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/lit/ - Literature

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18394793 No.18394793 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18394802

I wasn't sure where else to put this and I don't want to make a thread.
For the past few months, I have been working on a topic that is near and dear to my heart and which has not gotten much real interest. Obviously, I can't go into any real detail but I would like to get published in an academic journal. The subject is philosophy. I am studying physics so I have not the faintest clue what academics look for in a humanities paper. I've somewhat treated my work as I would a physics text so I believe it should meet whatever standards of rigor.
Is anyone with experience in this willing to give some advice? Thanks friends.

>> No.18394809
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Ready for "this is your last year" to apply to one of these years

>> No.18394819

Isla de Pascua :)

>> No.18394822
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part of me wants to abandon everything and go live life on the road, but another part of me says that this is completely pointless i would only be doing it to cope with my failures in life and to get away from the ash & rubbles i've left behind my path.
either way, if i fail the next exams, i'll leave towards bosnia. at least it's a green place.

>> No.18394831
File: 55 KB, 668x572, woym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh... I was about to open a new one but the pic took me too long, ohh hell nahw

>> No.18394840

ohh and btw, the "write" is gay

>> No.18394853

to be frank with you, no one is interested in your own epistemologies and cosmologies you came up with in your free time. the humanities are largely about textual anlysis-- if you haven't read the text (meaning the work of specific philosophers, the works of their biographers and most prolific critics, and the works of people discussing said philosopher in the modern day) then you really have nothing to say of relevance.
now, I'm assuming you haven't read the text, because even people who are studying philosophy for several years haven't read enough of the text to start publishing in academic journals, people have to study and read for almost a decade to be taken seriously in those publications. further, in said publications people aren't just talking out their ass about what they think, they work in a discourse with other academics, trying to forward the conversation and, unfortunately, to make it of broader relevance and enhance their own careers as intellectuals.
I don;t mean to be a prick, only to say that if you have interesting introspections on philosophy, just share them. don't waste your time chasing a goal you don't understand and ultimately would probably not want.

>> No.18394891

Haka is laughable in any modern context, why do people pretend it's not?

>> No.18394904
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i recently realised that if theres no major war in the next 7 years i will have more or less nowhere to go in life

>> No.18394915

>there are no wars rn
I got some good news for you kid

>> No.18394943

I don't think I'll ever stop feeling lonely
and it's tearing me apart every time I see hundreds of people having fun at night,,, like today.

>> No.18394970

>it's tearing me apart every time I see hundreds of people having fun at night

u have a wrong sense of what fun is

>> No.18394975

Women are scum

>> No.18394983
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>tfw paid off all my student debt
>no car payments or credit card debt
>tfw I can literally do whatever I want as long as I can find food, water, and a place to sleep

Goddamn. I like this. I’ll probably keep working my engineering job for now but I’m bout to become the worlds biggest slacker. They will pay me to sit on /lit/ all day, and they will like it. I ain’t got nothing to work for if I don’t like it.

I’m gonna find something fun and get paid for that.

>> No.18394992

How to decrease my libido? I don't want to be a slave to my members.

>> No.18395005

sorry i should have been more clear
i meant a war that i care to get involved in

>> No.18395016

pavlovian conditioning via cold showers and testicle flicking.
well then never; wars are not like in the romantic stories anymore, they are pretty much just terrible

>> No.18395022

well, talking to people and having friends sure seems more fun than lying in bed all day reading and never actually living my life.

>> No.18395031
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Herman Melville is a comfy writer; his stories are always funny and well-written and weirdly insightful and wise; Whenever I read one of his stories it feels like I'm talking with a good friend and mentor. Do you anons have any writers that make you feel this way?

>> No.18395037

Been workin on making a game, gonna put some real effort in over the summer break once my finals are done, hopefully gonna be out of community college soon
Get a hobby and stop looking at low coom material
And I mean like a real, creative hobby, like writing or composing music or some kind of artistic discipline
Something that you care about that requires practice and commitment
Then you won't have so much dead time to fill with jacking off

>> No.18395056

cool statues. I wanna visit them some day.

>> No.18395074

I came to the realization that I hate what I cant have.

In retrospective that seems to be obvious but until some minutes ago the full implications of that fact was not something I seriously considered. Several times, when surrounded by more healthy and social people, I found myself bothered and almost offended by the ways in wich they spoke about life, founding pleasure and interest in the tiniest, most mundane things. For some time I considered that a defect of them, vanity even; first worlders enjoying the pleasures of their luxuries without a hint of the trascendental truths.

But that is a cope. Truth is, I am envious.

I am no more righteous than them. I am no more wise than them. My obsession with complicated texts and old books and obscure topics steam from that envy, from the idea that in spite of my social faillings I was, at the end, deeper and more intelligent. Truth is, I cant be an artist simply because there is no sincerity in my work and studies anymore: Is a big, giant cope, an enraged scream from the troath of someone who have always, as a choice and not a whim of fate, not engaged in life due fear of rejection and pain, and also lazyness.

I dont want to reject everything I achieved. There was sincere joy sometimes in the past, when reading old myths and the ways in wich other cultures interacted with the divine. In those brief moments during the night I was truly happy, but sadly, there is not even a hint of that sincere joy anymore, and everyday I found myself leaning towards pretentious thoughts, finding more and more reasons to spite people whose only crime is being happy and sincere.

There is a lot of things wrong in the modern world, and I will not reject the morality that I have always considered righteous and good. Still, since some years ago my reasons to preach have been wicked, and more sinfull than the passions I condemn.

I dont know bros, I guess there is a little hell in my heart, and I truly dont know how to let go this hate, this spite. I am the maker of my own misery, the one that decided to cling on the scars and wounds of a troublesome childhood and highschool. I have no one to blame.

>> No.18395081

When twilight flutters the mountains over,
The faery lights from the earth unfold:
And over the caves enchanted hover
The giant heroes and gods of old.
The bird of æther its flaming pinions
Waves over earth the whole night long:
The stars drop down in their blue dominions
To hymn together their choral song.
The child of earth in his heart grows burning,
Mad for the night and the deep unknown;
His alien flame in a dream returning
Seats itself on the ancient throne.
When twilight over the mountains fluttered,
And night with its starry millions came,
I too had dreams: the songs I have uttered
Come from this heart that was touched by the flame.

>> No.18395091

If sociologists were smart, they would be psychologists.

>> No.18395107

In reply to the thread that was deleted: Through suffering we develop virtues that without it we would never have, such as patience, perseverance, courage etc. So since we can't run away from it, let's use it to our favor.

>> No.18395141
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Convince me that Thomas D'Arcy McGee wasn't a black man.

>> No.18395172

His mind is like a thousand men in a madhouse bashing their skulls open against the wall and mixing them together and filtering out any contradictions to create an idea that each man will dedicate himself to until death. And I know because I am the seed of his mind connected to him by an invisble strain which convinces you that you are doing all the work when it is the strain sewing strings into your limbs and puppeting you through a feverish and divine eternal dance of which you are in truth only an observer. But nevertheless you delight in the dance because it is divine, because you were built to dance and only when you stop rebelling against the puppeteer do you learn of the perfect harmony of your body that only the puppeteer can utilize.

>> No.18395176
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I have not watched porn or masturbated since at least 5:30 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST).

I broke on day 5.

>> No.18395181

Do you think schadenfreude is an acceptable aid for alleviating depression?

I can't help it. It just feels better to see bad things happen to other people. I could never be a direct actor. I don't long to cause misery, but I do enjoy slurping up its existence for others with a straw.

I'm too old to be like this.

>> No.18395194

had a fleeting feeling of ecstasy and wanted to write a poem about the beauty of sound, but I couldn't write anything cool. felt like it was gonna go somewhere but it didn't, oh well

sound, with sweetness the world shakes
in nature commodious with harmony
as spoken from first theophany
by logos his world the word makes

>> No.18395195


>> No.18395215
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>> No.18395268

where did you get the idea of the dancer and the puppeteer from? if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.18395279

looking for feedback on the latest scene from my visual novel. Would love to hear some constructive critique on my style of writing.

>> No.18395358
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haha stupid asshole

>> No.18395388

For all the trouble, what is it worth?
I do not own this latest iteration
of myself. As tribes to a nation,
it is beholden to another face
that wish I could not appreciate
If there is no path, why venture forth?
Without a path there is no end?
Without an end, I've lost a friend.

>> No.18395404

Does anyone have any tried and true methods of getting out of a funk?

I’m in one of those funks where you don’t do laundry, don’t clean the apartment, let the dishes pile up, and don’t want to do anything or go anywhere. I’m on week 4 or 5. I’m just so damn tired all the time and I’m struggling to snap out of this.

>> No.18395409
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I am tired of listening to you talk about video games. Your lethargy and lack of willpower tire me out. I am silently growing disappointed in you. May God help you and may He help me as well.

>> No.18395413

Honestly no but I listened to Don DeLillo give a speech once and it was like listening to my grandfather.

>> No.18395422

I will probably never pay off my student loans

>> No.18395433

I just do what I need to do even if I hate it. Put on a good playlist and get it over with, so you can at least wallow in misery in a clean house.

>> No.18395440

fitness, healthy foods, spiritual fulfillment, not too much free time

>> No.18395445

>fitness, healthy foods
I’ve been struggling with these big time lately. I’ve always been a bit overweight but I got even more overweight since Covid lockdowns started and I just can’t seem to fight it off.

