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18400777 No.18400777 [Reply] [Original]

opinions on this book? should I read it?

>> No.18400815

I have only read the chapter about the Russian revolution, but yes it is well-written and an interesting subject. The Jewish author is willing to admit that Jews were over-represented in communism and, as I understand it, many other movements which would come to define the twentieth century.

It is a fascinating subject, and I can't help but be fascinated by Jewish intelligence. Although I am by no means a philo-semite, I also don't consider myself an anti-semite. Jewish intelligence is an astonishing phenomena of the human species, and every time I have to remind myself that the usually comprise fewer than 5 or 10% of any population in which their involvement is prominent, I often find myself feeling that this fact is so surreal.

>> No.18400869

The title might seem edgy but it's been said many ways since Heidegger's black notebooks were written, by both philo and antisemites.

The argument that *the* archetypical deracinated people would be the most suited for an age that is defined by its deracination isn't all that controversial, I'd say.

>> No.18400894

Jews are overrepresented in literally everything. Math, physics, politics, literature, philosophy, academia, law, media, porn industry, banking, business, film, music, literally fucking everything.

>> No.18400935

truly the master race

>> No.18400945

not sports

>> No.18400955

and that's a good thing

>> No.18400974

That's what I mean. It is astonishing to observe.

Read 'You Gentiles' for a Jewish perspective of that exact phenomenon.

>> No.18401003

The explanation for why Jews in America have 'higher intelligence' is really pretty simple. It's all a matter of geography.
Jewish immigration to the US reached its peak during the latter part of the 19th century and continued during the early 20th. Nearly all of these families were emigrating from Eastern Europe.
Throughout American history and still today the overwhelming majority of Jewish-Americans live in the city of New York, one of the largest, oldest cities in the country.
Living in New York automatically predisposes one to a higher accessibility of good, well-funded education. Combine this with the Jewish culture which holds 'scholarliness' in high regard along with the tradition of sending one's sons to Hebrew School at a very early age and its easy to see why Jews appear to be 'more intelligent.'
It's really not so strange a phenomena.

>> No.18401021

You're massively underselling nepotism. No other ethnic group short of maybe the Chinese or the Japanese have the level of ingroup partiality that they do.

>> No.18401030
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this was an interesting read

>> No.18401037
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>> No.18401066
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It's called pilpul

>> No.18401120
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The reason why is simple; Nepotism.
It's not as those retards >>18400935 >>18400955 say.
Jews have an aggressive in preference for their own race. The ADL is a perfect example of this in action. A Jew will always vouch for another Jew over a non-Jew, or Goyim, as we are so lovingly called.
That's why you see so many Jews in high positions; because other Jews in similar positions will elevate them, regardless of skill, intelligence or ability to perform that task above a non-Jew.
It's the diaspora mindset; The Goyim are out to get us, so we must always band together to secure resources and protect our own from the Goyim.

>> No.18401189

Not read it but I was impressed with The House of Government by the same author. Intellectual history of the first generation Bolshevik leaders, interpreted as a millenarian religious cult.

>> No.18401199

Massive cope. My dentist is Jewish and he’s a damn good dentist. My doctor is Jewish and she’s a damn good doctor. Heck, even the “subversive” Jews are damn good at what they do, much to the chagrin of rightoids. Porn, Hollywood, academia— these institutions are full of very smart, very capable people. Nepotism and in-group preference certainly helps, but the proof is in the pudding. A retard who is elevated via nepotism is never going to be anything but a retard.

>> No.18401216

Is his politics as cloying as the back cover texts make him sound like? I'm personally interested in his book about the siberian peoples but the back cover text of it (what do you call that in English?) sounds like it's running the same anthropological circle everyone in US academia has been running for decades. Maybe when it came out (1994) it seemed fresher?

>> No.18401236
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The Jewish experience in the 20th century is an absolutely fascinating story. I highly recommend Irving Howe’s World of our fathers.

