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18394674 No.18394674 [Reply] [Original]

I am afraid of death, but I am also afraid of living forever. There are times when the realization that I'm just another human being and that my death is inevitable hits me so hard that I start shivering and get panic attacks. It feels like going up on the biggest rollercoaster and regretting with all your being the 5 tabs of acid you ate 40 minutes ago but now you're in for the ride and you can scream, cry, laugh, whatever, the drop will come eventually and you'll never be ready. The fact that every person I hold dear will experience the same thing terrifies me as well. I'm aware that absolutely every single person goes through these feelings, but I can't distract myself, I need a coping mechanism. Recommend me books that will make me stop fearing death. Anything.

>> No.18394786

Look to the Stoics.

Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca all touch on what we must face and why what naturally happens to us is no evil or to be feared.

>> No.18395128

Fear of death can only be overcomed by the will to live that is how much you enjoy life versus how much youre afraid of doing that is keeping you from being happy.
>only valid answer in this thread

>> No.18395131

i don't fear death, but i do fear what may lay beyond it

>> No.18395135

What is it that you fear about death?

>> No.18395169

Eat some mushrooms

>> No.18395184

There's no running away from this feeling, just let it harden your soul like a furnace. Good rollercoaster analogy. It do be like that sometimes.

>> No.18395981

Marcus Aurelius basically wrote Meditations as a way to cope with an intense fear of death.

>> No.18395990

Me too. I've spent too much time trying to figure out how death could absolutely suck. Its a bad loop to find oneself in.

>> No.18395997


>> No.18396252

read phaedo

>> No.18396295

Stoicism is just cope: the philosophy.

>> No.18396358
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Pic related

>> No.18396360
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4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-MET > shrooms

>> No.18396378
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>The fact that every person I hold dear will experience the same thing terrifies me as well.

I would add every living thing on this planet experiences the same thing. This is what gives me the greatest comfort. All that have come before us and all that will come after will all die (despite immortality or transfer to silicon). The entire universe will die, all atoms will cease moving. But maybe after...rebirth for all things. It will be like a blink of an eye, we will be reborn in some other form in some other side of a new galaxy. But death will be a microsecond. This cycle may happen to eternity. The only thing we can do is be good and help all innocent things (as we once were). Because we may be a helpless creature in the next cycle...

>> No.18396432

I'm in the same boat. I have no good advice to help you deal with it but the anxiety of it has certainly gotten me focused on basic life goals like reproduction. /x/ is a nice place to visit if you want to think about alternative possibilities.

I second this. Phaedo is brilliant and makes an interesting case for the immortality of the soul

>> No.18397367
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>> No.18397380

Have you tried Dylar?

>> No.18397418

Have you tried fentanyl?

>> No.18397570

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.18397761
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I have read it and I like it, but it's based on assumptions about the nature of the soul and forms, which may or may not be true. I have also read Aurelius and Seneca, but they're more about how we should live. Overcoming death is a part of it, but they just say "it's natural, accept it". Tigers are natural as well, but if one came at me I'd be terrified.
I have done shrooms, acid, DMT, salvia and whatnot. Yes, they induce feelings of there being "otherness" that we are yet to comprehend. The acid trip I had was about the ever-changing state of the everything and how no matter how bad something is, as long as there's something, there's potential for change. I also thought a bit about energy conversion and how once I die, my energy will go back into nature and maybe ''I'' will be in some incomprehensible omniscient state for a while. The only truly logical way I can ''prove'' to myself that I will be reborn is by realizing that death is literally nothing. The Universe will die, then it will come again and even if everything is different ''I'' can wait out infinity in order for the atoms to be in the exact same position, because I am dead. Not only will I come into existence again, but it will most likely be this VERY scenario all over again, since this is the only scenario in which I am ''me''.
I'm not sure what Christianity and other religions say about the afterlife, but I've yet to get into those. I've read some really interesting NDEs which have made people convert.

>> No.18397802
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I like being alive and having people to talk to. I don't want to be away from the ones I love. I can't imagine that we just all disappear one day and that's it. You don't even remember life. There's nothing. The idea that we're God also terrifies me. Imagine an omniscient, all-powerful being just being alone for eternity. Yeah, if it's all powerful it could create friends...it could create an entire world to explore and countless of lives to live. But in that moment of death, what if realize that we have been playing sock puppets with ourselves due to godly loneliness. Maybe this is the exact reason God would give the beings he creates free will.