. Anything else they will make fun of.
>Coming out of high school I was super awkward but I joined a frat and after going through pledgeship I could socialize with people just fine. Maybe there's some way you can put yourself out there that aligns with your hobbies/interests. I don't wholly agree with the other anon that you need to try being a chad if that's not who you are. I'm not and never was. I'm still super introverted and that's fine, you don't have to be a normalfag if you don't want to but if you want to improve your social skills there are ways to do it rather than moping on 4chan about having "autism".
I live in a small town far from anything, there are no interest groups really. Though I can't really move because I won't be able to establish any social network at all at a new place (tried moving out of town briefly and it was awful). Here at least I have my family.
Thing is I've been hearing how I should keep trying for years upon years. Every time I come to new place I do my best trying to get into the group dynamic and shit but I always end up worn out and on the sidelines. I keep hearing that I should improve the more I try but it's been literally years of trying and I got nothing to show for it.

>> No.18402838

The Peaceful Pill Handbook

>> No.18402840

>The only real advice is to go out and learn by experience.
Empty advice. And I'll tell you why. Recall Newton. What did he say? He said that the only reason why he saw more and farther than his predecessors was *because* of his predecessors and their work.

Yes, going out is important. Of course. But if you just "go out" and "learn by experience" you're not being effective. It will take you a long time to up your social skills.

Remember what Kant said: "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play". Now what does that mean? It means OP should read some theory and apply it in practice. Makes sense, huh?

The Red Pill is exactly what will move the needle if you need to upgrade your social skills. It's about becoming aware of principles that underpin social interactions. And then some.

>> No.18402845

>On being normal
Just figure out for yourself what normal is in your own world at this moment and decide what parts of that normality you want to adopt.
As an autist myself in the past, I started to stop thinking introspectivily all the time and looked around at others in silent judgement. What do most want to see in people? Where do normies wear? How do they speak? Topics of interest?
Afters years of this, Ive come to the point of wearing plain and easy to wear clothing, kept my words brief and to the point, retaining a small portion of news to recite on demand when needed.

This transition from complete autist to cyborg as I will call it keeps me in good terms with most people whilst also leaving me with opportunity to explore my true nature. Theres a tightrope we must all walk between "being ourselves" and "being what people want to see" if you fall either side you are of risk of becoming a complete hermit weirdo or a total npc.

So ask yourself, friend. Do you want to live in the world of men or in the world of your own mind. The choice it yours only.

>> No.18402855

>stop caring about them and to start focusing undistracted on your projects.
True, having purpose in life bigger than girls is important, but girls will not magically appear at your door step though. You actually have to talk to girls.

>For those saying it's cringe I agree.
Just one guy said it's "cringe" and he turned out to be a moron, as predicted. Plus, it's a shitty counter-argument that's meant to shame and you know it. 5th grade stuff. Be better.

>> No.18402869

Dress in bizarre costumes and loud colors. People love an eccentric.

>> No.18402894


Cope, and an anecdote if I may.

When I was in my early 20s I was in a friend group where I was the mascot and "beta", the butt of all the jokes because I was too autistic to realise they weren't really my friends. They were gym-going "alpha" types. Did all the right things, followed the advice laid out.

Out of those five people, one now has a kid who he doesn't have custody of because he's a fucking idiot and manipulative abuser. He was the "alpha" of the group.

One works in a car wash "off the books" and has gone absolutely nowhere in life, despite being a genuinely handsome bastard and pretty charming, not sure what he's doing outside of that. He was the only one with natural charisma in our group.

Two are still friends and drift through life on the dole, getting drunk and abusing amphetamine throughout the week as they approach 30. Both incels and never got over their misogyny.

Only one has "made it" in a long term relationship with a steady job as a joiner/electrician and cut ties with all his old friends. No doubt he'll end up in a failing marriage, but the fact that it's still going at least shows he's matured a bit.

Also, I don't disagree that reading is helpful to learn from your predecessors, though I reject your redpill ideology, since it's trash. Your "predecessors" would be people you know anyway. Most of my friend groups have the leader (not alpha, but more of a bigman or matriarch), who knows their shit and acts as the glue.

OP was specifically asking which books will make him a functional normie, he needed to be told to gain experience.

There are no governing principles other than compromise and being genuine and confident in yourself (redpill tells you you're broken).

People come in all sizes, patterns and mental configurations. Also, citing fucking Kant "You should give your friends over to the nazis if it means not lying".