>> No.18401249

Oh, I don't doubt that theirs certainly talented and bright Jews. My doctor is, he's mostly good. Can be an asshole.
But to see the inflated numbers clearly point towards aggressive amounts of Nepotism.
South East Asians score highest on IQ scores. Why don't we see as many naturalized South East Asians in these positions as Jews? Same with whites. The average IQ is ~100, but they make up the majority of the population, thus they should be better represented then they are right now.
>much to the chagrin of rightoids
Pure cope. The hatred of Jews are one of the most universal things across the planet, right up their with the hatred of blacks and the pursuit of resources.

>> No.18401255

What role does nepotism play within the world of public education?

>> No.18401258

Man I don't even disagree with you guys that much, but these screenshots you think are genius are so shit. Just post an excerpt from CoC, or whatever book.
Though maybe that's the problem, you spend more time screenshotting /pol/ rants than you do reading books.

>> No.18401261

>The hatred of Jews are one of the most universal things across the planet
If the entire planet hates Jews I guess that makes them the most based group of people, eh?

>> No.18401278
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I'm so tired of the modern obsession (either positive or negative) of others with jews and jewish narcissism compounding each other into this weird singularity that can't not pull everything into itself. It's always jew this, jew that, jews everywhere, hate jews, love jews, jew jew jew, you can't take a shit without being made aware of their existence for one reason or another.

I'm tempted to move to Hokkaido or Ceylon or someplace else, I just want to get away from this world obsessed with semites, as far as possible.

>> No.18401284

Geographical position is relevant, however it is a consequence rather than a contributor to Jewish intelligence. Whenever Jews relocated from one country to another, they always tended to settle in urban centers where their (arguably inherent) skills in the equivalent of "white collar" work (numerical, pedagogical, literary) was valued. This is observable in almost any Jewish community be they Sephardic, Ashkenazi, and whether they are settling in Turkey or Mexico. I don't think I said it was strange, only surreal in the sense that it suggests an inherent disposition towards high intelligence and ambition that is unique to their ethnic group. Maybe I am over-playing it a little, but still.

>> No.18401286

The world isn't obsessed with Jews, 4chan is.

>> No.18401294

>downplaying Jewish / Ashkenazi intelligence

In the early twentieth century the New York school system asked every student in the region to perform an IQ test. Out of the 28 or so students who received a score over 150, about 25 of them was Jewish. That isn't nepotism, cunning, or anything else. It's pure intelligence.

>> No.18401295

>Promotes screenshotting CoC
>Image literally quotes CoC
Ok, I'll admit. You shouldn't get everything from /pol/. Hell, not even from 4chan as a whole. Primary source is infinitely more valuable then secondhand.
But if you want to lecture people on reading more, while not reading the post it's self, then you a hypocrite and a pseud.

>> No.18401303
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>> No.18401311

Literally every western country has a dozen days of reminiscence centering around the holocaust, you have artists making a living by installing stones engraved with the names of holocaust victims into public squares to remind everyone who passes by, you have some holocaust movie winning an oscar every year, post-WW2 books are almost all about the jews and nazis, etc.

You absolutely cannot get away, not even in real life.

>> No.18401312

Thank you, will bookmark this.

>> No.18401333
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>Posts an anecdotal story with no source, even context to who the people in the test were, where they came from, what their schooling was or who was taking the results.
Cool story bro
You want to know why?
Because Jews are the big boys in chare right now.
Rather, they are the majority of the people on the navigation rooms and the helms of the ship well call civilization. And they are currently steering it towards a rocky, jagged coastline, taking everyone down with them

>> No.18401513

>The hatred of Jews are one of the most universal things across the planet
How strange that a group like that would develop a high in-group identity and preference.

>> No.18401520

Link related: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/charles-murray/jewish-genius/

Written by a gentile. There are numerous examples of Jewish children earning far higher scores in standardised tests than their gentile counterparts. Just look at any Jewish group which have arrived in a new country with few material possessions - they always tend to reach the middle-class within a generation at most.

