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/lit/ - Literature

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18386339 No.18386339 [Reply] [Original]

ITT /lit/ writes an epic poem in blank verse. Each anon contributes one line in iambic pentameter. I'll start:

The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/

>> No.18386354

Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton, whom I hath never read

>> No.18386381


>> No.18386419

>iambic pentameter
Don't make up words

>> No.18386551

And upon big Floyd's neck you kneel

>> No.18386771

OP you're a fucking dumbass (and a faggot as always)
But I appreciate the effort so have a bump

>> No.18386832

Iambic pentameter confuses me. Can we do a haiku instead?

>> No.18386857

Sing to me, O muse, of the late Christopher Poole

>> No.18386900

OP here. You guys all suck. I'll write the poem by myself:

The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
And comments with unwhetted rapier wit,
And shitposts on the books he's never read,
Who started with the Greeks, and skipped ahead,
Bypassing Romans, Anglos, all the rest,
To read that wondrous book: Eternal Jest.
By David Foster Wallace, that bandana dork
Who wrote the 20th century's greatest work.
"Who's there?" the Bard began his magnum play;
"I am in here." The answer from that day
Within the Year of Glad, and all is glad
To read this book of essence Chad.

>> No.18386957

This shit sucks but at least u tried

>> No.18386958

>stealth DFW thread
I fucking knew it

>> No.18386962

Why don't you write better, faggot?

>> No.18387079

But hold! As anon reads page 23,
By 'hydrochloride', O what does he see?
Raised to the power one, an exponent,
He to the endnotes and errata sent.
And so he flips the pages forth and back
As like a tennis ball between the smack.
But all this tiring labour makes him quit
"I need two bookmarks? What a load of shit!"

So anon drops the DFW
And picks up something that he can read through:
The Catcher in the Rye, an entry book,
Though /lit/izens are filtered by one look.
Thus anon starts, he really want to hear
About the kid who rapes his sister's rear
(Or so he's heard), and soon he thinks with glee,
He says that "Holden's literally me!"

>> No.18387137
File: 759 KB, 1080x1528, pepe's depiction .17.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, fixed that pic for you

>> No.18387232

"Never have I felt such a kindred soul!
His personality is from me stole!
His outlook is uniquely by me known!
And his philosophy is too mine own!"
So anon starts to imitate this man,
A modern Don Quixote looney fan.
He wears a scarlet people-hunting cap
And says "goddam" and "you're a phony chap",
And hates the thought of children growing older,
And wants to shoot John Lennon in the shoulder.

>> No.18387239

Thanks mate.

>> No.18387400

Alas, he's dead. Some other bloke struck first.
So anon felt he was by God accursed.
"I am this lightning! Am this madness I!
And I must make another anon die!"
And therefore anon hunts a different game,
An author: Thomas Pynchon is the name.

"I'll kill that recluse with the bunny's bite;
It's rabbit season in New York tonight.
His roaring screams will come across the sky
As I spoon out his vile jelly eye!"

>> No.18387434

Eh, I don't feel like finishing the rest. Use your imagination.

>> No.18388020


>> No.18388452

I'm a retard, so I cant tell. But do half of these lines even pass for iambic pentameter?

>> No.18388467

If we really wanted to make an epic 4chan poem, we ought to do one Book for every board on the site; the poem starts with some poor innocent soul finding /b/ and follows his journey through every single board till he comes back to where he started and decides to leave this cursed site forever

>> No.18388715

fuck you, low effort scum
I enjoyed it and this thread (for what it's worth)

>> No.18388916

To proffer foster wallace as your muse,
Just puts a target on you, now a bruise:
You'd love to think the man's a bigdicked chad,
Reality's his books are fucking bad.
Broom of the system's bad idea salad,
Though opposite, is shit as wordsworth's ballads;
While one wrote verse in fisher price-esque scansion,
The other's prose is tedium's o'erexpansion:
The one relies on dipshit insights' pay,
The next obscures his lack of shit to say,
Two hundred pages could be fucking ripped
But faggot wojak-wallace gets hot-lipped
And whines to publishers - his ego's chinked
And worse, his mental health's been fucking dinked.
Yet wallace brings no positives, he'll roam
And maunder through a thousand page-long tome
Then cultivate celebrity unearned;
That's why i'm glad my copy's fucking burned.
So listen up lip nigga, get some taste
And suck my dick or (you) me, "holy based."
So suck my massive penis to my laughter
And feel i'm hung as wallace from a rafter.