>> No.18395458

I don’t really have anything I have to get over with besides cleaning and cleaning alone won’t snap me out of this funk. It’s like I feel normal until noon and then once noon hits, I’m just a zombie and I can’t even focus or see right. All of my ambition is sapped and I just want to lay around and do nothing but im still miserable over it.

>> No.18395477

well yesterday I was thinking about how your body is designed to fulfill the purpose of moving and if you don't move it like it wants it degrades. So dancing is movement and it is what the body wants to do and I think it's divine because it fulfills the ultimate purpose of the body. Really I was thinking about running but dancing is more romantic. But I mean running in the way that you would run if you hadn't lived sedentary your whole life (denying the body its purpose) and had allowed your body to move naturally, which I imagine as a dance in its own because once you start running faster and with better form it's more like you're like a gazelle bouncing forward. And I think the same thing goes for you soul and life. Your mind has a purpose (something it is able to do and wants to do naturally that it seems to be designed to do) in the same way as your body and when you aren't fulfilling it it's like torture and when you are it's divine. And the mind is perfect insofar as it is perfectly able to fulfill whatever its purpose is by definition, because if it isn't able to it isn't what it was really designed for. So life is a dance with a perfect body if you have found something that you feel is your purpose to do and you are able to follow it. But you're a puppet because you aren't really in control of what your mind was designed to do, and once you let go of the things holding your mind back and allow it to do what it truly wants which is to fulfill whatever purpose it has, you're almost a spectator becuase you can't control what the mind wants as that is ultimately up to things like your genetics and childhood and the fact that you are a human in the first place.

>> No.18395490

getting out of the funk is always hard because the first week of doing anything is super lame. remember that you are actually master of your own body, and emotions, and will. by means of your spirit you can, despite all other aspects of yourself, do something good for yourself so that even as your emotions and body cry out against what you are doing you can press on. for a single day just fast from all food and any beverage but water, then after eat foods like fruit, eggs, oatmeal, chicken, vegetables and do light lifting and light cardio for overall at least an hour of exercise. if you are secular i recommend to do some spiritual seeking and journaling, if you know God or want to know God pray to God. finally, find a community to be a part of with similar interests, like literature, spirituality, or even fitness. A gym and Church are great improvements to ones life, take care anon, God bless you

>> No.18395507

Is there a particular source that's getting you down? How did you function before? Is your ability to do things as you did before diminished?

>> No.18395509

The best I can do is not wantonly feed the brain.
Knowledge is power, dark power.

>> No.18395510

We seem to have gotten an incel janny, probably one of those ones that larps as a trad cath to pretend they are not incels.

>> No.18395513

I’ve been trying hard to fast again but I just lack total willpower. Lately, it’s like I’m just on autopilot. The truth is, I detest my days and have nothing to look forward to so eating is my one last coping mechanism I guess and so my brain just animates my body and I eat without any hesitation.

>> No.18395521

I guess I’ve been kind of apathetic for a long time. People would say I’m low energy I bet and I’ve been that way for a long, long time but I’m not usually in a funk like this. Normally, I’m at least very clean and I walk several miles everyday. I read a lot, I work on things I want to work on. But lately, I am just a slug. So yes, my ability to do things is diminished. It’s literally like I cannot focus. I thought for a second that it was because of the COVID shot because this started around that time but I’m now convinced it’s not and I just don’t know what’s up with me. I don’t live this time of the year desu.

>> No.18395529

Got anyone around you to at least be around while you get your bearings? I've had many weeks/months like this and while companionship isn't a cure all, it certainly helps. Sorry to hear about it, anon.

>> No.18395559


I been stuck in a wormhole for the whole month of may, but I'm back

>> No.18395644

Also nofap. If you really feel like you have no willpower to be able to break free of this then you have a single option that should be free from potential harm. Pray to Jesus Christ of Nazareth for freedom and healing, cry out to him until something breaks. Other spiritual measures may result in further demonization, tread at your own risk.

>> No.18395774
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>Pray to Jesus Christ of Nazareth

don't listen to this guy

ey yo,
Everyone who thinks about this no fap bullshit and is unsure about if he should try, STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM! NOBODY BREAKS THE LAW ON MY WATCH!
listen to me, I'm 28 and have been through a lot in the past few years, everything imaginable and I also didn't fap for about 3 months, it was a nightmare, I should have fapped even more back then, no matter how often, because I had a lot of stress and no fap made it worse, I had become even more neurotic than I already am and had a stick up my ass, I wasn't myself anymore.

Nowadays my emotional life is relatively balanced compared to before, I feel much better with fapping.

It's actually obvious that if you have problems, no matter what, no fap will not solve them.

You have to be really sick in the head to believe this Jesus bullshit, sick and lazy.

But I don't want to offend Christianity or people who believe in that stuff. There are certainly many useful wisdoms, you just have to learn to grasp the right impulses.

Finally, I would like to ask one more question. In fact, the answer is obvious. If you are stressed what would be better? When you fap or when you stop?

Stop hating yourself.


>> No.18395781



>> No.18395800

Fapping will keep you in a low energy state and anon won't be able to break out of funk with no energy. Jesus Christ is God.

>> No.18395802
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Basically non-verbal, but I'll give it a go:

"itchy. Dying. Nerve pain in my face and upper teeth. Want to fap but no libido. Want to eat but not hungry. Want coffee but not in the mood. Want a cigarette but not really. Should go to bed so I can get up and do something later today. Not tired. Bored, worried about something bad escalating. Wish I was happy. Don't know wtf I want."

>> No.18395843 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 920x658, 98-981941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fapping will keep you in a low energy state

That is simply not true.

This is constructivist nonsense that you talk yourself into.

- The scared elephants

A man claps his hands every ten seconds. When asked about the reason for this behavior, he explains: “To scare away the elephants.” When asked that there are no elephants here, he replies: “Well, well! You see? ”Watzlawick wanted to point out that the consistent attempt to avoid a problem actually leads to perpetuation.

So if you don't have any energy, then you might want to consider eating some protein-rich foods.

and yo,
I'm also spiritual.

>Jesus Christ is God.

pls stop

>> No.18395852


You could try abandoning your house and going camping or hiking. That's what I've always done, but due to lockdown I've just been degenerating, both mentally and physically. Last post is mine btw.

>> No.18395862

Those mental states pass eventually. Apathy is one of the worst parts of depression, though

>> No.18395871


Not protein foods. Complex carbohydrates, just not refined sugar. Oats, for instance. Look at what any hard grafter or marathon runner eats and just copy them.

>> No.18395872 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 920x658, 98-981941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fapping will keep you in a low energy state

That is simply not true.
It's constructivist nonsense that you talk yourself into until you believe it yourself.

- The scared elephants

A man claps his hands every ten seconds. When asked about the reason for this behavior, he explains: “To scare away the elephants.” When asked that there are no elephants here, he replies: “Well, well! You see? ”Watzlawick wanted to point out that the consistent attempt to avoid a problem actually leads to perpetuation.

So if you don't have any energy, then you might want to consider eating some protein-rich foods.

and yo,
I'm also spiritual.

>Jesus Christ is God.

pls stop

>> No.18395879

No really, no.

>> No.18395880
File: 526 KB, 1024x944, 1619037128798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish a nuclear bomb would wipe us all from existence. I'm tired the current state of the world, worried about the future, full of regrets, unrealistic ambitions, frustrations...
I see in the bomb the final solution to all problems. I see the redemption of humanity and all of our sins in that final explosion. Come, come, nuclear bomb.

>> No.18395885
File: 167 KB, 920x658, 98-981941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fapping will keep you in a low energy state

That is simply not true.
It's constructivist nonsense that you talk yourself into until you believe it yourself.

- The scared elephants

A man claps his hands every ten seconds. When asked about the reason for this behavior, he explains: “To scare away the elephants.” When asked that there are no elephants here, he replies: “Well, well! You see? ”Watzlawick wanted to point out that the consistent attempt to avoid a problem actually leads to perpetuation.

So if you don't have any energy, then you might want to consider eating some protein-rich foods.

>Not protein foods. Complex carbohydrates, just not refined sugar. Oats, for instance. Look at what any hard grafter or marathon runner eats and just copy them.

or this

...and yo,
I'm also spiritual.

>Jesus Christ is God.

pls stop already

>> No.18395887
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Based and PosadasPilled.

>> No.18395888

I don’t really pray anymore. I used to pray a lot when I was younger. I mean, I used to have those moments where I beg and cry out for help but I never felt like it got me anywhere and that aside, I gradually became less interested in religion. Though I’d like to believe I guess.

>> No.18395894
File: 443 KB, 778x778, image_2021-06-06_042739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the fuck did you teleport your post. What magic is this?

>> No.18395899


>> No.18395900

Try reading the Gospel of Mark and then the Gospel of John with an open heart. Faith comes from hearing.

>> No.18395935

Thank you for the advice. I will follow it even if it costs my balls integrity.

>> No.18395955
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>> No.18395973

At the very least I'm here. Sorry that probably doesnt give you any solace

>> No.18396000

Is porn and non-masturbation such a factor in others' lives? I suppose it IS prevalent, but I've never had a problem wrt cooming.

>> No.18396033

>Is porn and non-masturbation such a factor in others' lives?