>> No.18401552

This is one of the considerations that prevents me from being anti-semitic, as people tend to be when learning of Jewish over-representation etc. Although Jews are over-represented in negative terms at times (e.g., white collar crime, pornography, etc), they are also over-represented in positive ways including the production of what gentile Americans take to be their own ethno-cultural cornerstones. An example is Christmas and the kind of wholesome songs, books and movies about Christmas as understood in American terms. It's A Wonderful Life, for example, which is often described as the best Christmas movie, is based on a novel by a Jewish American man.

>> No.18401557
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>expelling jews

only faggots expell jews!

>> No.18401579

Funny how wignats will use historical white success to justify why whites are the master race, yet whenever Jews are disproportionately historically successful, suddenly it's some big conspiracy. MASSIVE cope

Also, antisemitism is just socialism for fools

>> No.18401600

In group preference is also universal.
The problem is when you start mixing and melding with other cultures.

>> No.18401612

Studies of gifted children are of particular interest because iqs in the gifted range are unlikely to result from environmental influences acting on individuals whose genetic
potential is near the population mean. Terman's (1926) classic study found twice as many Jewish gifted Children as expected on the bass of their representation in the
population, although the true representation of Jews in this group may have been higher because some may have concealed their Jewish identity, These subjects had iqs ranging
from 135 to 200 with a mean of 151. One of Terman's Jewish subjects had an iq of 184 when tested at age seven. His close relatives included a chef rabbi from Moscow, a
prominent lawyer, a self-made millionaire, a concert pianist, a writer, and a prominent Polish scientist. His maternal great=grandfather was a rabbi famous for his compilation
of a Jewish calendar spanning over 400- years, and the rabbi's descendants (the boy's cousins) had iqs of 156, 150, 130, and 122.

>> No.18401637

Jewish intelligence is a meme. If you take the top 1% whites suddenly you have a super genius as well. Of course if you keep getting killed only the smart one survive but they're still pretty dumb and always do stupid shit like communism, neo Marxism, and getting themselves genocided. Only midwits think their 115 average or whatever is anything impressive especially when they handicap themselves with being neurotic and their intelligence being mostly verbal.

>> No.18401647
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Lmao. I'm not a Wignat.
And what I've said is not a conspiracy; In group preference is a very real thing. And it's not inherently a bad thing.
It does become a bad thing when a group fits itself into positions of power over groups of people who they see as chattel and deserve slavery. Which is why colonialism failed. Picrel

>> No.18401670

Jews, like all fit members of a species, work to preserve their own. For millennia Jews have been homeless and widely persecuted due to religious institutions and societal traditionalism in both Europe and the Arab world. Because of this, they can only survive in a society that prides itself on tolerance.

The way to achieve complete tolerance in a society is to delegitimize that society's cultural practices and traditions, and to weaken the sense of cohesion and in-group bias between the ethnic people of that land. To achieve this, Jews utilize their high intelligence and in-group bias to develop a strong presence within that nation's institutions and, in modern times, media (think civil rights advocates, porn producers, big media execs in the 60s). From these positions of strength, they can work to break down Christian societal traditions and cohesion, promote tolerance and diversity, and ensure their own survival. It isn't a secret Kabal desiring to control the world, but rather an unconscious adaptation that Jews made to survive after myriad generations of expulsions and genocides.

And this results in the self-perpetuating cycle of Jew hatred. Jews attempt to gain stature and change societal values in a foreign nation to avoid being persecuted, and this causes the ethnic people to desire to persecute them. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's understandable for Jews to want to save the lives of their people, but its also understandable for nations not to want their ethnic population replaced and their values subverted.

>> No.18401678

This. Topical example is Game of Thrones' David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Total hacks constantly fucking up but still get high positions from nothing.

>> No.18401691

No, they were persecuted because they were always liars, dishonest, and subversive. These threads on /lit/ are bad because they're always full of Jews and newfags.

>> No.18401705

Thank you, interesting.

>intelligence being mostly verbal

Doesn't explain the massive over-representation of Jews for centuries (if not millenia) in fields in which verbal intelligence is of secondary importance.

