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18402884 No.18402884 [Reply] [Original]

people are drawn toward authoritarian regimes in an attempt to suppress their individuality (which causes isolation and feelings of powerlessness when not combined with spontaneity and compassion) this is not effective and maladaptive behavior, it is the externalization of their powerlessness, isolation and frustration in life
certain people seem to being sadistic while also being submissive to a higher power, which is apparent in the beliefs of hateful people

>> No.18402887

wow, amazing *puts weed into grinder*

>> No.18402893

Based. Rules only apply to weak people who need them for structure

>> No.18402905

I'm drawn towards authoritarian regimes because I'm tired of retards talking about politics day in and day out.

>> No.18402907

op here forgot to mention it’s a really great book goes into sociological factors that led to nazi germany’s fascism, martin luthers own behavior and cultural values and the changing world that led to the appeal of fascism

>> No.18402914

National socialism is a group-adaptive evolutionary strategy that emulates many features of Judaism.

>> No.18402915

people would talk less about politics if ur political ideology wasn’t extremely contraction and controversial
i’ve never seen a political apathetic get into an argument about politics

>> No.18402921

what do you mean by this
explain where judaism delves into economical theory and the treaty of versailles effect on german land ownership???

>> No.18403056
File: 23 KB, 415x281, jungercioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are drawn toward authoritarian regimes in an attempt to suppress their individuality
>it is the externalization of their powerlessness, isolation and frustration in life
>I need authority, although I do not believe in it. My critical faculties are sharpened by the absence of the credibility that I ask for.
>I am an anarch, not because I despise authority, but because I need it. Likewise, I am not a nonbeliever, but a man who demands something worth believing in.
>The anarch lets all this be; he can bide his time. He has his ethos, but not morals. He recognizes lawfulness, but not the law; he despises rules. Whenever ethos goes into shalts and shalt-nots, it is already corrupted. Still, it can harmonize with them, depending on location and circumstances, briefly or at length, just as I harmonize here with the tyrant for as long as I like.

>> No.18403078

Kevin Macdonald can do it much better than I can on a phone.

>> No.18403133

>a man who demands something worth believing in.
yes, when faced with the powerlessness present in life (meaninglessness, death) people latch themselves onto these movements

>> No.18403140

isn’t that the guy who makes music for youtube outros?

>> No.18403160

you wanna know where it comes from? protestantism. this is all due to heresy from the Catholic Faith. the greek word for heresy means "to choose," meaning you're choosing which dogma to follow and which to discard when you fall into heresy. protestantism is the religion of total heresy, it embraces the choice of dogma. to be a protestant is to set out on a choose your own version of Christianity adventure, that's why there are over 30,000 denominations not including people who don't even ascribe to any set denomination. this inevitably bled into the culture after the fall of the Catholic Monarchies (orchestrated by freemasons). so now what we're left with is a culture where everyone has to have their own opinions, their own philosophy, their own ideas. there is no longer any such thing as religion, because a religion is something you surrender to, not something you invent on your own. it's not even restrained to Christian thought anymore, you have thots and drug addicts taking beliefs from bhuddism all the time, they pick and choose from everything like a buffet. every retard now thinks he's the greatest philosopher of all time, the one who's finally gonna "figure out" the universe.

you don;t have to begome catholic, just know that prots are to thank for this.

>> No.18403164

you're confusing the need for restraint with powerlessness

>> No.18403189

need for restraint? needed by who?
restraint in what?
a man with his arms shackled is not powerful, he is suffering from powerlessness

>> No.18403218

Now definite authoritarian, because I’m getting pseudointellect socialist implications.

>> No.18403225

>Erich Fromm - Jewish.
Jewish supremacy is authoritarianism, they just hide it until you are under the reign.

>> No.18403229


>> No.18403242

wtf I love freedom now!

>> No.18403256

>needed by who?
the truly sovereign individual
>restraint in what?
not restraint in, but liberation from
the sultan reads from the table of kings to learn his rule will slip into the desert of history, while the anarch knows this implicitly
just as the ascetic is not weak because he deprives himself of food and sleep, the anarch is not weak because he demands from society that which both prevents from being attached to the world while still being in it
if you understand powerlessness as being in a cage, then we are all powerless under the weight of our fall into time
but true power comes from knowing one's inner liberation is stronger than any earthly institution, that is the difference between the sovereign individual and a historian drowning in sand