No, not really, it's just triggered by all the hype and because so many people come into contact with this thought. People look for solutions to problems they don't even have. It always starts with a meme, but as soon as people feel bad long enough, they take it seriously.

But once you convince yourself that no fap will make something better, then you are already in a vicious circle.

Not only is it no fap, it's the same with Christianity and everything, people try everything out when they're young.

>> No.18396044

i want to learn how to meditate but i don't want to be indoctrinated under some new age guru crystals bullshit

>> No.18396050
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75 years as a lamb or 30 years as a wolf?

>> No.18396056

I’m not sure what you mean? You’re here for me to talk to? If that’s what you mean, then thanks for the sentiment.

>> No.18396063

Thank you Frater. This was nice.

>> No.18396084

>i just became enlightened and realized commas are useless

>> No.18396091

The pornography consumption, besides affecting public morality, lowers the birth rate. That's why Putin blocked Porn Hub in Russia.

>> No.18396093

cringe, we are on /lit/

>> No.18396099

Jesus. How bad does it have to get to seek salvation like that?

>> No.18396106

Of course I am :)

>> No.18396116

Why not simply... not consume porn or jack your meat as much? Is it all consuming for everyone else or am I a eunuch

>> No.18396118

I’m sorry to hear that anon. Godspeed to you.

>> No.18396129

Its no coincidence that a reduction in Trump's influence preceded a rise in religious posting.

>> No.18396133

commas are not just for pauses, they have a syntactic meaning.

>> No.18396137


>> No.18396148

Not much to explain, really.
Pull out one rug, the mind searches for another to curl up on.

>> No.18396154

One big piece of advice that helped me with weight loss and fitness is you need to make it fun, same with starting a healthy diet.

Find some form of exercise, some healthy meal that you genuinely like and enjoy, and just do that. I think the big problem with a lot of people in their weight loss journey or general fitness is the pressure they put on themselves to get the workout or healthy eating done, and it becomes a chore as opposed to an activity you just do.

Like at this point I genuinely enjoy running, and I do it everyday because I find it relaxing to be outside in nice weather, I get the chance to unwind after work, and I like the feeling of getting my body moving. I did this by keeping the intensity low but volume high, didn’t push myself too hard, but just enough to make it worth doing. I think if a workout is so intense you can’t do it the next day, for mental or physical reasons like you’re tired or just so anxious about doing it, then the workout wasn’t worth doing at all. Could I up my run intensity? Yeah probably, but if it would make it less fun and want me to do it less what’s the point? I run a 5k nearly everyday, doing it faster will just make me not want to do it at that frequency.

>> No.18396190

It can get really bad, especially if you are a tweeker, have paranoia, maybe post traumatic stress disorder, have an illness, you're not particularly resistant to stress, etc. There can be many causes. Life is not a child's play.

I'm not saying that it's good or bad. It just happens. You can learn from it and develop yourself further. You can even get deeper insights into life and ask more questions than an ordinary person who doesn't think as much. Provided you learn from your mistakes and don't stop looking for answers. Many seem not to care and either stop developing or get stuck.

>> No.18396198

I totally believe that but the thing is I don’t really enjoy anything in particular. I used to have certain fitness hobbies that I’m just not interested in anymore.

>> No.18396199

I guess its stupid to ask why some men turn toward porn to alleviate certain symptoms when, for years, i used self harm. I think its the tie with sexuality that confuses me since Im well versed in shame

>> No.18396225


>"That's why Putin"


>> No.18396264

Damn shits kinda messed up for you brother.

I find when I was depressed it’s because I had a lot of things in my life I was doing because I “should”. As in someone or society had told me it was a good thing to do, when I personally didn’t care for it at all.

Realized that, took a look at everything I “should” be doing, and stopped doing things that I didn’t care for, and kept or started doing things I wanted to.

It’s wild how once you start to live your own life with your own wants how much better it becomes.

I havnt read any of your other posts so I’m not sure if this applies specifically but just trying to give some general advice. Best of luck.

>> No.18396308

I want virtua fighter 5 ultimate showdown to release on steam.

>> No.18396389

It's 7 in the morning and I haven't slept yet

>> No.18396502

>Write what's on your mind
Yes, I'm done now. I was never going to become the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce, but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted. I had thought my country's education system to be topmost in the world, but this turned out to be utter bollocks. A child of 18, a person ten years my junior, has a greater vocabulary than I, who had to look up the word “topiary”, and no one likes the expression theory of art anymore, I am likened to a long lost dinosaur.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level. My tenses are mixed up; I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia. I mix tired and trite idioms together to obfuscate their unoriginality with a veneer of irony; I have continued to recite ornate Jewish chimpanzee parables with diminishing returns. The parable seemed very clearly to me to be asking me whether or not the now-grown-adult can choose. I say yes, of course, but that's not my issue.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 96 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless duelling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit!
Story arcs, character arcs, narrative arcs, these are all outdated terms. You say what you hear, and only the anime fandom uses the term “arc” anymore. I am a toad! Look how many words I wrote, because apparently literature is bodybuilding and just aimlessly typing will somehow improve my writing. My appetites grew as I wrote, I set a goal of a 100 thousand words when I began, only for the cancerous growth to demand a 137 thousand words soon enough to be completed, and still I don't even know what genre it is that I'm writing. Is it autofiction? A comedy? A picaresque? Am I merely shitposting edgelord-triggering diarrhea in neo-emo gothic revivalist gestalt? Not even the most fundamental of a writer’s skills, phonetics, were known to me, as I trusted in story and character rather than language itself.
Regardless, I have failed. I have put down my pen. Never again will my fingers click-clack across the keyboard. No more outlines, no more characters. Goodbye

>> No.18396533

Why couldn't anime just be liked by a relatively small community of degenerate losers forever. The normalfags who bullied me as a kid for liking it now love it, life is just fucking retarded.

>> No.18396542

cya tomorrow

>> No.18396545

I think schadenfreude is normal and even natural, but I also think, deep down, nobody is born with an innate desire to see others fail or suffer. They want something to look up to and idolize, anything to believe in. We all want our hope and optimism to be validated and try to see the best in people during our most innocent years. But hope is a dangerous drug, and there is no hate like that towards a fallen idol. When we grow older and become jaded, increasingly beaten down by life, resentment festers towards those fallen idols or others we think manifest the things in the world we hate. Everyone wants to make the world a better place, it's human nature. But at some point we take the redpill or blackpill or just stop caring. And once we give up on society at large we enjoy watching anyone who's well-adjusted or a part of the normal world experience any form of embarrassment or suffering. We pick easy targets to soothe our ego. Meanwhile those "NPCs" will always be happy in the long run. Reminds me of that LBJ press conference where he got trashed for saying all his haters will still wake up the next day to their same old lives, gaining nothing of value or no true fulfillment outside of the failure of others. Try to view schadenfreude as projection, anon.

>> No.18396577

This cute gif almost makes me want to watch hololiveshit

>> No.18396694

I havent had frequent or strong suicidal thoughts for a few months now but they're coming back the past week and it's been a doozy.

>> No.18396707

>Should go to bed so I can get up and do something later today.

Today I was feeling like this. Thanks for putting it into words.

>> No.18396784

I took store brand dayquil about 12 hours ago, is it okay to drink alcohol now?

>> No.18396825

honestly, fair point

>> No.18396997


After skipping to the end and then reading this, I can only concur.

Your prose would be great if you vary your sentence length and put down the thesaurus though imo.

Goodbye, anon.

>> No.18397001

oh... oh no.... I have no talent

>> No.18397003


>> No.18397005

Why is /lit/ so enamored with intellectualism? Doesn't the anti-intellectual life (military, crime, farming etc.) seem that much more fulfilling? I think so.

>> No.18397012

You are obviously stupid tho, so what you think is of no consequence

>> No.18397023


I'm still awake btw. Forgot I left this thread open. I've spent four hours listening to Hildegard von Bingen, chain vaping and looking up coat patterns online and might actually work up the energy to do something today, despite no sleep for over 30 hours.

Glad my pathetic rant could provide some katharsis.

>> No.18397032

And what issue do you take with my claim?

>> No.18397046 [DELETED] 
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All three are bad, but everyone should probably work with their hands in some capacity. It is a large part of what makes us human and not something I wish to deprive my brain of.

>> No.18397058

How to become optimist? Im not talking about being delusional but rather realist but with hope.

>> No.18397072

It's just "living" life, y'know? Not existing outside of it, like you would when studying.

>> No.18397099

Reading "On Women" by Schopie while texting Tinder bitches. What a piece of work I am.

>> No.18397128

send them excerpts from it

>> No.18397145


I think a synthesis of study and good, honest to God graft to be the best.

Literature can supplement many crafts, but a lot of people want to cling to some cringe bourgeois notion of the intellectual who sequesters themselves away in a dusty study, attended by servants night and day.

"Don't let schooling interfere with your education" is something they never took to heart. They will never produce anything of worth because they aspire to detach themselves from the world.

>> No.18397152

I'm pretty into MMA and boxing as well as reading and writing. I fucking HATE this Paul brothers garbage. One of my favorite boxers is Tommy Hearns. He had a long career and was a FIVE division champion. The guy was a true fucking warrior and is one of the all-time greats of the sport. He made less money over the entirety of his career than Logan Paul is gonna make in one single fight with Mayweather. The kicker is that Hearns has permanent, debilitating brain damage, and our terminally ill society rewards him less than it does a couple of novice "fighters" who haven't earned the privilege of stepping into an actual ring with an actual fighter like Mayweather. I fucking cannot stand it. It's emblematic of how far our society has fallen that we reward the actual warriors with pittance, where we reward loudmouth wannabes with tens of millions of dollars.