>> No.18401710

Jews are rich, if everyone else were as rich as them you’d find they aren’t special at all

>> No.18401712

> At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God’s chosen people.
How about you give us a article with a little less bias, eh?
I was reading through it, and it literally is all of this.
This was the conclusion. I didn't edit it, this is 1:1 what was said.

>> No.18401729

>they were always liars, dishonest, and subversive

This kind of screeching, vicious and most importantly resentful approach to the Jewish question is about as stupid and ill-informed in its generalising attitude as that of any black person who says the exact same thing about white people.

>> No.18401742

But not everybody is as rich as them, that's the point. You don't get rich by being resentful, stupid and self-defeating.

I know that's the conclusion. I think it's a little tongue-in-cheek, but does represent Murray's philo-semitism quite well all the same. Other than the final sentence of that article, do you refute any of the facts he presents elsewhere in the article?

>> No.18401752

Such as? Before the 19th century, Jews were just merchants hated everywhere, with the few exceptions that everyone likes to hang on to like Spinoza. That's not overrepresentation and Spinoza's philosophy partly draws power from verbal intelligence anyway.

>> No.18401766

>Jew accusing others of kvetching

>> No.18401785

Such as the fields of medicine and science, for example.

>Jews were just merchants

It's obvious that you are not at all acquainted with the history of the Jewish people. It is true that they served as merchants, often engaging in forms of usury deemed parasitical by Christians, Muslims etc - but tolerated and tacitly encouraged all the same by these religious groups. But they were also over-represented in fields which are beneficial to any functioning society, such as the field of medicine.

>> No.18401790

Again, a cherry picked quote doesn't prove the overall intelligence of the Jews and how it plays into the aggressive overrepresentation that is seen we see with Jews in high levels of society.
Even with the example of the child, his grandfather was a rabbi and he had family that was rich and influential, ie; the Child had access to an immense amount of literature, and had the lifestyle that promoted heavy study.
What would the results had been had the child had no access to those books? Or better yet, had similar access to a non-Jewish child of a similar age? It's confirmation bias at it's finest.
And for all your bluster, you still haven't explained the reasoning behind the extreme disparity we see. Again, if the IQ argument was true, we would see South East-Asians in Similar positions with greater frequency, as well as Whites, as they have similar access to the high level education as Jews do, and make up a greater percent in the population.

>> No.18401805

I'm not Jewish, and I am probably more critical of Jewish involvement in Western society than you are. The difference is that I recognise that unless you put in the time and effort to understand the nuances of Jewish history etc you are no better than your average Black Twitter user spamming infographics about black people inventing peanut butter.

>> No.18401814

>Jews are disproportionately historically successful
Where were their successes before the advent of capitalism...?
Why is Israel such an intellectual and artistic black hole if by every metric it should be punching far above its weight?

>> No.18401816


>> No.18401826

i always wonder if WW2 accelerated the over-representation of jews or would it be even worse if holocaust had never happened

>> No.18401836

Old medicine and science was just applying the knowledge from Greeks. They didn't contribute anything they were just educated because they had money from usury and being merchants. You're just parroting Jewish revisionist history where poor Jews were persecuted for no reason at all when we have written evidence from almost all civilizations that Jews were impossible to co-habitate with.

>> No.18401851

>aggressive overrepresentation

Over-representation is just that. There is nothing particularly aggressive about it, unless that group accuses other groups of being over-represented (which is often the case with journalists at Jewish-owned publications accusing whites of such). There's a book (trying to find the title) about ethnic over-representation in various countries historically and the popular resentment towards them, and this phenomenon is observed in China and elsewhere.

>> No.18401854

A lot of the Holocaust is lies just like everything with Jews. Read David Irving.

>> No.18401860

>Where were their successes before the advent of capitalism...?

Read some books about the pre-capitalistic Jewish diaspora and you will have your answers.

>> No.18401874

David Irving has stated that the mass murder of Jews did take place and that millions were killed at the hands of the Germans. Maybe brush up on your Irving.

Yeah, nah, you are just asserting random opinions now, probably with the confidence that comes from your conviction that fellow zoomer /pol/tards will upvote you for doing so. Try looking up the definition of the word nuance.