>> No.18388919

Thanks for your appreciation

>> No.18390366


>> No.18390643 [DELETED] 

"So let me see..." he thought as on his keys
He typed that word that had enthranced his mind,
Those two or three months when Reddit in a bore
And Twitter in a cage had turned for him;
But he had seen the news, those hackers brave
Who had made fools of journos, corps and state!
And dwelled within a land where each is free,
Where aught is said and naught is held taboo:
4chan, the true home of all that's based.
That he typed in icognito mode,
Picked the first result... then tried the second,
Then the third: "This must be some old version
That I see, this site is straight from twenty-ten!
These hackers sure do hide their traces well!"
But an attentive look into his source,
The internet historian, proved that he
Had indeed stumbled 'pon that hallowed ground:
Back he went, scrolled down and with great glee
And trepidation clicked and entered /b/.

>> No.18390659

"So let me see..." he thought as on his keys
He typed that word that had entranced his mind,
Those two or three months when Reddit in a bore
And Twitter in a cage had turned for him;
But he had seen the news, those hackers brave
Who had made fools of journos, corps and state!
And dwelled within a land where each is free,
Where aught is said and naught is held taboo:
4chan, the true home of all that's based.
That he typed in icognito mode,
Picked the first result... then tried the second,
Then the third: "This must be some old version
That I see, this site is straight from twenty-ten!
These hackers sure do hide their traces well!"
But an attentive look into his source,
The internet historian, proved that he
Had indeed stumbled 'pon that hallowed ground:
Back he went, scrolled down and with great glee
And trepidation clicked and entered /b/.

>> No.18390749

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.18390760

some of them are stretches but generally they count

>> No.18391042

>blank verse
so why is everyone writing in heroic couplets?

>> No.18391133


Why does this rhyme?

>> No.18391206

I'm so pround of this comunity lol

>> No.18391239

So, the grand bonfire of the invisibles spoke
they had their dinners on their hooks
and their lives on their empty bellies on
their fired irons in the flames dripped
with the juice of paper unread. They
looked but they leared, they were all here,
and yet not a one was a human being,
they were to each other a band of screens,
broken yet not damned, confused yet aware,
and they hobbled together their parchment and
their clay, and they broke camp early as
was the start of every day. Into the land
of the known they'd wander from their bonfire,
hungry to the world, and only finding the
word eaters online, in this hell of a night.

>> No.18391266

>About the kid who rapes his sister's rear
I sure hope I'm just missing out on a meme. I've read catcher in the rye a while ago

>> No.18391337

Damn this hit too close to home

>> No.18391340

They name Woyak as eh.. 'woe jack'
Tis why we have to send them back
Fiends! Leave now our precious swamp alone to be
In its enchanted mist of lost philosophy
The hype has passed now stick to your tik-tok
Your spam of politics distasteful to the Frog
Who wishes none but sing right from the bog
Sometimes with frens, sometimes strictly alone
To dream in freshness of a running river
Swamp mana rising more profound and bigger
O let it clear our eyes and purify the way
Of memeing in wisdom to a brighter day

>> No.18391387

The rage of Jannie

>> No.18391399

O Pepeus Lit the fitlit Chad
With all the muscle and brain that he had
Send home the poltard hoard
To their brainlet containment board