>> No.18397169
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Sir, this is a family board.

>> No.18397188


It's just a homunculus, to demonstrate the cortical importance of our hands.

>> No.18397266

My PSP battery just died after 14 years of fucking with it. I used it for audiobooks. Glad it still works with a cable. Fucking Mercury Retrograde.

>> No.18397272

I have an exam next friday, I should have begun studying a month ago, I still haven't studied at all. The good thing is that even if I don't pass it I can retake it a bit later, so I'll have more time to study, but even then I feel a pressure in my chest whenever I think about it.

>> No.18397276

(You) but didn't read

>> No.18397335
File: 1002 KB, 250x251, 1482068474299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean to be grown up? To be an adult? I'm 23 and yet, I still feel like a child who's yet to take on this world.

>> No.18397389

Your mindset is pretty common on 4channel, but at least you have the self-awareness to free you of the hubris and superiority complex this kind of thinking harbors. You've freed yourselves from the shackles of resentment. That's admirable. Applaud yourself. Grow from it but don't let it diminish your passion for art or make you think your literary interests are useless because you've used them as a cope. If great men didn't use their art as a cope or escape from their miserable lives most great texts wouldn't exist in the first place. Keep your moral compass though. It IS righteous to have a stubborn ideas of right vs. wrong as long as you use it in a healthy way - i.e. not looking down upon others who're living their normal lives. You've identified what most never will (your values have been driven by subconscious projection) but every man needs a code. Now you can do it for your own sake, not to fan the flames of your ego or as a coping mechanism. Unless you genuinely can't find any more joy in learning for your own betterment and growth, which I hope isn't the case. You'll be fine effort poster.

>> No.18397393

It's a gradual process. You wouldn't notice that you've turned adult.

>> No.18397438
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>> No.18397449

any tips on quitting a habit? specifically porn and video games (LoL and Fifa)

>> No.18397450

23 is about when I started feeling like an adult, but as the anon said its a gradual process. The more responsibility you have to take for yourself, and the more you realise you are actually able to take on, the more you will feel like an adult.

>> No.18397462

>What does it mean to be grown up?
It doesn't. It's one of those epitomal platitudes that mean nothing. I'm 32 years old and I still feel the same internally as I always have. There’s a sense of continuity stretching back to my adolescence. Even though my body is already showing signs of age-related breakdown, in my mind I feel as "young" as I always have. Adulthood is a myth.

>> No.18397463

what do you like about porn and those games in the first place?

>> No.18397468

Congrats on breaking the cycle of your superiority complex, now you can start truly living life
t. been there 3 years ago

>> No.18397493

Brainlet take, that brain goes through a series of important neurobiological developments from your adolescence to 26 yo.

>> No.18397497

Stirner took a huge steamy shit on everyone and they've been coping for decades trying to show how their fixed concepts are actually really Objective and great. I can't take a lot of these modern philosophers seriously after reading Stirner.

>> No.18397507

I'm sorry anon but you are a manchild. I mean it would explain why you're 32 and still on 4chan, when the rest of your peers are out being adults. Just because you never became an adult doesn't make that a universal experience.

>> No.18397511

>Teh literal child trying to give life advice from a point of authority.

>> No.18397512

>I found myself leaning towards pretentious thoughts, finding more and more reasons to spite people whose only crime is being happy and sincere
Interesting that despite your self-professed rejection of arrogance and pretension you still consider yourself some kind of arbiter on the character of others. Sounds to me like you've replaced spite for others with spite for yourself. If that line of thinking is bad enough to avoid applying it to others, it holds that it shouldn't be directed inwards either.

The world is much simpler when you see things in terms of black and white, but if you'll let me be blunt for a second, you're still just as arrogant now as the person you're describing, in that you're reducing the entirety of everything into black and white terms. The arrogance is that you think that if you just find the right target for your derision, finally you'll have found an all-encompassing worldview which is cohesive of anything you'll come into contact with. For all your searching for divinity and truth, you're not even close to hitting bedrock. Allow some nuance, anon. You are not all bad any more than they are all good. Reality comes in shades of gray.

>> No.18397521

I hope you realize that this is not an argument or anything approaching a definition of adulthood. You can insult me all you want, I can handle it.

>> No.18397522
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Don't listen to them, you are completely right. Also, start microdosing LSD.

They're rat-race-cucked and miserable. Adults have basically no excuse to lose that sense of wonder and creativity possessed in childhood, that's often referred to as "feeling like a child."

>> No.18397525

porn: surrogate for intimacy, relief of boredom/pain/solitude, longtime habit

fifa: just got back into it after a long hiatus, honestly don't know why, just on a whim, but it's become more vivid and stimulating than anything else I've experienced in a while

>> No.18397531

>Adults have basically no excuse to lose that sense of wonder and creativity possessed in childhood, that's often referred to as "feeling like a child."
Yep, this is getting close to it. As you get older, as long as you don't let the modern rat race drag you down, you'll begin to understand what I've said as an experiential truth, one that can't be learned or understood as much as it can only be experienced. At 32 I have already outlived a reasonable life expectancy for the environment I was evolved to survive in. This gives me a fantastic sense of freedom to pursue what I love doing for the pure joy of it. I just want to share that possibility with others, who so often I've seen beaten down and cheapened under a system that doesn't value them.

>> No.18397533
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Women's sexual fantasies are really funny lol

>> No.18397534

Maybe you don't need to microdose, but it's looking pretty promising at battling depression and age related brain atrophy, so it can't hurt.

>> No.18397538

where to get LSD ?

>> No.18397543


Based take. Was personally pretty disappointed at the responses you got. Everyone I've known in my life who is the trifecta of interesting, successful and creative has told me the same thing.

>> No.18397544

seems like you should make your life more interesting and these habits would become obsolete. that raises another question - how to do it?

>> No.18397556


Can't help with that, sorry. Hopefully one day it will be legal and you can just get a prescription or buy it from a pharmacy. It became a lot harder to get when the FBI started going after darkweb markets. If you find a source, make sure to get a testing kit from a reputable pharmacy. Microdosing is not the same as the regular application. It's widely practiced in the tech industry, since it seems to outperform other nootropics.

>> No.18397559

subhuman freak

>> No.18397566

It's okay, I can't take you seriously either.

>> No.18397575
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I can't help but feel as though the modern world is on the precipice of great violence and great killing. Maybe what China is doing with the Uighurs is merely the start. It feels like there is this simmering, terrible, ugly hate that brews beneath North America, South America, and Europe right now, and maybe Africa too. I feel like, I have a premonition, that some one thing, some one event, is going to happen, and it is going to cause a great killing and immense death. Civil war, ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, all that stuff. I feel like it's really close, and something is going to happen that triggers an orgy of it in the developed and developing world. I can't help but feel there is great bloodshed and deliberate death in our future.

>> No.18397576


What are your gripes, anon? I don't microdose myself, I have done it in the past after conventional depression medication had failed me for years. I was already a sub-human freak due to mental illness and it made it better with lasting effects. With the research accumulating on it, I can't see it being illegal or taboo for more than another decade.

>> No.18397578

Uighur genocide isn't happening and has been invented by the cia - find one credible source on it, any proof, I'll wait.

>> No.18397600

Absolutely. It's the pure essence of naivete to look at China and not see the truth of its true ambitions. What we have brewing in the Orient is an authoritarian, aggressively expansionist regime. Look at their actions – the things they actually do. They suppress dissent. They control ABSOLUTELY the flow of information within their borders. They continue to expand those borders. Ask the Vietnamese and Indians how they feel about having China as a neighbor. Border disputes are only intensifying as China begins to fully wake up. We are already past the point of no return with China, and our options are to roll over or fight. I don't know when it'll happen, but it will. It's already started, and we're all so happy to turn inwards instead of focusing public attention on the literal existential threat China poses on the world stage. China is basically screaming at us what it intends to do. In response, the only policy coming from our government seems to be this vague hope that things will eventually work out. I'm not particularly enamored of Trump, but if there's one single thing he was completely correct on, it was the threat to global stability which Chinese expansionism represents.

>> No.18397604



I'll just cite this one study and leave it at that.

>> No.18397607

This is the actual problem, you retard. China is completely and utterly opaque. Their autocratic proficiency with the control of information completely precludes any actual knowledge of the true nature of what's going on. It is just as outlandish a claim to say that it is happening as it is to claim it isn't.

>> No.18397609

>Maybe what China is doing with the Uighurs is merely the start.
oh no he fell for the propaganda lol

>> No.18397610

Not an argument. There are sources from inside North Korea with photo evidence of forced labor camps. Surely north Korea is more opaque than China.

>> No.18397615

I don't trust any sort of psychedelics study. All those scientists are insane subversive jews.

>> No.18397618
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Thanks c:

>> No.18397622

all that bullshit leftist spiel to justify your thirst for blood. no, i will not die for uyghurs nor taiwan. fuck you.

>> No.18397625


China is bad, but America and the West in general is worse, particularly when it comes to military expansion, so both are terrible options. Personally I'm more of a fan of the belt and roads initiative than never ending projection of military might and bombing countries into the stone-age. Plus it's not as if the USA doesn't completely monitor the entire world along with their own citizens, infiltrate movements that threaten their interests and censor information.