>> No.18401876

I don't think it accelerated anything because it was exactly the overbearing spiritual semitism that caused it by proxy, therefore it couldn't have been avoided unless modernity itself would have stopped.

WW2 is part and parcel of the jewish century. The only way it could have been avoided would have been for the whole process to not exist to begin with.

>> No.18401887

Did OP seriously start a thread only to incoherently screech about >muh /pol/ at everyone?

A thread died for this.

>> No.18401904

Just dishonest argumentation as usual. Just because Irving said Jews died it doesn't mean there aren't lies regarding the number (6000000) and methods. The rest of the post is just cope and no substance with the usual /pol/ boogeyman invocation. You're a fraud.

>> No.18401950

>Other than the final sentence of that article, do you refute any of the facts he presents elsewhere in the article?
The entire article is basically him giving Fellatio to the Jews via cherry-picked statistics to put the Jews in the best light humanly possible.
Total horse shit. You might as well not as posted it.

>> No.18401951

I didn't say he agreed on the total figure of deaths or the means of killing, that is dishonest argumentation on your side. What I said was that Irving has revised his initial assertions about the holocaust and conceded that millions did die and that their deaths weren't the result of typhoid epidemics, starvation or whatever else. Try thinking for yourself every once in a while.

>> No.18401960

So no examples? Great. Keep seething then, I guess.

>> No.18401982
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>particularly aggressive about it
That is bullshit. Full stop

>> No.18401990

So? When did I say otherwise? You're arguing with a straw man and still accuse me of being dishonest. You have no self-awareness or ability to be honest in argumentation. There are plenty of lies in the Holocaust story and it gets revised constantly. The fact that it's illegal to question it and Irving went to prison for his research means that it's hard for anyone to question it without ruining their reputation and career. Irving still stands by some of his revisionism but not by all of it.

>> No.18401999

>The first is the fully realized conceptualization of monotheism, expressed through one of the literary treasures of the world, the Hebrew Bible. It not only laid the foundation for three great religions but, as Thomas Cahill describes in The Gifts of the Jews (1998), introduced a way of looking at the meaning of human life and the nature of history that defines core elements of the modern sensibility. The second achievement is not often treated as a Jewish one but clearly is: Christian theology expressed through the New Testament, an accomplishment that has spilled into every aspect of Western civilization.
I mean... Take one good look at that.
Oh, but I'm the one seething.

>> No.18402010

What I mean is that the phenomenon of over-representation is in itself not aggressive. If this over-representation involves nepotism or some kind of sinister motive then sure, and I agree that in many cases Jewish over-representation can be observed to be the result of either of those two things. I would not say that Jewish over-representation among Nobel Prize winners, or chess grandmasters, can be described as "aggressive" however, just as (presumably) white gentile over-representation among South African millionaires is necessarily aggressive.

>> No.18402039

You were dishonest in suggesting that Irving's opinion of the holocaust amounted to no more than the notion that "Jews died", when in reality he pretty much agrees with much of the dominant narrative about it at this point, although likely arrived at a lower number or whatever. I agree that it should not be illegal to question these things, and personally my knowledge of the subject is superficial.

I asked for an example and you have now provided one, that pretty much solves our little squabble and answers my question.

>> No.18402054

Jesus Christ, Nobel prize is exactly nepotism in action. 20th century far right scientists were excluded exactly because of Jewish influence over the Nobel prize committee.

>> No.18402055

>ust as (presumably) white gentile over-representation among South African millionaires is *not necessarily aggressive.

>> No.18402063

Hmm, any source on this claim?

>> No.18402078

Nah, I agreed with your post and highlighted that it's a non sequitur because his agreement with what you mentioned does not imply there are not still many lies in the official Holocaust story which was my initial argument to which you replied with nothing relevant. But I get it, honesty is not your forte.

>> No.18402079

yes with those trips.

>> No.18402091
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>South Africa
Poor comparison because of Apartheid. White's had all the means to succeed and keep the blacks down.
What I'm talking about is here in the West, the land of the Equal opportunity, why we see the numbers that we do.
They do not make any sense. Unless, you factor Nepotism and an aggressive in group preference for hoarding materials for individuals within the group; ie education, positions of power, wealth etc.

