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18395603 No.18395603 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel like this has been overlooked as a novel? It's certanly his most ambitious work. I am not sure if it is a masterpiece or failed masterpiece (which doesn't doesn't neccessarily make it a bad literary project; many great pieces have been failed pieces). Could it rival the other big novels of the century? Is it better than Proust's, Joyce's, Stein's, Kafka's major work? What do you think of Ada, or Ardor?

>> No.18395671
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You guys like Nabokov?

>> No.18395702
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>> No.18395715
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>> No.18395730
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>> No.18396976

I've never read Ada but I do appreciate the art posting.

>> No.18396979

>reads Borges once: the novel

>> No.18397130


>> No.18397138

I havent read nabakov but when I do it'll be this one because I have an incest fetish and pedophilia makes me uncomfortable. I have seen people post Nabokov passages here and they range from cringe to decent

>> No.18397359

reading this (the first half of it) after loli and pale fire killed my nabokov infatuation stone dead

>> No.18397589

>reads borges once and then badly imitates Proust: The novel

>> No.18397980

I found it to be very dense and well written with the first half being confusing and more like poetry and the second half bringing the story together, making it more comprehensible (common theme for nabby) I preferred the second half and considered dropping it at first because it was so dense and long.

The subject matter was brutal, more edgy than Lolita imo and he does a great job expressing their love and his wordplay is like no other author. This was my third nabby having read the big 3 now and I will pick up pnin next. Parts of ada felt dreamlike and then reality sets it.

You'll have an erection the whole book

>> No.18398045

The writing itself is top notch but it was pretty boring for the most part

>> No.18398057

How did you get Borges out of it? I thought it was like a Joyce kind of multiple meanings type thing

>> No.18399000
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Most of the Nabokov fans I know (including myself) count it amongst his best works, even though it has its obvious flaws.

>> No.18399002
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>> No.18399148

What are seen as its flaws?

>> No.18399162

For me, it's that whole physics interlude in the middle. Science is gay.