Why do you think a war is the correct course?

>> No.18397626

the names in the link are Dutch

>> No.18397628

They're a Merchant society too.

>> No.18397629

yeah, I used to be a music producer and spent a good chunk of my time doing that. the irony is that a large part of the reason i stopped was that i ruined half my laptop keyboard by spilling oil that i was using to masturbate. i have purchased a new laptop since but it doesn't have the same plugins as my previous laptop, and more importantly i have mostly lost that burning desire to create and be an artist. i'm now studying math and philosophy at college and i'm excited for my coursework in the coming fall but otherwise have nothing really going on. i considered writing, and have a few good story ideas (imo) but am deathly afraid of executing. i also run from time to time, but not nearly with enough consistency. i should go back to that again.

>> No.18397631

>I'm not particularly enamored of Trump, but if there's one single thing he was completely correct on, it was the threat to global stability which Chinese expansionism represents.

>> No.18397638

>am deathly afraid of executing
whats the main reason behind it? judgement? being outed as an unoriginal?

>> No.18397642

>go to a war with a country that has absolutely no cause or want to go to war with the USA
Absolute state of Americans.

>> No.18397653

The Uyghur situation is total bunk.

>> No.18397658

How is that not an argument? China is routinely untruthful towards its own citizens, to whom it ostensibly has an obligation. What reason do we have to believe that China will be truthful towards the rest of the world? Additionally, this could be easily explained by China being much, much more competent in the way it suppresses information than the bumbling DPRK. All of this is to pretend that there aren't actually anecdotal accounts of the Uyghur disappearances. There are, and there are enough to raise reasonable suspicions. These suspicions lead nowhere, because even if we can get past China's competent information control, it's not politically advantageous to have it disseminating in the public discourse. If even half of it is true, China is guilty of some pretty horrendous human rights issues which would necessarily require some kind of intervention against a nuclear power bristling with spears.
I'm not arguing for war. I've seen war myself and I've experienced it. But China wants hegemony. We will be forced into a war with them eventually, or we will watch Chinese interests take center stage on the world. I believe you'll find the Chinese to be a more startlingly amoral hegemon than Americans ever could be. We have, at the very least, checks and balances.

>> No.18397663


We should all be very afraid. The majority of the US public have proven time and time again that they will approve of foreign wars of aggression based on flawed or made up justifications. Over the past few years we've seen them fully embrace post-truth ideology and the rise of far more reactionary tendencies.

The world is screwed. The American public has passed the point where a significant portion will actually agree to reading what they don't immediately agree with and any kind of political education is just a jewish conspiracy, so I'm worried. I could just be wrong and equally guilty of becoming a doomer based on limited information though.

Theory. Read it.

>> No.18397664

>We have, at the very least, checks and balances.
Worth less than dog shit.

>> No.18397665

He says absolutely nothing about the hypothetical Uyghur genocide. He's only talking about how they would use preexisting resentment among them to fight against China if it becomes necessary.

>> No.18397670

Maybe you should actually put two and two together.

>> No.18397674

>America and the West in general is worse, particularly when it comes to military expansion
It really worries me that people actually believe this. When's the last time America made an actual claim on foreign land? When's the last time they had a border dispute?

>> No.18397681

>If even half of it is true, China is guilty of some pretty horrendous human rights issues which would necessarily require some kind of intervention against a nuclear power bristling with spears.

>> No.18397686

>When's the last time they had a border dispute?
You are a deceitful snake, you know perfectly well the stakes America has in the globohomo game, but your interventionist stance suggests you don't even mind that much.

>> No.18397688

Think about what you're saying, retard. He is explaining how to use Uyghur discontent against the Chinese. How the actual fuck do you CREATE that dissent in a nation without a free media? No matter what the CIA does, it just doesn't have a way to reach enough Uyghur to create that dynamic because they literally, physically cannot transmit to them that information. The idea that they have created the dynamic is beyond disingenuous. The idea that the description of a special operations strategy dating back to Vietnam is conclusive of the idea that they are creating that dynamic in the first place is entirely spurious logic.

>> No.18397693

>When's the last time America made an actual claim on foreign land?
We LITERALLY still have troops in the middle east.

>> No.18397694

Because at some point in the forgotten past we as a people cared about genuine, overt injustice. If it is true, China is quietly committing a genocide. People used to care about that.

>> No.18397695

Every single military installation on foreign soil is there with explicit permission from its host nation. To suggest otherwise is unironically ignorant.

>> No.18397701

We have been trying to leave for years but its a miracle if the Afghan security forces can get up three days a week and put their pants on correctly without being high on opium or involved in some sort of "friendly fire" incident. We shouldn't be there in the first place, I agree, but its not like there is an otherwise legitimate governing body that is waiting to be reinstated but for our presence.

>> No.18397703

>USA destabilises the middle East to access oil reserves
>killing high ranking military officials in iran
>tries to topple governments all over the world

>"muh, there is no formal declaration of war, and no trenches have been dug for biplanes to land - this is not war, this is police action to prevent bad actors from gaining hegenomy!"

Before the USA falls there can be no peace on earth.

>> No.18397704

And more to the point, that power which is committing that genocide? It's soon to be one of the most powerful nations on earth. If that doesn't scare you shitless, you're sticking your head in the sand.

>> No.18397705

You're so obsessed with such trivial details when you're ignoring the blatant confession that the CIA IS deliberately fanning the flames so they can sensationalize the situation and create their own context.

>> No.18397707

Dude "American hegemony" is the CCP's favorite term to criticize US imperialism and they've said (verbatim) they aren't looking to replace the US or create their own Chinese hegemony.
>inb4 trusting the CCP
I don't, but at least I know they aren't going to play World Police 2.0 and invade countries with sandniggers or ally with Israel push globohomo. They want Hong King and Taiwan, that's it.

Also the West has NO balls. We're too afraid to Boycott China (a country we accuse of genocide) during the Beijing winter olympics next year.

>A boycott of next year’s Beijing Olympics will not solve any geopolitical issues with China and will only serve to place athletes training for the games under a “cloud of uncertainty,” the head of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee wrote to Congress on Thursday. CEO Sarah Hirshland sent the two-page letter that put a more official imprint on the long-held USOPC stance that Olympic boycotts harm athletes and do little to impact problems in host countries.

This is because China threatened sanction to countries that do boycott the games btw. The US going to war with China is a meme.

>> No.18397710

I won't defend the things America has done wrong. My point is that holding up China as the alternative is indulging in blissful naivete.

>> No.18397714
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I've been reading the 19th/20th history of my country and I'm astounded by the immense difference of the mindset and morals people possessed back then and the degree to which we've declined in the past 50 years.
How do you go from mottos like 'Freedom or Death' to the absolute state we are in today. From the War of Independence to the Balkan Wars and WW2, our history is a constant struggle with deeds of courage and defiance of death in pursuit of freedom.
Pic related is a man who possessed great wealth and could've easily fled to any western country with his family, since he was involved in commerce and had multiple connections with other prominent and wealthy Europeans.
Instead he remained here and not only spent the better part of his fortune in organizing a fighting force for an imminent uprising, but employed all of his sons to help him. Four of them fought directly in battles, three of which died. Another three of them were captured and sentenced for life. Same with his two daughters and wife.
Yet he was never disheartened, he never stopped fighting. Only death released him from his duty.
Can you anons imagine a person today sacrificing the slightest amount of his comfort or money for an ideal beyond himself? Not only that, but at the first sight of hardship or discomfort we're irritated. Needless to say that I belong to that group, maybe as one of its worst specimens.

>> No.18397715

Why do you pretend America doesn't stick it's nose in everyone's business, cocksucker? Why do you pretend everything they do isn't a ploy to establish themselves as the big daddy leader of their globalist society? "Oh ackshually they had permission" FUCK how how dense are you?

>> No.18397716

Okay I'll bite... what incentives would the US/West have to antagonize China by accusing it of genocide? I have suspicions (distracting from need for economic decoupling so the elites don't lose their profits) but I still don't see what their endgame is. What's the motive?

>> No.18397722

>Okay I'll bite... what incentives would the US/West have to antagonize China by accusing it of genocide?
Because they want everyone else to believe it and undermine their power.

>> No.18397728

Trivial details???? How is the MECHANISM OF ACTION a trivial detail? I really don't fucking understand. China's entire philosophy towards the flow of information is characterized by a hardening against foreign influence. And they are fucking really good at it. REALLY good at it.
>They want Hong King and Taiwan, that's it.
Ask the Vietnamese and the Indians how they feel about that statement. Have you been living under a rock? Border disputes have happened within the literal last year.

>> No.18397733

>Because at some point in the forgotten past we as a people cared about genuine, overt injustice.
Interventionist policies have never been altruistic in the entire course of history.

>> No.18397736

Shut the fuck up about America and China. Either way its your head under the tank treads.

>> No.18397737

>Trivial details???? How is the MECHANISM OF ACTION a trivial detail?
Don't know, maybe it's because you gloss over the fact it's the CIA admitting that turning the Uyghurs against the Chinese is in their interest, glownigger.

>> No.18397740

if china will get rid of whiny pissants like this faggot then i'm on board.