>> No.18402096

Read on Nicolae Paulescu but avoid Jewish lies.

>> No.18402124

I don't disagree with you, I am just saying that the nepotism theory of Jewish success does not in my opinion adequately explain Jewish over-representation in examples wherein nepotism does not play a part, such as chess grandmasters, Nobel prize winners, and much more.

Does he provide a list of Nobel Prize judges throughout the history of the prize and provide a statistical breakdown of these judges by their ethnic background?

>> No.18402162

You think the jury has to be Jewish in order to be influenced by Jews or are you being purposefully obtuse? And no, Paulescu was a scientist not a statistician but I don't think you're interested in learning.

>> No.18402169

It plays a part, in that the Jew has greater access to higher levels of education as a result of the Nepotism that they enjoy.
Wealth plays a huge part in the development of the child, as it gives them access to a better education, as well as better facilities to better apply that education.
And, as previously discussed, with the Jewish Overrepresentation in academia, business and other high level activities, would give Jews a bloated numbers in relation to their size compared to non-Jews in Academic performance.

>> No.18402186
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>Jewish intelligence is an astonishing phenomena of the human species
you should see the godlike IQ of ancient Athenian citizens then

>> No.18402209

Athenians had actual intelligence. Jews are just very good at mimicking it.

>> No.18402216

So the jury was not Jewish, but you are insisting that Jewish influence still determined the eventual winners. How can anyone win when you are shifting the goalposts this way? And what about chess grandmasters?

>> No.18402234

I don't know if the jury was Jewish or not because I don't care about this, I know that Jews openly intervened against him because of his anti-Semitic beliefs and later scientists admitted the error:
>"Insufficient recognition has been given to Paulesco, the distinguished Roumanian scientist, who at the time when the Toronto team were commencing their research had already succeeded in extracting the antidiabetic hormone of the pancreas and proving its efficacy in reducing the hyperglycaemia in diabetic dogs."[6]
>"In a recent private communication Professor Tiselius, head of the Nobel Institute, has expressed his personal opinion that Paulesco was equally worthy of the award in 1923."
I don't know about chess. Russians are also overrepresented in chess and maths and science but I don't think much about it because Russians are not also lying parasites.

>> No.18402253


>> No.18402254

Also you say I'm moving the goal posts because I didn't say Jews were part of the jury yet it was never my goal post at all to argue about this specific thing. It was something you pulled out of thin air after I claimed there was influence over the Jewish committee. Then you suddenly come up with a story about the jury and with an accusation that I'm moving the goal posts. This is the second time you do this in a span of several replies so I don't know what's the point of your thread and questions because you're obviously either too slow to follow a conversation or insincere.

>> No.18402269

Jews have formed the world in their image since 1945, there's no way around it. The process of conquering the West took centures but after 1945 they've finally succeeded and we are all living in a world that is fundamentally Jewish, for better or worse.

>> No.18402281

>over the Jewish committee
Nobel prize committee*

>> No.18402282
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I'd say for worst.
Lucky it's all coming down now on itself.
Because Jews are going to Jew themselves into the grave

>> No.18402297

It's not, this is another misconception. We live in an Anglo-Jewish world because Anglo protects Jews. They have always been close because they're both highly capitalistic and have a good symbiosis. Anglos benefit greatly from Jews and in exchange they give them protection. It's not just Jews controlling the West, it's 2 races cooperatively. But all empires in history fall and this one is already beyond its prime.

>> No.18402307

I asked you to explain why Jews were massively over-represented among Nobel Prize winners despite this prize being overseen by gentiles. You then brought up an example of a Romanian scientist who was not declared a winner because another scientist was mistakenly awarded the prize for that specific field in that specific year, and claimed that Jewish influence therefore plays a part in determining who wins a Nobel Prize. Despite being so self-assured in these claims, you offer no actual evidence of Jewish influence on the judging committed of this prize historically, beyond this one example which doesn't actually have anything to do with the scientist's anti-semitic views. My question is what test would you accept as valid in order to show that Jewish over-representation is not always a result of ethnic nepotism. You have failed to do that, and instead opted for personal attacks which are probably a by-product of your ill-informed and resentful general attitude.

