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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.18395825[SPOILER]  [DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A whitepaper on religion, god, philosophy and a man named steve

To begin let us speculate on a hypothetical deity named Steve. Steve is all powerful. HE is also all knowing and all loving. Steve is also worshiped as morally just and correct being that all should strive towards emulating. If all of these aforementioned powers are to be true then we can begin speculation onto his existence from the perspective of the outside observer. From this stance let the question be postulated on whether or not Steve even exists.
Now let us explore the idea of Evil, but first the idea of Evil must be agreed upon. For this purpose let us state that Evil is everything that modern day humanity unanimously finds repulsive and morally abhorrent. These being things such as mass death (both natural and artificial, as well as accidental), murder , societal inequalities and harsh mistreatment of living creatures. (Note: this is all meant to be bullshit and should not be considered at all when considering literally anything other than for the purposes of entertainment)

With Evil now defined the true question can begin of Steve's existence. For if Steve is an all loving being then why could he possibly allow Evil to exist? Perhaps it is due to the fact that his morals are beyond human comprehension. If they are then why is Steve worshipped for his morals, for if such morals cannot be comprehended then how do the worshippers know he is a moral being. Perhaps it is because he was created by humanity to justify the morals of humanity retroactively. In this sense we can infer that Steve is a being similar to Our All Father - Adolf Hitler.
Seeing this we can bring ourselves towards a sort of kinship to the hypothetical worshipers. In the modern day Kaiserreich the superior Germanic Race has quickly overtaken the inferior races and disposed of the undesirables. In particular the vile and money grubbing Jews that were such a virulent plague in the past decades before the rise of our esteemed God Hitler-sama ~~uwu~~. In this NAzi NAzi nico nico ni world. Now switching gears allow a tale to give more context.

>> No.18395829

Shouldn’t this be on /his/?

>> No.18395832

There was once a cheeseburger who once was a burger but was also cheese. One day this cheeseburger which was also cheese and burger left his home which is made of him, is he the house or is the house him? He does not know as he must leave upon his abode of speculative theory in order to acquire nutrients in the form of paper currency but is built on the principle that this cheesy society believes that this object is something of monetary value, if no one agrees that this currency which is hotly debated as to whether it IS or ISN’T made of little cheeseburger patties then the value of this currency is inherently worthless. So much like how cheeseburgers are tasty there is either a true or false currency as the concept of money and the use of it to purchase goods in a (Note: this is all meant to be bullshit and should not be considered at all when considering literally anything other than for the purposes of entertainment)
form that promises the recipient to receive this in order to give a product is therefore null point. This cheeseburger thought this thought while looking at his dimes and nickels in his pocket while riding the tram (which is also made of burger meat), this burger is smart, this burger is wise, this burger is untrue.
Some may say that space is infinite, this is untrue. Space is in fact, looping on itself like a sphere or any primitive closed object such as a cube, sphere, or a google-hexagon. So why do most loser scientists say that space is continuously expanding and never ending? Because they are gay. Yes this is the true answer of those who speak the truth. (Note the author’s thoughts are purely their own and in no way should be taken seriously.)(Extra Note: this is all meant to be bullshit and should not be considered at all when considering literally anything other than for the purposes of entertainment)

God Hath forsaken us Repent Foul SinnersFor Jesus Almighty shall eat the sinner consuming them within his immense bosom of fleshy, meat flesh containing almighty milkies and honey mussy. As he feeds us from his almighty tit we shall be enamoured by his yummy cummies as we suckle from the holy Cock the dribble shal melt those who dispose him for though it is yummy wummy thy shalt dismantle the establishment of who disapproves the man who disapproves of the who is the is the god who speaks. Secks. Now which is possible in time of people is where then- BUT now for a true question.

>> No.18395841

Who is GOD? Established in -1921 BCE they or he is a man who for all intents and purposes is a god. Though you shall not look at her directly as if you do you will immediately and most painfully disappear and will not exist as though you never have existed ever and forever. Even if you have survived this you will not exist for much longer as for the last 1.345612^-13s of your life you will experience every perspective and feeling of every creature that has and will ever exist under the rule of GODs infinite regime. Now there is a way to survive this, even after the brain melting injection barrage. Some D boys have experienced the feeling as infinite agony and perpetual torture with the ending involving the whole of the study completely forgetting and leaving the test chamber. To survive, which has a 0.0000000000001^-100000.1% chance of ~~OwO~~ survival, however in the event of survival you will die. IF you do in fact survive this then congratulations you have survived the day in which you die.
Yandall is a place in west-york hampshire with delicious hams of the steamed variety. With this the grand old man down the street shall depants himself in front of the daycare with a hard throbbing erection Yelling fuck me daddy “UwU sempai” daisuki desu ~~ Konno wa Dio DA!. As the world then stops and a strange man beats the everloving shit out of the children for daring to gaze upon the form of god almighty.
Then the old wise man shall rise triumphantly from rubble with a 16-0 K/D ration th8us proving to george W. Bush that he is the superior man as his Father George HW. Bush.
Father Gregory is a man.

>> No.18395842
File: 99 KB, 680x780, B42037B4-D056-4E6F-999D-5D25F557B717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would take away from his schizo larp to actually post on the right board