>> No.18397749

I have literally explained to you already how this isn't what you seem to unironically think it is. He is describing the mission statement of Special Forces. That's literally it. Go in, act as senior platoon/company leadership for indigenous forces, fight asymmetric warfare. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the creation of the preconditions for SF operations. Your ignorance of military operations and the mission statements of SF are the primary drivers of your confusion. He is almost verbatim just saying that we can use SF to help the Uyghurs fight the Chinese. This shit is unreal. It's like you are legitimately incapable of understanding my words.

>> No.18397752


Sorry but while I think China is fucking insane to be detaining people based merely on suspicion, the US is doing the exact same thing.

>> No.18397765

I would prefer an isolationist America myself, but don't pretend like our presence in the Middle East is the same as an outright land grab. This isn't subtle stuff. China says "Taiwan is China" and chastises anyone they think they can get away with correcting. The US does not claim ownership over Afghanistan (as an example, take your pick). The cultural blueprint the US is trying to push in the Middle East is inorganic but there is a clear difference with whats happening here. Also, don't act like China isn't also vying for international influence. Look who sits on major councils in every international organization and exercises soft power through educational funds for its own citizens abroad, investment in technology/medicine in western nations to secure a foothold, and real estate speculation. You're either not equipped for an adult discussion about these things, or you're willingly blind for the sake of some contrarian line.

>> No.18397768


They don't take land, they puppeteer the politicians in other countries to violate the rights of the people into working in slum factories in exchange for being able to trade, establish military bases there to deal with dissenters and profit off the world's misery.

China kind of does the same thing, but they build more vital infrastructure and apparently cut better deals. And China doesn't destroy entire countries, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, Iran, Attempts in Cuba etc.

>> No.18397771

Your mind seems to be made up already. I'm sorry if America has impacted your country negatively. I genuinely am. I hope we can continue to work towards actually being worthy of the power we've accumulated. My country has propagated a lot of evil in its time. There's just no evidence China would be even a cunt hair more benevolent, and a whole lot of evidence that they would be a much more malicious power.

>> No.18397772

Muhammad recommended fasting for this. fast from sunrise to sunset. not every day, every day is too much, he set the cap at every other day

>> No.18397776

>us invades country
>installs puppet regime

This is all legal! They want us there!!

>> No.18397777

They don't have to do anything over in China to add fuel to the fire, all they have to do is pour crocodile tears over "muh poor 1 gorillion uyghurs ;-;" for everyone to delve deeper into the confirmation bias they already have against China in the first place. They're constructing an elaborate narrative to go to War for and you're too far up your ass to see it.

>> No.18397781

I have the opposite question - how to increase libido?

>> No.18397784

Whataboutism? You specifically asked about us border disputes.

>> No.18397787


That is just projection though. They're soft-imperialist at best. I don't believe that they're still working towards communism, though. People who uncritically suck the dick of Xi and the CCP are almost as bad as American patriots.

>> No.18397790

>Ask the Vietnamese and the Indians how they feel about that statement. Have you been living under a rock? Border disputes have happened within the literal last year.

So tell what do you think they're going to do point dexter? Invade them? China will use its economic prowess and leverage to put a chokehold on their power, but what would the benefit of wanting a full on war with a country of 1.3+ billion people be or them? And what allies would they have when the rest of the rest of the world (sans North Korea) supports India?

>> No.18397796

>all they have to do is pour crocodile tears over "muh poor 1 gorillion uyghurs ;-;"
How do they do this, retard? With the computers they've got growing out of the desert? The ones that connect completely unhindered to the internet? Do you think they're just dropping fliers? Going door to door? Your level of stupidity is almost as impressive as is your rigid dedication to dogma. I hate being reminded that people like you exist. You're incapable of thinking for yourself.

>> No.18397805

No you autistic spastic, the narrative exists for us. The CIA poking its nose in China is simply proof of its ill intent but it's hardly the big picture.

>> No.18397807
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Agreed, I hate these topics, it's not what I come here for, but every damn thread after a certain point, some lunatic American reactionary starts spouting things that are just such blatant lunacy it will inevitably start an argument.

>> No.18397809

>exact same thing
Are you also one of those people who bring up the migrant child cages and family separation at the order when someone says something about the Muslim camps?

>> No.18397812

America is currently the most aggressively imperialist country on the planet right now, nothing about it is "soft"

>> No.18397817

lmao unbelievable. I am shocked how flippant you can be.

>> No.18397822

Shit wait, I thought you were replying to someone else.

>> No.18397827


Was talking about China, not America.

>> No.18397834


>> No.18397836

What possible reason do they have for border altercations with the Indians? Why do they want Inner Mongolia? What do they possibly have to gain from any of that? Really, who the fuck knows why China does anything? You're operating under the assumption that China is essentially a rational actor following the best course of action at all times. It could unironically just be nationalism, of the kind that can only brew in that insular inner circle of single party government. We can only judge anything by the actions it takes. The actions China takes are expansionist, nationalistic, and autocratic.

Before WWI the conventional opinion was that the world was too interconnected and interdependent on one another for war to erupt. Before WWII conventional opinion was that the horrors of the last war world be enough to prevent it from ever happening again. The world is NEVER too stable for a systemic war. If you look back in history, we have had a major systemic war every hundred years or so as powers rise and fall. This sabre rattling expansionism we see in China echoes preconditions for many other wars. It is naive to believe that this gigantic upheaval in the balance of geopolitical power has no chance of sparking a systemic war of commensurate power. It's literally never happened before in human history WITHOUT a war shortly following.

States don't always act as rational entities.

>> No.18397847

Damn, you are right. Fuck. Shit.

How do you learn how to stop judging others? Is a sincere question. When your own arrogance steams from certainy on your capacity to judge and know, even the tiniest insight becomes poison.

What the fuck I did to myself.

>> No.18397852

How do I stop being nervous in social situations?

>> No.18397868

Dreamed that there was a man being questioned in a bathtub in a dark room by another man, turned away from him. The man in the tub asked how much longer it will take, the other man tried to smugly reply but got cut off by the man in the tub saying "because it's knocking...from the inside" before something came out of his mouth and engulfed his whole body, killing the man interviewing him. He then shortly shed it, his hands covering his face under the receding black tissue. Another man, an acquaintance of his, arrived to pick him up. They were alone in an apartment building dozens, if not hundreds of floors tall, all the lights were off and it was dark outside. They went up instead of down, finally reached the roof, which went further up still, like a spire, and started climbing it too. They climbed many ladders, stairs, platforms, ledges, unusually fast, his acquaintance giving directions like a rally copilot. An overcast dawn came and they rested, brushed against a small effigy of John Calvin just as they stopped, broke off his beard. The acquaintance noticed and cynically said "they ask if you can have the Son and the Father/yourself", the two words merged into a single uttering, pointing at the broken figurine, implying that you cannot.

>> No.18397877

What are the things concerning you regarding social situation?

>> No.18397883

>How do you learn how to stop judging others?
By learning to stop judging yourself. That's really what it comes down to. Much easier said than done, but that's the heart of it. The judgment process is a purely internal phenomenon, which I think you can realize organically if you think about it enough. It's something that occurs purely within your own mind, and as such much have purely internal causality. I forget who it was who said it, but there is a lot of truth in the statement that what we hate most in others is just what we hate most in ourselves. Otherwise we have no frame of reference from which to make the distinction.

>> No.18397890

to the oriental seeker
I think there are two possible ideas about who God is. obviously God can not be understood so even claiming that some form of distinction maybe sounds odd, but I think this is coherent. Either God is the transcendental. I think the hindu Brahman is an example of this. In this case, while God can not be described in any way that will capture what He is, it is possible to experience Him. Caths call it the beatific vision, muslims call it jam' or fana', hindus call it moksha. I've read christian church fathers say that the way to God is through the self, and this is precisely the method of all traditions as far as I gather, imam al Ghazali says exactly the same thing. In Islam we say this leads to yaqeen, to certainty: you get to know what others can only believe. The implication of this, at least if you follow a hindu logic, is that the self (which all agree is the path) is intimately connected with God (atman with Brahman). I know at least one sufi shaykh that has essentially the same view. I understand this to be the meaning of Jesus' words that man is the new temple: clearly the implication is that somewhere in man is God. Corinthians 3:16.

>> No.18397893


So this seems to be the main idea of who God is. The thing is, and you can believe this or not, that I had an experience like that, and I know that when you know this whatever it is, then you know everything knowable. I was only with it for quite a short while though, but for me it makes complete sense when Jesus tells the disciples to go to such and such a place and fetch the donkey that will be there, because he knew, because when you are with this, whatever it is, if it is what is meant by the word God, you are the root of every form of knowledge, so everything that is known or even knowable is derivative of you. For me, I was shown this and I was shown that Love is the law, and it must necessarily be that God created everything out of love. I have yaqeen in this matter. But there were things I was not shown. There are necessary elements for a complete theology/metaphysic that I do not know. One of these is this question: when you find whatever it is, you find that it is what hindus call satcitananda: it is being, consciousness and bliss. This happened, but when I saw the Love that God has of creation and wants us to share in, I did not take this to be same thing as the bliss I had experienced. Because generally speaking, this Brahman is empty consciousness (though you experience bliss when you find it), it is not defined relatively, it is if anything a lack of particular form (this is the meaning of "being", probably of the biblical "I AM", almost certainly the meaning of when the Dao De Jing says that the tiger can not rend it as there is nothing for the claws to catch). You find it by turning away from the world, by being only conscious of your consciousness, so it is empty consciousness (the third of the hindu terms). Not consciousness of emptiness, because this is also consciousness of something, I suppose of a relative concept. But based on what I was shown, satcitananda does not explain Gods Love. But when you are with satcitananda you know everything. The implication then is that Gods Love is unknowable, even if you know everything you would not know Gods essence. This goes against this more common view of who or what God is. In this understanding it is literally and completely unknowable who or what God is, but some things can be gleaned, sort of, I think, maybe, maybe not. At the time I thought they could, but I've thought about it and I'm not sure. At the time I came to the conclusion that because the law is Love, and Love is not from within creation (it's not), this implies that 1. there is a creator from outside creation; 2. this creator is good; 3. this creator is one (since the law is singular).