>> No.18391408


>> No.18391417

And searches it, in vain, for books to read
And threads on-topic, valiant but still
The ultimate futility; instead
It's naught but shills for Guenon and Deleuze,
Or animation from the Orient,
Or unrelated seeming posts: but hark!
I am mistaken, clearly now I see
That finishing this lonely cry for help
Or screenshot from the site of the blue bird
Are those four crucial words: 'Books for this feel?'
That swiftly render this off-topic thread
Invisible to janitors, and prone
To garner many hundreds of replies
(Not one of them will recommend a book,
But since 'twas not th'intention, do not fret)
Anon will claim he plans to read the books
Of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Flaubert, Proust,
Cervantes, Homer, Virgil, Nietzsche, Kant,
Pessoa, Aristotle, Sophocles,
But 'fore he ventures to these unknown shores
Must he make a decision: who to choose
To render efforts in another tongue
In that he knows - American he is,
Another language is too much for him
To make the strides to learn, except for one,
But that one is for dating sims and not
For Natsume or Mishima. He stays,
Forever mulling over Lattimore
Or Fagles or Fitzgerald, does he pick
McDuff or Garnett, Ready or Pevear
And Vokholonsky? ever paralysed
By indecision stays he in his zone
Of only reading Milton, Shakespeare, Joyce.
But do not be mistaken, this does not
Prevent him making posts about a work
He has not read. In fact, since no one else
Appears to realise, it's safe to say
That those who have read any given work
Consist of a minority. You see,
One needs not to have read a book on /lit/
Absorb the memes and spout the memes yourself
And they'll be none the wiser, as you post
About cetology in Moby Dick
And catalogues in Homer. Effortposts
Are few and far between, in favour of
The shills, the /pol/tards and the anime.

>> No.18391470

O Pepeoth lit fitlit chad of /x/-pilled wisdom
Who sunken deeper than atlantis system
Gotta show em, chuck em fuck em cowards
Mystical crack in the wall online for them real hours
Let the Golden Age return here in our midst
Swamp! be our grand ground for making the plot twist

>> No.18391491

vaccinerino doodoo Abababababa fauci

>> No.18391502

We should also draft an official /lit/ cosmology

>> No.18391513

leave, newfag

>> No.18391514

Jordan Peterson is my God - The greatest author to have ever lived.

>> No.18391519

>blank verse
>heroic couplets

>> No.18391562

IM the owner of this board and affronts will be met with severe punishment. Now bend your back

>> No.18391721

You do know that you can be banned for claiming to be a mod?

>> No.18392014

OP here. The original plan was for everyone to write a single line. If it were in couplets, then every other person would have to do more work. But nobody wanted to write an epic poem with me, so I began writing myself, and personally I like heroic couplets more than blank verse.

>> No.18392051

See this: >>18392014

>> No.18392067

>wooooah look at me guys i know the difference between blank verse and heroic couplets me so smart!!!

>> No.18392069

Mod here. No you can't

>> No.18392076

this is a really fucking good idea. i'd steal it, but i simply don't think i have the attention span to complete it

>> No.18393287

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day

>> No.18393363

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
You almost hear the trumpet makes its call

>> No.18393368

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright

>> No.18393381

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright
But don't succumb unto that Morphic lure

>> No.18393386

learn 2 count

>> No.18393389

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>Unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright
Amidst piss and shit and cum-rags' slow decay.

>> No.18393394

learn 1+1 count

>> No.18393401

and here he is, the first official honkler. you will perish and in the future aliens will laugh at you dumb bitch reading the most important literary document of the 21 century.

>> No.18393402
File: 115 KB, 593x647, tAgBSSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18393418

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.18393420

>i have never pretended to be autistic

>> No.18393422

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>But don't succumb unto that Morphic lure
As shadow moves – the long forgotten past

>> No.18393575

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright
>But don't succumb unto that Morphic lure
>As shadow moves – the long forgotten past
Bound in heavy near-forgotten tomes

>> No.18393580

can we co-ordinate on this somehow
i'd love to contribute to this

>> No.18393597 [DELETED] 


>> No.18393624

Bound/ in hea/vy near/ forgot/ten tomes

>> No.18393644

I was just playing with you haha

>> No.18393648

Wouldn't it be better that anons write their own poems about some agreed turn of events, and from those poems epic is gathered into one single poem. This would mimic the way most epics are written.

>> No.18393650

>/lit/ can't even count to 10
the absolute state

>> No.18393655

that sounds. chronicle of events and then polemos

>> No.18393786
File: 776 KB, 1432x1848, 00EpicPoem4-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I agree with you. My original idea of one line at a time was because I was afraid anons didn't have the commitment to write more than ten syllables. Seeing that some people are actually interested in writing an epic, I'm perfectly happy to coordinate such a thing. I envision a poem inflating one day in the life of a /lit/izen, sort of like Ulysses, but in metre, so more like the Rape of the Lock. So one canto is about anon waking up, one canto about him eating breakfast, one canto about him arguing with his mom. If enough people are interested, I'll organize the whole thing.

