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18400546 No.18400546 [Reply] [Original]

I have absolutely zero confidence in my capacity to ever write something good. If I had any talent, that would’ve been clear by now.

>> No.18400563

Even your post is written horribly, with bad grammar and everything

>> No.18400566

While talent is a real thing, what matter is deliberate practice. Most of the great writers would write for hours every day. I doubt there are very many people who just sit down and write a masterpiece without a giant mountain of failed books/poems/etc that never saw the light of day.

>> No.18400577

Correct. I do not care.

>> No.18400580

What makes you think we would write in English?

>> No.18400664

I feel the opposite.

>> No.18400676


Paragraph or you're fucking genius.

>> No.18400689

Nobody is forcing you to write or make art in any capacity. If you don't want to do it, you shouldn't. But you also shouldn't let a perceived lack of skill or marketability stop you from doing something you enjoy.

>> No.18400724

I didn’t say I didn’t want to. Actually, it’s about the only thing I want to do.

>> No.18400744

Make bad art for the joy of it then. Realistically speaking, since you have the capacity for self-criticism, you probably aren't a terrible writer. The worst artists always think they're hot shit, they never think about their process, they don't understand themselves or their motivations. And as another anon said, "talent" isn't as important as practice.

>> No.18400826

You’re right. My only issue is a certain set of psychological hangups.

>> No.18400853

Which are? Just push through, anon. You know they exist, so you can work around them.

>> No.18400860

"You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet."
-Franz Kafka

>> No.18400883

Well, the self defeating attitude is one obviously. The fact that I don’t want to do anything actually is a big one, strangely. It adds an element of pressure. General poor self image, having failed (a lot) in the past. It’s stuff like that. I’m being upfront here but I don’t want this to turn into a therapy session really.

Did Kafka really say that? I find that hard to believe. Where did he say it?

>> No.18400913

Do I even have something to say? I feel I could start practicing writing, but even then my life is incredibly boring, I completely alienated myself throughout my teenage years, I basically have no life experiences to relate to or an unique perspective people would find useful. No good memories, stories, insights. I think even if I could write well, anything I would produce will be useless and instantly forgetable.