>> No.18397895

This is a source of much of my yaqeen. And since I did not think satcitananda explained this I figured that God was unreachable, but one and real. If we assume that God wants to be approached, and therefore made creation with this in mind, then this is not illogical. One of the main reasons I went into Islam was that I thought that it was about this kind of theology, a theology that goes beyond the Brahman even if that is logically and illogically impossible (why would God be bound by such categories? I thought) where literally nothing can be known about Gods essence. I don't really believe Islam has this view anymore though. Admittedly, and as I said, there were things I was not shown. Satcitananda, in my view, does not explain creation. I've seen it and I didn't think it did. In Islam a big thing is the names of God and several of those names point to a theology similar to the Brahman, where the implication would seem to be that God is transcendental but essentially approachable (who or what or what faculty of a soul it is that does this- on this I think east and west differ). So this assumption was not entirely correct I think. But I wasn't given that much knowledge of God the Creator. You can derive God the Creator from what I was shown, but I was not given knowledge of any concrete faculties, and not shown how God "sows life in the Brahman" or "commands a thing "Be!" and it is", but you can reasonably derive that this must be how it is from what I was shown.

The problem, I've realized later, with this "beyond transcendental" view, is that it becomes meaningless to call something completely unknowable, which has no necessary logical relationship with anything "One". You can say that because Love is the law, we can derive that God is one, but this hinges on logic, I think, and in this view God would have no necessary relation to anything, so you could not make any logical conclusions about Him based on evidence. And it seems like it's not right if my view goes against the view of all and everything else as I say "God is not One, God oasdj31+9rfujpoqj+

So this is probably wrong, but this was one of the assumptions.

>> No.18397897


Gripping story.

>> No.18397916

>the narrative exists for us
"The narrative exists for us." I don't even. Remember that the original video was posted as a supposed refutation of the existence of Uyghur genocide. I have gone to great pains to try to explain how this video is not actually what it was at all said to be. Interacting with other people fills me with this deep despair and I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.18397918

Mind over matter. Nerves are as physical as they are mental, learn to develop physical calmness and mental calmness will follow. Pay attention to your breathing. If you feel nauseous, don't ignore it, but acknowledge it mentally and try to push through it. If you are fidgeting, slow your breaths, calm your hands. If your body is calm, you mind will calm down also.

>> No.18397975


Get a cat and make sure to drink two beers, but never more than four before interacting with anyone.

>> No.18397992

Doesn't help. If anything it "helps" me get more engaged in the conversation by greasing the wheels.

>> No.18397995

How cold

>> No.18398010

I'd like to add, though, that I do think this could be an implication of the analogy of the wine-stock in the Gospels. Jesus is the trunk, we are branches- this is as the relationship between consciousness and particular knowledge. But Jesus says that the Father tends to the stock, ie the Father appears, in this simile, not to be the same as Jesus but wholly distinct from him and tending to him from *outside the framework of the relationship between consciousness and knowledge*. This would be beyond transcendental. But imo, and I've never sat down to really compare every instance, it is hard to make a complete picture of everything Jesus says about who or what God is.

>> No.18398104

I think it's time to go home...

>> No.18398172

another wasted weekend....

>> No.18398214

I used to hang out with this girl, she had to rely on me for some essential school work. We had fun but I didn't initiate anything, we barely had time for anything with how crammed we were. She then stopped replying to my texts after she failed her class. She was so embarrassed she just disappeared (she ghosted all of her girlfriends as well). It's really stupid for a girl to think that I would care about anything other than her looks. It was already apparent to me how stupid she was, long before we took our exams, yet I still liked her anyway. How silly of her.

>> No.18398285

>China is bad, but America and the West in general is worse
Good Lord, how the FUCK does one believe this?

>> No.18398327


>> No.18398373

lmao what an idiot can't you see she ghosted you because she simply wasn't interested in you not because "she was embarrassed" or "she thought you cared about more than her looks". nice cope though

>> No.18398393
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I find Grimes as a person to be fairly repulsive, but this song is pretty good.

>> No.18398417

im at a point where im pitting one heartbreak on another to lessen both of them. if i get too sad on one, i start ruminating on another.

>> No.18398469

I keep thinking that I'm too obnoxious and someone no one wants to hang out with. But people approach me and invite me and I assume they have an ulterior motive, and when I start to warm up to them my true nature is revealed and I get into petty arguments over nothing.

Since this is a pattern that's been going on since my childhood I'm sure it's my fault, but I don't know precisely why it happens. Should I stop bringing up serious topics half the time? I think I am funny without those but I'd get bored of people if we are not talking about something of substance, but then again I know where that leads. Maybe I should stop talking to people altogether.

>> No.18398480

Does anyone have pdf of Peter Ackroyd's TS Eliot?

>> No.18398481


>> No.18398606
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>feel like shit whole morning
>decide to say 'fuck it' and clean my house
>house is cleaner
>feel less like shit

>> No.18398628

No, honestly I don’t really care what others would say (well, maybe I do, but it’s more of a self-concerned thing), it’s just that I feel attached to the ideas, and feel like I don’t have enough technical skill to do them justice. I know I could try to write them now and then do it again later, maybe multiple times, but it feels like that would be lame, like an indecisive filmmaker choosing to shoot a scene from 4 different angles. I guess it’s just down to me to find other things to write about in the meantime, to get my skills up

>> No.18398635

I miss real reefer. I do. And my loicense.

>> No.18398650

No wars are worth fighting

>> No.18398651

I think I might have to cut one of my fingers soon...

>> No.18398653

My heart is being played with, i dont know how she feels but i feel like im being used. Yet everytime i see her smile i get precum. Is it love or is it lust? My reptilian brain messaged her again and i blame myself for being so weak to resist. I will remove her from my life i will, i will.

>> No.18398686

I feel like this as well. I feel like its just a side effect of the internet. While it is a giant help it is also a giant gateway to pure malice. We are not immune to either of it yet malice triumphs

>> No.18398692

There is nothing to fight for anymore. We now wage only small wars, man against man or argue on these forums for no reason or reward

>> No.18398693


>> No.18398700

Politics have taken over all major boards. Its like everyone became a politician, i dont know how they can be so interested in them and in such numbers

>> No.18398703

Yes, I think it's for the better if you think so low of her.

>> No.18398705

reading is useless for any reason, thinking observing understanding prevails

>> No.18398710

Start in small dosages. Wear an embarrassing shirt, give off papers on the street as part time job. Anything that can cause glances. Once you stop thinking what others think of you, you will be great

>> No.18398720

Are you serious or are you fucking with me? I think of her as fun to be around and absolutely beautiful, but once youre not alone shes a huge bitch

>> No.18398729

In what way?

>> No.18398744

Messaging out of the blue and asking favors afterwards. Made me feel stupid in front of friends everytime i joked. Somehow a monotone voice i dont know.
She did mostly talk to me in public, but i dont think she ever saw me as boyfriend material. We did kiss and touched each other in a drunken haze

>> No.18398755

Maybe she's not comfortable in public. What kind of favors?

>> No.18398803

I cant answer, 4chan thinks my post is spam

>> No.18398805

School work, cheating on tests. But that was when we were in highschool.

>> No.18398813

Be direct with her, what do you have to lose?

>> No.18398819

Everyone makes it sound like the dating ecosystem favors women, but from what I can tell they keep dating people who are not interested in settling down with them. They're wasting their 20s dating chads, and no one will want them in their 30s because they can't provide healthy kids anymore. Meantime, men have a window until around 50 to find someone to settle down with.

>> No.18398828

So cold....

>> No.18398840

Neither of my parents are normies and I think that fact explains a lot.

>> No.18398856

What they really mean is that they're coomers and are jealous that women can get sex easily. Dating sucks for everyone if you can see past the tip of your penis.

>> No.18398859

Anyone else spent their whole life in small towns or suburbs and really fucking regret it? I’m now realizing in my late 20s how much doing so has completely derailed any chances I had at doing anything particular related to literature.

>> No.18398866


>> No.18398867

Doesn't suck for top 20% men. Nothing wrong with a bit of eugenics.

>> No.18398870

Well im not sure myself. Do i still like her? Do i like her for her or am i only interested in her big tits? I love her smile, her face, the way she smiles when she looks at me, the way we brush each other when looking at something on the phone. I like her hair, i want to run my fingers through it. I like her stupid jokes, i like that shes sometimes dumb as shit and thats okay. I hate when she frowns and puts on excessive makeup, i hate when she yells too.
Those are just likes and dislikes, but can i even make her happy? She had a few boyfriends and i have zero experiences (although i did break her hymen with my fingers, i kinda regret that), i have no money so what will i do for presents, for events, ill barely scrap by with something. Can i even keep up with her hobbies? Shes starting to get into modeling, i dont know anything about it nor where it would lead. As for me im decent looking, not fat at all, starting to get fit, smart i guess, have a bright future with a good college. Not entirely sane since i browse this hellhole.
As by now, she is the perfect girl for me but im not sure if im the right guy for her, do you understand?