>> No.18402897

>Further note
Did anyone ever have that moment in there young lives where suddenly they stopped regreting almost everything they say day after day? It was like one year when I started to adopt these techniques, I also started to say what I thought with confidence and not cringe nearly as much or at all a day later.

All say this again caus i think its very important. What you wear changes who you are in a remarkable way. Humans are unique in that respect. Clothes can change how you act with others and how you see yourself. Dont wear brands, they turn you into a billboard and your not even being paid for it. Try wearing brandless and graphicless items of clothing that gives all the focus on you behind them. It changes so much

>> No.18402906

Horrible advice for an autist

>> No.18402908

>"You should give your friends over to the nazis if it means not lying".
I mean, you should if they disrespect the Volksgemeinschaft.

>> No.18402929



>> No.18402932
File: 87 KB, 606x528, E0_ki7rXMAAPduE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure reddit, completely worthless advice"

>I believe in you, OP.

What faggotry possesses someone to be able to write something like this to a complete stranger without self loathing?

>> No.18402958


Are you even on the spectrum, anon?

>> No.18402987
File: 2.56 MB, 400x224, image0-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the opposite. You read books to become a sperg, not normal.

>> No.18402994

>When I was in my early 20s I was in a friend group where I was the mascot and "beta", the butt of all the jokes because I was too autistic to realise they weren't really my friends. They were gym-going "alpha" types. Did all the right things, followed the advice laid out.
>Out of those five people, one now has a kid who he doesn't have custody of because he's a fucking idiot and manipulative abuser. He was the "alpha" of the group.
Damn so gym and alpha is shit. Thanks bro I feel empowered

>> No.18402997
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>> No.18403004
File: 130 KB, 1284x1275, 5o2df3di3kg61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thankfully I suffer from no mental retardation problems whatsoever. Tbh I believe most of it is lack of discipline the pharma industry managed to morbidize to be able to sell speed to kids with impressionable parents.

>> No.18403021

>I believe most of it is lack of discipline the pharma industry managed to morbidize to be able to sell speed to kids with impressionable parents.
That speed is effective though. You can't compete with that don't seethe.

>> No.18403027


Not pre-requisites. They were only doing it so they could posture against other men and get physical over petty differences.

I bet you can think of at least ten examples of affectionate fat guys you know with loads of friends and good relationships. I bet they're the first guy that would hand you a beer and you'd secretly seethe and refer to them as a cuck.

>> No.18403057

>They were only doing it so they could posture against other men and get physical over petty differences.
That's not alpha, that's insecurity. Can you get the difference?
>I bet you can think of at least ten examples of affectionate fat guys you know with loads of friends and good relationships. I bet they're the first guy that would hand you a beer and you'd secretly seethe and refer to them as a cuck.
stop wtf cringe

>> No.18403075
File: 215 KB, 1102x1080, DWOw5PgWAAA46X9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says I don't take speed for fun? But I don't need it to overcome some crippling social retardation. Taking it every day will also rot your internal organs and by the time you are forty at the latest you will have to deal with your body collapsing additionally to your poor mental state, when all you had to do was pull yourself together when you were young and show a modicum of discipline. It's not hard for people with average intelligence and above.

>> No.18403082

>Who says I don't take speed for fun? But I don't need it to overcome some crippling social retardation. Taking it every day will also rot your internal organs and by the time you are forty at the latest you will have to deal with your body collapsing additionally to your poor mental state, when all you had to do was pull yourself together when you were young and show a modicum of discipline. It's not hard for people with average intelligence and above.
I agree.

>> No.18403106


The entire purpose of taking the red pill is to try and intimidate the "natural alpha." It is born out of insecurity.

Those who fail after following the advice take the black pill and blame genetics, society, feminism etc.

But please enlighten me, anon. What is your definition of an alpha male?

Do you reject the notion that altruism and being considerate of others attracts lasting friendships?

>> No.18403120


>> No.18403146
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>> No.18403151

Not admitting to mistakes and repressing emotions is beta.

>> No.18403184


>get married
>unwilling to compromise
>don't let wife "interfere" in your life
>wife leaves you for someone else, kids want nothing to do with you because you were cold, domineering and never owned up to mistakes
>spend the rest of your life whining on reddit about how feminism ruined your wife, blaming society instead of your lack of altruism and listening ability

Origin story of every MGTOW.

>> No.18403200

Agree. Most of the spergs' idea of what is alpha is not based on empiric evidence but on their own beta headkino.