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File: 315 KB, 1332x1800, FPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18397492 No.18397492 [Reply] [Original]

What was his endgame?

>> No.18397542

homeboy's got a potato lookin ass head

>> No.18398216

United Europe

>> No.18398436

I hate when fascists have good jawlines and a chin.

>> No.18398468

He looks like a chad version of my nerdy math teacher and I hate it

>> No.18398624
File: 413 KB, 1588x2117, bondhaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1957, Bureau agents believed Yockey was “living in Los Angeles as a pimp or a gigolo.” The erudite fascist was also writing porn for quick cash, including a hardcore S&M booklet (later found in his suitcase) called Arduous Figure Training at Bondhaven.

>> No.18398662
File: 36 KB, 606x540, 1609715211640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what possesses somebody to make a post like this

>> No.18398663

Spenglerian Space Travel to Sirius Space Pussy, Whites only

>> No.18398675

Faggotry vibing to the ultra fag sinewaves tuned into the fag frequencies from the planet Saturn

>> No.18398807

to get faggots like you on a FBI watch list for buying his books off of amazon

>> No.18398849

>fascists are closeted faggots
many such cases

>> No.18398899

He was a tard and bad author (saying this as a white nationalist). However, he had one very interesting idea: He thought the far right should ally with Stalin against the capitalist west because western capitalism is so inherently corrosive that it's better to start within a pre-existing totalitarian system. This made him extremely fringe in 1950's McCarthy-era America. But I'd argue the subsequent decades proved him right. Stalin would have done way better job of protecting white homelands despite lagging far behind in standard of living and killing millions of people due to mismanagement. That said his book isn't good. And you should read Spengler first if you're going to attempt to read it anyways

>> No.18399040

>He was a tard

Yockey was probably one of the most intelligent people of his century. And like most geniuses, he was quite cracked and difficult to decipher.

>> No.18399878
File: 676 KB, 1800x2400, 20210606_132732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a rare yockey photo

>> No.18399986

Based. Where’s that from?

>> No.18400007

Limited edition of The World in Flames from Counter-Currents

>> No.18401781

Neat. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.18402968


>> No.18402986
File: 38 KB, 780x438, 1097589213847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman on woman action is gay
not fascist but I disagree with you on this one bud

>> No.18403013

>June 13, 1960
That can't be the correct date for this picture, that would mean that this was taken 3 days before he died?
I thought he was not even in the United States and was arrested as soon as he arrived there and "committed suicide" straight away?

>> No.18403182

No Yockey spent few days in jail before he committed suicide.

>> No.18403195 [DELETED] 

I don't. Even most women agree that two different genders is the best.

These days people typify gender too much, you HAVE to be this if you're a guy or a girl etc etc. Its the problem with modern society. You should just be whatever type of person you want

*keeps cuddling with Butterfly*

>> No.18403199 [DELETED] 

oh this :3 btw

>> No.18403329

Transgressive fiction is typically enjoyed by fascists. So what?

>> No.18403381

I have no idea whether this is true or not put an info release like this is indistinguishable from the FBI’s preferred style of character assassination. To add, literally anyone who strives to upset the incumbent power structure gets slandered in this way, usually by some form of purported sexual deviance. Either way this type of irrelevant personal shitpost has zero negative affect on me and only adds to circumstantial evidence that this person was indeed based and red pilled.

>> No.18403387

Extremely well put

>> No.18403411

Definitely not Globohomo, American Zionism, Central Banking, multinational corporations or stateless billionaires

>> No.18403421

This is strangely true.. In recent years I have noticed that I give less and less attention to things like this because they are a little too convenient. Anyone who didn't fall in line "started a poop eating club in San Fran in the 1970s" or "did LSD and fucked a sheep with L. Ron Hubbard in 1965."

>> No.18403585

The FBI always lies about its targets, and especially inserts salacious information in order to divide the more conservative types in the group from the accused. They behaved similarly against black power groups after the Civil Rights movements, which is one of the reasons said groups disintegrated any meaningful political capital. Incidentally, this is why they fixate on local police, because the FBI instigated this hate so they could accumulate warrants and destabilize effective political action. One of the other potent accusations against Yockey was that he was an American-hating europhile, as if he had no patriotism for his own country.
Incidentally, it's funny how communists will willfully believe any lie told by obvious propaganda when done against their enemies, when the very same tactics and often people will use it against themselves. True communists, ones not diverted by critical race theory and the modern reinterpretation of Marxism we have today, which distorts all energy against capitalist subversion, are utterly powerless. And I think I'm beginning to know why.

>> No.18404466

t. sped that listened to that subhuman neonazi audiobook

>> No.18405281
File: 367 KB, 574x782, Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 13-33-18 oswald mosley - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based, but for me, it's Sir Oswald.

>> No.18406251

>character assassination
The info wasn't to be made public, freedom of information didn't come along till the 1970s.

Yockey being a pimp or writing smut on the side isn't far fetched unless you can come up with a better profile, he dropped off the map intentionally for a while so FBI informants are the only source to patch things together