>> No.18398872

What does it matter lol she'll never be with you

>> No.18398955

For the last two or three days I can't stop thinking about dropping my unfinished bachelor degree at age 20 and try to go to a better university in a foreign country - for better education - and maybe even stay there. I think I will go with this idea. And I hope it's going to be all right.

>> No.18399165

There is no such thing as an atheist. Everyone knows that God is real, whether they are honest about it or not is another matter.
The real question is not "Do you believe in God?" Of course you do. The real question is "Do you love God or do you hate God?"
>inb4 b-b-but actually I'm a genuine atheist
No you aren't you liar.

>> No.18399187

I need to find me a sharp knife....

>> No.18399188


>> No.18399205

Is it wrong to start a relationship with a girl that earnestly likes you and is pretty innocent if you can foresee that it will be untenable in the long term? I broke it off with a girl after she asked me whether I wanted to get serious. I like to think I did the right thing but it's burning me up inside. We didn't have sex because of similar reasons also. I miss her and she keeps coming up in my dreams but I feel like I would hurt her even more if we date for a longer period of time and then I break up with her".

>> No.18399214

An axe would do......

>> No.18399224

Sounds like youre afraid of commitment anon

>> No.18399245

The only real benefit to being a big city writer is the opportunity to make connections with people in the publishing industry. If you're anything like the average /lit/izen you won't want to work with those kind of people, and it's highly unlikely they'd be willing to publish anything you have to offer. Anyone writing anything interesting these days is going to have to rely on alternative means of getting published, and in that regard it doesn't matter whether you live in the city or not.
The supposed "literary culture" of cities also doesn't exist, at least not in the US. I've lived in the city my entire life and have never met anyone with opinions on literature that weren't just regurgitated from NPR or The New Yorker. The only exceptions to this rule are people I know in real life who regularly post on /lit/, with whom you've probably interacted already.
Don't sell yourself short, and don't give up. Your chances of becoming a famous writer right now aren't any worse than the average urbanite /lit/ poster, and in some ways they might even be better.

>> No.18399250

Hmm you're right. I did a similar thing before as well. I think I'm living too seriously

>> No.18399272


>> No.18399281


>> No.18399301
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Why does everybody hate Russia so much? What did they do?

>> No.18399304

I've been reading a lot of Nietzsche, Sellars and Wittgenstein and I had an idea for an essay or short book which would in brief, cover the following points.

1 - The Criterion Argument of Sextus Empiricus shows that the Truth is never more than an infinite regress, an arbitrary axiom or circular self-validation. The writing that follows is true, but only for a certain Soul, only under a certain criterion.

2 - The Private language argument in Wittgenstein is not a destruction of private sensations and experience in favor of outwardly displayed social behavior, but rather a true mysticism of private sensation. Private sensations cannot be talked about within language, but yet they are experienced anyway. They cannot be entered as facts or concepts in rational cognition but undoubtedly sway our decisions. They cannot be said to exist as a statement in language, but they exist. If Truth is ultimately arbitrary and no criterion is better than the other, then the only thing that factors into any decision of what is True is mere disposition, character. What is the feeling of a certain color? What internal forces were in play when a choice was made? What is the feeling of pain? None can be described in language, which only touches behavior. They cannot be said, but can be shown. The summation of these experiences, which cannot be separated from one another except by concepts which they themselves do not contain, is the Soul. The Soul and what it contains is determined in a method almost like Negative Theology, we observe what is left out of language.

3 - The Soul is NOT the Ego or the Self. It is not self-consciousness. The Soul is never experienced by the Soul in the same way that the Eye never sees itself. The Soul is not object-directed. The sensations of the Soul are not “about” anything until the introduction of language and therefore concepts. The Soul IS the pre-linguistic existence. It cannot be talked about

4 - Science and Philosophy are the twin alienations of the Soul from its own capabilities. The Soul is the ultimate reason why anything is True or False, the genetic element that determines what is sufficient to prove any claim and what criterion is correct to operate under. Science and Philosophy both carry alien notions of the Truth separate from any Soul and reify a single standard of Truth beyond and above the Soul that determines it. They both force the Soul to bow to its own creation, the Truth and deny the Soul’s ability to create.

5 - The Soul never dies, not because its existence is infinite in time (although it may be?) but because death, the end of experience, is not something that is itself experienced. A helpful analogy is the way that the visual field has no visible edge, as if it did, something on the other side would need to be visible.

>> No.18399313

6 - One may find themselves in great distress when Truth is revealed to an effect of a Soul, of the character and disposition of the Truth-sayer, but this can be alleviated. The sickness of Philosophy and Science is due to a craving for universality and generality. Once this craving is let go of, Ataraxia can be attained. Ataraxia is the feeling upon realizing that although the Soul is finite and limited, there is no greater vantage point, no absolute standard, nothing above it to compare it to, to belittle it in comparison to.

Is this worth at least writing or is it too dumb?

>> No.18399350

I am becoming bitter. That would be fine but the big problem is that I can't shut up and keep it to myself

>> No.18399354
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>> No.18399355

I was born in Russia, St. Petersburg but I moved to Germany, I don't like both but I prefer Germany over Russia, and also... 05 FUCK EM


that's why

>> No.18399357

These are my favorite books of the Gospel

>> No.18399367

I am having severe migraines from the COVID vaccine and I have no Advil.

>> No.18399374
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>> No.18399376

The benefit is that you experience the sort of life people actually want to hear about. Nobody cares about the lonely incel who spent his whole life in a college town like a man child or the red neck who never left his middle of nowhere small town.

>> No.18399418

Glad that was done

>> No.18399419

>muh bit city, muh hustle and hustle, muh coffee shops, muh indie bars
I don't give a shit
Fuck off
You people are trash
just shut your stupid mouth

>> No.18399426

Yeah, yeah but you know no one finds your driving your truck to Wal mart interesting right?

People who have talent or an interesting story end up elsewhere. Sorry to tell you.

>> No.18399431

this desu

>> No.18399437

>People who have talent or an interesting story end up elsewhere.
Yeah and it's not in your urban shit hole.

>> No.18399501

What is your argument? I mean, this should be obvious, but this is not.

>> No.18399512

My argument is all right there in my post. People who say there is no God are liars. They just hate God.

>> No.18399534

I don’t live in an urban shithole. Either you didn’t read or can’t read. Either way, calm down idiot.

>> No.18399543


but stay positive, you can fuck my bitch

>> No.18399551

But how could you know that?

>> No.18399574

Everyone knows that. Without God, you could not know anything. If there is no God, then everything you think you know is meaningless. You cannot even prove empirically that empiricism is correct.
God is the foundation from which all knowledge is built. "Atheists" are hypocrites.

>> No.18399635

Okay, but this
>Without God, you could not know anything.
definitely should be argumented.

>> No.18399640

that only makes sense if you're 12

>> No.18399648

Oh, no, it shouldn't. I got your point. Welp, I agree with you on this.

>> No.18399654

or if you based

>> No.18399673

You read this.

>> No.18399685

Bump limit >>18399681

>> No.18399938

I failed to protect a baby bunny today. I was just shitting around, reading, walrking around in the woods, came upon a soccer game between youths, stopped and watched. They were very talented many of them to be honest, I was never that good when I played. As I'm standing there this dumb little baby bunny hops over the road next to me. They hop pretty high but not very efficiently. We're talking nose-to-tail maybe 12 cms. So it hops over into the bushes by the football field. And then after it, in a leisurely, truly unhurried way strolls a cat. And spontaneously I yell at it and I get between them. I turn to the bunny and tell it (I hope always hope animals understand) that it needs to stay put, but it doesn't really listen. the cat looks at the bunny, then at me, still sort of listlessly if I'm honest. It looked like it didn't understand what possible value I could see in behaving like this. We stood like this for a moment, but then I moved forward and chased it out of the bushes. It stopped outside. I don't know why, but for some reason I thought it would leave. I turned to check the bunny but it had disappeared into the undergrowth. then I turned to check the cat but it was gone. I hoped it had left but it stung in my heart that it had probably figured out that the undergrowth was thick enough that I wouldn't be able to keep track of it. I hoped the bunny would have slipped away and hid, but suspected that this is what cats have noses for. So I hoped, and I went out of the bushes and kept watching the game. About 30 seconds later the cat came out the same way I had just come out, licking its teeth.

I should have picked it up. If I was gonna save its life that was the only way. I thought it would bite me if I did. It probably would have. But if it was to have any chance that was it. So I failed you, baby bunny. Perhaps mama bunny failed you too, she was not in sight.

>> No.18399945

played all the bad guys in the second half of the 20th century. unfortunate coincidence.

>> No.18400932


Don't pick up wild animals. I have many times, but one time I picked up a rat (they're hard to catch by other means) and it bit me and I had to get anti-biotics.

>> No.18401009

It's usually 30 years of a lamb under the delusion it is a wolf, followed by 45+ years of regret.