>> No.18393857

>So one canto is about anon waking up, one canto about him eating breakfast
it should have general rules. what is it going to be about? are prospective poetasters are to ''channel'' the frog spirit to gather his noetic information

>> No.18394111

Decent ideas mangled upon transmission.
Still decent given the trash itt

>> No.18394359

>>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>>unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright
>>But don't succumb unto that Morphic lure
>>As shadow moves – the long forgotten past
>Bound in heavy near-forgotten tomes
Sees once again the sunlit light of day

>> No.18394429

Guenonfag he slayed
He's never coming back
Butter's pussy he flayed
Well, she's coming back

>> No.18394464

That guy that writes everything in capitals
He send home to mama
And Frater Anselm
He thanked more than Obama

>> No.18394501

Done is the age of tradfaggery
We have entered the age of the sacred conspiracy
Spitting truthbombs about anarchy
O! Muse, the tiger destroyed his cage
- now he's free

>> No.18395150

but there was never a release

>> No.18395312

This is the least 4chan thing i've seen on 4chan, get it together.

>> No.18395463

fuck it's reddit, do like >>18394429 and write about butter's pussyhole

>> No.18395533

Butters and Me
I billed her first for twenty bucks plus tax
Then treated butters' pussy to the max.
My dangling penis, from the chandelier
Thus wrapped around her body makes her fear
That should she piss me off (and yes, she's right)
My Man will squeeze her blushing face dead white.
She silently succumbs and gives me succ
But soon enough i'm hard as hockey pucc,
My schlong needs warming far beyond the tip
And as it enters, butters' bowels rip.
Benevolence is necessary for
A working love with such a brutal whore:
My Man wil grasp each bloody bit in hole
And put her back together, cumming voles
That dig her insides out and swim so free
To make another big-dicked chad like me.

>> No.18395540
File: 181 KB, 556x558, 77A07296-E361-426F-8D63-45019EBCD7DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18396065


I thought it had to be in iambic pentameter

this ain't it

>> No.18397612

The sleeper, lightly wakened by the click
and sudden hum of air inside the vents
From dreamlike rhythms slowly moves away
He comprehends the ceiling in his view
And follows down the wall until he casts
A sleepy glance towards the VCR
Whose green and geometric numbers note
That 8:00 PM's the time he lives again

The dimming color of the walls confirms
Receding sunset, though obscured by blinds
Now creeps away and empties out the room,
Inaugurates the stillness of the night.

(I was going to write about how he takes out his phone now but writing poetry is harder than I thought)

>> No.18398408

quite good

>> No.18399256

>blank verse is just iambic pentameter
Kill yourself.

>> No.18400948

ok, i give you a bump

>> No.18400963

Wow we have the same dimples

>> No.18401223

she cute desu, hope she doesn't take offence to the flayed pussy line

>> No.18401599

>The anon sing, O Muse, who browses /lit/
>Beyond familiar tropes and heavy sunlit day
>You almost hear the trumpet makes its call
>unto a bedroom dreary and seldom bright
>But don't succumb unto that Morphic lure
>As shadow moves – the long forgotten past
>Bound in heavy near-forgotten tomes
>Sees once again the sunlit light of day
And memories resurface to the sounds

>> No.18401737

But interrupted then a cour'er fair:
"I hate the tranny chicks with their leg hair
and penis gash and all that faggy shit"
Also this verse rhymes so deal with it.

>> No.18401879

This is insane clown posse after a week of reading classic poetry

>> No.18403663

She's ugly.

>> No.18404169

keximus maximus

>> No.18404675
File: 18 KB, 270x257, 1405337934482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alas, OP, you homosexual twit
have steered my boat 'gainst yet another tide
of trash as immense and vast as the pit
of escrement where you and your kin abide

It may well be you haven't worked your due
and never wrote or read or thought, but still
you seek the fleeting carrot that is (You)
And thereby test my patience and my will

Still my own works but leave to be desired
And I've to thank you yet for your own bid
for my consideration, willing me inspired
to gift at last one worthy thought of SNEED

>> No.18405429

Then you are one of those "homo-sexuals" that they talk so much about