>> No.18402312

The Anglos have already fallen.
How long until the Jewish system collapses?
>Hint; Sooner then you think

>> No.18402336

I wouldn't call myself an antisemite but I really don't like them.

>> No.18402352

>we are all living in a world that is fundamentally Jewish, for better or worse.
much, much, much worse

>> No.18402370

>Why is Israel such an intellectual and artistic black hole if by every metric it should be punching far above its weight?
It's not? Israel is very strong in tech and has a lot of pretty prominent academics

>> No.18402374
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>tfw jews are malkavians

>> No.18402432

kill all malkavians

>> No.18402435

So where did I change the goal posts? I didn't claim to offer you a definite proof: I just told you to read on that case because I did and when I did I read the news articles at that time and there were Jewish pressure groups accusing the international scientific community for supporting anti-Semites. I'm on my phone and I had no intent on looking up the stuff for you: I just told you the name if you were interested in learning about it. Then you ask me for the list of ethnical representation of Nobel prize judges and then tell me I changed my goal posts when I don't post it for you. I didn't, I simply never claimed the judges were Jews. If the thread is still up tomorrow, maybe I'll look it up, but your demands and accusations are all over the place.

>> No.18402440

>Malkavians are our greatest allies!.

>> No.18402529

You can actually see even on Britannica that Jews still oppose any recognition for Paulescu
>In 2003 a ceremony scheduled for the unveiling of a bust of Paulescu in Paris that had been organized by the French minister of health and the Romanian ambassador in Paris was protested by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international Jewish human rights organization. Although Romanian authorities opposed the complaint, the ceremony was canceled.
But like I said, if you want more concrete proof, you for get it from public Wikipedias. You have to read either archives newspapers or interwar books that discuss these specific instances. I didn't claim I'll bring this kind of evidence for you. It's for whoever wants to dig more by themselves.

>> No.18402853

>full of smart capable people
Good one anon, real funny stuff

>> No.18402874

Is this basically CoC but in a "Yes and that's a good thing" way?

>> No.18403504
File: 49 KB, 1023x451, imrs.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our 105-110 average IQ is why we control media and finance!
Get over yourselves, holy shit.

>> No.18403673

>An example is Christmas and the kind of wholesome songs, books and movies about Christmas as understood in American terms. It's A Wonderful Life, for example, which is often described as the best Christmas movie, is based on a novel by a Jewish American man.
All of these aren't about Christianity though. Those Jew-authored Christmas songs are either about hedonism and consoomerism (Santa Baby), progressivism/antiracism (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) or the winter atmosphere (Let It Snow)

>> No.18404314

That isn't a quote from CoC, it's anon's low-functioning attempt at summarising the whole book, with the grammar of a retarded Sudanese child.

>> No.18404353

>Marxism and Freudianism, for example, sprang largely from the Jewish predicament, Slezkine notes, and both Soviet Bolshevism and American liberalism were affected in fundamental ways by the Jewish exodus from the Pale of Settlement.
But I thought this was a nazi conspiracy theory for incels. Kind of like how the great replacement is a conspiracy theory, except when you portray it as a positive. Only then is it real.

>> No.18405148

Intelligence agencies, and black projects, have way more influence and control over society than "jews". But believe what you want to believe i guess.
Oh by the way, the average orthodox rabbi doesn't sacrifice children. And doesn't worship demons, even if he worships the demiurge Yaldabaoth. For real orthodox jews, there is only one God. Now some might indulge into Goetic magic and such. But that is not the true orthodox judaism.

>> No.18405456
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>> No.18405466
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>> No.18405560
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honesty is not any Jew's forte.

>> No.18405586


>> No.18406325
File: 40 KB, 297x297, hardkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a compressed summary of the book. And I mean, he IS from Sweden, so take it as you want.
Guess who runs those agencies smooth brain